Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

In some maps, you have little asteroids, big as 1 or 2 frigates, when you touch then you take dammage, but with slow movement, you can fly with them, or play football by throwing them on enemy ship :smiley: (take sooooo muchhhh timmmeeeee)

I will try to take a screen for you today.

Yeah. Whenever I do that, I just fling the rock to the other side of the map for some reason… Practice makes perfect, then.

In some maps, you have little asteroids, big as 1 or 2 frigates, when you touch then you take dammage, but with slow movement, you can fly with them, or play football by throwing them on enemy ship :smiley: (take sooooo muchhhh timmmeeeee)

I will try to take a screen for you today.


I seriously just noticed those rocks today and thought they were pretty neat.

I also agree about the jericho frigate’s squishy torpedoes not being on par with the desintegrator. I mean, they *can* be nice for drones, but you can also fly anything else and take out the drones just as fast. Other than that, they tend to just be shot down. A literal boom or bust, except your boom isn’t all that impressive [and I too could have sworn it was 500m]. The neat dreadnaught missile types would be cool, and I doubt it’d make them op.

As for the minefields, I was never quite able to figure out how they work. I know they are on a timer and can only hurt a single ship up to four times [though this has proven to not be a problem]. Can you actually minesweep them, or do they stay for the full timer? Of course I prefer it to be minesweepable. I’ve noticed that their range in comparison to their visuals are often questionable, I don’t know if that’s on purpose. Anywho, minefield spam at the end of a beacon hunt can and will guarantee a victory without a fight at the moment. I wouldn’t suggest just simple nerfing or anything, but some form of counter that would actually be viable [like making them also set off by missiles, making minefield clouds anti-missile but still spending that one ping that would have been a ship. Note this is not ‘missile takes out entire minefield’].

Edit: It seems they are minesweepable. Apparently the enemy teams have just had a TON of them out.



For pve, when everybody has t3 ships in hangar, WHY is the enemy strength always t4?

I’m a rank 9 so I run t3 class II ships but I have never been in a pure t3 match or pve session per se, it always defaults to t4 and it’s xxxx too hard.

Is anyone else having this problem?

I also agree about the jericho frigate’s squishy torpedoes not being on par with the desintegrator. I mean, they *can* be nice for drones, but you can also fly anything else and take out the drones just as fast. Other than that, they tend to just be shot down. A literal boom or bust, except your boom isn’t all that impressive [and I too could have sworn it was 500m]. The neat dreadnaught missile types would be cool, and I doubt it’d make them op.


The old explosion radius was 500 (if I’m not wrong one of the Jericho subfaction’s bonus pumps it up to 800). Now it’s 300. 


It does get shot down a little too easily, but sometimes I don’t encounter a single enemy guard frigate in my matches, so my torpedoes don’t get destroyed prematurely. 




Edit: It seems they are minesweepable. Apparently the enemy teams have just had a TON of them out.


Really? How do you do that? I hate being on the receiving end of minefields.

For pve, when everybody has t3 ships in hangar, WHY is the enemy strength always t4?

I’m a rank 9 so I run t3 class II ships but I have never been in a pure t3 match or pve session per se, it always defaults to t4 and it’s xxxx too hard.

Is anyone else having this problem?


I don’t know if squads going into PvE will make enemies ‘stronger’ like it does in PvP, but it’s a possibility. Then again, I don’t know how to tell when a PvE match is actually at T4 level rather than T3. Didn’t one of the recet patches end up boosting Enemy effectiveness though?


The old explosion radius was 500 (if I’m not wrong one of the Jericho subfaction’s bonus pumps it up to 800). Now it’s 300. 


It does get shot down a little too easily, but sometimes I don’t encounter a single enemy guard frigate in my matches, so my torpedoes don’t get destroyed prematurely. 





Really? How do you do that? I hate being on the receiving end of minefields.


I don’t even know if subfaction bonuses on ships even apply anymore now that F abilities are no longer exclusive, but you are right, one of the subfaction’s ships had a larger blast radius while the other had faster, more maneuverable missiles.

