Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

My opinions, as feedback was asked:


  • Missile change was not that bad as it sounded, but the missile spam is a bit sad now, could (imo) use tuning or more defenses against. Also, the “dumbing down” is a shame, it was nice to be able to have 2 types of missiles (or mine / missiles). Maybe include back two slots with the current system (balancing amount of missiles/mines in cartridges and cooldowns accordingly. Minefields needed to be reduced a bit, but current reducing seems hard, and those “single mines” are gone now as only one slot available. Would be nice if those could be carried as secondary missiles)?


  • Synergy change is not as deep as it sounded, especially when the price reduction was also included. Yet still, it seems harsh to have to fly all ships between, especially those not so good rank4/7 ships. Some tweaking in my opinion required in synergy requirements (lower in 1st ranks of the tier), and maybe tree paths (more paths to jump from certain ships to other branches)? It is really funny, that people have to play (and dominate) low tiers like T1 (!) and everything in between to get the T5 ship they want from a branch they haven’t yet played.


  • Weapon change seems good, but tweaking required: Indeed inty weapons seem weak, and fighters currently (too) strong. But hey, beach volley is nice game.


Hmm, I may be wrong, but did you guys nerf the looting chance? I have seen a lot less items pass through than before. :S


Edit: I mean as in the chance to see an item that you can loot. I see a lot of “grey” loot

About Minefield spam: It was extremely annoying to see a Frigate ball in Beacon Hunt, rushing into the beacon for minefield spam, then heading to the next for repeating the same. When executed properly you couldnt touch their beacon(s) at all. It was an way too overused tactic in Tier2.

However in current state i find them underused with being only present at the LRF. Why not give every frigate atleast proximity mine ? Of all frigate classes the engineering should be the one that can lay minefields, well since its about engineering. :stuck_out_tongue:


On a different topic i would like to point towards the mixage of Realistic and Arcade in sector conquest queue. Realistic is extremely fun with a proper team(on voice-comm, predefined tactics, people being able of covering each others six actually, etc.) and a complete disaster with random people. I would say realistic is made for battles between organizations like clans rather than pitting 2 groups of random people against each other. Using the chatbox as in ancient times only helps if the guy doesnt write back in Cyrillic. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. New Weapons are fun


  1. New Weapons are not fine and needs tweaking. Not just the Singularity (will post a rebalance suggestion topic soon)


  1. Add More weapons per class in the future once tweaking is done


  1. Main complaint by those that don’t like the new system is the inability to mix and match weapons
  • I previously suggested an overlapping weapon system with penalties using a different weapon class. can still be done (read point 3 above)



The change in weapon mechanics will take a long time to sink in. And consider yourself fortunate some of the players have yet to discover the actual problems with the individual weapons. Coz when that happens there will be more ‘feedback’ coming your way. Simply put - [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/12882-questions-to-the-devs-no-discussions/page-6#entry212295)


We wanted new weapons to be fun!


Of course we will tweak not only Singularity cannon but others too. Good thing about the system is also that it now allows to tweak weapons class-specific, so it brings less chaos. 


I cannot say anything yet on any plans on additions of weapons etc. But this is an interesting feedback I will relay it to the devs. 

What about the rest of us? Might be long but they’re detailed.

so …

you said ,modo,all comment was very important for the game!!!



All said ,WE need to restor the gun for all ship


I just Want To ask,when is it respawn before the patch (when the next patch coming so),for that 2 big problem!!Or you kill the game very fast…


Not everyone agrees with you there, I personally love the class/role restricted weaponry, as do many other players. It’s a matter of preference - and it allows the devs to tweak balance of individual classes far more easily.


Weapon balance/tweaks have already been confirmed a few times by Error and Antibus - it’s just a matter of gathering feedback and taking appropriate measures.


WTF? WHY? All my synenergy is reset why? Do I really need to grind it up agian?

I think when i come back… i’ll try the RF Blaster.


The ships which had synergy before have synergy sitting in their pool ready for you to use. You just have to apply it to the ship is all. :slight_smile:

A lot has been said already, so I’ll keep this brief. Removal of weapon modifiers: questionable; Missile cartridges: questionable; Singularity cannon: disastrous. I do appreciate the increased dps of pulse lasers and the removal of mines, mostly on premium interceptors.

