Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

carefully thought-out tactics to deceive players to buy.

Do you really think when the devs removed friendly fire they were thinking “muahaha, this will buff nukes to insanely effective levels, leading players to buy the Strong fighter. Finally our nefarious plan that began with giving the Strong 9 missile slots a year ago is coming to fruition”.

If so I have some great deals on tinfoil headgear for you.

Jericho Ships With No Bonus’s

t2 Rank 4 Crus Type Q (Premium)

t2 Rank 6 Priest Bartle (Steam DLC)

t3 Rank 9 Ira Deus (Standard)

t3 Rank 9 Katana Type S (Standard)

t4 Rank 12 Lance type S (Standard)


Federation Ships With No Bonus’s

T1 Rank 2 Raptor (Standard)

T2 Rank 4 Honor (Premium)

T2 Rank 6 Alligator-M (Standard)

T3 Rank 7 Alligator MKIII (Premium) 

T4 Rank 12 Grizzly-M (Standard)


Empire Ships With No Bonus’s



There are also alot of ships with almost no bonus’s or bonus’s that make little sense… like… effectiveness for recon modules… Only would apply to parasitic shield, all the rest of the mods arent helped by that.


I think that would be a good thing to look at and have modified for next patch, since only a few lines of code would likely be needed to be added or removed per ship. 


Though the strong is now INFERIOR to the other t3 command ships since they have better ship bonus’s regardless of the 6 heavy artillary slots. Just my opinion since it only has a 20% missile reload speed now.


Devs looked through data sheets and explained me this:

Those ships indeed do not have bonuses. But (!) they do have another thing about them: some of their stats are better than those of other ships, I mean stats like energy regeneration speed, strafe speed, sensors range and so on. Those stats are better, and because of that devs decided not to add tooltip bonuses to not OP those ships. So in fact they are not inferior, they are just better in other way than bonuses. 

Next week, there will be an article on that topic in devblogs. 

The problem is… it still is P2W. Rather, it’s Pay to do Anything.


And these CovOps changes are just hell in T3s. Right now, it’s either blinking red masses of Minefields on Beacons (so much that you CANNOT see the Beacon itself) or suicidal Nukes on Recon Captains. 


OK, here’s a suggestion for the minefields problem then (I find them annoying at times too):  Triggering one minefield chain-triggers any that are overlapping, possibly with diminishing returns on multiple minefields. This way people have to be more careful where they put them, and spamming them only causes extra pain to the first ship to hit them. This is semi-realistic and could spawn interesting tactics like sending in a guard or engo frigate first to clear out all the mines.

Of course if this is already the case I’ll shut up :slight_smile:  

I’m making a few assumptions on how minefields work here, but would the following be possible?


Let’s say that Minefield A has a 60 second lifespan and can hit up to four ships (or one ship four times). Minefield B has a 90 second lifespan but can only hit two ships. Both are planted by the same team and their areas overlap.


Because they overlap, the game now treats it as a single minefield. Once one of the fields meets its “de-spawn” criteria, both minefields are removed.

This sounds too complicated to develop just for the sake of balance. If minefields are such a big problem why not just nerf them a little and decrease dps, or maybe half damage and increase number of explosions, so it is less of a punishing burst dps if you enter a minefield.


Since we were already talking about it, I also think ships could use a bit more variations to tone down the power creep. Specially the rank 4, 5, 7’s and 8’s, which could fit some niche spots like machete did, right now it mostly makes sense to use top tier ranks only.


Another example with ECM’s in tier 3: R8 jericho ecm has same increased ecm range bonus as R9 empire ecm (which makes it the most desirable trait in an ecm), which is considerably better choice. Lower ranks could do with some more appeal and usefulness, since as of now there is no reason to use jericho one in favor of the empire.

Here is an idea to fix power creep with midrank ships:  you could rework the sinergy system so lower ranks would have much more sinergy levels to gain, and higher ranks would start off with higher base level and thus less grind needed to make them fully powerful.


