Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

I did 2 Widowmaker medals today with this strategy :smiley:

Yup. And more actual DPS than singularity cannon as they do not need as much accuracy at range and their heat up/cool down period is much more forgiving.


Is it just me, or if you use the assault rails and click quickly enough you’ll have the same rate of fire, minus the overheating?

correct … although not OP that it’s broken


shoot it like you would with an mp5 in other games etc.




you actually can lose DPS burst firing but there are situations where it’s preferable


skill is in applying that while on overdrive.

For the record, a lot of ESB gunships now fly with assault rails. I fly with them on on-off basis as well, they’re much more of an all-rounder weapon than singularity and give you a really good feeling of visibly putting up a stream of metal into someone’s face.

Yeah, two iridium heatsinks, two “horizon” systems, plus an experimental aiming overcharge.  Yeah, assault rails are fun, even at 5000m where the spread limits it but you have to stick with your team.  I love it when I find a guard that doesn’t use phase shield.  A blue ball just won’t cut it for fun.

I will take 1 shot from Ak 47 to kill a fly, how many shots does it take to kill a fly from AK 47 in real life?


it takes no shots. if you’re good, you can rifle butt it.


but for the record. how many shots does it take a fly to kill an ak47?


the fly can try and fail…


so your point was? that it was a bad example? point taken.


btw, at 1500-2000 m/s you can easily hit a target. especially if they’ve been ECM disabled, tackled, slowed in a inhibitor, slowing field, etc…


welcome to understanding the game you’ve been playing all these months… yes, these items do in fact exist… i assure you…

Yeah, two iridium heatsinks, two “horizon” systems, plus an experimental aiming overcharge.  Yeah, assault rails are fun, even at 5000m where the spread limits it but you have to stick with your team.  I love it when I find a guard that doesn’t use phase shield.  A blue ball just won’t cut it for fun.

Too much weapon spread to be truly functional in my experience. Assault rails at long range aren’t as much of a real threat as a psychological one - they make most enemies really want to leave the front line and hide from you.

Too much weapon spread to be truly functional in my experience. Assault rails at long range aren’t as much of a real threat as a psychological one - they make most enemies really want to leave the front line and hide from you.

I know, but because damage is dependent on optimal range, it helps.  I do use the 5k range on the gunship on occasion, but it’s more about suppression fire than kill fire.

btw, at 1500-2000 m/s you can easily hit a target. especially if they’ve been ECM disabled, tackled, slowed in a inhibitor, slowing field, etc…


welcome to understanding the game you’ve been playing all these months… yes, these items do in fact exist… i assure you…

if those debuffs applied on a target then it has nothing to do with singularity cannon, if the target i sdisabled for you you can hit it with an EM torpedo that has 500 speed, your point?

if those debuffs applied on a target then it has nothing to do with singularity cannon, if the target i sdisabled for you you can hit it with an EM torpedo that has 500 speed, your point?


the point then is that the alpha damage from the torpedo plus the singularity will insta-pop the target.


i’m not going to get into why some of the other stuff in this game is broken again…


but having that much projectile speed on a AOE weapon with top of he line DPS and Alpha damage with a hitbox larger than an interceptor that goes through anything is just wrong…


usually, alpha weapons have lower DPS than sustained fire weapons. this is usually handled by cooldowns on skills in RPGs. aka ‘spike/burst’ damage. also, DOT effects usually have lower DPS, but are more energy efficient since the debuffs can be removed, but that’s beside the point.

the point then is that the alpha damage from the torpedo plus the singularity will insta-pop the target.


i’m not going to get into why some of the other stuff in this game is broken again…


but having that much projectile speed on a AOE weapon with top of he line DPS and Alpha damage with a hitbox larger than an interceptor that goes through anything is just wrong…


usually, alpha weapons have lower DPS than sustained fire weapons. this is usually handled by cooldowns on skills in RPGs. aka ‘spike/burst’ damage. also, DOT effects usually have lower DPS, but are more energy efficient since the debuffs can be removed, but that’s beside the point.

