Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

inb4 “they took away my win button” - every strong player in this thread

good job guys, you actualy listen.

thank you.


edit: guess i shouldve refreshed, dohohoho.

Wow devs, you made it again! Now you really pissed me off as well. It is just getting worse every single patch.


Change to Kalah - I can accept, still worth it. I am really sad to see nerf to Machete, that was really a unique ship and not that op since it was only R4, I really enjoyed the playstyle of it. R.I.P. Machete. But what you did to Strong is unacceptable. This is an insult to paying customers.


We paid 15€ for that goddamn ship because we want to have fun dropping nukes on people. And you give nukes to interceptors instead? What an insult to a paying customer! You cannot sell premium ships for 15€ with a strongpoint in current metagame and than just nerf them into oblivion! You just cannot do that to players that paid so much for a single goddamn ship just because of one reason and everybody knows it! 9 nuke slots was selling point for the Strong. And now you take it away. GG, you just lost another customer , since my faith in you is now totally gone and nothing you do will get it back - except a full refund for my ship since its a piece of junk now. 


If you do major changes such as nerfing Strong missile slots, you should give an option of REFUND or give it some other kind of buff. Not only has it lost the nukes, but missile slots as well.  Or just… DON’T TOUCH IT in the first place. This is really pissing people off. You just cannot play around with balance changes in your game if this is F2P and people paid for certain premium features only. You do that in a Pay 2 Play game as much as you want, since noone has spent money there on a certain build or a skill, or a ship, but do not do that to game changing paid features in F2P!!! 


So WTF should I do with this crap ship now? I allready have the Dragonfly which I also paid for. Give us our money back or just forget about getting any more from me.

LOL. Your rage sounds less fundamented then my rage when 0.8.0 hit…

A lot of people agreed Strong was OP, and now it got a nerf. Nukes were used too much in game and they fixed that as well.(Or so I heard, I play T2)

The patchlog can be found [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19876-announcement-star-conflict-obt-v-080-update-3/).

inb4 “they took away my win button” - every strong player in this thread

good job guys, you actualy listen.

thank you.


edit: guess i shouldve refreshed, dohohoho.


it’s not a win button, it was just fun. and I paid for it because I wanted to have fun with nukes in t3. Now I can’t and this makes me both sad and angry. I don’t want nukes on interceptors. That’s just wrong. I want a freaking bomber ship with loads of nukes on it with my <3 nuclear sticker on it. Probably with stealth, would be even better. Because that is cool. And that’s why I got it. If you would buy it for your money as well your arguments would be valid but since you didn’t they are not. It’s easy to complain about the things you don’t have and demand improvements for nonpaying players. Those who pay should have at least some benefit. I’m sure you would feel the same if you would actually bought it yourself.


I am upset because I think it’s not fair to the people who bought it because of it’s features. Now this is gone, and I feel robbed and tricked. Premium ships should not be a subject of major balancing changes, thus making them useless after a while. They could have at least left the missile slots as they were, since it allready lost the nukes so I don’t see the point of nerfing it even further.

Great patch, really nice changes guys.


The Strong changes btw seem justified to me.

Juat bought the strong like 2 days back too. *shrug* Its OP’d with the nuke slots how they were. So was the machette, it made it hard/easy to cap a beacon depending on which teams machette got there first. 

Machette wont be flown anymore by most people who have them… the Strong, is still a viable ship as its command buffs have a 50% distance bonus which is awesome. Not really worth 4k gold standards, but still makes them viable.

As for refunds, it says clearly that because this is still in beta, there wont be any, no matter what, regardless of anything. 


As a side note, I do like the new forum layout… less of a cluster farq.

If devs can fix the bug with buying Standards with Steam, it’s should be fine :smiley:


Actually, i have USD insteand of Euro and i have “Purchase Error. Reason : Galactic Standards transaction error.”

Neutralizing healer squads is made harder by this patch.

it tells that

Empire Engineering frigates: Slightly reduced shield and hull strength.


The quoted portion in your post has been updated and is no longer valid. Both languages now only include shield strength.

If devs can fix the bug with buying Standards with Steam, it’s should be fine :smiley:


Actually, i have USD insteand of Euro and i have “Purchase Error. Reason : Galactic Standards transaction error.”

Please, proceed to our bug report section, (if you haven’t yet). One question before that though - do you use any proxies? This may be because of them.