Anyone else missing the long range lasers? Were the perfect fit for my engineer :confused:

I’m just struggling to find a weapon that has the right combination of range and power tbh. My ideal gun would be the Mortar with a 10-15% range increase.

With regards to the patch: mostly I like it. Ok, my sniping katana S is now a brawler, but the coil mortar actually makes me want to play frigates again.


I’m mostly indifferent about the weapon mod and missile changes, but there is the added bonus that with so many missiles around a guard’s missile shield is likely to be on cooldown when the Jericho LRF torp comes in.


Changes to who can fit mine fields: epic, I don’t have to waste the CD on my command ship to clear the bloody things any more, and that only worked if it was a single mine field. And it still leaves the LRF some defence against plasma arcs.


I’m completely indifferent to all the cosmetic item drama, because it’s a cosmetic item, not a game changer, and as such I’m not gonna waste time or resources on it.


My main problems with it are these:

  1. Singularity gun: I like the mechanic, the sound doesn’t bother me overly, but a hit effect would be nice, and it needs a numbers pass.

  2. Lack of RFRs on my tackler: none of the guns really work for a tackler actually playing its role. One possible fix is to give it the interceptor guns rather than the fighter guns, as the inty guns seem more suited to hit-and-run, and the tackler needs something that hits before the inty runs.

  3. Synergy transfer: this being GS only is problematic. It needs a credit option, even if the credit option is way more expensive than the number of credits the same amount of GS could be converted into. That way there’s stilla a quick option, but there’s also an option for those who don’t want to or can’t spare the real world cash.


Just my opinions, feel free to disagree; and I’ll leave the GMs with this: very few people ever go forum-warrioring to say how much they like something…

Forgot to add: ship credit price reduction and rework of the ship tree is greatly appreciated.

I’m just struggling to find a weapon that has the right combination of range and power tbh. My ideal gun would be the Mortar with a 10-15% range increase.



On of tweaks in discussion. 

Just my opinions, feel free to disagree; and I’ll leave the GMs with this: very few people ever go forum-warrioring to say how much they like something…


Don’t worry, we are very aware of this. Case in point: many people have created many topics about repair costs, ship costs and credits being hard to obtain.


This patch included some significant changes that help take a giant step in the right direction and address these concerns. It shows the devs are willing to listen and make changes based on community feedback. But you see very little talk about this part of the patch :slight_smile:

On of tweaks in discussion. 

Awesome! With the major nerf to heals, I feel like the Engineers need a lot more long-range weapon options now. With implants, the coil mortar is hitting targets around… 3,400m out. Enemy interceptors can begin engaging from around 2,000-2,500m, and fighters can easily be pummeling you long before that (the bubblegum gun outranges the mortar).


I honestly don’t think going back to the days of 15km lasers is the answer, or even desirable. I think, built for range, 6km should be about as far out as a frigate can be engaging. 4km feels a nice round number - far enough out that you’re not going to be pummeled by inty guns unless they actively go for you, but not so far out that the fighters can’t return fire.


Obviously, my measurements include the Rank 2 Fed implant. adjust accordingly. :wink:

What about the rest of us? Might be long but they’re detailed.

They only care about posts that have 100% positive feedback. If the posts have any kind of suggestion or something negative… they just ignore it. At least that’s how I’ve seen it happen on this thread. And all other threads, tbh…

The ships which had synergy before have synergy sitting in their pool ready for you to use. You just have to apply it to the ship is all. :slight_smile:

Whoa now i was nervous i thought the synergy is gone because it took me very long time to grind all the synergy.

Don’t worry, we are very aware of this. Case in point: many people have created many topics about repair costs, ship costs and credits being hard to obtain.


This patch included some significant changes that help take a giant step in the right direction and address these concerns. It shows the devs are willing to listen and make changes based on community feedback. But you see very little talk about this part of the patch :slight_smile:


sure, but why?


they fixed it along with totally unbalanced and unthought and untested *new* weapons. two or more major changes in one patch, one even worse then the other. what do you think we should talk about?


here a way how it could have been done “way” more transparent to ALL users. not only russians, with dev support -.-.


