Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

  1. Stickers are still in discussion. For now it was increase in time. I cannot make promises here or even discuss it much as this is also a financial thing. 

  2. No rollback to the old system at the moment is into consideration. Why? We are getting much more positive responce with the new system than just here in this thread. 

  3. Let me try to explain why damage modifiers were taken off: basically, it created a chaotic situation when even though there is a resistances system in the game, it doesnt really work weapons-wise - you can spend quite some time picking up resistances, but one click of the enemy on a modifier would simply make your choice irrelivant - bam and he has a whole new type of damage. So, basically, this was not healthy. Now choice of weapon and resistances would be more relevant. it won’t be just switching mods to cut the resistances open and deal more damage. Moreover new weapons system and its class-specifics guns also plays into this. This is quite an intertwined thing as I have told you before.

  4. Missiles. We wanted more drive (and fun) in battles, also you have asked us in (yes, I cannot give you a link atm but remember it well that you asked) all those rocket-artillery posts asking to give you more rockets. 

  5. Feedback. We will look into this.

  6. Even though some of you claimed tree changes to be more grindy it is not entirely so. To improve your role you will now have to spend money on just one ship (in most of the cases), instead of buying many of them to get access to it. Yes, it takes some time to fill the synergy - but in the end you will have more money too due to the cut in prices. Also this kind of system promotes more in-depth kind of gameplay - if you want to play one role you will have to really fly it and learn the tricks.

  1. Running a business is a delicate thing. And this, obviously, is ruining business. Tell the suits to work faster, seeing this is their job.


  1. I can guess where all this “positive feedback” is coming from. From the people who have asked for these changes. Which, by the way, it wasn’t here, in case you didn’t notice. Almost none of these changes were requested from this forum. Iirc, 2-3 of those guns, the lessened grind… and that’s pretty much it. And this is why people say you’re catering the “other” community. We’ve also repeatedly asked for a return of the old Tiered matchmaking system. Would you care to guess why?


  1. You literally made everyone pick Railguns in T3. Oh, sorry, you did not. You made everyone pick the BBB. Those type modifiers actually created a whole new level of gameplay. One people constantly kept adjusting to. You grabbed that small complexity of the game and defenestrated it on a field of wooden stakes to be impaled.


  1. Fights WERE fun. Now they really aren’t. And I’ll tell you why. It’s because people are spaming missiles left and right. Missiles are meant to have a strategic use. The fact that you have a small frame of a ship to put half a dozen missiles is what made the game fun. It forced you to think before doing. Also, where the heck are the new missiles coming from? “Oh, I now have an extra 6 missiles? Where did this come from!?” It makes no sense whatsoever. I like this system, I really do, but I’d like to see it in practice with the old missile system. “Here you go, you have this rack of missiles to use per battle, enjoy. Single use, that means no teleportation of any extra missiles once you’re done with them.”. Missiles are meant to be fun, yes, but this isn’t fun. Join a match, let’s see how “fun” it is to have 15 missiles chasing you.


  1. It is grindy. Before, we could just bypass those useless Rank4/7 ships. Because that’s exactly what they are, worthless hulks. you wanna know who uses them? People who constantly abuse the matchmaking system and use those ships in lower Tiers. And, like it’s been said many times on this thread, if I get a Rank12/15 ship, I DON’T want to go all the way back to Rank 1 to get a new ship. This, talking from someone with a free account, unwilling or unable to “transfer” the synergy from ship to ship. to that, I already know your answer: “Tough luck.” And it’s that attitude that’s ruining the game. Learning the tricks of a ship role is one thing, I fully agree with that. You wanna learn to fly this role? Fly the ships. There’s absolutely no way around that. But you can’t force people to fly specific ships when they consider them to be worthless. You can’t force people to fly a… say, a Katana, when the Katana-S can do that job so much better. You can’t force people to fly a Fox when the Fox-M is SO much better at its job. You see where I’m going with this, right? I’m not saying the Synergy system is bad… but it’s just VERY selective. And not in the F2P sense.

There is also a russian forum.(and possibly other languages as well)


And also an in-game and pm messages. Forums are less populated than in-game actually. 

Once again, please do not shift this to Russian or other community. I am talking about playerbase in general.

Maybe if you pass on to the marketing department that every day they spend twiddling their thumbs is another day where people are not spending money, and deciding never to spend money on cosmetics, we’d see some urgency out of them.

everyone need to learn patience…

I learned this the hard way. I am way too calm for such a patch… folks in WPK say I’m a different person, already…


I would really like to know through which channels, considering this is the official patch thread on the official forum.