Minesweepingwise, you fly in and get yourself killed, hopefully setting off absolutely all the minefields possible. In actuallity, I’m pretty sure you need to get a single minefield to go off four times on your ship, then it should dissapear. I’ve never done or seen it, but I have seen my own minefields dissapear before the time limit, meaning they had to have gone off.

Minefields’ description specifically states that they vanish after either hitting the time cap or after being triggered 4 times. I routinely pop them on beacons when flying either a command fighter or a guard frigate to make it easier for my allies.



For pve, when everybody has t3 ships in hangar, WHY is the enemy strength always t4?

I’m a rank 9 so I run t3 class II ships but I have never been in a pure t3 match or pve session per se, it always defaults to t4 and it’s xxxx too hard.

Is anyone else having this problem?

We are aware of this issue, and it is in work.

Another issues is I am level 11 in empire and playing t3 pvp or pve, I always get t4 loot,


can this system be adjusted so that the loot is the same tier as the match u r playing in or the tier of the ship you are using?

If you use rank 7, 8 ships you have a better chance to get t3 loot, when you hit rank 9, you get more t4 stuff to help prepare you for t4 rather than start you out empty there.

Yes, that is correct - you’re getting more t4 loot when you start flying on r9 ships - it is done this way to prepare you for switching on t4 - so that you had some equipment when you get there.

so i will never get t2/t3 loot anymore and ppl who already do will continue to dominate?

so i will never get t2/t3 loot anymore and ppl who already do will continue to dominate?

why? I’ve got a lot of epics after patch. Seems that you are just unlucky. New chance of getting epic for free is higher than prior loot change mechanics. I didn’t seen any epics for atleast 3 months before and now I got 10-15 during two weeks for free!

so i will never get t2/t3 loot anymore and ppl who already do will continue to dominate?


If that is what you want, you then naturally fly ships from rank6 to rank8 in order to increase t2/t3 loot without t4 loot in rank9.



Or did you do the beginners mistake and sold all of your low level ships?  :wink:

You cannot actually sell low-level ships. You can always get back to them.

Also, you can put ships of the same rank into your battle slots and you will be placed in que for that rank - you will get enemies of, say T2 and drop for T2. 

ah my bad - i read it saying that once you reach a higher rank you’re doomed to get only even higher tier loot.


so if I wanted T3 loot I just keep flying T2 ships? If so then it’s all good :slight_smile:

I get the whole gambit of T1 through T4

so you will still get T2 stuff when you play your T2 ships

This is the type of things youll get from my own experiences from tier 2 & 3 ships


Rank 4 ships = Tier 1 (Experimental only), Tier 2 loot

Rank 5 ships = Tier 2 loot

Rank 6 ships = Tier 2, Tier 3 loot


Rank 7 ships = Tier 2 (Experimental Only), Tier 3 loot

Rank 8 ships = Tier 3 loot

Tank 9 ships = Tier 3, Tier 4 loot

id have to agree with JasanQuinn. if star conflict is a mmo, then so is star craft and counter-strike and we know thats not true. you guys need to make some kind of worldish feel to the game if u call it mmo and i for one would love if u made universe worth bieng in…when u get to t4 then there is not much to do… i would advise: races in heavy debrie or inside a death…emm space station, a orbit/dock butten were you would orbit a dreagnought / space station in a afk chat room/space were other players could see eachothers ships meby do a bit of tha old trading…and more missons lots more…and bieng able to select missones as u please, meby a single player pve mode vs waves with big AI space fleets dukeing it out…more more more mmo


thx again.



For pve, when everybody has t3 ships in hangar, WHY is the enemy strength always t4?

I’m a rank 9 so I run t3 class II ships but I have never been in a pure t3 match or pve session per se, it always defaults to t4 and it’s xxxx too hard.

Is anyone else having this problem?

That is how the game works atm, later on you will have a matching opponents. Well, they are matching even now, it’s just that it’s not the best idea to go into pve on T3 right away )

Are there further changes planned for the new camera concerning interceptors and Fighters ?