Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Also, I loved the speed nerf on every non-Fed ship… Don’t think I mentioned that when I posted last night…


Actually, I think Fed ships took a stealth speed nerf. My Bear is most definitely not as fast as it was yesterday. Not sure if it was limited to just fighters or what, though, I quit the game out of disgust before I thought about checking.


Did Empire and Jericho ships take a speed nerf? I would be curious to know why, and which ones? Hell I’d like to know why Feds took a speed nerf, as their slightly higher top speed was the only advantage they had over the other factions IIRC, and it was at the cost of less survivability…

… good amount of players tells me that new weapons are interesting and fun, and then there is another group of players who are telling me that they don’t like weapons (actually most of you guys claim to dislike only one OP Singularity), figures-wise first group is dominant. So, is it really all that bad as second group claims?


  1. New Weapons are fun


  1. New Weapons are not fine and needs tweaking. Not just the Singularity (will post a rebalance suggestion topic soon)


  1. Add More weapons per class in the future once tweaking is done


  1. Main complaint by those that don’t like the new system is the inability to mix and match weapons
  • I previously suggested an overlapping weapon system with penalties using a different weapon class. can still be done (read point 3 above)



The change in weapon mechanics will take a long time to sink in. And consider yourself fortunate some of the players have yet to discover the actual problems with the individual weapons. Coz when that happens there will be more ‘feedback’ coming your way. Simply put - [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/12882-questions-to-the-devs-no-discussions/page-6#entry212295)

+1 for Singularity gun being a failure.

  • The effect looks lame
  • The sound is very annoying
  • The damage is ridiculous, overpowered, extremely imbalanced.
  • It’s missing a hit effect. You can’t know for sure if you were hit by it just by looking, there is no distinctive effect and no sound when one of its projectiles / spheres contacts with your ship. The only thing you can see is all your HP being gone in an instant.

Seriously, this weapon is a mess, it has no positives in any ways. It sounds bad, it looks bad, it breaks the concept of fighters, it breaks the game balance and ruins the whole game overall.


Please do not tweak it, do not try to fix it!

Instead, just completely remove it from the game, make it gone forever and come up with something entirely new!



The other weapons look promising for now, though they do require some tweaking, mostly DPS-wise.


Mines I think should be Frigate-only, and not LRF Frigate only.


Also forcing people to play any single ship (through lack of alternatives and especially through the Synergy grind) in order to be able to advace through ranks is a bad idea. People need, people want freedom of choice!

Actually, I think Fed ships took a stealth speed nerf. My Bear is most definitely not as fast as it was yesterday. Not sure if it was limited to just fighters or what, though, I quit the game out of disgust before I thought about checking.


Did Empire and Jericho ships take a speed nerf? Which ones?

All of them. I fly almost every class of Jericho ships (except Tackler/CovOps) and godamn… I never felt more slow. I clearly remember my Stiletto being a LOT faster than what it currently is. Same goes for my Strong.


Not to mention Fed Frigates are still FASTER than their own Interceptors.

Okay, I’ve given it another run-though. These are my proper thoughts laid out in a readable manner:


Economy Tweaks

  • Price reduction is good. Very, very good. It only costs around 18 million to get from T1 to T4, and I’ve probably earned that already. So, by now I could by flying around in a nice, fancy Grizzly if I had stuck with the Federation to Rank 12. But, that’s not how I did it, and that’s fine. At least it won’t take me as long to get there. (Truth be told I am itching to get to T4 so I can join NASA and really have a go at the Russians… It’ll be fun!)
  • Increased Sticker application periods. Let me get this out now: There’s no way I will buy anything that is temporary and doesn’t confer a _ huge _   bonus to me in the long run. But, the increased times are a good move. As are the reduced prices for 1 day application periods. Nice job.


  • Did we really, really need T5 this soon? Oh what the hell, THOSE SHIPS ARE FREAKING AWESOME! Most of them are utterly brilliant in their visuals, and I particularly like the Osprey and its more advanced counterparts as it vaguely reminds me of one of the pod races of Star Wars. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
  • Tweaks to the engineer are good. The Mass Shield and Nanodrone cloud have sensible values, but we still have the problem of insta-healing inties. ONLY THE HOLY PERCENTAGES WILL CURE US OF THIS PLAGUE!
  • The renames were meh. They weren’t needed, but they were creative. Just pointing out that the Dwarf 2 doesn’t seem to have a rename, unless that’s been fixed last time I checked.



This… For me? In one word… Appalling. I’m sorry, guys. I just can’t like this. Considering there is pretty much only one weapon per class that is great it didn’t really perform the intended fix of “people are using only three guns”. People are still only using 3 guns… I tried the Positron Cannon, but it’s lost its appeal. The slow barrels just aren’t fit for the Hail Plasma.