The “main” forum is the Russian one. This was put alongside that to reflect the need for such a forum, seeing as the majority of the community can read, speak and type in English. And, in here, were added forums for other languages, as well. We can still see that some manner of “priority” is given to Russian forums, however, and you just can’t deny that…

  • I like the new Shotgun actually, after flying a couple of matches yesterday. It does a good job replacing the RFR in a lot of aspects, even if the RFR was clearly a bit stronger, the ability to shoot the shells now faster after each other makes it much easier to use.


  • Unfortunately, the Inty Blaster feels more like an EM Railgun now, and has nothing to do with the RFP from before. It kinda has become a useless weapon. Actually, RFP was perfect as it was, all it needed was - in lights of the changes, which might also be engine related to keep firing spam off - adding some heatup and a bit more damage coz of the modifier thing; You cannot however use it, like you did use RFP, also the missing damage switch hurts it most. It was one of the most interesting Ceptor vs. Ceptor weapons, and I completely disagree with previous posts in this thread, that RFP was a bad weapon, nor was it an “easy kill weapon”. I did not encounter many people who could really use it well, however, and usually most ceptors used RFR from T3 on.

It was completely en par with the RFR in terms of dueling, if not even superior. RFP usually involved flying an arc and firing, to bring the speeding target right into the line of fire, by his own movement, and to create a nice pocket of plasma balls hitting at once to increase damage delivery. It was hard to hit small targets, but rewarding, constantly trying to strafe hit a bit to get shield regen down, etc. was interesting. Even if you could, you never did fire forever, except flying was more important and you just left it on; also firing constantly gave you away in a chase. Of course, you fired forever against frigs, but that was its weakness, the low damage output. It was a weapon which rewarded stamina on the battlefield.

The 6/1 cooldown on that weapon only shows, that whoever tried to create a replacement for the RFP, clearly has never really played it in higher tiers. Most RFP users were T2 - I also used it successfully in T3. I miss that weapon a lot. The Blaster is a poor replacement and goes a completely different way, and seems to satisfy a different type of gameplay, which can also be done with the usual plasma cannon.


  • Since we abandoned the three weapon thing, I wonder why weapon mods even had to stay the way they are. Why not introduce specific weapon mods to specific weapons, and bring the switching back, this time as a single modificator you can toggle. Damage switches could be specific to specific weapons, like the blaster or the pulse laser. Otherwise, I dont see any incentive to use anything else than the shotgun on an inty. It would be nice anyway if there would be a button to toggle the modifier on and off.


  • The Soap Bubble Bobble thing might just be a trend. I felt it was almost right, but yeah, I suspect it does not really work well with resistances, since the damage done seemed to be always around the same number. It is however abit ofa LOL weapon indeed.


  • Since Reputation isnt shown anymore, I wonder if it was canceled completely and how people are supposed to get their 4th slot now - I thought the reputation just became irrelevant for ships, but still is given upon each battle - so it would be nice if the profile would still show its progress at least;


  • I love 12 unguided missiles. I was angry after seeing the RFP removed, angry after seeing the replacement weapon was made like “I hate RFP, i want a weapon which is harder to use” mentality, which usually comes from players on the other end of the gun; But as I saw I can equip 12 unguided missiles, I was happy as a kid in a candyshop. I think I really can live with this. I was scared you put all unguided missiles away.


  • Also, the Battlemaster started counting PvP victories as you added it later on, while my profile states clearly over 500 pvp victories, the battlemaster has its own counter. I found that a bit disappointing, given the other data is already saved. But I’ll get there.

As I said in another thread, I feel Premium ships have lost a lot of their value as they are now dead ends in the ship tree. They do not help players to advance at all now, whereas before they were a good way to up your income and make it easier to grind toward new ships.


I’ve made suggestions on how to potentially fix the Premiums here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20656-there-is-no-point-to-paid-ships/?view=getnewpost)


I’d like to hear what the devs feel about Premiums in the current model.

Premiums give you Synergy that you can transfer (for more GS) to other ships.


You’re basically spending GS to get “Synergy” that you can then spend MORE GS on to transfer that to other ships! Yes, it’s a very bad system.

now frigs are like piles of s**t

they are weak,slow,and can do nothing

their weapons are powerless

they receive 20k damage in less than 5s (on hull!!) from the new weapon which replaces the Heavy Plasma(it should be NERFED,decrease damage and add rolling speed)

they die in less than 5 seconds

engineering can’t deliver effective heal,guard can’t build a defense line–cause all weapons deal too much damage


i think the Devs should now work on balancing the weapons

The “main” forum is the Russian one. This was put alongside that to reflect the need for such a forum, seeing as the majority of the community can read, speak and type in English. And, in here, were added forums for other languages, as well. We can still see that some manner of “priority” is given to Russian forums, however, and you just can’t deny that…

We can. Stop it please. We work with all of our communities indescriminately. There are no favourites and no ‘seconds’, yes, patchnotes, devblog and some other things are published a bit later - this is because they are written in Russian, not because we prefer someone else.

