Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

Luckyo, I respect your comment. However, I still petition for a reversal to the old system as I highly prefer it over this current one.

Look, no matter how much they tweak the Singularity Cannon, I will hate it. I just do not like the concept, the numbers or the sheer power it has.

It’s your choice. You’re used to IDDQD mode that was frigate for three months in 0.8.x, and you’ll hate any scenario where frigate is as vulnerable as other ships in bad hands and frigate needs equal amount of piloting skill to other ships to function well.


Singularity cannon is designed to punish bad play by frigates, which it does exceptionally well. Unfortunately it has a side effect of having too much firing speed/too big projectiles, meaning fighters firing bubbles are also functional against smaller targets. That universality of the anti-frigate weapon makes it OP. Arguably, it’s the main and probably only thing that makes it OP. Lower hitbox of the projectiles and lower firing speed (lowering DPS in process), and it will fall into its niche of frigate killer weapon where it should be. And if fighters with singularity gun have to fear interceptors, it will both give interceptors strong incentives to engage them to protect their frigates, which with current state of shrapnel gun is very doable, and it will give fighters incentives to equip other weapons to defend themselves in close quarters combat against interceptors and not go full anti frigate “because it also works against everything else”.



As has been pointed out on russian forums, this game has basically gone back and forth between “nothing skilled dies, organised play is shooting from behind rocks” and “dynamic fast dogfights that emphasize skill, lots of deaths from even minor mistakes”. 0.8.x was former, 0.9.x is set to be the latter. 0.7.x was middle ground. Essentially in 0.8.x you could tell the winning side with good accuracy just by looking at ship roster. Right now, you cannot. Not having some classes in team roster, including engineer no longer makes games impossible to win. And that is excellent progress. No class should be mandatory to win in the first place. It was a horrible anomaly of 0.8.x and I’m glad to see it fixed.



On a final note, for the first time since 0.7.x I’m actually using all four ship slots for ships that I actively choose to fly based on situation.

I don’t quite understand the first part of your reply… come again?

Am I the only one that noticed that the “Dwarf 2” should probably be renamed, seeing that there is now no ship called “Dwarf”?

Not necessarily. The ships we see in the roster are hardly going to be the only ships out there; it is likely that the army-issue Dwarf is simply an obsolete design, long-since scrapped and rarely found on the open market.

I’m really dissapointed, have you tested it? now frigates are useless, guards and engis with no minefield and with 2000 damage per ball? imho the game is lost, many players will leave if you dont do something about it.

I don’t quite understand the first part of your reply… come again?

Btw, they did not fix the assist scores yet even though it was in the patch notes, so engineers/command ships still can easily afk to #1 spot on score board. It’s a bug and will likely get fixed though. As it stands now, a decent command ship is pretty much guaranteed #1 spot on the roster is long as there is one on the team, followed by engineers in any game with one large fight where auras can cover most of the team.


Also the mass heals have been nerfed, not buffed. It’s a translation error in the patch notes. Hilariously, essentially no one noticed. Reminds me of the infamous case of Warwick buffs in LoL, where Warwick went from bottom of the trash pile to constant successful usage by top players after a patch that stated that it buffed Warwick. Then a couple of weeks later, Riot games announced that they didn’t actually roll out Warwick changes because of a bug - he was still the “bottom of the trash pile” in terms of stats. And yet he was used with great success in top tier play by people convinced by patch notes that he was buffed. It was a great demonstration that psychological image that players have is far more important than actual stats when it comes to successful play.

Btw, they did not fix the assist scores yet even though it was in the patch notes, so engineers/command ships still can easily afk to #1 spot on score board. It’s a bug and will likely get fixed though. As it stands now, a decent command ship is pretty much guaranteed #1 spot on the roster is long as there is one on the team, followed by engineers in any game with one large fight where auras can cover most of the team.


Also the mass heals have been nerfed, not buffed. It’s a translation error in the patch notes. Hilariously, essentially no one noticed. Reminds me of the infamous case of Warwick buffs in LoL, where Warwick went from bottom of the trash pile to constant successful usage by top players after a patch that stated that it buffed Warwick. Then a couple of weeks later, Riot games announced that they didn’t actually roll out Warwick changes because of a bug - he was still the “bottom of the trash pile” in terms of stats. And yet he was used with great success in top tier play by people convinced by patch notes that he was buffed. It was a great demonstration that psychological image that players have is far more important than actual stats when it comes to successful play.

I already stated that at first or 2nd page IIRC. And I did notice it quite badly.


Also, your statement about the Singularity cannon not being that OP? really? no matter how good you fly you won’t evade them in your frig and they will rape 10% of my hull tanked Garm per second and even faster if they include friends of his or missiles. They are so OP it’s not even funny.

