Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

Seems like good changes! 

Didnt even know there were ships with 3 missile slots…

A Large Missile slot for all interceptors? Oh noez, my Dwarf 2 supremacy is finally over :slight_smile:

Am I correct in thinking that means nukes can only be equipped by covops now? Quite a change. Since I don’t know of a covops with more than one large missile slot that should make nukes pretty rare.

And you fixed PVE loot too.

Sounds pretty good.

please make a better crosshair so we can aim proplery…i tryed to fix this my self by pokeing my inplant with a hydraspaner but it dident work. and a missile lock on thingy. offen i use a homing missile by mistake cus om out of rockets wich then just flys away with no target…thats not very hi tech

Yay!! Nukes for my interceptor(i rather use octopus). Love all changes ( dnt know about the camera change) :lol:

A Large Missile slot for all interceptors? Oh noez, my Dwarf 2 supremacy is finally over :slight_smile:

Am I correct in thinking that means nukes can only be equipped by covops now? Quite a change. Since I don’t know of a covops with more than one large missile slot that should make nukes pretty rare.

And you fixed PVE loot too.

Sounds pretty good.

Well, it looks like they’re giving virtually all the Covert Ops large missile slots at the same time as this class restriction goes in, so nukes won’t be any rarer than Covert Ops Interceptors.  So, nukes will still be fairly common, just less spamming since they wouldn’t do something silly like give all Covert Ops nine slots for large missiles.  Right?


I’m scared, hold me…

Well, I’m assuming they gave them all 1 slot like the Dwarf 2, in which case even pessimistically that’s 1 nuke per player.

It’s great that the Strong and Machete will be nerfed, but since all Covert Ops will be giving the option to use nukes, so we may see many interceptor beacon nukers in the future, let’s see how that works out.

I think not, with the camera “fix” maybe many others frigate user come back to use frigates and the frigate party will start.

New Marketing target detected :


Operation “Strong” is over !


Go on the “Eagle Plan B”


Am I correct in thinking that means nukes can only be equipped by covops now? Quite a change. Since I don’t know of a covops with more than one large missile slot that should make nukes pretty rare.

Only Covert Ops as interceptor will take nuke. Frigates, Fighter will take nuke as usual.



This 'ceptor buff is a non-sense. Since when little mosquito should be able to have a better burst (Plasma web/Plasma arc/Nuke/Self Destruct) than a Gunship made for this?


This game no more need Meta or strategy… Just NUKE.



Pulsar is not enough to afraid them since the last buff hull/Shield. 

Emergency barrier allow them to bypass minefield and now allow them to survive to their own nuke.




Gynships have the thing to increase critical hit and the overdrive, then he outdamage cove ops. If anyone have problem with the plasma arc, just stack thermal resistence. When a interceptor use the arc he turn in a stationary target, havng thermal resistence will null a great part of damage and you will have a easy target.(why i teaching peaplo to kill the ship i play most).


About the update: I like the fed engynerig sligh buff(more shield and hull= alttle more surv) and the empire little “nerf” on shield(they are all about hull in first place)

when will this pach go live i wonder?


* Инженерные фрегаты Империи: незначительно снижен объем щита и прочность корпуса.

* Инженерные фрегаты Федерации: незначительно увеличен объем щита и прочность корпуса.


it tells that

Empire Engineering frigates: Slightly reduced shield and hull strength.


Patchnotes updated

when will this pach go live i wonder?

tomorrow most likely.

it tells that

Empire Engineering frigates: Slightly reduced shield and hull strength.

nope, just says shield…

unless, ofcourse, google translate is xxxx…which wouldnt be surprising :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm, translating into english it does say shield…hmm…i guess it did have a bit too much EHP :stuck_out_tongue:


edit: good thing it got nerfed before I bought it :3

nope, just says shield…

unless, ofcourse, google translate is xxxx…which wouldnt be surprising :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm, translating into english it does say shield…hmm…i guess it did have a bit too much EHP :stuck_out_tongue:


edit: good thing it got nerfed before I bought it :3

I’m Russian so I know what I’m talking about :slight_smile: Russian patchnotes  about shield and hull. English patchnotes about shield only. Somewhere is mistake :slight_smile:


Patchnotes updated

tomorrow most likely.


To be exact, in 13 hours I think.

Sounds good to me…

I wonder if this will end the Nuklear Overkill in T3 or bring it to a new (even more annoying) dimension. 

Anyway, lets see the changes in action.

Still no additional Bonuses on Lance Type S and Arigato AE thats sad  :sad:

Overall looks good patch. The only thing i’m a bit worried is about what they don’t mention in patchnotes - hidden changes.



and btw.

nope, just says shield…

unless, ofcourse, google translate is xxxx…which wouldnt be surprising :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm, translating into english it does say shield…hmm…i guess it did have a bit too much EHP :stuck_out_tongue:

“объем щита и прочность корпуса.”

щита - shield

и - and

корпуса - hull

Actually you dont need no google translate, nor to understand russian language, to see only words that change are Империи(Emp) to Федерации(Fed) and снижен(*i guess* reduce) to увеличен(*i guess* increase)

Wow devs, you made it again! Now you really pissed me off as well. It is just getting worse every single patch.


Change to Kalah - I can accept, still worth it. I am really sad to see nerf to Machete, that was really a unique ship and not that op since it was only R4, I really enjoyed the playstyle of it. R.I.P. Machete. But what you did to Strong is unacceptable. This is an insult to paying customers.


We paid 15€ for that goddamn ship because we want to have fun dropping nukes on people. And you give nukes to interceptors instead? What an insult to a paying customer! You cannot sell premium ships for 15€ with a strongpoint in current metagame and than just nerf them into oblivion! You just cannot do that to players that paid so much for a single goddamn ship just because of one reason and everybody knows it! 9 nuke slots was selling point for the Strong. And now you take it away. GG, you just lost another customer , since my faith in you is now totally gone and nothing you do will get it back - except a full refund for my ship since its a piece of junk now. 


If you do major changes such as nerfing Strong missile slots, you should give an option of REFUND or give it some other kind of buff. Not only has it lost the nukes, but missile slots as well.  Or just… DON’T TOUCH IT in the first place. This is really pissing people off. You just cannot play around with balance changes in your game if this is F2P and people paid for certain premium features only. You do that in a Pay 2 Play game as much as you want, since noone has spent money there on a certain build or a skill, or a ship, but do not do that to game changing paid features in F2P!!! 


So WTF should I do with this crap ship now? I allready have the Dragonfly which I also paid for. Give us our money back or just forget about getting any more from me.

Overall looks good patch. The only thing i’m a bit worried is about what they don’t mention in patchnotes - hidden changes.



and btw.

“объем щита и прочность корпуса.”

щита - shield

и - and

корпуса - hull

Actually you dont need no google translate, nor to understand russian language, to see only words that change are Империи(Emp) to Федерации(Fed) and снижен(*i guess* reduce) to увеличен(*i guess* increase)

I’d have to know atleast a bit of russian to even understand any of those words…since right now, they are a big question mark to me