Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

MY License it’s gone and I Paid 30 days.

I believe you should raise a support ticket about losing your license.

nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke beacon captured nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke enemy captured a beacon nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke enemy beacon captured nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke… nuke

nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke beacon captured nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke enemy captured a beacon nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke enemy beacon captured nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke… nuke

It’s missing about twenty nukes to properly describe the current Strong-heavy gameplay.

So yeah, I kinda stopped playing a bunch of weekls ago (I wonder why) and figerd I shoudl come back and see if anythign changed. To my chargin, nothing changed at all… Oh well, too bad I guess…



Anyway… last time I logged in, I saw how the daily login rewards have been completely fucked over, with gold standards beign removed and the amount of credits gained significantly reduced. I am negatively surprised as to why nobody seems to have notice d and nobody seems to care, because that was the only way for sensible regular f2p people were able to accure Gold standard, and a good MMO has a premium currency alright, but it also gives some of it to mundane playerrs, incredibly little, mind you, but it stilll counts!

So yeah, I kinda stopped playing a bunch of weekls ago (I wonder why) and figerd I shoudl come back and see if anythign changed. To my chargin, nothing changed at all… Oh well, too bad I guess…



Anyway… last time I logged in, I saw how the daily login rewards have been completely fucked over, with gold standards beign removed and the amount of credits gained significantly reduced. I am negatively surprised as to why nobody seems to have notice d and nobody seems to care, because that was the only way for sensible regular f2p people were able to accure Gold standard, and a good MMO has a premium currency alright, but it also gives some of it to mundane playerrs, incredibly little, mind you, but it stilll counts!

Most people to whom the financial system was the key to playing or leaving left back when devs broke the contract system into its current pay-to-win form. Follow-ups you list are pretty minor in comparison to that.


Those who remained are likely going to stick around until the issues they really care about get messed up. At the moment people seem to be leaving because of the game mechanics changes making the game into frigate conflict mixed with last patch making T3 and up into a nuke conflict instead.

How the current contract system is pay to win?

How the current contract system is pay to win?


I asked exactly this upon reading the last replies as well.


I’m a relatively new player here and I don’t really know how the old daily login rewards worked but 10k loyalty every 5 days is like heaven for me. If you call this game pay-to-win then you have no idea what pay-to-win really means. All of the premium stuff has mk3 equivalents – you don’t want to pay? fine, then grind for them. The only thing you can buy in this game is time… time you would otherwise spend with unlocking the stuff.


Premium ships? they aren’t better in any way (except maybe the Strong… herpderp), the rate of synergy gain is decent and repair costs are the same story, the only thing they grant you is more time.


I’m an anti cash person myself and so far I find this business model perfectly reasonable. As long as you are not forced to pay just to stay on a competitive pvp level, we cannot talk about pay-to-win.


At the moment I see two major problems with this game:


  • gameplay balance (especially t3+)

Removing FF was oil on the fire as well, now people can just nuke the hell out of the opposing team without worrying about doing more bad then good.

The engineer frigates - they are just too viable at the moment and turn most of the games – especially the captain slaying game mode – into a frigate fest. I also heard that they cause even more pain past t3 because the defense stats scale too much compared to damage.


  • Ship role balance

The role system is a nice idea however some of the “roles” are hardly useful or enjoyable. Especially interceptors suffer this problem but I also noticed that I tend to lose more often when having more long range frigates than usual. Sure, sniping is fun but often the players doing it tend to do more bad then good. 


I don’t blame the developers here in any way, the game is still beta and the role system only got introduced recently. It’s normal that it won’t work perfectly at first. 

Engineering Frigates in T2, especially the Hydra 2, can be tougher than Guard Frigates to kill. I’ve made suggestions on how to fix the issue of the Frigate Wall before, and they were not popular, but I’ll say it again.


I think the Engineering Frigate needs to have its stats dropped to LR Frigate levels.That way if you have a shitload of them they will be rolled over by a half-decent fighter push. And for the record, the Hydra 2 is probably my favourite ship in the game; I’m not saying this because “omg dat Engi beat me nerf!!!”, I’m saying this because I have dominated too many battles in the Hydra 2, and seen others do likewise. The fact there’s almost no reason to pick any ship but an Engi Frigate means the Engi needs to be reeled in.

