Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

I want the old system for the hangar bay or the possibility to choose which system I prefer. I want to choose what I want to see as modules 8recon, restauration and stuff) or which weaponclass (laser, plasma, rail) and so on…

Antibus, I would just like to note how great I find it that you guys are becoming much more vocal and active on these forums as of late, please keep up the interaction with the player base even though it might proof troubling at times, the majority of players will be appreciative.

While they are talking with you they are not working at our game :slight_smile:

Сonclusion: you are sabotaging the development


P.S. Just kidding… Devs interaction is always good

I don’t know why, but trying this morning and it worked as usual. Probably a little bug from steam !


And i’m not using a proxy :smiley:

We’ve had some complaints like this - it seems that somehow most of the players weren’t aware that their overlay was off.

Antibus, I would just like to note how great I find it that you guys are becoming much more vocal and active on these forums as of late, please keep up the interaction with the player base even though it might proof troubling at times, the majority of players will be appreciative.

Thank you for your kind words! We will proceed in this direction to make a great game.

If your gonna change nukes to the interceptors, please put a timer or some visible display to the team of the nuke with a count down timer. I understand that it travels for whatever distance and then blows up, usually about 11 seconds and you could make it detonate faster by making it go near a wall. But most people cannot hear the nuke nor SEE where it has been laid, especially your allies in the game…

This is a good suggestion, I have forwarded it to devs. 

does the camera fix mean that Frigate users wont have the back of their ship blocking their view of the battle area??

does the camera fix mean that Frigate users wont have the back of their ship blocking their view of the battle area??


We have posted an article in our devblogs on that topic, but in short, now it looks like this:



It’s always a good idea to make CovOps even more op’d than they were before.


The current trend will now be:

  1. fly near target area/captain

  2. cloak if discovered

  3. disrupt Guard Frigates’ Anti-Missile module with Firestorm or other multi-fire missile

  4. fire nuke

  5. if cloak is available, cloak and gtfo

  6. watch fireworks and possible multi-kill point racking and/or dead captain

  7. repeat from 1 as needed until objective is completed


Blade of Aressa

  • Now have slots for large missiles.

Yes, because the Blade wasn’t overcompensated enough, let’s give it nukes.




Everything else is a mix of “ok” and “bad” changes…




  • Reduced the volume of 2nd missile slot back to standard size.





Reducing the Machete & Strong’s large missile slots is a change that was needed LONG ago (it gets tiresome to see Strongs with 9/18 nukes in them and Minefield spaming Machetes. And now that the nukes won’t be used by them, they are no longer the overpowered ships they were. Let us see if they remain in line with equivalent ships of their class.





Missiles with inhibiting field

  • Increased effect duration.



This is a relatively nice change, despite the fact that the field affects both friendly and hostile, unless that got removed by the friendly fire buff.





Missiles with energy-neutralizing field

  • Increased effect duration.



Considering how low an ECM’s energy pool is, firing these near you can spell your death (again, if they affect friendly ships).





Ok, so now the only broken things in the game are Covert Ops Ceptors (even MORE broken since they are now given nukes) and Stabilized Railguns. So, +1, -2, devs, nicely done.

thank you for the new camera!

I’m sorry, but the last thing Covert Ops needed was a buff. As frustrating as Recon / ECM might be, Covert Ops is the one I would call broken out of the Interceptors.


One of the big issues, especially in Combat Reconnaissance, is their kamikaze play style. Just throw a few Covert Ops at an enemy captain and then declare GG because there’s little hope of him actually surviving. The only counter to this seems to be to take a Recon Interceptor, cloak when the Covert approaches, then Microwarp away and hope your allies kill him for you.


That is not engaging. That is not exciting. That is not fun.

I think Covert Ops are fine personally, Recon and ECM are a bit lacking though.

Recon is quite nasty if used right. Spy Drone + Parasitic Remodulator can be a nightmarish combo for a Frigate caught out of position, or indeed anyone who can’t evade their guns and/or ordnance. In one game I killed three LR Frigates in a row using a Recon just buzzing from one to the other.


The impression I get from Recon and ECM is that they are weak as individuals, but their abilities are nasty when stacked. Being able to fly in and shut down the weapons on an enemy Gunship that’s under fire from 2-3 allies is a devastating stunt, as is being able to Spy Drone an enemy Engi to sabotage his healing.