I just discovered this a game a few days ago. I loved it. THIS UPDATE xxxx KILLED THIS GAME! THANK FOR xxxx IT FOR ME! HERE I COME EVE, AT LEAST THATS A TRUE GAME!!!

It’s your choice. You’re used to IDDQD mode that was frigate for three months in 0.8.x, and you’ll hate any scenario where frigate is as vulnerable as other ships in bad hands and frigate needs equal amount of piloting skill to other ships to function well.


Singularity cannon is designed to punish bad play by frigates, which it does exceptionally well. Unfortunately it has a side effect of having too much firing speed/too big projectiles, meaning fighters firing bubbles are also functional against smaller targets. That universality of the anti-frigate weapon makes it OP. Arguably, it’s the main and probably only thing that makes it OP. Lower hitbox of the projectiles and lower firing speed (lowering DPS in process), and it will fall into its niche of frigate killer weapon where it should be. And if fighters with singularity gun have to fear interceptors, it will both give interceptors strong incentives to engage them to protect their frigates, which with current state of shrapnel gun is very doable, and it will give fighters incentives to equip other weapons to defend themselves in close quarters combat against interceptors and not go full anti frigate “because it also works against everything else”.



As has been pointed out on russian forums, this game has basically gone back and forth between “nothing skilled dies, organised play is shooting from behind rocks” and “dynamic fast dogfights that emphasize skill, lots of deaths from even minor mistakes”. 0.8.x was former, 0.9.x is set to be the latter. 0.7.x was middle ground. Essentially in 0.8.x you could tell the winning side with good accuracy just by looking at ship roster. Right now, you cannot. Not having some classes in team roster, including engineer no longer makes games impossible to win. And that is excellent progress. No class should be mandatory to win in the first place. It was a horrible anomaly of 0.8.x and I’m glad to see it fixed.



On a final note, for the first time since 0.7.x I’m actually using all four ship slots for ships that I actively choose to fly based on situation.


I lol’ed at this, your hatred for Engy and frigates is too damn high.






In fact they outrange frig’s with mortar, and mortar is not so powerfull.

They need a nerf, for god sake, and Mortar is fine as it is now,  I don’t want it to have a buff, beam cannon needs one, its damage is so shiety compared to other mid-range weapons.


edit: Coil Mortar may have a reduce in spread, that spread is kinda ridiculous, giving the fact that you can only fire a single shot with shiety rate of fire, and your targets are super speed and tiny  shiet most of the time.


I just discovered this a game a few days ago. I loved it. THIS UPDATE xxxx KILLED THIS GAME! THANK FOR xxxx IT FOR ME! HERE I COME EVE, AT LEAST THATS A TRUE GAME!!!

yeah yeah, move along



My buddies impression after playing this patch.


I gave it another go this afternoon. I think I hate the changes even more now. I feel completely pigeonholed, I don’t like ANY of my weapon “choices” anymore (I spent over 6 mil to buy all Inty/Fighter weapons), and all I see is singularity balls flying around and missile spam.


I feel like I got robbed in the Steam Summer Sale by spending money on this game just for them to drastically change it a few days later - yeah, yeah, it’s a beta - but I was not expecting SWEEPING game-changing patches this late in the game. If I knew this was going to happen, I honestly wouldn’t have spent a dime. Maybe that’s why everything was discounted 50%…hmm…the inner paranoid xxxxxxx in me doesn’t let that possibility escape…but I digress.


Anywho, after spending a few hours in battles this evening, I don’t even feel like playing anymore. None of my friends do. We’ll probably just quit and move on to one of the other games we got in the Summer Sale, which sucks because we were all HOOKED on Star Conflict prior to this patch. Hooked! Unfortunately, this patch has made the game take a turn for the worse in our eyes. All I got to hear today in TeamSpeak was anger and disappointment.


Now to be somewhat constructive, here is how I would start fixing things:


1. Put all the old weapons back, and available to all ships like it was pre-patch.

2. If you MUST MUST MUST have these new weapons in the game, add them to the current weapon lineup, even if they are to be class restricted. Entirely removing weapons was a terrible idea. Why remove, when you can just add?

3. Put weapon mods back in. Why were these even removed? I still don’t get it! Just to make the game easier for brand new players? They already weren’t available in T1! Weapon mods made battle a lot more tactical, now it’s just pew-pew-pew, then launch missile as soon as it’s recharged.

4. No infinite missiles! Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? On top of infinite missiles, the cooldown is reset on death, so pilots that die a lot have more missiles readily available than pilots who can survive engagements. This is another mind-boggling change that only rewards the newbie/bad player, and punishes the more seasoned pilots.

5. Return the missile slots; having only 1 per ship is so lame and further removes choice to the player for no reason. Minelayer was the real problem.

