Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

was exicetd. gave it a shot. it broke my will. tryed again later. no go. im not gonna repeat what other already said. 


only thing that really like about this patch that costumizaton now lasts longer. i would stay and do coloring on my ships all day long… sadly that is now only thing i see pleasure in it. i was about to throw another 10e in this game, im very glad i didnt. sorry, i really tried to accept the change as good, but its s no go. 

back to playing darkspace

sorry guys

I really want them to release a permanent customisation option…  maybe next week? *prays*

Yeah. Played for a fews hours. Hate it. Gave it a real shot and it just plays so differently from before. It’s not that I don’t want to get use to it it’s just completely different. When i first hopped into this game it was fun from the get go. I got no pleasure at all after this patch. Not even a little.

Well, now that this has calmed down, would anyone happen to know why Jane Jensen’s (The questgiver) name was changed to Selena Galo?


What do you mean I’m too concerned about this? This minor change could destroy the earth!


you are my new favorite poster

All the rage occurs cause there is no PINK color T_T

Um why did all my ships lose their synergy?


nvm, I found the new menu.  But I’m still one level short, i had everything maxxed before.

Um why did all my ships lose their synergy?

You have to reapply it manually.



This is a downright “dumbing down” of the game, to please the general public. Switching missiles and damage types really appealed to me. Losing those is win for the point-and-clicker. In other words, more appealing to “the general public”. Probably nice from a marketing point of view (expect influx of dirty console peasants), but for a member of the glorious PCgamer masterrace like me it is losing it’s appeal. We’ll see how far they will take this dumbing down in future patches. Not saying this patch is  “bad” but for me it will probaly lose it’s appeal fast the next weeks.

Now now, TStick, PC gaming needs fresh blood now and then. I know they despise consoles, but if PC gamers inbreed any more they’re going to start being born with webbed feet.  :lol:

Requiring synergy maxed on one ship before moving to the next is the stupidest idea ever and the way the ship progression is right now means a lot of people would need to play ships they don’t want to play, this causes players to LEAVE.


Seriously, still no permanent customization? And you want me to pay in REAL hard earned money for a TEMPORARY cosmetic change? GET REAL!


I honestly don’t know how you expect to keep a player base when you are just going for any cash grab you can get. So frustrating, considering I’ve already spent money on your game. Very disappointing.

Alright. That calmed me down. A lot. Now… First impressions.



>>>>> Economy

Price reduction on ships is good. It was awful seeing R12 ships cost 10mill and, for free accounts, it was frustrating.

It costs 280 GS or something for a full month of 3 colours on one ship. I’d still like to see colours to be purchasable, instead of “rented”. “Oh, you paid for a month’s coat of paint? That’s alright, we’ll just clear that right off for free.” It still doesn’t make sense. Options to buy for credits NEEDS to be added, as well.



>>>>>  T5

Considering a mere 2% of the current total pilots actually fly T4 constantly, this was a bad move. No one is going to play it and everything will stay the way it is. Gotta say, some of the ships look ridiculous, whilst others look downright amazing.

I’d also love to know how a Fighter got to be a CovOps. If this is possible, I want one.



>>>>> Ship tree structure

I hope this follows to the rest of the tree and not just T5, because that’s how it should be.


>>>>> Engineer

> Shioeld

New health bar?

Also, yes, Engies needed this. Well done.



>>>>> Weaponry

These new damages are ludicrous. Their overheat timers are even worse. Gunships are just killing everything left and right. The BBB (Big Blue Balls) aren’t helping anything and are EXTREMELY overpowered. Frigates die in seconds, they don’t even need a Plasma Arc on their exhausts, the Singularity Cannon just rips them a new one. I haven’t tried out all of them, but it’s relatively bad.

Almost every Fighter can now kill Frigates FAR more easily due to how overpowered the Singularity Cannon is. Because that is the sole weapon they fit (that I’ve seen out of 10 matches).



