Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0 Discussion

In-fact they might not even if you did - coz game content is done, bills paid, time to cash in.


i suppose, if you happen to think that some cash is better than a lot of cash.


problem with ‘end-game content’ is that you need a actual open-world mmo to pull it off. and this frankly isn’t one, and never will be. whatever update they are planning certainly won’t be on the scale of wow,gw or tera. not even one tenth/twentieth the scale.


for example, once people realize how long it takes to get experimental mods at T3, what are they chances they’ll play on to T5… this is ignoring the frigball, suicide nuke, missile and ecm spam in higher tiers… seriously… most of the time people just sit there behind rocks, scared of that spam… poking at eachother for half the game the entire game, or sitting at their beacons in capture the beacons, or cheesing domination, or turtling around the commander… :\


not to mention that there are no ‘characters’ here… no armor to dress them in… besides paint jobs up to t2 :\ no vast skillsets to conquer the 50,000 unique enemies you’ll encounter, etc… there’s nothing to speak of that would ever make this an open world mmorpg. trying to monetize it as such is just weird… certainly won’t win you any fans…


in any case, trying to turn a pve grind (especially one based on F2P) into a pvp game isn’t a good idea either, see: balance issues.


therefore this will never be anything more than a casual game that collects dust on the proverbial hard drive…


i just wish companies would have some vision instead of using these cookie-cutter templates the industry has thrown up…

CS 1.6 is not MMORPG / openworld but broke records on longevity. It’s still played competitively up until only a few years back. Just no monetization but can be easily applied. Heck - tonnes of other shooters show that it can.


Some cash vs Alotta cash really depends on how Star Conflict was financed and plans on how it will continue to be financed. From an investment point of view it can go either way and still be considered A-OK


As far as module quality, rewards, balance etc - it comes down to the decisions that publisher/dev have already made. It aint gonna change unless it is shown that the alternative makes more money with minimal technical cost.


Arguing balance and logic without that in mind will prove fruitless.

Reality in my book as 1600 DSR, all three factions levelled to T5 game veteran: DPS/efficiency difference between mk2 and mk3 of the same tier is marginal, effective ship difference fits into error margin and is largely irrelevant. It’s far more important to get a drop on the enemy and to know how to hit them in the right place at the right time rather than have better gear to the point where having purple gear will do nothing to save you if you do not know how to play well when opponent in mk2 does. Ship ranks matter much more but mainly due to implants rather than stats gained from increasing tiers, and even ranks matter less than having skill to consistently make situationally correct plays.

It’s cooldown and range difference between gear levels that have the big impact, in particular when stacked with ship bonuses. And ship ranks do matter loads where they still come with slot differences.

I do agree with the rest of your post though, skill has a bigger impact than gear.



While this did earn you a chuckle (despite being way out of line), at least the devs should not dismiss his sentiment just like you did. It’s mainly psychological. If a new player’s death recap is always fully blue/yellow and purple while they only have white themselves and they know that they are a looong way off from changing their own gear situation it might frustrate them into leaving. I think that’s what beta was trying to say at least. Of course it might also frustrate them into just buying the yellow gear. Who knows, only the devs have the numbers.

Last warning, stay on topic!

A reminder to everyone, please stick to discussing the contents of the patch.



If you have nothing productive to say, simply say nothing at all.

here’s a discussion for the patch


singularity cannon:


projectile speed implant mod: +30%

parallax: +35%

booster circuit: +50%


+115% projectile speed?


2000m/s singularity?


broken much?


what other mods can you get on that?..


all this patch did was break more stuff…


even without the parallax, it’s 1700m/s or something. pretty sure there are other ways to boost it.


2 or 3-shot any interceptor or a tackler basically. unless they have EM resists, then maybe 4… but that’s assuming they are full health… and no hit sound. if their shields are down it’s 2 shots at most…


i don’t even think this weapon has a right to exist. on an assault, you can get multiple shots off 1 ofter another. no time to react, no hit sound… just instadeath.

here’s a discussion for the patch


singularity cannon:


projectile speed implant mod: +30%

parallax: +35%

booster circuit: +50%


+115% projectile speed?


2000m/s singularity?

I’m not sure completely how it works, but:


1.3*1.35*1.5 = 2.6325 or +263.25% increase.

1600m/s without the R6 Jericho, 1800m/s with the R6 Jericho.



Some ships are clearly dedicated to use the Singularity Cannon…


I love all the ninja nerf that appeard on some ships. Not mentionned in the patch note.




@Oldspice : It’s BaseProjectilSpeed + (%bonus1BaseProjectilespeed)+(%bonus2BaseProjectilespeed) ect ect.

All the cumulative value are calculated with the Base Projectile Speed for each bonus.

1850m/s with 2300 dps AOE… :\ what other mods can you get with that… lol… im pretty sure there gotta be another mod in R8/9 i cant see yet…


1535m/s without the parallax.

Fun two see two people fail at math in a row :smiley:


Regardless, if ship bonus is overpowered, ship bonus should be looked at. Not the weapon that becomes more powerful because of the bonus on one single premium ship. That said, sacrificing 50% crit damage for 30% projectile speed on a gunship that relies on crits to deliver the damage… is strange to say the least.

@Oldspice : It’s BaseProjectilSpeed + (%bonus1BaseProjectilespeed)+(%bonus2BaseProjectilespeed) ect ect.

All the cumulative value are calculated with the Base Projectile Speed for each bonus.

So they stack, not multiply?


I’ve been wanting to know that for a while, thanks.

Fun two see two people fail at math in a row :smiley:

Almost falling off my chair laughing here.


Very simple:


100% = 1.

130% = 1.3.


I was under the impression that bonuses multiply, so:


1.30*1.35 = 1.755

1.755*1.50 = 2.6325


Therefore, 100*2.6325 = 263.25, which is the percentage increase.

It has already been demonstrated. Do you want me to copy and paste?

Please do.


Calculate the projectile speed increase as a percentage, not as an actual value, for the given bonuses of +30%, +35% and +50%.

Regardless, if ship bonus is overpowered, ship bonus should be looked at. Not the weapon that becomes more powerful because of the bonus on one single premium ship. That said, sacrificing 50% crit damage for 30% projectile speed on a gunship that relies on crits to deliver the damage… is strange to say the least.


you’d have to hit a ship 7 times for a crit to apply with singularity. 4 times if you have the implant.


most ships will die before that. unless you just want to attack frigates.


plus, hard to hit inties without a speed boost on a singularity. otherwise… this thing makes it completely possible.


well, 1535m/s is still a bit high for a weapon like that… assuming that is the limit… and there are no other mods which will exceed it. in that case parallax needs a fix.


anyways, i still don’t think this weapon has a right to exist :\

Anyways, i still don’t think this weapon has a right to exist :\

Area of Effect weapons should not have penetration capabilities under any circumstances.


Without R6 jericho on the Parallax



With R6 Jericho on the Parallax.



Everytime with a MK3 Circuit booster

That is laughably broken.

That is laughably broken.

Stole the words right out of my mouth.

that is as fast as a stock coil mortar.


with WAY more dps, slightly less range, less spread (thanks in part to parallax perks)… and AOE

that is as fast as a stock coil mortar.


with WAY more dps, more range, less spread (thanks in part to parallax perks)… and AOE


And is not affected by explosion damage reducing implant too.


Anything else?

So they stack, not multiply?


I’ve been wanting to know that for a while, thanks.


The bonus is calculated vs. the base values - so yes, they stack in an additive rather than a multiplicative manner.