0.8.6 could have been credit tweeks. lowereing prices especially in t4 and an announcement to upcoming T5. (even with this synergy xxxx we would have complained only about that)

0.8.7 could have been the (s.h.i.t.t.y) missle nerf. and tweeks to 0.8.6

0.8.8 could have been the (m.o.a.r. s.h.i.t.t.y) weapon change and tweeks to 0.8.7

0.8.9 could have been balancing to the past patches based on community,

0.9.0 T5, here we go.


i dont care about version numbers this is just an example which in my opinion was more transparent to everyone.


so we only can discuss the ***** guns and the ***** synergy change. lower prices with forcing to play ships i dont want is just… what do u think i should say?


“well done devs?” in my opinion this patch is a slap in my face. the good aspects of this patch are by far outnumberd by their stupid patch communication and feature “mistakes”.


and sry jasanqiunn, i just dont care about any color or stickers :wink: so they got not mentioned here.

Well you probably should care about cosmetics. They matter more than you think.


I hate just being given a ship that looks like everyone else’s. That’s not what I want out of games like this. I want to be able to make my own identity, to fly my own colours, or to fly the colours of a squad / Corp I want to be associated with.


Space Marine did this brilliantly. In part, that’s because of the lore behind the game, but still the customisation really made the game feel awesome. When you see a team of players all wearing the Pre-Heresy World Eaters colours, all dressed in Mk IV / Mk VI armour (for those who don’t know 40K, Mk IV / Mk VI armour is “old fashioned” by the setting’s standards, and “Pre-Heresy” refers to a time period where those armour types were brand new), that looks epic. To see people who have taken the lore of the game and ran with it in a way that makes them look unique and, at the same time, part of a cohesive unit… it improves the game experience in ways I struggle to put into words.


I want that in Star Conflict. I want to be able to look around at my allies and tell, just by the colours of their ships, that I’m flying alongside fellow NASA pilots, or the Wolfpack, or Nova. I want to be able to spot pilots with distinctive colour schemes and know them by those colours. I want to see people flying Engineers painted white with a red cross badge. I want to see something other than the generic colour palettes, because as nice as stickers are they barely register in the mayhem of play. But when I see a Raptor Mk II that’s been painted blue and green? That stands out.

Okay, I’ve given it another run-though. These are my proper thoughts laid out in a readable manner:


Economy Tweaks








  1. Stickers are still in discussion. For now it was increase in time. I cannot make promises here or even discuss it much as this is also a financial thing. 

  2. No rollback to the old system at the moment is into consideration. Why? We are getting much more positive responce with the new system than just here in this thread. 

  3. Let me try to explain why damage modifiers were taken off: basically, it created a chaotic situation when even though there is a resistances system in the game, it doesnt really work weapons-wise - you can spend quite some time picking up resistances, but one click of the enemy on a modifier would simply make your choice irrelivant - bam and he has a whole new type of damage. So, basically, this was not healthy. Now choice of weapon and resistances would be more relevant. it won’t be just switching mods to cut the resistances open and deal more damage. Moreover new weapons system and its class-specifics guns also plays into this. This is quite an intertwined thing as I have told you before.

  4. Missiles. We wanted more drive (and fun) in battles, also you have asked us in (yes, I cannot give you a link atm but remember it well that you asked) all those rocket-artillery posts asking to give you more rockets. 

  5. Feedback. We will look into this.

  6. Even though some of you claimed tree changes to be more grindy it is not entirely so. To improve your role you will now have to spend money on just one ship (in most of the cases), instead of buying many of them to get access to it. Yes, it takes some time to fill the synergy - but in the end you will have more money too due to the cut in prices. Also this kind of system promotes more in-depth kind of gameplay - if you want to play one role you will have to really fly it and learn the tricks.

They only care about posts that have 100% positive feedback. If the posts have any kind of suggestion or something negative… they just ignore it. At least that’s how I’ve seen it happen on this thread. And all other threads, tbh…



What about the rest of us? Might be long but they’re detailed.


Took some time, sorry.