And the Singularity cannon… I’m just not going to like that gun. It goes through static barriers, SOLID WALLS and also does immense damage per shot. The AoE damage is ridiculous. Neither do I like the mechanics. But, it’s not all negative. The Coil Mortar and the Heavy Blaster  should have been the Heavy Railgun and the Heavy Laser respectively for 0.8.5 and previous. I enjoy how they work and just love them. Nice weapons.


Okay, dividing up the weapons into ship classes was not the greatest idea. I’m just going to go ahead and ask:




So the plasma gun is… kinda useless.


In short:


Please rollback the weapons system to how it was, but by all means keep the Coil Mortar and the Heavy Blaster. Replace the previous heavy ones with them, if you want. Just keep them in. (And let’s be honest here: Heavy Blaster isn’t very creative… Why not Meson Beam?)



  • Yea- No. Just no. In all truth there was really nothing wrong with them and the damage-changing ones certainly weren’t that powerful. They reduced your damage, for Pete’s sake! And the Needle System actually made EM weapons worth it against hull. But now they’re pointless. I’m not spending credits on those. Just revert it.


  • Just flying across the map, you know? Just real casual… Hold on a second? 8 MISSILES?! Ah, never mind. My flares will save me! All better now… OH WHAT? 6 MORE?!

This is the sole impression I get from this. The previous system added tactical choice to the game instead of ‘lock on, right click’. You had to pick the right moment to pop a missile. In squads you could fire one off to have an enemy pop their flares, and then your team launches a barrage of 3. That’s tactical play. Not missile spam.


Mines I can deal with. I used them simply for personal preference but I can deal with cruise missiles (it’s an extra 5000 thermal at 5k range. Love it). If enough players QQ about it, then return them to everyone. But I’m happy with them sticking on LRFs for now.



I. Love. Them.



Rank 13: OP. I was kind of expecting Jericho to have a GIGAS II shield equivalent, in all honesty.

Rank 14: Once per match?

Rank 15: Racial Bonuses… Now race has no meaning. Return them to being racial bonuses and then make the R15s some serious kick@$$ mothers.



It’s WoT all over again.


Okay, the reason why I eventually decided _ not _   to play WoT is because of how the synergy worked. And this system works the same way. I’ll tell you why I dislike it:

  • Manually upgrading synergy is… a little boring. I’d just prefer for my ship to bump up a synergy rank every so often until it gets to ‘ELITE’ status.
  • Free synergy actually seems a little overpriced… To transfer the excess 55000 synergy I have on the Raptor (either that or 550000) it’s about 3000 gold standards. That seems a bit pricey. Maybe 500 free synergy per standard?
  • Unlocking the next ship by getting full synergy on the current one? I thought this through and it seems fairly P2P. Let me explain:

We can’t get the next ship in the tier without grinding matches in the current one.

Premium ships generate free synergy

It costs real money to generate free synergy.


Paying for synergy, no?


IF  the concept was revised and made so that you have to have at least achieved half of the max synergy level for a ship to progress, I wouldn’t mind it that much. But getting it to the elite was not a good idea.


That’s about it from me. Thanks.

I would agree to readjusting the minimum synergy requirement to progress.

Put it this way:

say I’m a T5 pilot and I want to start flying a different class / faction T5 ship

and you want me to fly T1 - T2 - T3 - T4 all the way again?? like for real, flying the actual T1 ships ?

They know it’s ridiculous. I’m sure Devs will readjust.

The amount of grind is not at all that great as many players claim it to be, yet we are still in the process of feedback aquisition and I would like to thank you for the one you have provided. 


Its more than it was, and for those of us who weren’t fully down the lines with purchases, we have to do it all over again.



The other system provided a general rank increase with your respective faction. This one now requires you to select ONE ship line, level up ONE ship, and then begin your descent

Actually, I think Fed ships took a stealth speed nerf. My Bear is most definitely not as fast as it was yesterday. Not sure if it was limited to just fighters or what, though, I quit the game out of disgust before I thought about checking.


Did Empire and Jericho ships take a speed nerf? I would be curious to know why, and which ones? Hell I’d like to know why Feds took a speed nerf, as their slightly higher top speed was the only advantage they had over the other factions IIRC, and it was at the cost of less survivability…

It’s not a stealth nerf. R9 fed implant was nerfed to 7% down from 15%.

As someone who started grinding Jericho Interceptors to test the new progression, I can safely say it is not fun.

Flying Rank 4 sucks. The ships are hopelessly outclassed by everything else in their tier, meaning it’s hard as hell to actually do anything. And then, because tiers have still not been fixed, you go up against T3 pilots who can all but one-shot you.

I was matched against a T3 Tackler when flying the Tier ONE Jericho ECM. I shouldn’t have to draw anyone a picture of how that went down.

