Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion


you didnt understand me, i think.


as i said i dont care, it had two reasons:

first the current implementation is pointless. timebased for real money for testing porposes? lamest excuse ive ever heard.

second, they have no direct gameplay-impact. besides any immersion your are referring two. they are just irrelevant in comparison to the mistakes in case of weapon-, missile or synergy-mechanics.


thats all no offense against your opinion. i support it. for sure. but not at this time.

My opinion regarding the patch: Welcome to World of Tanks…




…in space.


Now you are forced to fly a ship just to unlock the next one, even if it does not fit your playstyle at all or is poorly balanced.

I have one question:


What is the point of Frigates weapon?

Going to say this simple… T1 mixed with T2 is beyond broken with the current setup for weapons. It is clear as day, that this idea was not fully thought through much less fully implemented with any careful thought… T1 ships are beyond outclassed with their single laser/rail choice against such weapons as the singularity cannon. T1 Engies cannot hope to cope with T2 weapons much less hope to mitigate such incoming damage.


Why was this put forward without at the very least ensuring that rank 1-3 ships were put into matchmaker separate from the usual tier mixes. Yes there are issues with that. Fact is, even if you are a vet, a T1 ship is simply going to die, horribly horribly fast. If their lucky such a pilot is in an inty, an might have the mobility to run for their life. However, T1 frigates are beyond a joke in such a situation.

Singularity cannon = Dumb Gun, that’s all (5k crit on hull with Dumbgularity cannon on a tackler.)


I remember when devs INSTA NERFED Guard ONE day after the 0.8.0. And now? Better let this braindead Weapon like this until next patch.


Hell Yeah ! Indestructible Command Ship with insane DPS and Able to control with Ion warhead and farming Synergy with buff? IT’S TOO DAMN BALANCED.


@Antibus : Now, I really want an answer about WHY all the Rank 9 GUARD DO NOT HAVE ANYMORE PASSIV BONUS. 


I start to understand the “balance system” use by devs : 


Frig’s domination —> better up Ceptor ----> Ceptor domination —> better up Fighter ----> VICIOUS CIRCLE INCOMING

how about 60% of people in this thread, actually gave proper feedback and suggestions instead of just crying about the patch…


here is my suggestion




constructive and straight to the point.    my rail guns do no damage now to shields i’m useless has a fighter.

the bubble blowing gun is wierd and makes me want to play candy crush

I will ask again, in a more specific way, and of course this question is to Dev:


What is the concept and purpose of Frigates weapon you are having in your mind?

I will ask again, in a more specific way, and of course this question is to Dev:


What is the concept and purpose of Frigates weapon you are having in your mind?



i think they want frigates to be like artillery  but it isn’t working like that with silly ranges on weapons



With this weapons? 


Heavy beam deals nothing, have slow barrel and quick overheating, and if you want to reach correct dps, you can’t cause of overheating.

Coil mortar only have 2650m range slow rate of fire and broken overheating 

Positron cannon have to be charged to deal correct amount of dammage, overheating super quickly, and slow barrel

Beam cannon are just assault laser with more range.



With this weapons? 


Heavy beam deals nothing, have slow barrel and quick overheating, and if you want to reach correct dps, you can’t cause of overheating.

Coil mortar only have 2650m range slow rate of fire and broken overheating 

Positron cannon have to be charged to deal correct amount of dammage, overheating super quickly, and slow barrel

Beam cannon are just assault laser with more range.


i don’t get the overheating changes either, i thought overheating was a way to stop pew pew spam,  where rof and projectile speed did the same to others,  most of these weapons where designed not to have overheating imo,   i like the mortar but unsure what exactly it is, it seems the range is wrong imo should either be a close range flak cannon or a long range artillery weapon

Sounds like RF Blaster is good!



With this weapons? 


Heavy beam deals nothing, have slow barrel and quick overheating, and if you want to reach correct dps, you can’t cause of overheating.

Coil mortar only have 2650m range slow rate of fire and broken overheating 

Positron cannon have to be charged to deal correct amount of dammage, overheating super quickly, and slow barrel

Beam cannon are just assault laser with more range.


Once again! Weapons will be tweaked. Cannot say exactly how, but tweaking will be applied very soon. 

Singularity cannon definitely seems a bit strong…



Other thing… due to the weapon restrictions in Tier 1, I suggest to force lock matchmaking in that Tier to T1 ships only… because of increased synergy level in Tier 1 you come in matches with T2 ships that dont have the mentioned weapon restrictions which leads to a handicap for the lower tier players.

Listen but considering everyone agrees Singularity Cannon is Op, Lame and broen… can’t u jjust LOCK it till u fix (or remove it forever… even better).?

Listen but considering everyone agrees Singularity Cannon is Op, Lame and broen… can’t u jjust LOCK it till u fix (or remove it forever… even better).?

It won’t take long till tweaking will be applied. 

everyone need to learn patience…

Frigates are not anymore playable.


Before, when a ceptor was at 500m, the minefield was enough to disengage or to realign weapons.


Now, if you’r using mortar, you will kill yourself cause mortar deals dammages on your ship too. The 2 slows barrels weapons… Lol… Slow barrel. And the laser deals nothing.




Once again! Weapons will be tweaked. Cannot say exactly how, but tweaking will be applied very soon. 


everyone need to learn patience…


Ho yeah, when they tweaked Guard’s phase shield, it’s only take to devs less than 24 hours to do it.


Please stay patient, we know about the balance issues of the weapons and there will be tweaks.

  1. No rollback to the old system at the moment is into consideration. Why? We are getting much more positive responce with the new system than just here in this thread.

I would really like to know through which channels, considering this is the official patch thread on the official forum.

There is also a russian forum.(and possibly other languages as well)