Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13

Wow, after reading all this I don’t know if I even want to log in in fear of rage quiting. The thing that was fun about playing t2 ships is there were so many people in them. It wasn’t that higher tier players were farming it was that there wasn’t anyone or VERY few flying t4 ships. and fighting the same people over and over again gets boring. This is exactly how the game was in the very begining. We would be in t2 ships and get matched up against SYN or ESB in their t4 ships and get slaughtered. We would have to wait until they logged off so we could have an even match. Funny how the dev’s were able to correct that for a time and then they bring the same flawed match making back. If the dev’s want to have t4’s play t4’s then bring back to old leveling system so the people stuck in t2’s and t3’s can get to t4’s. Also reduce the cost and give higher payouts so they can outfit the ships with decent gear. You generally play a game to have fun or take your frustrations out in game not to be in the game and get frustrated.

Ok so constructive feedback.

After playing for a while today I have to say that this patch as few others beforehand are on the unlucky streak of not pleasing the player base. And I sadly have to agree with them that there are some things that actually were done in a very wrong way. Let’s start with the most personal for me part witch is the Implanting cost increase. 


Implants at the very beginning are just there for players. Common player is choosing one fraction and its sticking with it till he reaches a certain level, of course at that point the player doesn’t actually care about the re implantation as he has only one path to chose. But this game is very detailed, to be a good player you need to understand what your ships are capable off, their statistics, their abilities. Micro macro management for highest proficiency is something that can decide for a player if he will stay alive with one digit number of health or be crushed by opponent. The implants allow the player to polish their game style, improve the lacks of the ships he is using. And usually that means we have to test witch of the implants fits our game play best. The new costs technically forbids us of doing so, there is to many possibilities of setup to be worth time and effort to gather that amount of money. I understand that you search for a money sink. Place where people will spend money and keep balance of the money the player possess. I tell you Implants are not this place, they should be swift and fast to change, easy to adapt, even if only at the beginning. I think that the best option to solve this problem and make both sides happy is to increase the cost of implantation after each time player will make one change (first change 1k credits, second 2k credits, third 4k and so on) with ability to reset the cost if you didnt reimplant for 72 hours.

This way people will be able to make smaller changes and you will have some kind of money sink.


Storage cost increase.

It’s hard for me to say too much about it as I personally bought mercenary pack that grants me full storage from very beginning of the game. But you have to ask yourself one question as a developer, as a player. You are playing a game trying to earn for a new ship, to experience the joy of progress only to find out that you lack storage space to make a purchase. When you try to expand your storage you find out you have to play at least few if not more games to earn that ship. Those games become more of a chore as player will rush it to get what he wanted in the first place. Technically what you did is increased the cost of the ship, by making the storage more expensive.




I see a potential in it as in any other feature you implement. Being able to leave a note to a friend in game when he is offline in the future is something people will like. Maybe even being able to send gifts? missiles ? that would be nice for sure. But the fact of receiving the rewards by mail is strange and surprisingly unnecessary. It only adds additional few clicks after end of every match in the lobby for no apparent reason. I understand that it can be used in situations where players don’t have enough space in their storage to accept the reward, but shouldn’t it appear in the mail only then ?


I think that’s all I have to say about this patch for now. No matter how bad people think it is or feel it is I hope the game will be improving, it has to big potential to fall apart  Believe me, nobody who plays this game wants that.

Dear Developers:


You do stuff right, (most) people will rave.

You do stuff wrong, (most) people will rant.


12,973 views and 420 replies on patchnote 0.7.12 speaks for itself. -> People mostly voice their opinion only when they are dissatisfied. If all is well, most people don’t bother. 420 opinions is a lot for a game still in beta and with “only” 1-2k players active.


The fact that - after reading through each and every post in the 0.7.12 and 0.7.13 patchnotes - the majority of people are VERY discontent with the direction you’re heading should also speak for itself and should be heard!


At least be decent enough and tell your playerbase why they should not rant. If you can’t, then revert most of your changes and make your playerbase rave again!


Personally I bought two of the steam DLCs and spent an additional 40€ on GS before you patched the game from here to kingdom come, because the game AND the progression felt really good! Better than waiting forever in EVE, better than the slow progression in WoT. That changed and makes me regret spending money at all. I know you are in beta, but I really feel cheated atm.


Dear devs, please listen to your playerbase, because you have something good here. Don’t let it get killed by the guys in suits who only count the money and (mostly) have nether love nor passion for spaceships and/or computer games.



* Expanded maximum storage capacity.

Funny, I had 900 storage spaces - bought 'em to test “the limits”.

Now, I’m down to 88.

However, where did the credits I spent on storage go? Huh?


Re-login fixed it… After re-login it finally showed up as 88/900 instead of  initial 88/88.


Oh, and:


The problem these guys have now is twofold:


If they don’t fix the game I, and people like me, won’t play anymore. The game will have no players, and thus die.


If they do fix the game I, and people will me, will be forever expecting another bait-and-switch and so won’t be willing to actually pay any money “in case they xxxx us over in the next patch”. The game will die regardless.


The longer they leave this, the more damage they do, and the harder they will have to work to convince us this isn’t just a scam title.

This game is doomed. The fact that they change so much things and so drasticly in the open beta means that this game is far from release state.

They didnt figured out their economycs yet. Ships re-balancing to make every ship feel unique is still only in plans. Weapons re-work - same story. Galactic map, dreadnouts - we hear only rummors about them.

All this things are core gamplay features. And most of them are not even implemented, others are not finished and stable.

This is not an Open Beta material.

Open beta means that u are in the finishing run of ur developing and now polishing edges. But this game is hardly even in the middle of its developing process. But u already did a donation system and twik existing economycs to force ppl to donate more if they want a flawless game expirience and not grinding all day long.

More content always gives more profit in the long run then more grinding. Just look at existing sucsessfull F2P games like League of Legends to realise that.

Yeah, and this “no wipe” thing is stupid. It is clearly making problems for u now. When part of the players quickly reached top tiers u suddenly realised that it was too quick. And ur current ships tree cannot interest players in playing all tiers of ships instead of just top one. So u decided to take an easy way and just punish top tier players with hight repairs, then slow progress by reducing income, increasing costs on everything possible, making all kinds of grinding to slow down new players who came from steam. Well, thats wont fix the low content problem! U can make this game 100 times more grindy, but it will not be more interesting. As soon as player realise that there is not that much stuff waiting him in higher tiers he will stop grinding and will quit.

>didn’t announce change in reimplantation price


>didn’t announce change in storage space price


>game crashes when match starts for Mac OS


“Keep feedback constructive”? We’ve been giving you guys feedback on how to improve and fix the game for a while, but our feedback is falling on deaf ears and lately every patch makes things worse.


More and more I think that the game is being designed to force you to pay money to actually do anything in this game without having an actual subscription.


I see you.


(I am not expecting a reply from any of the “officials” until next week, let alone a patch that will fix everything we’ve stated is currently a problem, out of cynicism.)

>didn’t announce change in reimplantation price


>didn’t announce change in storage space price


>game crashes when match starts for Mac OS


“Keep feedback constructive”? We’ve been giving you guys feedback on how to improve and fix the game for a while, but our feedback is falling on deaf ears and lately every patch makes things worse.


More and more I think that the game is being designed to force you to pay money to actually do anything in this game without having an actual subscription.


I see you.


(I am not expecting a reply from any of the “officials” until next week, let alone a patch that will fix everything we’ve stated is currently a problem, out of cynicism.)


Keep on dreamin :F

I will be very honest and frank. Of the next two patches don’t fix this bullshit, then it is for certain that this game will neer make it. Oh and it’s intriguing how you have this as open beta and you haven’t listened to a single suggestion made my us. Sigh… You foreign devs.

General Comments on the last patch and some on the patch before:


Cosmonautics Day stuff is cool I like the missiles and for course the free gold.


The mail is kind of inefficent at the present as all it is doing is increasing the total number of clicks to get items but I’m sure it will do more in the future


The Increase to Storage Prices might be too far but not horrible the game probably had a little too easy money at first.


The Statistic’s could use more numbers perhaps total damage from each weapon or healing or what your specific buff’s did to help your team.



The increase to implant prices goes a bit too far.


Regarding the last patch the mixed tier pvp should be optional. People should be able to quick que and be tossed in with a faster mix or be able to choose to slow que and be put in with only the same tier.


Tier 1 is too Snipey, Tier 2 is Amazing, and Tier 3 has some horribly annoying module’s and module’s spam.


Reputation Gain has become to slow after the last update while it might have been too high before now the amount gained is too low.

_ == Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13 == _

Interface: General

* Expanded maximum storage capacity.

* Added game “Mail”:

  • Currently the mail is only for receiving game items, players can not exchange items.

  • From now on all the items found during looting will be delivered to your mailbox. You have to open your mail and pick up your reward.


Is there a particular reason why the new Mail pickup loot values are half of the nerfed loot values?


The guy delivering my less useful loot credits is stealing half of them after the market dropped out…


Apparently I was being insane, and just got some pitiful loot (like worse than regular pitiful)


(and to repeat a few things already said)

oh, Please Please please get rid of the Mk1 equipment in the ships.  It’s not my preferred configurations, The ‘naked’ systems are still there (so this is like motor vehicle ‘Options’ such as fuzzy dice), and selling them to clean up storage space and try to recoup at least some of the losses is annoying as heck.

RE_IMPLANTATION COSTS! Seriously?! a 4500% Increase? What, did the insurance industry collapse as well as the second hand goods industry?

Storage Space… C’mon guys…

Either Revert or Repair Matchmaking to the straight tiers, add a PVP Unbalanced Battle option if you want to use the current system (like realistic but whinier)


The Rest?.. Mechanics of the game are actually working quite well, and I do love it so far (especially for the f2p aspect), most queing isn’t very long at all, Matches run the whole gambit from Boned to Boning (with most being tense but mutual), so yeah can’t wait to see what you place in the final product and Particularly in the Single Player Open Universe Offline Campaign that I’m certain you will develop (hint hint) as well as the MMO.


Ideally, work on the Wiki and game information available too please.  I’d love to see a tech tree and drool over what I do not currently have, or grimace with envy over someone with a ‘Rare’ or ‘Epic’ Piece of gear I want to shank them in the showerblock for…

As someone who spent a decent chunk of change (~$80) shortly before and shortly after the game moved to Steam, I am appalled by the recent changes.  Developers flat-out ignore the concerns of their “testers” (many of whom have paid for the game), implement changes to increase the grind AND often fail to document them, and then tell us in a threatening tone to “keep our comments constructive”.


Look, 2 or 3 patches ago, when this game began sliding downhill, I thought people were overreacting - it was one bad patch, surely things would improve.  I mean, the game has tremendous promise, as made clearly evident during my first few weeks of play.  However, every subsequent patch since the initial nerf to reputation gain has made the game significantly worse and grindier, giving players who have played the game longer an edge.


I spent money on this game because I really liked it when it first came out.  Now, the developers (from my perspective) seem to be trying to push/force players to spend money by making it such a tedious process to advance in the game, and by pitting lesser-armed players against opponents with significant advantages, rather than encouraging players to spend their money because they are having fun.


I fear the F2P model is the cancer that is killing good games, and I also fear Star Conflict may become a prime example of this.

The mac crash issue should already be under check and we hope to fix it as soon as possible.

The mac crash issue should already be under check and we hope to fix it as soon as possible.


Just like all other issues with the game? Like being forced to buy MK1 modules with ships? Horrible matchmaking still being horrible? Overpriced implant changes? Looting system being basicly useless and waste of time, just automate it all?

Just like all other issues with the game? Like being forced to buy MK1 modules with ships? Horrible matchmaking still being horrible? Overpriced implant changes? Looting system being basicly useless and waste of time, just automate it all?

Waste of words dude. He wont comment on anything of this. He “has his orders”. U are just a free beta-tester. They can treat u like a trash cause they didnt hire u. They dont even feel the need to make a full patchnotes for the people who are testing their unfinished game for free, and sometimes even pay money for it.

I just got a really strange defeat. I played “Bacon hunt” and we were losing at first. But then we captured 2nd beacon and turned the tide. I looked at score - it was 8<18 and they were slowly bleeding points. When score reached 8>0 game DIDNT FINISHED! Another beacon apeared, they managed to capture it. 8 of our points didnt last long and score become 0=0. I thought that i will be draw, but no, it was DEFEAT for my team.

How is that possible? Why didnt they lose with 0 points but we did?!

i met the same situation before. and I think I can explain that.

when in the mode beacon hunt or domination. you didn’t loss when your points reach “0” but 1 second after that, which means, you loss when your points are “-1”. But since they didn’t show that on the scoreboard. and usually its hard to see an 0 vs 0 match, people didn’t notice that.

Game is using float numbers. 0 means between 0 and 1. You can dig in logs to realize this.

In general this patch is an improvement to v 0.7.12 IMO. Matchmaking seems to have improved somewhat to me, although a lot of people still report long waits. There are offcourse still  a lot off loose ends since v 0.7.12 wich need to be adressed.


I saw some poster say that these kind of changes have no place in a open Beta, and i have to agree. Open Beta is generaly a short period where the dev’s can determine the network enviroment & hardware requirements for their servers when the number of registered player grow.

Waste of words dude. He wont comment on anything of this. He “has his orders”. U are just a free beta-tester. They can treat u like a trash cause they didnt hire u. They dont even feel the need to make a full patchnotes for the people who are testing their unfinished game for free, and sometimes even pay money for it.


It’s a shame I have wasted ~60€ on it already :F

It’s a shame I have wasted ~60€ on it already :F

maybe you learned not to spend any money on a F2P game, especially when it’s “open beta”.