Players do not want to fly Rank 4 and/or Rank 7 because those ships are poorly designed and woefully underpowered. If you are going to force people to fly them, they need their stats and module slots brought up to at least Rank 5 / 8 standard.

Just standardise them across the Tier, with highest-rank ships having more synergy.

Now, on the new weapons - at the moment I am getting quite a strange kind of feedback, two-face kind: good amount of players tells me that new weapons are interesting and fun, and then there is another group of players who are telling me that they don’t like weapons (actually most of you guys claim to dislike only one OP Singularity), figures-wise first group is dominant. So, is it really all that bad as second group claims?

The reason is fairly simple, and largely of your own making. You kept the 0.8.x’s playstyle of “you chose engineer/guard frigate, congratulations, you are a VIP for the team regardless of individual play skill” for too long and people got used to it.


New weapon system and ship nerfs return frigates to be on par with the rest of the ships. People who enjoyed being OP and now are on par with others will obviously rage and threaten to get their old carefree playstyle back. This is why you should fix imbalances that lead to one-two ship types being significantly more powerful and important for the team than all others others sooner rather than later, so that people do not get used to them.



Regardless, as has been stated here and on russian forums, most weapons need a numbers pass. Some do too much damage, some too little. But in general, weapons are really fun now, almost every niche is clearly presented and in general, game is pretty fun.

There is a lot crying about the recent patch.


I played it for a couple hours yesterday and found out that the changes are going into the right direction!


One of the biggest concerns pre 0.9.0 were frig balls dominating each pvp modus.

With this patch frigs were brought back to their original gameplay design - to a support unit. Previously frigs were dominating the dps as well.

I like this change!

Now intys and fighters HAVE to guard frigs, to keep them alive for supporting the whole fighting squad  → +1


I should be clear that there must be some balance concerning the new weapons.

Singularity canon is clearly OP, but we are in BETA for balancing aspects. I am fine with that.

I hope the devs are monitoring the current dps behavior of the new weapons and will buff / nerf unbalanced weapons.


I was very suspicious about the unlimited missiles, but the timer to reload the missile “container” is ok.

Especially with the removed weapon modifiers the new missile system helps dps-wise.


The tier progression with the introducced synergy leveling is an interesting option b/c you can specialize in a certain ship role you like.

If you like only to play one ship role, I think one can level faster, but if you decide to play all ship roles it prolongs the play time.

Maybe this prevents mixed tiers, b/c now all ships (all levels within a tier) must be played.


I am looking forward to see the future patches for balancing the new meta gameplay.

This system won’t prevent mixed tiers. If anything, it forces higher-skill players to spend more time in lower tiers, which I’ve always assumed is the opposite of what Gaijin wanted.

The reason is fairly simple, and largely of your own making. You kept the 0.8.x’s playstyle of “you chose engineer/guard frigate, congratulations, you are a VIP for the team regardless of individual play skill”.


New weapon system and ship nerfs return frigates to be on par with the rest of the ships. People who enjoyed being OP and now are on par with others will obviously rage and threaten to get their old carefree playstyle back. This is why you should fix imbalances that lead to one-two ship types being significantly more powerful and important for the team than all others others sooner rather than later, so that people do not get used to them.



Regardless, as has been stated here and on russian forums, most weapon need a numbers pass. Some do too much damage, some too little. But in general, weapons are really fun now, almost every niche is clearly presented and in general, game is pretty fun.

You have a lot of animosity towards frigates, don’t you?

this time he’s warranted.


interceptor effective DPS has dropped relative to all other ship class this patch. by alot.

fighters almost doubled than what it was before and frigates still remain about the same.


Fighters will be the new flavor of the month even without bubblegums.

so …

you said ,modo,all comment was very important for the game!!!



All said ,WE need to restor the gun for all ship


I just Want To ask,when is it respawn before the patch (when the next patch coming so),for that 2 big problem!!Or you kill the game very fast…

The new weapon system was just not a good idea. The previous one was fine. Now you are restricting us to playstyles we might hate and then you say it’s to improve customisation. Redoing a system to restrict? No. Adding moar guns to the current system? Heck yes!

  • Unlocking the next ship by getting full synergy on the current one? I thought this through and it seems fairly P2P. Let me explain:

In most cases you dont need to have full synergy to get next ship.

I want to point out that the bonuses at the last implant wouldnt be meaningful after a player have managed to reach that point. He/She would be more than finished with the game after hitting the ‘peak of olympus’. It only made sense if said player thinks about maxing out another faction too, even then having those bonuses from the begin up was better and would be in the interests of the wider audience that is desperately being sought after.

WTF? WHY? All my synenergy is reset why? Do I really need to grind it up agian?

I think when i come back… i’ll try the RF Blaster.