But in the matters of feedback and communication we try to listen to everyone.

i think the Devs should now work on balancing the weapons


Yes, we are doing it right now. 

But in the matters of feedback and communication we try to listen to everyone.

I really hope you do. Because this last patch proved otherwise. At least in its majority.


By the way, are there ANY plans to fix the matchmaking system? At all?

I would really like to know through which channels, considering this is the official patch thread on the official forum.

The “main” forum is the Russian one. This was put alongside that to reflect the need for such a forum, seeing as the majority of the community can read, speak and type in English. And, in here, were added forums for other languages, as well. We can still see that some manner of “priority” is given to Russian forums, however, and you just can’t deny that…


I just took a glance at the russian forums (thanks to google translation), and they don’t seem to be all that thrilled, either. So what gives? Where is the supposed positive feedback – that allegedly outweighs all the negative feedback here – to be found?


And also an in-game and pm messages. Forums are less populated than in-game actually. 

Once again, please do not shift this to Russian or other community. I am talking about playerbase in general.



I just took a glance at the russian forums (thanks to google translation), and they don’t seem to be all that thrilled, either. So what gives? Where is the supposed positive feedback – that allegedly outweighs all the negative feedback here – to be found?

can we get a premium ships refunded like u did with weapons plz? useless to me now really i don’t intend on spending more gs just for senergy.

this patch u should of refunded everything

Koffee let the devs discuss about it(I hope the devs now of the issue), and see where they want to go with premium ships. 

They might change it after they have discussed it.

So the supposed net positive feedback is reflected in neither the english nor russian forums – where many of the dedicated players seem to be contributing – but in the ingame chat (where the most used phrase seems to be “how can I sell my ship?” and of course “hodor” and “bacon”) and PMs. Uh huh. Well, color me unconvinced…

I agree with Jasan about prem ships, i was expecting something like that, current surpass synergy conversion rate is just redonculous (and that is coming from a person with so called deep pockets) some of those procedures has to be looked at again

Eyah Blue Balls have to be nerfed and as devs said on many occasions now it will be nerfed quite soon, so BBG aside(on other note i feel like BBG animation doesn’t fit general Star Conflict design and feels out of place, and sound oh god sound).

Regarding all other weapons, 90% of them if looked as the way the work and after tweeks going to expand ingame variety comparing to what it was before, i am still not found of some of them like Assault plasma on intys, or assault laser on Frigates.

About frigates and lack of mines (lets assume for a moment that blue ball is fixed and this is the only problem that stops frigs to fly properly right now) i used my Styx last time for couple hours (and i do not usually fly frigates, mostly recon) I had next to zero problems against anyone except BBgs, you have amazing tools(and i mean combination of a weapon and missiles (credit goes to cloud for opening my eyes there)) to fight back, i think it is even easier to fight back lonely intys/fighters now than pre 0.9.0, again as long as there are no BBGs.

Koffee let the devs discuss about it(I hope the devs now of the issue), and see where they want to go with premium ships. 

They might change it after they have discussed it.


i don’t care where the devs NOW want to go…

at the time premium was fine, this new direction is not something i would of bought into at the orginal time of purchase. i don’t see any logical reason why premium weapons where refunded and yet premium ships where not. this patch was a massive change to gameplay

I was thinking Antibus… considering looks lie you guys care about people feedbacks (and that’s a very good thing) … after u fix and balance the new weapons why don’t try to remove clases restricions? 


You can try it for a couple of weeks and than make a pool asking people if they prefear with or withouth classes limitations.

Okay, so I gave it another shot…


…Rollback please…


This isn’t the same game anymore


All the tactical elements are gone, this as just turned into a standard shoot-them-all…


Not only did the weapon system got screwed, but even the ships don’t feel the same anymore. they don’t feel “fun” like they used to… (dunno how to say it)


SC was going in the right direction, and all of a sudden, you screwed it up, wtf… this is sad…I feel sad…


“Improvements” you say… better “balance” you say… I’m sorry, but all I see is even worse than before


everything I found that made SC different and special is now gone, it’s just a mindless strategy-less kill-fest where learned skills don’t matter no more and Aces can be as good as veterans… , and I usually resent using the word Ace, that’s how bad it is.


I’ll keep an eye on the game in case you people realize your mistake, but I doubt it seeing as everything screams “gimmemoney” with each new update.


I’ll pay games so that they can get better, not so that you can screw it up…


Looks like that’s it for me.


(btw, all my buddies that played SC have stopped playing too due to last update…)