>>>>> Missiles

Flares and Missile Shield = useless. I was in a match where I had a grand total of TEN missiles coming at me. Flares did nothing because 3 seconds later I had another 5 on me. I expect people to have the same problem with missiles being fired up the wazoo.

Missiles are meant to be a strategic asset in a match. Now it’s just a matter of locking a target and firing 2-3 at a time. “Oh, I’m out of missiles? That’s ok, they’ll return in a minute. I’ll just hang back and defend a Frigate or two. Missiles reloaded! LEROY JENKINS!”

This was a terrible change and you know it. Missiles used to be fun. Now… it’s broken.

CovOps pilots are committing suicide just to skip the 3min cooldown, as well (if it happens to my ships when I die, it damn well happens to theirs).

The extra damage on the missiles was really NOT necessary. Proximity Mines already did a lot of damage prior to this, they are now 1-shotting any Ceptor that goes near the blinking red light.



>>>>> Weapon Modules

It’s BAD that the Weapon Damage Modifiers got removed. As if Frigates weren’t hard enough to kill on a Ceptor, it’s now VERY hard for those little ships. Only CovOps can now effectively kill them, leaving Recons and ECM to hunt for other things. As to what those targets are, I’ve no idea because those weapons don’t really kill anything… The damage modifiers excelled on Ceptors because of that sole reason. They allowed them to kill stuff.



>>>>> Hangar

Empire is everything I thought it would be. They’re pompous xxxxxxxx, haha

Federation looks sleek and shiny, just perfect.

Jericho looks like something out of a bad CCCP themed movie.



>>>>> Implants

Rank 13: All of them. Overpowered. Empire one might be salvageable, depending on some module cooldown. If you’re on a CovOps or Tackler, it’s overpowered.

Rank 14: Once per battle will make these implants mostly obsolete due to how rare that occurrence is. If you’re in a Frigate or something in the rear, it’ll be a rare event but if you’re in the front lines… It’s gonna get wasted on your first run…

Rank 15: These should not be here. These should still be where they previously were.



>>>>> Synergy

This is probably the worst. Synergy required to purchase the next ship. I DON’T want to fly a Katana to get the Katana-S, I DON’T want to fly a Stiletto and Stiletto AE to get to the Ricasso FROM the Dagger-V… and so forth. Like I asked above, I do hope the changes that were made to the tree in T5 will be mirrored in the other 4 Tiers.



>>>>> Bug Fixes

This is good… Except now you have to turn away from the Beacon or rock you’re hugging to deploy those things. That’s annoying for Engineer heals, good for the Warp Gate. I’d suggest you just make that solely for the Gate and make it autonomous for the heals. Press the heal and it drops the heal beacon somewhere around you, randomly. Do the same for the Tackler Sentry Drones, I find it extremely frustrating to run away and deploy one only to die slamming into it.

seriously, you must be kidding. this has to be april 1st! nothing else makes sence. nothing.


  1. singularity cannon absolutely ridiculous

  2. no missle tactics? where is the choice? where are real alternatives? dumped down gameplay. well done.

  3. no weapon mod tactics? 

  4. T4 against T5. This mixed matchmaking is totally crap. intentionally getting farmed under devs eyes is crap. fullstop.

  5. i need ful synergy to be allowed to fly next ship!? goodbye cerberus 2 :frowning:


look @ this 3 screenshots (made from 4 identical type of games)


nuff said. got angry sry.


Played the new patch for the last two hours and the following list represents my opinion of the good, the bad and the ugly.


The positive:

- T5

- ships are cheaper to “buy”

  • new pve mission

- Synergy-overflow now usefull

  • streamlined shiptree rank 10 onwards

  • new hangars

  • speed nerf to federation fighters (stealth nerf)

  • stickers now last longer


The negative:

- atrocious weapon overhaul

- new weapons are bloody unbalanced

  • oversimplification of missiles and modifiers

- overrestriction on weapon types and missiles only for certain ships, which make no sense in certain cases (minelayer for Long Range Frigates?)