I am talking about sinergy levels 1-50 here, R4 start at 1, R5 at 20 and R6 at 40, while all ships are able to attain max level 50. Leveling  would take considerably longer this way and would also make much more sense to actually get sinergy - since all R4-R6 ships are equal in power once leveled up to 50, but with different stats so we get more variety this way.


You would still have a choice not to grind a low ranked ship and just buy the R6 when possible, or if you want a bit of a different gameplay, level your lower rank which would get you a nice reward, a more unique ship that can compare to R6 and give your more options, equals more interesting which is also more fun.

Nerfing premiums is always hard decision. But sometimes it is not avoidable. OPness of Strong was so obvious to think that this last forever


My friends Strong owners keep telling that Strong is still the best Command ship at t3. But now it takes some skill to fly.

As it stands:

1, Strong is the best command ship for T3 - six minefields with 20% faster recharge, others have only one. Command ship’s main task is support and defense, and minefields are an excellent support tool. It’s still by far the best command ship in the game, it just isn’t a two button wonder any more.


  1. Desert Eagle is the best gunship at T3 - Wolf-M is a gunship with interceptor’s survivability but without interceptor’s speed making it on par with imperial T6 interceptors in terms of total effectiveness.


  1. Bear is still the best tackler in T3. There aren’t even any credit-based tacklers on R9.


  1. Deimon is still the best recon in T3. There aren’t even any credit-based recons at T9.


5, Crus type A is the best long range in T3. It’s a stat-improved version of Ira Deus. If you need desintegrator version of long range for some reason, Sigurdr is the only R9 available.


Conclusion: 5/9 T3 ship classes are still pay to win. Although to a much lesser degree then before with Strong.


On a positive side, at least covert ops and ECM ints that are credit-based are slightly better then their gold brethren, while credit based imperial engineers is head and shoulders above the only available gold based engineer, through that is mostly because of faction issues.

Thank you CensoredbyAdmin (i was sleeping xD)


About the Strong : 


There was, and I will not mention any names. Players hogged the first use of the Strong. They used it as a nuclear bomber in groups of two (sometimes three) since the FF has been deleted and were throwing two nuclear bombs by beacons. This made any fight next to the beacon impossible.

I only play Guard and Long Range, and when I used my Guard (Very slow, very little range but super resistant) before the last patch, I saw nuclear bombs exploding everywhere … Already that one hurt terribly, then several more combos than the number carried the strong.

We got unplayable game for things other than Guards except that no mobility is can’t win a beacon Hunt or domination.


The premium ships are vessels that save their owner time (not level up, no repair). We can earn money faster and enjoy the ship directly after purchase.


The premium ships should not be so different from other ships they automatically ensure victory.



About Long Range :


I do not know if the devs will think this, but:


Rework the LR …

Let me explain, the idea of ​​having a sniper is very good! But not consistent with what you’ve done lately (We will not speak of buff interceptors huh).

Give us a few things that really justifies the low resistance of these vessels and not only 6 guns.




To stay in the optical already established between Empire and Federation:


We keep the principle: Laser Missile Empire and Jericho but is improving.




We can, for example, and in view of the location of one of the devs, starting on the basis of a Canon Supernova (As Furious Abyss: D), laser artillery bow (Eastern Terminus) or a Saint Elme’s fire gun (see Cosmowarrior Zero).

Because pewpewpew Disintegrator, A lot of thing are better to pressure or have the class.


1: It can be seen when a sniper is shooting at us … SUPER for a sniper! discretion guaranteed!


2: In addition to being in the paper, pull it up with a sign written on COME KILL ME! I SHOOT ON YOUR ENGINEERS!


3: They are super hard to master for new players.


Transform the real NAVAL ARTILLERY!

Put her portside and starboard guns and made it shoot laser bursts.