6. Put Minelayer back in to the ships that previously had them, and add a ~3 second activation time for the mines, so interceptors can’t go “I win!” and dump them on you in a middle of a dogfight. They would still work fine for beacon/sniper defense this way.

7. Change leveling system back to the way it was, as I don’t know anybody who would want to be forced to play ships they do not want to play in order to progress the way they want. My friends and I certainly don’t. This alone is enough to quit the game over, considering the grind you must now do.

8. Add permanent paint and stickers; add option to buy temporary paint and stickers with credits. I will never pay real money to buy temporary cosmetic items, and I think I speak for the majority of players in this.

9. Either put the faction level progress bar back above the ship lineup in the hanger, or the sub-faction, or something. It’s just a big blank spot now. Why was the faction xp bar removed? I still see levels in the ship tree…


and finally


10. Create a decent godd**n tutorial or something, so that new players can actually learn what the hell they’re doing before being thrown to the wolves and thusly dumbing your own game down to compensate. Locking tiers would help, so T1 doesn’t go against T2, etc. There’s so many things you could do to warm new players up to the game. Nerfing the whole game is NOT the way to do it.


That’s really just the things on the top of my head, I’m sure I’m missing stuff too. But yeah, damn, this patch was bad. Everyone I know hates it, and from what I gather here and in-game so do most people.


I’ll be keeping an eye out for the next patch, but I’m not holding my breath. I know one thing: I won’t be logging nearly as many hours into this game as I did pre-patch, and I suspect many others won’t either. Those 1.2k-2k players you see? They’re here because it’s patch day; numbers always spike on patch day. Enough with this “there’s never this many people on, patch must be good” bullcrap. This happens in every online game when it gets a patch, especially with “new content” - harhar.

And do you realize that unlimited missiles are to punish people who like to exploit  mass speed and maneuverability, to show of something they consider skill, while what they actually do is just exploiting of game mechanics?

This patch make people actually think about waiting for their teammates, not to show off with that dodging bullet rain, if you want to dodge bullets rain, go play Touhou.

And do you realize that unlimited missiles are to punish people who like to exploit  mass speed and maneuverability, to show of something they consider skill, while what they actually do is just exploiting of game mechanics?

This patch make people actually think about waiting for their teammates, not to show off with that dodging bullet rain, if you want to dodge bullets rain, go play Touhou.


No I don’t realize, because I find that excuse complete BS and I don’t believe it for a second.


Besides, unlimited missiles for everyone is not the way to correct one single problem, not that it was even an issue to begin with. They could have removed/changed certain mods, nerfed inty speed, or a whole host of other ways to fix “mass speed and maneuverability.” There are already slowing missiles and other ways to slow down a target, I killed speedy interceptors all the time in my Tackler, no problem. If you have an issue with intys being too fast for you, you need to re-examine your loadout or practice more. Infinite missile spam for everyone is not the right way to go about it, and honestly the only people I can see arguing for this infinite missile spam are bad players; seemingly who this patch was intended for. I.E. casuals.


Do you realize that they aren’t punishing any certain roles or ship types by giving everyone infinite missiles? Now everyone fires missiles at everyone all the time. Who cares? They’ll just reload when you die anyways, better use them all up before that happens. Seen any Covert Ops self-destruct in order to bypass the missile recharge CD? I have. You will too, if you haven’t already.



I hate 90% of the new weapons… at least before I had choices and used different ones on different ships. The singularity cannon thing is WAY OVERPOWERED…


Omg you want to charge me money for me to use the synergy I earned by playing, supporting, and paying for your game on a different ship then the one it was earned on? are you kidding me??? And on top of that it is the ONLY way I can progress through the ship tree??? I am already grinding my nuts off here common.


I do like the update to the missiles.


I hate that I can’t carry mines, I should still have the option to give up my missiles for mines.


I hate that I do not have a second missile slot.


It seems like you are taking away our options.


Please reconsider this patch…






Unlimited missiles for everyone is not the way to correct one single problem, not that it was even an issue. They could have removed/changed certain mods, nerfed inty speed, or a whole host of other ways to fix “mass speed and maneuverability.” There are already slowing missiles and other ways to slow down a target, I killed speedy interceptors all the time in my Tackler, no problem. If you have an issue with intys being too fast for you, you need to re-examine your loadout or practice more. Infinite missile spam for everyone is not the right way to go about it, and honestly the only people I can see arguing for this infinite missile spam are bad players.


Oh, and now you are suggesting nerf to Inty speed, see how many players who claim to be “skilled”  will shiet their pants and cry before leaving.

Tackler is designed to kill Inty

The last part sounds like a personal assumption and an personal criticize, not an argument.


And I was saying this new patch punish anyone who want to show off alone. Also it helps people rely more on teammates in detonation, rather than inty spam and show off they “skill”.