- weapons overheat too fast in general

  • with the removal of ‘Heavy Weapons’ Frigates lack firepower now

  • missed the opportunity to streamline the shiptree from rank 1 onwards

- overrestriction of ship-progression because of the synergy requirement,

  • which accentuates the grindy character of this game even further

- and straight out forces people to play ships they don’t want to in order to progress

  • max synergy ships prepatch weren’t able to be upgraded to max synergy after the patch

  • “free synergy” transfer requires GS = real money

  • still no satisfying customisation options, e.g. permanent stickers

  • booster modules cost now up to 100% more credits (stealth nerf)

  • no increase in loyalty gain (which I personaly hoped for)


To conclude, despite the positives, as a game Star Conflict branched out in the wrong direction with this patch. It made it more grindy, less fun, more restrictive to player choice and encourages paying for wimpy monetisation options even more than before.

If most of and/or the more severe negatves won’t be addressed in the next weeks, I’ll loose faith in the development team of this game to do the right thing and I’ll quit. I got better things to do IRL and I’m able to play other games that have a unified, not segregated community and offer better social interaction, visuals, sound, story, exploration, character progression, gameplay and fun.


Listen to the feedback and improve the game, devs!

Okay, so instead of ‘intensifying my bitching’ as ElMustacho very kindly put it, I will submit my proper feedback tomorrow. I still say a rollback is in this game’s best interests, however.

… I’ll just wait and play before I let out the inevtiable WTF rant.


Play, take some time off, pick up a hobby, the rage.


How do we unlock the fourth ship slot now that reputation is gone?


That’s what I xxxx want to know!  I was staying Jericho just so I could get that 12th slot, and I was going to get it this xxxx week!  Now what, go into T4 and spend a few months getting slaughtered by Nova and ESB?


RFP was good, I used it on my frigates all day, and was satisfied.


It was great in PvE because it had no cooldown.  There are just too many targets in PvE that need killed and fast.  I don’t even want to imagine how PvE is changing with the weapon changes.


After talking with a GM ingame, He said that synergy will play a bigger role in the future. 

So yeah…P2W is coming I think! Want to have a good ship? Pay gold so you can transfer synergy instantly instead of grinding! 

yeah…no thanks.


The synergy is ridiculous.  It only encourages people to pay.  So you want that Ceberus 2?  Guess you’ll have to practice long range frigates for a while.  Someone should make a new account and see how long it takes to get out of T1 now.



I played a few games.  All I have to say is WTF?!


My interceptor weapons lost half their range?  Want to take out drones on a beacon so you can capture it, you must get close enough to stay under fire if you’re using a good weapons.  Interceptors are supposed to be the first to a beacon!  Unless you use the plasma gun, weak and slow compared to other weapons.  I have three premium interceptors, and I don’t want to fly them after what I just tested.


Missile spam has happened!  Nukes, I tried…  But the missiles, who needs a gun anymore?  Never mind that some of the guns are too powerful to be balanced.  What was the testing team actually doing?


Eliminated minefields seems a little overkill, and I’ve been killed by them a lot.  Changing their TTL to 10 seconds or whatever would help.  They can be used as close quarters protection, but not jailing a beacon.  A single mine isn’t that bad.  And why do I need to pick only one weapon?  Do all the good missiles really need to be unguided?


I’ll try playing more, even though I don’t like the changes from what I tested, but I feel it’s a massive xxxx up by the dev teams.  It encourages P2W, and seems to force “teamwork” and eliminate solo play.  If you’re not in a squad, do you really think anyone will get a well formed group to go around in Abandoned Outpost?  So far it looks like a major interceptor nerf.  The only people who seem happy are the frigate pilots.


Even if the gameplay ends up “fine” the sounds are annoying!

Weapons need a numbers pass ASAP. Base mechanics are solid but most of the damage values are way off. Interceptors have 3/4 weapons that are far too low to be of any use, fighters have the obviously too powerful (and arguably too big) singularity while others are perhaps okay and frigates have hilariously OP mortar (but only in the right hands). Blaster is funky as well, and can put up a severely demoralizing wall of metal in your face.


T4 became functional, but everyone is grinding PvE now that synergy became the key to progress. That is quite annoying. ESB alone apparently spend hours in PvE today grinding their T5 ships. Isn’t there a better way to ensure solid progress?


Personally I enjoyed the game more than ever until everyone started picking up singularity cannons. Skill was a factor again, frigateers can no longer afk into #1 spot on the score table, defending your engineers and screening guards became actually necessary rather than the normal “bah, he’s cerberus 2/crus type s, he’ll tank through it so I don’t have to give a damn”. Teamwork ceased being an empty word outside “stay in the ball and be immortal”, now you actually need to watch what other people on your team are doing and compensate if necessary.



Also, I’m a huge fan of the new shrapnel gun. It’s truly a monstrous weapon in good hands, but if you’re even slightly inadequate you will fail with it HARD. Other interceptor weapons will allow for other playstyles once numbers pass has been done on them, but high risk high reward “in your face” style of the shotty fits me well.



Overall a very solid update and a good and long overdue weapon system overhaul. Online numbers show it too, around 2k prime time instead of usual ~1.2k. I’m optimistic that instead of nightmarish immortal horror that was 0.8.x, we’ll actually see a dynamic game closer in style to 0.7.x.

I tend to agree with your points, QuistisTrepe, though I personally don’t mind the weapons. Yes, the Beachball Gun is in dire need of reworking, but I love the Mortar. I really, really love the Mortar. If I could, I’d mount that gun on every ship I own.


As I’ve said, I would very much have liked to see the entire ship tree reworked in this update. I like how T5 handles the ships, and I’d have liked that to be the norm for T2 onwards.


I think the current leveling system is… well, it leaves a lot to be desired. It just is not fun grinding up ship trees over and over. Once people get to the top of T2 / T3, I doubt they want to have to go all the way back to Tier 1 and start over with another type of ship.


This could, again, be fixed with good ship tree design. Have plenty of opportunities to jump tracks, and the grind is reduced. For example, let’s take the Empire for a moment. Have an option to go from Rank 6 Fighter to a Rank 7 or 8 Interceptor; encourage people to work down the central Fighter tree by making it easy for them to jump from Fighter to Interceptor or Fighter to Frigate along the way.This would let people dip in and out of the different classes, and if they find one they like they can just go hell for leather down that set path. Everyone’s happy, everyone wins.

Luckyo, I respect your comment. However, I still petition for a reversal to the old system as I highly prefer it over this current one.

Look, no matter how much they tweak the Singularity Cannon, I will hate it. I just do not like the concept, the numbers or the sheer power it has.

Am I the only one that noticed that the “Dwarf 2” should probably be renamed, seeing that there is now no ship called “Dwarf”?

I gave this a pretty good try, and the weapon overhaul is just terrible. There is maybe 1 weapon per class that is worth using, and the rest are total junk. It’s the opposite of choice. It’s extremely limiting and unfun. I had guns that I liked quite a lot for my fighter and guard roles, and now there are just no similar options at all. Really kills the gameplay for me. Actually the pvp is so unfun that I"ll probably stop playing if there aren’t more weapon choices available. I’ll never play pve in this game.

Removing ammo types dumbs down the game. I don’t see why either they need to be re-purchased each match, or why it’s limited to 1. Just removing customizability for no gameplay gain. I understand why you removed damage type mods, and that’s fine, but changing modifiers on the fly was a really good part of the game that’s now gone.


Ditto for missiles. Why does there only have to be 1 missile type per ship? Even with the new mechanics, we could still have variety. I think the clip sizes and reload need to be changed. Smaller clips (maybe 3 smalls, 2 mediums or 1 large) with something like a 40 second reload in between. It would give you some firepower, but only once per engagement.


Mines were annoying, but the right move wasn’t to remove them from the game, which is pretty much what’s happened by giving them to LR frigs.


I guess the only thing I’m really fond of in this patch is the ship cost reduction.


edit: also forgot, dislike the afterburner implant nerf :frowning: