Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13

WOW, you guys are TERRIBLE in making patch notes…

Seriously, you guys need to learn to make PROPER PATCH NOTES.


Another ninja buff(sort of): You can now see the damage you did by bumping in grey(Someone please confirm this wasnt the case before and that you got it as well)

For some reason i cant finish this new achivement. It keep saying that i have 4\5 wins, but i already won 2 games from that point. But they did not cout. Why?

For some reason i cant finish this new achivement. It keep saying that i have 4\5 wins, but i already won 2 games from that point. But they did not cout. Why?


they need to be pvp battles, make sure you are not doing PvE :wink:


edit: I already got my achievement :smiley:

I cant say anything about this patch until I get home at 5 PM, then Im gonna call my Corp and see whether we want to stick with this game anymore, as our rankings went down and this patch might be the final straw. 

My feedback to the new patch:


positive things first:

  • The new scenario is nice.

  • I love the screen in the hangar for yuri’s day.

  • The missiles are great (one question, will they disappear after the celebrations are over?



  • Storagespace increase: I saw that coming, but I think it is okay. Storageupgrades had been nearly for free and you just have to buy them once.



  • Mailsystem: Yeah…nice…preimplemented for one of the future patches, right? But this way it is unnessecary. Other players could klick their loot away accidently.

  • Reimplantation: That’s a slap in the face. We change our setups for different things, 2-3 times a day or more often. Why? What do we get instead? More loot? More $$? Nothing?


Another point I want to critsize: Patchnotes: I see where cochones are missing! Why don’t you write a complete patchnote? Things like increased costs in different things would be nice to know before logging into the game, or one day earlier. The raised costs for reimplanting had been a very bad surprise.

stealth buff found! you get 5 GS per defeat and 10 GS per victory

It’s not stealth, it’s posted on the front page as news.


It’s also a cheap ploy to get all the folks that told them to go xxxx themselves to come back and try their xxxx new patch.  They are leaking players like a sieve since the asstastic loyalty patch, and each patch after has been a slap in the face.

holy f.ucking s.hit, 100k for storage expansion?

you can go f.uck yourseves, your audacious, brash money grabbing truly knows no boundaries.

go die in a fire, you can seriously ban me now.

To our dear Star Conflict Developers and PR.


When you do a list of changes in the patch please put them all in. There are some points at witch i actually can get behind the idea that the change costs so much for implants (i just believe there is a better way of keeping you happy and the players). The stealth changes dont help anyone, you cant put all the things that will cheer people on the top and then try to sneak in the rest.


I understand its your game its your design, and maybe i dont know publisher is pushing you to this. But seriously you can’t do something like that, of course if there will be something that people won’t like but mention it or otherwise it looks little skimmy (dont believe word like that exists but hey English is not my first language).


And i really believe you need someone who would follow us trough the mind set of the designers and show us why they believe it should look like that. Tell us 'we did this and this because we really believe it will change mechanic of this and this" i dont know, hire Chris Metzen he is terribly good at this (especially countering the flames on the forums)

You know all you need to do to get most of your players back, I won’t go over it again.


On making money, check out the thread in general discussions. Cosmetics and convenience. Like changing the color of your main gun projectiles, different ship models and so on. I know it takes more work than adding some zeroes to prices and removing some zeroes from loot values, but it pays off more.


I am not even patching the game, see ya next Thursday.

i love when people make “i quit cuz game sux” threads and then keep complaining. if you quit. then quit. otherwise stop trying to get attention. 

as for the topic at hand.


patch. a few tweaks. small content but still content.

Guys keep the feedback contructive!


No! While I’m not a person to go around xxxxx-slapping others for their mistakes, this is not something that needs to be respected anymore. At all.

At this point I suggest that insult is the only thing short of a full scale boycott.


Do -NOT- dare ask for constructive feedback, when our critique either done in eloquent or plain language is repeatedly spit on, and this patch took the cake. Not one single useful feature added!

I mean, a different scenario (hoping that it IS different than what I’ve seen so far) might bring a bit of variety, and I’m sure that the increased speed cap might make for a few fun tricks for interceptors and fighters – But nothing of the rest matters the slightest; and top of that we still have the developers further handicapping new players AND keeps around the broken matchmaking!


What the hell is the mail for? Receiving the looted items? What for, I could perfectly find them in my debrief window and storage afterwards


I’m sorry, Error, but when I say you have the nerves and balls to ask for such a thing, I tell you that it’s not in good tone.

rage about what?