At least, Snipers modules correspond perfectly to the empire.

Anyway you probably know what I mean (I hope)


For Jericho


It’s really hard to pass in the LR jericho missile carrier?

You have shown us through the PvE missions of sabotage dreadnought that you have lots of ideas for missiles and rockets.

We take the current torpedo, one thrown in the trash because the AMS, FLARES, and other BEEP BEEP BEEP allow players to see arrive at 50km. (not to mention the disgusting maneuverability and speed …)


We put a rocket launcher in place of the torpedo, with proper scope, relevant and sufficient damage radius.


You combine all with active modules to change the type of shoots special module.


A module to make a superb rocket nova! The big ball of fire! (with a smaller radius and a shorter and less damage)

And when I say moin damage, it really is a lot less! a kind of dissuasion module.


A small module that can launch a small rocket salvo increasing dispersal rockets, reducing their range and damage.


ect ect …


And I SAID ROCKET ! no missile, no torp ! Same principle as Empire : Good aim needed !


Finally, There is even no need to increase the stats of LR with such ideas, they remain frigates built for damage and not tanking or healing.

That is a great idea. I would love to see some more bling bling on lfr’s. On a side note, I think torpedo just needs a bigger radius and faster speed.

Okay, I will try to convey this missile idea to devs, but to be on the safe side post it in the suggestions section of our forum too. 

Working in progress :D 


Also i forget to reup something !

that explain this reply :




That is a great idea. I would love to see some more bling bling on lfr’s. On a side note, I think torpedo just needs a bigger radius and faster speed.


It already does “equal” damage to the sniper gun, but in a 300m radius. (Used to be 500m radius i swear)

Problem is, to avoid being an easy target you need to sit far away…

by the time you launch the torpedo, you have time to… get a drink, go to the bathroom, feed the dog, drive to the store to get smokes… and then come back and the torpedo will almost be at its target… or would be if you didn’t get killed sometime in the time it takes for the torpedo to get anywhere. Obviously I’m padding the time a little there. but considering that when you launch… and reach just say… 6500m, thats 10 seconds… Thats enough time for a covert ops inty to kill you well… 10 times. And you dont even get the chance for the torpedo to explode… so its just nothing. and even if you do get there… theres likely a guard frigate with a missile shield that will just pop your torpedo


Meanwhile, the empire frig has made 3 shots from behind you, killed the ships you were aiming for, saw you die from the inty, dropped mines and killed the inty on its way to him. Only to die from the other covert ops inty a second later since he turned and moves his end out of the minefield.

Working in progress :D 


Also i forget to reup something !

that explain this reply :

That is awesome… Good work there man, really. Only one thing I would change on it though and that is the EM scattering field doesnt stop empire snipers in most cases since doesnt it break if you move? Or at least it used to and since your stationary, if they fire to the same spot they will still hit you.


On the other mark

On my t3 guardship, empire and torpedo (if it actually gets to me which is rare) only do about 2-3k a hit and is healed before the next one can hit me

Okay, I will try to convey this missile to devs, but to be on the safe side post it in the suggestions section of our forum too. 


what about the sinergy leveling system I suggested?


@Rakza: wow that looks like a lot of work lol. at first I actually thought this is made up stats but than I saw it’s real. good job, i’ll check that later

Devs looked through data sheets and explained me this:

Those ships indeed do not have bonuses. But (!) they do have another thing about them: some of their stats are better than those of other ships, I mean stats like energy regeneration speed, strafe speed, sensors range and so on. Those stats are better, and because of that devs decided not to add tooltip bonuses to not OP those ships. So in fact they are not inferior, they are just better in other way than bonuses. 

Next week, there will be an article on that topic in devblogs. 

Stats that we can no longer see on the Ship UI. It used to be possible to see the ship’s full stats and equipment slots. You can’t do that anymore. Why is that?