Well just played some more after my earlier post when I discovered the synergy is screwed and I’m callin huge BS on the devs. posting a note on the loggin screen saying we need to level up but we have all the synergy we had before is a bald faced lie. I had all bu 2 T1 ships at max synergy and I had 2 of the 3 T2 ships I own at max synergy. I now have ZERO ships at max synergy. Zero none nada zip NOTHING is at max. Furthermore now i have to not only buy a ship I dont want but must also level that ship I dont want up to a high enough level of synergy to get the ship I do want. Well of course I could pay to transfer my synergy and get my ship faster … wow devs nice job implementing the new play to win strategy. Now I also dont get loyalty gain from fights … lost that completely. Only doing contracts gets a loyalty gain. Oh and I almost missed the massive price increase for those little boosters. I also see a crap ton of my inventory is gone and I got NOTHING for it …


I do have to thank you for one thing though. I was just starting to think you folks had actually listened to the majority of us and were slowly tweaking the game back into a playable creature that was fun. And I was just waiting for this “update” to come out and see how you were listening. I was planning on purchasing the 2 top Steam DLC bundles so I could have all those pretty gold ships and those lovely standard an be premium for several months. Well now I can say thank you. Thank you for saving me $130. Thank you for stopping me from throwing away money. I almost did it, you almost had my fooled into thinking you give a damn … almost.

Well congratulations,

uve done it R.I.P. Star conflict and any chance of competitive play again even before beta is over, now that requires some serious skill.

Oh, and now you are suggesting nerf to Inty speed, see how many players who claim to be “skilled”  will shiet their pants and cry before leaving.

Tackler is designed to kill Inty

The last part sounds like a personal assumption and an personal criticize, not an argument.


And I was saying this new patch punish anyone who want to show off alone. Also it helps people rely more on teammates in detonation, rather than inty spam and show off they “skill”.


No, I wasn’t suggesting anything. I was giving examples in that there are better ways to achieve a solution to a singular problem (not that there was one) that doesn’t require changing every other ship in the game.


Tackler was designed to kill inty, right - that’s why I love using my Tacklers. Gunships can hang with an inty if they use their special. Command ships can outlast them. Frigates have pulsar, heals, mines, etc.


Any of those ships, with a decent pilot, can kill a “skilled” interceptor. I’ve done it plenty, and I’m by far not the best pilot out there. So where’s the problem again?


Interceptors are fast at the cost of survivability and armament. It’s a fair tradeoff. I’ve played fighter just as much as interceptor, I liked them each for what they were. I’m not biased, but you clearly have a problem with interceptors. Your solution is “infinite missilez!!” and that is just absurd.


The last part sounds like an assumption? Yes, I assume only bad players would want infinite missile spam. Because they’d rather have infinite armor piercing missiles than actually take a slowing missile/use a slowing skill/use better weapons/use a different ship if they hate interceptors so much (as it sounds like you do) and can’t hang with them in a fight.

No, I wasn’t suggesting anything. I was giving examples in that there are better ways to achieve a solution to a singular problem (not that there was one) that doesn’t require changing every other ship in the game.


Tackler was designed to kill inty, right - that’s why I love using my Tacklers. Gunships can hang with an inty if they use their special. Command ships can outlast them. Frigates have pulsar, heals, mines, etc.


Any of those ships, with a decent pilot, can kill a “skilled” interceptor. I’ve done it plenty, and I’m by far not the best pilot out there. So where’s the problem again?


Interceptors are fast at the cost of survivability and armament. It’s a fair tradeoff. I’ve played fighter just as much as interceptor, I liked them each for what they were. I’m not biased, but you clearly have a problem with interceptors. Your solution is “infinite missilez!!” and that is just absurd.


The last part sounds like an assumption? Yes, I assume only bad players would want infinite missile spam. Because they’d rather have infinite missiles than actually take a slowing missile/use a slowing skill/use better weapons/use a different ship if they hate interceptors so much (as it sounds like you do) and can’t hang with them in a fight.

There are more than one problem in the previous patches, in fact, there were so many problems that if you change one to fix this or that, others problem will just arise soon enough.


Frigate except LRF have no mine now, didn’t people cry about mine all the time?


And I’ve seen enough Inty dancing around like it was nothing in a bullet rain fired from 5+ ships.


Speed, agree, surviability, not really, It’s funny how inty can survive with that many bullets fired at it, while no other ships can.


I admit, I don’t like Inty, but that’s not the reason, last patch clearly had many problem in balance, either frigate or inty.

Good golly, PvE has either been fixed or wrecked now, 'cause I haven’t won a single mission. It’s really taking me some time to get used to the revamped new features.


Also, screw the bubble launcher. It feels like the only weapon that’s actually viable now. I miss the heavy hitters on my frigate, and I don’t think I’ll get used to the plop-n-pop cannon any time soon.