Nukes need to be removed from the game. If the devs are unwilling to do this, then friendly fire needs to be available. If they are unwilling to do THAT, then they need to keep it in realistic mode at least.


Frigate walls and clusters are too strong ATM. I think a large part of this is due to the no-skill modules. Usually, as a fighter or Inty, Its a battle of my speed/maneuverability vs their durability. With their anti-thruster modules, I no longer have speed or maneuverability. With their drones or Pulsars, my speed or maneuverability doesn’t matter since they don’t need to even aim at me. The only answer to this is to get in a frigate myself and hit them from long range while ducking behind an asteroid, which just becomes a WoT like sniping match, and no longer the speedy flying around stuff game that I fell in love with.

Time to grind T3 mk3 from the start is insane. Time to grind T4 is in the category of “star citizen will come out before you get them”. Therefore if you want to be successful and have proper mods on T4, you either pay or you quit. Grinding is not an option with these grind times.


Premium ships are significantly better then credit ships on multiple occasions. As of typing this, if you want an effective gunship in T2 or T3, it’s pay or GTFO. This is especially true at T3 where competition is between wolf-m which is highly ineffective as a gunship due to simply wrong racial bonuses for the role whereas two imperial premium gunships have correct ones. T2 premium gunship Kalah is in fact arguably better then T3 credit gunship Wolf-M if you don’t count the R8 and R9 implants because all the stats that are actually needed to perform the role are on par or better on Kalah. Which is three ranks below Wolf-M. Ouch.


Same goes for command at T3, which has been reinforced with current lolnukes gameplay. It’s clearly aimed at selling more Strongs.

I play for about an hour an evening and I find my loyalty grinds at about the same rate as my reputation.


I think you’re greatly overstating how much better premium ships are. Bear in mind it’s impossible to compare ships you don’t own because the stats on the ship buy screen includes the modules they come with, which will vary, and synergy, which starts at 0 for credit ships and max for premium ships. The only fair way to compare stats is to own both ships, advance the credit ship’s synergy to max, fit them identically (or just strip them) and then compare.

I play for about an hour an evening and I find my loyalty grinds at about the same rate as my reputation.


I think you’re greatly overstating how much better premium ships are. Bear in mind it’s impossible to compare ships you don’t own because the stats on the ship buy screen includes the modules they come with, which will vary, and synergy, which starts at 0 for credit ships and max for premium ships. The only fair way to compare stats is to own both ships, advance the credit ship’s synergy to max, fit them identically (or just strip them) and then compare.


I don’t think ship mods are added in before you buy a ship. synergy is the only difference

I don’t think ship mods are added in before you buy a ship. synergy is the only difference

Easy enough to test…

You’re correct. The stats shown before you buy it don’t have fittings applied. So to compare you just need to own the credit ship and max its synergy and strip its fittings before comparing to the premium ship. My bad.

Bring back nuke friendly fire. 

Bring back nuke friendly fire. 


Can’t we keep friendly fire and add some kind of radialogical warning (nuke detector) for friendly ships in the area? It seems this would help pugs organize their nuking of a beacon as well.

Can’t we keep friendly fire and add some kind of radialogical warning (nuke detector) for friendly ships in the area? It seems this would help pugs organize their nuking of a beacon as well.


good idea but im not sure it’d be much use as the alarm would go off when the nuke neared, frigates are to slow to get out of the way as are some fighters,it’d helpfull for ints i spose but theyd need to know where the nuke was going to avoid it.

I’m a fan of friendly fire makes the game more realistic, challenging and playable imo.

The problem with voice alarms is that they dont overlap, and if one is in progress, then the others that apear in that time are canceled as far as i know, so that is not a safe way to deal with it. Icon next to locked on missiles that alarm of nearby nuke would be more usefull.

I’d dig a big icon warning too. Maybe a big flashing red circle and distance on your HUD. 

Once again the Developers screw up nicely.


What’s the #1 complaint since Friendly Fire went away? “Nuke spam.” I’ve not heard any complaints about missile abuse, or Jericho LRs, or Minefields; it’s all been about Nukes.


What do they completely fail to mention in their poll? Nukes. Where exactly was the “only Nukes should cause friendly fire” option?


Also, I’m hoping that Nukes disappear from Tier 2. I ran into a match where people had Tier 2 nukes the other day. Not fair at all.