I’m starting to think that should be the role of the Interceptors in general - that they shouldn’t have the punch to stand alone in a fight, but can drastically reshape the flow of a battle with well-placed abilities. Recon can steal shields, disrupt healing and paint a giant bullseye on your face - ECM can effectively stop you from firing back. Covert Ops has White Noise, but its modules are all about direct damage. I’m not convinced they should be.

As a interceptor pilot, even before the changes to the defined roles, I would have a setup of  almost a blend of ECM and Covert ops. I would come in, stasis, drop all my ordinance, activate plasma web, drop a nuke, and run away with the phase modulator. 


Now, covert ops can so that by itself. Though most people don’t have the skills, nor the computer to fly interceptors smoothly. But thats not the issue. The real issue is that there is not a fully well developed counter to the plasma arc, BUT with the addition of making changes to the frigate cameras, then I have to a bit more sneaky to kill them. 


Dont forget that a covert ops ship is only effective with others and cannot stand alone. Sure, you can kill the idiots that leave the packs but never could you kill a guard frigate…

Wow devs, you made it again! Now you really pissed me off as well. It is just getting worse every single patch.


Change to Kalah - I can accept, still worth it. I am really sad to see nerf to Machete, that was really a unique ship and not that op since it was only R4, I really enjoyed the playstyle of it. R.I.P. Machete. But what you did to Strong is unacceptable. This is an insult to paying customers.


We paid 15€ for that goddamn ship because we want to have fun dropping nukes on people. And you give nukes to interceptors instead? What an insult to a paying customer! You cannot sell premium ships for 15€ with a strongpoint in current metagame and than just nerf them into oblivion! You just cannot do that to players that paid so much for a single goddamn ship just because of one reason and everybody knows it! 9 nuke slots was selling point for the Strong. And now you take it away. GG, you just lost another customer , since my faith in you is now totally gone and nothing you do will get it back - except a full refund for my ship since its a piece of junk now. 


If you do major changes such as nerfing Strong missile slots, you should give an option of REFUND or give it some other kind of buff. Not only has it lost the nukes, but missile slots as well.  Or just… DON’T TOUCH IT in the first place. This is really pissing people off. You just cannot play around with balance changes in your game if this is F2P and people paid for certain premium features only. You do that in a Pay 2 Play game as much as you want, since noone has spent money there on a certain build or a skill, or a ship, but do not do that to game changing paid features in F2P!!! 


So WTF should I do with this crap ship now? I allready have the Dragonfly which I also paid for. Give us our money back or just forget about getting any more from me.


Says a lot about your skill

Remember folks, the ship does not make you better, its the pilot on how he uses the ship.

And once again. I will repeat: Strong was nerfed because it was a necessary change. You, our players, were telling us that it is OP’d, when we checked our statistics sheets we found out that it was indeed so. We didn’t make it into a fly though, it is still a powerfull, balanced ship which can still carry a lot of rockets. We do understandad your frustration, but you shouldn’t forget, that balance is a very important thing for MMOs. And we are not in pursue of the Pay 2 Win ideology here. 

Stop calling it an MMO! You’ll be calling it a Modern Military Shooter next!  :facepalm:


To quote Wiktionary…

  1. (video games) A massively multiplayer online game. A computer game in which a large number ofplayers can simultaneously interact in a persistent world or can potentially play against a large number of players in matchmaking.

To be an MMO Star Conflict needs…


  1. To be a computer game [it is].

  2. To have a persistent world [it doesn’t].

  3. To have a large number of players simultaneously interacting, or a large number of players able to matchmake into a single game [it doesn’t].

Offtop, yes, but

Well, as you probably know, MMO (which is usually thought to be an acronym of another acronym MMORPG) term has not just one definition, here, have some more:


Oh, let’s see what an Oxford dictionary has to say about this term:

  1. An online role-playing video game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously.

Roles, check. Video game, check. People playing simultaneously, check - yay! =)


I’m just a man, and I can be wrong, we should look it up in Wikipedia:

2. A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously. 

Seems to me all check again. 


Still, to be on the safe side, we should go for TheFreeDictionary definition:

3. A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet, and feature at least one persistent world. (Hmm, note the words By necessity, eh?)


But to be 100% sure, let’s look it up in UrbanDictionary (first two defs from there are nice and the fourth and fifth are hilarious, but we’ll settle with third, right):

4. Players play the video game competing against and cooperating with other players connected to an online network. 


So… after those 4 are you reeeeeally sure you’re not playing an MMO here? =)

Anyways, thanks for being out there and for all the feedback in this topic.

Oh snap!