Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #3 Discussion

Guys please keep this discussion on-topic.

Use existing topics for the other issues or create new ones.

I am sure Antibus will read them and if you post everything in the right section it will make it easier to filter the feedback.

That is how the game works atm, later on you will have a matching opponents. Well, they are matching even now, it’s just that it’s not the best idea to go into pve on T3 right away )

You should really consider translating this post into english:


It explains the matchmaking functionality very well and in great detail.

Guys please keep this discussion on-topic.

Use existing topics for the other issues or create new ones.

I am sure Antibus will read them and if you post everything in the right section it will make it easier to filter the feedback.

There are a lot of suggestion threads with no feedback from the higher ups; people are going to naturally post questions where the dev team is seen to be active.


For example, I for one would love to know why the ship tree is so counter-intuitive at times… Factions switch roles, core ships that start as Tacklers suddenly become Command Fighters when the factions / premium gets a hold of the chassis, and the factions themselves don’t actually mean anything…

There are a lot of suggestion threads with no feedback from the higher ups; people are going to naturally post questions where the dev team is seen to be active.


For example, I for one would love to know why the ship tree is so counter-intuitive at times… Factions switch roles, core ships that start as Tacklers suddenly become Command Fighters when the factions / premium gets a hold of the chassis, and the factions themselves don’t actually mean anything…

The suggestions are always forwarded to the devs, but it is hard to say something there because it will take some time for the devs to decide if a suggestion can be added or not.


For your questions I recommend [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/12882-questions-to-the-devs/)thread.

There are a lot of suggestion threads with no feedback from the higher ups; people are going to naturally post questions where the dev team is seen to be active.


For example, I for one would love to know why the ship tree is so counter-intuitive at times… Factions switch roles, core ships that start as Tacklers suddenly become Command Fighters when the factions / premium gets a hold of the chassis, and the factions themselves don’t actually mean anything…


I have to agree to that