I know nukes are a big gripe for many players (honestly who needs to carry 9 of those into battle?)

But I’m glad they’re buffing the long range weapons.  As of now they’re ridiculously under powered and a simple fix is to extend their range, rewarding pilots who have good accuracy.   


One problem I’m still noticing is that occasionally, I’ll find myself in a situation where I am practically unable to kill an enemy.  I used a T3 phobos aura that had both increased critical chance (33%), overdrive, and reduced spread.  I’m using pulse lasers, which do massive damage at close range, and I have it equipped to do either thermal or EM damage at my command.  Sometimes in pursuit I’ll have an enemy that just runs around and will soak up literally everything I can throw at them.  Even on overdrive, even sinking every single shot into them with great accuracy at close range.  Something about this situation strikes me as wrong.  I’ve taken a significant number of disadvantages to build a glass cannon that can do the most damage possible for its level, and it still can’t sink an enemy ship?  I wonder if anyone else has encountered these situations.


Just as a followup comment, it’s interesting to see how many paying players are upset that they can no longer just spam nukes with their strong to win the match. The logic of “I paid for this, therefore I deserve to be better and I deserve to win” is attractive, but Star Conflict walks a fine line between being an approachable game for anyone and being a pay to win catastrophe.  So no, I’m sorry but just because you paid for something does not mean you get to one-shot entire squadrons of enemy fighters throughout the whole match.  It makes the game frustrating for them and they’re likely to walk away.  Players always need to feel like they’re in control, and many of the other powerful weapons in the game at least give the option to have some kind of reaction to avoid the damage (like the disintegrator, anomaly, or pulsar)  With nukes there is none of that, and I’m sorry but this nerf was a long time coming.

Pulse lasers dont do jack for damage… just fyi.

That’s crazy that people are upset about the Strong losing it’s 9 nukes!  The thing was OP and was ruining the game in T3.  It’s better to lose a few paying customers than to have a bad game forever.  This patch sounds really good and needed.  The craziest thing is that I might start seriously playing T3 instead of T2.  Great job devs!

all I see is - QQ no easy mode anymore screw u stupid game I quit!



Good patch, most likely it will make T3 enjoyable again, I hope the covops ints will only be able to carry one nuke.

So you really think that Strong change is for the good? I’m still not sure, haven’t played since the patch, but I liked it the way it was. Having 9 of those during nuclear winter was ridiculous fun to me. It’s not that it guaranteed easy wins (far from it if there was just 1 Strong on your team), it was just fun blowing stuff to hell. And it was damn worth the money. Fun factor, not win. That is all. With all the guards around it was still not that easy to set them off anyway. Will really miss the old days.

So you really think that Strong change is for the good? I’m still not sure, haven’t played since the patch, but I liked it the way it was. Having 9 of those during nuclear winter was ridiculous fun to me. It’s not that it guaranteed easy wins (far from it if there was just 1 Strong on your team), it was just fun blowing stuff to hell. And it was damn worth the money. Fun factor, not win. That is all. With all the guards around it was still not that easy to set them off anyway. Will really miss the old days.


While I understand how it feels to have something you paid 15 bucks for, drastically changed,( btw that price is outrageous for a ship)

I think you were too quick and extreme in your reaction without having even tried the new patch.


The Strong is still… strong as a premium command ship, just not the best thing in T3 anymore, balancing it with other premium options, it is likely still better than any other command fighter.

Also, the Strong would not have been able to nuke spam anymore anyway as nukes are now available to Covert Ops only, your Strong wont carry any nukes no matter the number of slots.

Changes in amount of rockets for premium ships was a hard, but necessary decision. We understand your discontent with this, but we also do not want our game to turn into Pay 2 win: 


The state in which premium ships were before this update, was too OP. Nevertheless you must remember, that all premium ships give you a full synergy and don’t need any repairs!

Regarding the Strong and Nuke Spam… I’m going to let Extra Creditz explain why they had to go.


Antibus, I would just like to note how great I find it that you guys are becoming much more vocal and active on these forums as of late, please keep up the interaction with the player base even though it might proof troubling at times, the majority of players will be appreciative.

Please, proceed to our bug report section, (if you haven’t yet). One question before that though - do you use any proxies? This may be because of them.


I don’t know why, but trying this morning and it worked as usual. Probably a little bug from steam !


And i’m not using a proxy :smiley: