Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

Game balance: General

* You can no longer damage allied ships with weapons or collisions.

Missions: General

* Increased damage dealt by commanders and captains.

* Enemy guard frigates no longer use repair drones.

* Removed Stasis modules from enemy interceptors.

Mission: Processing Rig Raid

* Increased allied transport armor.

* Increased difficulty of the third round.

Bug fixes

* Role icons for squad ships are now displayed in green.

* Fixed corporation sorting in location control information window.

* Fixed several zone links in Sector Conquest.

I was hoping for something like


“Higher standard loot value, to compensate for higher ship prices”

“Less grind, more progression”

“Choice between “Hull Only” and “Hull+Mk1 Modules” when buying new ships”


In short I was hoping that at least some of the heavily demanded community wishes would find their way into this update. 


Well, it seems that hope dies last, right?

Could you add the Rig Raid scenario to tier 3 and 4?


I think its a great mission, and needs to be played more! Limiting it to tier 2 only seems strange!

Hmmm guessing , in addition to the info of long vecation/holidays in Russia , that the major patch/update is not ready jet.


So they feed us with this minor things , to have at least smth.


Would have been happy if it would be more and with enthuastic hurrays i will wait till the real update/patch.


But i really appreciate the stop of being killed by teammates with nukes . On the other side , nuke is now the solution to all and probably will be now overused :smoke:


Well , when i rethink this its not good at all , now mindless nuking got a free ticket and your teammates now can even stand in there and finish off the rest of whats left. :facepalm:


Correct me when im wrong :dntknw:

i hope they could fix the three pilots squad bug. we could fly a 4 pilots squad without liscence. but 3 pilots? no way.

Could you add the Rig Raid scenario to tier 3 and 4?


I think its a great mission, and needs to be played more! Limiting it to tier 2 only seems strange!

don’t you think it’s already hard enough for t2 players? i just cannot imagine how “great” it could be when t4 enemy tear up the transport ship within 10s.

don’t you think it’s already hard enough for t2 players? i just cannot imagine how “great” it could be when t4 enemy tear up the transport ship within 10s.

Thats why i think it would be perfect for tier3/4


Tier 3 and 4 ships and the unique modules they have would be perfect for Rig Raid.


Plus hardly anyone I know has even played the Rig Raid scenario. I had to try 7 times in a row queuing for t2 pve to even be able to play the Rig Raid scenario. So its incredibly rare.


Thats why i think it should become a tier 3/4 scenario. Because those who do play pve, only play it on these tiers- because of the reward money and endgame loot. So it seems weird to me that they have limited a GREAT and fun pve mission to only Tier 2.

not big changes then… nothing really useful in this patch…some of the new ship roles are absolutely crap in t3 and t4…gameplay is horrible atm! Too messy!

does it working already? are servers online with new path updated? cause i got my client updated to v. but when im trying to login there is a error: “bad client verson, download lastest version from [site]”

Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

Game balance: General

* You can no longer damage allied ships with weapons or collisions.



This is AWESOME for keeping your team from griefing others, even though that was fairly rare, so thanks!

However, it WILL mean that people are going to spam high damage AOE’s (nukes, torps, singularity, etc) like CRAZY.

I’m not convinced that is a good thing just yet, will have to play it out an see.


Missions: General

* Increased damage dealt by commanders and captains.

* Enemy guard frigates no longer use repair drones.

* Removed Stasis modules from enemy interceptors.



Thanks for removing the guard frig healing drones, was annoying in t3/4 PvE.

More dmg on commanders an captains…wow guess we’ll be huddling under cover even more now.

Having to duck for cover now an then made sense, but if having to do that becomes 9/10 of the fights that will get rather old an boring fast, just speculating.


Mission: Processing Rig Raid

* Increased allied transport armor.

* Increased difficulty of the third round.



That mission is already tough if you have a random team which usually has at least 2 clueless people in it.

Fixable if we start screening for experienced group members only… sort of leaves me with little choice or interest in including new players.