 you gonna insta pop a target by one EM torpedo, don’t need singularities there, my point is if the target is disabled it doesn’t matter what weapon is used to kill a target, you can use damn gauss canons with 3x charge build for crits to pop a target 

 Biggest problem with singularity is no hit animation, than Aces that have no clue how to dodge in interceptors, since the latest trend with making new players life easier, make it slow rotation weapon “true heavy” problem solved

no, the biggest problem is that ships and mods are not yet balanced to take all these possibilities into account.


i’m sure there are many ways in which you can break the current weapons that are not intended.


also, it’s pretty impossible to dodge a projectile that large moving at 1500+ m/s at 300m.


that gives you 0.2 secs to react and move out of the way. not only is your reaction time not fast enough, you also have to dodge the AOE hitbox of that thing.


even at 500, that’s 0.33 secs to react and dodge.


at 1000m, 0.66 secs, which is completely possible.


basically, this thing in its current form should not travel faster than 1000-1100 m/s. but not 1200.


that gives you <0.3 secs at 300m, <0.5 secs at 500m. providing some chance to dodge.


honestly, the whole aspect of being AOE is what’s broken. the hitbox is huge, even when you see the ball pass by the target in some cases it still does damage from clipping the corner…


edit: also, remember, if you’re closing the distance on the target, the relative velocity of your ship to the projectile is greater. effectively making it 2000-2500m/s.


at 500m, 0.2-0.25 secs to dodge… at 300m, 0.11-0.15 secs…


hell, 0.2 seconds doesn’t even account for ping in most cases…


also, a torp has 400m/s flight speed… with the implant…

no, the biggest problem is that ships and mods are not yet balanced to take all these possibilities into account.


i’m sure there are many ways in which you can break the current weapons that are not intended.


also, it’s pretty impossible to dodge a projectile that large moving at 1500+ m/s at 300m.


that gives you 0.2 secs to react and move out of the way. not only is your reaction time not fast enough, you also have to dodge the AOE hitbox of that thing.


even at 500, that’s 0.33 secs to react and dodge.


at 1000m, 0.66 secs, which is completely possible.


basically, this thing in its current form should not travel faster than 1000-1100 m/s. but not 1200.


that gives you <0.3 secs at 300m, <0.5 secs at 500m. providing some chance to dodge.


honestly, the whole aspect of being AOE is what’s broken. the hitbox is huge, even when you see the ball pass by the target in some cases it still does damage from clipping the corner…


edit: also, remember, if you’re closing the distance on the target, the relative velocity of your ship to the projectile is greater. effectively making it 2000-2500m/s.


at 500m, 0.2-0.25 secs to dodge… at 300m, 0.11-0.15 secs…

IF a fighter get in the range of 300 to you and you are flying anything (well except jerichos guards) you deserve to die, period, end of discussion, on top of that regarding your specific example you have to be right in frontal cone of the target to still get hit, if anything and you know how to dodge, closer you are to the source easier to rotate around it so you in worse case scenario get hit by a single turret which is nothing. You keep bringing numbers that have next to nothing to do with the way game plays, how about you actually fly and understand how it works for once?

We already have enough individuals here that love to bring false theorycrafting into the discussion and keep been proven wrong 

IF a fighter get in the range of 300 to you and you are flying anything (well except jerichos guards) you deserve to die, period, end of discussion


why would you deserve to die? what other weapon does this?.. before singularity… it was no problem…


if anything and you know how to dodge


irrelevant, your client will not even register the shot before it is fired… ping times… not to mention your reaction time isn’t fast enough to even begin to dodge.


add to this the fact that most people run 60hz monitors = an extra 16.7 milliseconds, and pixel times 2-5ms = 20ms more lag. in fact, if you’re in between frames that can be up to double: 40ms. which happens approx half the time, so on average 30ms lag. also, video processing times, input lag, etc…


if you need data on human reaction times: about 200ms for visual input… but that’s when there’s nothing else happening and the user is conducting an experiment. not while lazer beamz are flying all over the place, 20 sounds are playing at once, you’re checking the radar and spinning 360 degrees… your reaction time will be lower than 200ms. in the range of 350-500ms up to 1 second (this isn’t an experiment where you press a single key, you have to dodge using multiple keys)… 50 due to the lag above. another 200 accounts for network lag. dodging the hitbox of a singularity also takes time… so technically this is impossible. so 250ms+ for the above factors, plus a 350-500ms reaction = 600-750ms… for a projectile that will hit you in 0.15-0.3 seconds… seems legit…