Usual Russian matchmaker report contains:

"My t2/t3 against their t3/t4, but we won. Fix mixing tiers. "


This is not constructive. Higher tiered opponents usually has lower skills. And this is the main cause of mixing different tiers.

Your post is not constructive. If you don’t get it I’ll explain what’s going on:

Though mixed tiers don’t affect win/loss ratio they do affect player’s involvement in such victory - what’s the point of playing with t2 ships against t3 if all your ships are wasted in first quarter of the match(together with opponents t2) and then t3 decide between them who wins. you can hide and survive, but what points will you get for this match? in both cases you just sit on a bench and chew popcorn watching others fight. Yeah, you get sometimes to actualy participate and do something in battle but otherwise it’s same as youtube playing.

Higher-tier opponents have lower skills? you must be worst kind of player then if you sit on top of that queue.

Addition: Looks like game breaks contract searching if it takes too long and displays “contract search failure”.

Zerk-style-reply: - But displayed average wait time is low! While your contract search was a failure it’s still a failure in reasonable time!

Fail after fail. So I am still put in higher tier. Okay I’ll greet teeth and still play my freshly bought crappy fitted t2 against t3. As such I won’t get any points in matches though it still will be 50/50 win/loss. Eventually my “Skill” will drop and I will drop in T2 environment. Maybe will get 1 blue module in the process. a few green. And what will I see? Now I am “unskilled player with T2 ship” in T1/T2 matches.

I WILL FKING RAIN DEATH in such battle and when blood-stained T1 newbies will ran to devs screaming “HEELP!! Cheater!! Nukes!!!”

Zerk will say:“Don’t worry, he’s low skill player with T2 ship. You have equal chances against him!”

If player is low-skilled he should raise his skill in tier he plays, not in lower tier where he won’t be punished for mistakes he does. Present system forces good players to jump fom one “skill” group to another - to drop when they forced in higher tier and to raise when they are placed against lower tier. This results in a situation where half so-called “low skill-high tier” players are actualy good players suffering skill penalty from being forced in high-tier matches. Yeah, when you get to T4 and have nowhere to go up, your “skill” will at last start showing something realistic. But WHY skilled player when advancing from T1 to T2 is instantly pitted against T3 when he even didn’t  play in T2 enogh? WTF?

Another T2 scenario (3 total now) while T3 has ZIP    golfclap.

So I hit people with “anniversary missiles”.


I dont get the “damage someone with anniversary missiles” achievement.  gj.

I’m more of a lurking type, but this… Seriously why increase implant respec and warehouse extension prices and not even a put word in patch notes? I’m not really sure what are you (addressed to devs) trying to pull here. You want people to pay in this grindfest of a game? Don’t get me wrong the combat part of the game and game engine is great. The F2P part… I’ll be blunt. It’s horrible. It needs fixing. There is plenty of decent feedback like extra credits video about microtransactions and more. You have a great window of opportunity here. Big titles like Star Citizen are still in development and some of the players are bored of EVE Online. You can fill the gap right now, it will be harder later. Please stop punishing your playerbase with ninja patches and forced grind. Remember that free players are content for your paying players and not so much left of those. When free players leave, paying ones will leave too because were won’t be enough people to play and compete. I urge you to reconsider your F2P strategy.

i love when people make “i quit cuz game sux” threads and then keep complaining. if you quit. then quit. otherwise stop trying to get attention. 

as for the topic at hand.


patch. a few tweaks. small content but still content.


Hidden nerfs, no fixes to the big list of issues with the game right now.


Useless patch is useless, only good change was the speed limit increase.

So they made implanting worse ontop of not fixxing matchmaking


(oh and i will do start to screenshot everytime i get invincible t4 enemys with epic gear… because DAFUQ)

Well goodluck with that. They fixed matchmaking :wink:

Well goodluck with that. They fixed matchmaking :wink:

They didn’t. They just tweaked it a bit so you won’t have gap more than 1 tier. But mixed tiers are still here. And this still hurts overall gameplay and progression mechanic. If you mix tiers why putting them in first place? Use ranks instead as you clearly do now. Present chart is 1-4 /  4-7 / 7-10 / 10-12

                                                                            / 3-6 /  6-9  /  9 -12

another patch, another disaster