Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

Nukes need to be removed from the game. If the devs are unwilling to do this, then friendly fire needs to be available. If they are unwilling to do THAT, then they need to keep it in realistic mode at least.


They are. I played a couple realistic battle this week and I almost got killed by my own nuke when I tried to nuke the drones. The thing is, When you have diffusion shield and no teamates around you, you can use them regardless.

Also, I’m hoping that Nukes disappear from Tier 2. I ran into a match where people had Tier 2 nukes the other day. Not fair at all.


You can’t buy them, but if you already have them equipped and set to auto-reload, your nuke will never run out. If you have a Machate, there goes 8 nukes per battle in T2.

You can’t buy them, but if you already have them equipped and set to auto-reload, your nuke will never run out. If you have a Machate, there goes 8 nukes per battle in T2.

That’s what I’m about. I’d like the Developers to forcibly step in and destroy those nukes so they cannot be used anymore.

Once again the Developers screw up nicely.


What’s the #1 complaint since Friendly Fire went away? “Nuke spam.” I’ve not heard any complaints about missile abuse, or Jericho LRs, or Minefields; it’s all been about Nukes.


What do they completely fail to mention in their poll? Nukes. Where exactly was the “only Nukes should cause friendly fire” option?


Also, I’m hoping that Nukes disappear from Tier 2. I ran into a match where people had Tier 2 nukes the other day. Not fair at all.

The poll was intended for friendly fire and not for nukes.

It seems to be a bug that people still can use nukes on T2 and it will be fixed.

The poll was intended for friendly fire and not for nukes.

It seems to be a bug that people still can use nukes on T2 and it will be fixed.

That doesn’t actually address my point; the reason friendly fire is complained about is nuke spam, yet there is no option for singling out nukes as being a problem. Personally I don’t have a problem with there being no friendly fire, but based on what I’ve heard about Tier 3 and nuke spam I do not want those weapons to be immune - I want people who nuke spam to be punished, directly or indirectly, and enabling friendly fire on those weapons achieves that.


I’m glad you intend to fix tier 2 nukes. Will that mean holiday missiles are going to be removed as well?

We are already going to fix the nuke issue, but we wanted to know how the players basiclly feel about friendly fire.


At the moment we do not know if we will also remove the holiday missiles.

We are already going to fix the nuke issue, but we wanted to know how the players basiclly feel about friendly fire.


At the moment we do not know if we will also remove the holiday missiles.

As of the last 0.8.1. patch post, you are NOT fixing the nukes. You are merely adding self-damage back, which will do little to deter the current “nuclear winter” style gameplay as most people using nukes in T3 are either flying strongs that can absorb entire nuke into their diffusion shields, or engineers who would very much /care about the scratch that one nuke out of 3-4 their squad will deploy on the beacon will do to them. Especially since they got a hull repair buff.


As for the “bug fixing”, that promise has been around for at least a month. Reports of some of the known abusers (syn’s mak) have been around since the launch of 0.8.0, first on these forums, and now on russian forums. He’s still happily nuking T2. Consider that you actually had the names of abusers at least since 0.8.0 (they were reported here first with screenshots, recently on russian forums with screenshots) and did nothing. Now when we recall that you also promised “removal of non-purchasable modules weapons and missiles” alongside the patch that basically forced everyone to re-buy a lot of blue modules as they got bumped up one tier and became unusable because of the rep requirement. Which would make sense if it was the actual meaning of the update - as it clearly didn’t remove the nukes from T2 at the same time, but it sure forced a lot of people to spend credits or cash to re-buy the same blues they had for ages.


So you’ll have to forgive us when we take promises like these with a grain of salt and wait for actual RESULTS instead. Of which as of 0.8.1. there still are few if any to show us.

Good is my first post I liked this game a lot of fun

going back to the topic I expected an increase in

the value of the reward when you complete

missions PvE even more because of the ships that

cost more to purchase and maintain