You keep bringing numbers that have next to nothing to do with the way game plays, how about you actually fly and understand how it works for once?


is this related to the discussion in any way? it seems to be some sort of ill-disguised troll attempt.


We already have enough individuals here that love to bring false theorycrafting into the discussion and keep been proven wrong 


‘being’ proven wrong. more correctly stated thusly: ‘continue to be proven wrong’.

why would you deserve to die? what other weapon does this?.. before singularity… it was no problem…

Because a) in order for him to get to you that close and stay there = you had to be immobile, hence you deserve to die; b) you charged him upfront all the way while he shoots singularities into you, hence you deserve to die. 


plus, if you fly in 300m of my jericho guard… you WILL die… right after i pop a torpedo point blank on both of us.

_ weren’t you just talking about OP singularity canon? I said except for jerichos guards because they are so slow and immobile, even then you do not want to simply charge into group of enemies with no support _

plus why shot the torp in 300 range to get hit yourself, while you can hit it at 750+ range and don’t get any damage? (oh, and you know, “smart” commands/ gunships will take next to no dmg from your torp, and they will not go to your guard that close, there is no need) 


irrelevant, your client will not even register the shot before it is fired… ping times… not to mention your reaction time isn’t fast enough to even begin to dodge.

_ you are not gonna die in 1 shot, not 2 shots, so even if you hit 2 than what happens? _


is this related to the discussion in any way? it seems to be some sort of ill-disguised troll attempt.

_ you bring irrelevant information from your head, why cant i? _


‘being’ proven wrong. more correctly stated thusly: ‘continue to be proven wrong’.


plus, if you fly in 300m of my jericho guard… you WILL die… right after i pop a torpedo point blank on both of us.

_ weren’t you just talking about OP singularity canon? I said except for jerichos guards because they are so slow and immobile, even then you do not want to simply charge into group of enemies with no support _


disregard that comment, i edited it out 1 sec after i posted it… whenever i hear jericho, i think LRF… :\


as for the rest… no comment… it was all previously explained.

Keep it friendly guys.

in any case, if you’re going to keep the projectile speed then reduce the hitbox size/overall size of the plasma ball. also reduce damage to reflect the fact that is it an alpha+aoe weapon.


if you reduce the projectile speed, well… let’s just say slow projectiles aren’t always the best idea… but then you’d still need to reduce the damage a bit, but size could remain the same.

also, it’s pretty impossible to dodge a projectile that large moving at 1500+ m/s at 300m.

that gives you 0.2 secs to react and move out of the way. not only is your reaction time not fast enough, you also have to dodge the AOE hitbox of that thing.

even at 500, that’s 0.33 secs to react and dodge.

at 1000m, 0.66 secs, which is completely possible.


if you look carefully, the Singularity Orb only appears after 300-400m I think. Could be more. My SOP when using the gun is to keep targets minimum 1,000m away. Close range, I more often will ‘overshoot’ the target.




smaller ORB size would be nice

but damage is good

no particular opinions on projectile speed. i can work with anything faster than a torp.

Keep it friendly guys.

That’s waaaay gone. People were friendly on page 40 or something. It’s been downhill ever since.

well you can start with smaller orb size, but technically, damage on an alpha/aoe weapon should be lower.


plus, it has other advantages. it’s harder to see/hear in large battles, whereas you can hear rails no problem for example. or someone firing mortars. harder to see mortars, but you can see rails no prob.


most of the other weapons have distinct sounds… this one doesn’t… it’s kind of… muffled…


upon dying to a singularity the only expression on someone’s face is… ‘wtf’… generally speaking.