Might be nice if you earned at least enough of a reward to cover ship repair costs for failed PvE missions. Then including the new players an risking a loss

in a tough mission might not be so discouraging.


Bug fixes

* Role icons for squad ships are now displayed in green.

* Fixed corporation sorting in location control information window.

* Fixed several zone links in Sector Conquest.



Thanks again guys!         

Processing Rig needed a boost to round three imo; It was laughably easy, and I look forward to seeing what’s been done with it.

Missions: General

* Increased damage dealt by commanders and captains.



But the frigate sniper comander with absurd shield/hull and resistence nothing. And about the infinite npcs respaw  without delay?


I think you devs have only frigates in mind when balancing the Missions, right? RIGHT? :facepalm:

Processing Rig is one of the only missions where I am confident about using a Fighter. Round 1 can be done in an Inty if you have a good support team, but PvE is pretty much a Frigate-fest. That said, PvP isn’t much better… 

Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.0 update #2

Game balance: General

* You can no longer damage allied ships with weapons or collisions.

Tons of nukes incoming… :01515:

Question related to assumption that two writers above have made:


Is that Friendly Fire change also to missiles/nukes and AoE damage, or only to (main) weapons like said in the patch comment above?


Lost in translation, or is the patch note literal?



Second thing:

I want to try immediately after patch comes, what cool exploits one can do by ramming friendly ship with Warp / Gate. Instant stop without damage? Or way to push friendly ship to have same top speed?

Likely nothing interesting happens, but have to try :wink:

Ah, the week of “we want to sell more premium R9 jericho command fighters with 9 nuke slots”.


Game is getting better and better with every patch. From no one’s point of view.

this sucks. iv havent played that long. but no friendly fire is for kids. all games i play i do with FF on to keep it real…

fix the problems! like peeps from same corp vs same corp. the near inviseble retucle crosshairs, missele lock on… why when i afterboost the jet boost dosent get bigger… fix fix

and the loot?! plz make it more worth your wile in missons more random greenies have like 5xorion targeter and nothing else… sad

I° No more friendly fire?


This is the worst point of this patch !


If pilotes can’t use correctly Nuke or Torpedo, they have to be punish as bad positionning during fight and Punish their team cause of that.


Torpedos, Anomalie generator and Nukes are strategic weapons which need a brain to use them correctly



II° PVE Balance :



Rework your looting system, it’s boring to only loot interceptors stuff when someone is flying in friggs or fighterz.


III° Ship balance :


This is really disapointing to not see anything about this :


  • A lot of player are speaking about “Remote”, no informations about this…
  • No survavibility Balancing between Empire and Federation engineers…  (Ex : Hello i’m Hydra 2, i’m tanky as Guard T2 R5 with 6 weapons slots and regen :D, don’t forget my drones plz)
  • Long Range are… Long Range, Make a new king of frigates, something like “Missile Carrier” for the jericho Sniper and i will understant why we have a reload of 16 sec and why missile shield and flares can stop our module.
  • Strong with 9 Nukes + No FF = No more a command Ship, it’s a “Super mega over tactical bomber with huge resist and buff” so rework it too.
  • (Give me back my 6 cannons on guard xD)
  • I want a drill for asteroids :smiley: Sneaky drill’s friggs 5 ( I know, it’s too early for christmas)  
  • If devs could make more type of torpedo (Missile slot not jericho), that should be great !

Good Job Guys took 20 mins to get into the game server heavy load, when I finally do get in the lag issue is horrible, and the patch is complete Garbage. Are you trying to lose players? I would say compensation is in order for EVERYONE for the major errors we are having. Also where is MY License it’s gone and I Paid 30 days. Come on guys get your act together. Did you take away anything else since I can not do anything in game and have 5 min lag.

You lost your 30 days of license? Report at[Leveling, balance and market](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/87-leveling-balance-and-market/ “Leveling, balance and market”) please.