As for the Minefield convo that spawned earlier: Overlapping Minefields will still hurt Frigates badly because you’re not just dealing with the mines, you’re dealing with the enemy ships around them… Treating overlapped Minefields as just a single one is a nice solution, though.

1)That is awesome… Good work there man, really. Only one thing I would change on it though and that is the EM scattering field doesnt stop empire snipers in most cases since doesnt it break if you move? Or at least it used to and since your stationary, if they fire to the same spot they will still hit you.


2)On the other mark

On my t3 guardship, empire and torpedo (if it actually gets to me which is rare) only do about 2-3k a hit and is healed before the next one can hit me


  1. Sniping directly after spawning is bad ! When i use my empire LR i use one of this little asteroid as shield :smiley: and I move it with me :smiley: So using EM scattering behind this little rock is a good counter :smiley: And when i did this spreadsheet, i used my own strategy.


  1. Cause guard are not supposed to be focus by LR, engineer and commands should be our primary target
  1. Sniping directly after spawning is bad ! When i use my empire LR i use one of this little asteroid as shield :smiley: and I move it with me :smiley: So using EM scattering behind this little rock is a good counter :smiley: And when i did this spreadsheet, i used my own strategy.


  1. Cause guard are not supposed to be focus by LR, engineer and commands should be our primary target

Might I add as well, the way I use my torpedo ship is move with the squad through warpgates and use torpedos for midrange bacon swarm clean (saves travel time if you fire up closer, 2-5 clicks is ideal, I never bother with firing further from 6), and support with taking down what I can with my mid range main weapons since 6 of them still pack a nice punch. Also have 2 minefields in reserve when we’re advancing on a beacon early. Don’t even have to use em scattering field since I move a lot, will probably switch that to something else. 


Got some good success playing this way, but it’s definetely not easy to do it, and sure isn’t a game winner (actually it’s more risky when I play this ship but also kind of fun when you manage to do a triple interceptor kill. With so many of them flying around these days, they make a good target for mass murder). 

Also more effective if you team up with a friend to fire torpedoes simultaneously at midrange, but still provides a risk since things can quickly go wrong this way. 

  1. Sniping directly after spawning is bad ! When i use my empire LR i use one of this little asteroid as shield :smiley: and I move it with me :smiley: So using EM scattering behind this little rock is a good counter :smiley: And when i did this spreadsheet, i used my own strategy.


  1. Cause guard are not supposed to be focus by LR, engineer and commands should be our primary target

Two things I did not know about Snipers. Then again, I’ve barely touched any Frigates after the ship revamp other than Guards… This is good to know.


Also, how did you manage to move the rock with you? Every time I tried to, I keep bouncing the rock into oblivion…

Stats that we can no longer see on the Ship UI. It used to be possible to see the ship’s full stats and equipment slots. You can’t do that anymore. Why is that?



As for the Minefield convo that spawned earlier: Overlapping Minefields will still hurt Frigates badly because you’re not just dealing with the mines, you’re dealing with the enemy ships around them… Treating overlapped Minefields as just a single one is a nice solution, though.

It is possible:

As of this patch, we have made two types of ships tooltips - Brief and Full. 

Short one is the one that you see now (it is made this way to not overload new players with lots of info), to switch back to the Full one, you just need to go to the Options screen, click Game and find ‘Default tooltip display’ dropbox. Change it to Full and will all be as it was. 

Once again:

Options -> Game ->Default tooltip display.

Two things I did not know about Snipers. Then again, I’ve barely touched any Frigates after the ship revamp other than Guards… This is good to know.


Also, how did you manage to move the rock with you? Every time I tried to, I keep bouncing the rock into oblivion…


In some maps, you have little asteroids, big as 1 or 2 frigates, when you touch then you take dammage, but with slow movement, you can fly with them, or play football by throwing them on enemy ship :smiley: (take sooooo muchhhh timmmeeeee)

I will try to take a screen for you today.