Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13


  • no change in matchmaker
  • no change in ridiculous ship prices
  • no changes in loyalty points acquisition
  • no change in loot prices


_ == Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13 == _


* Happy Cosmonautics Day!

  • In-game store now sells festive missiles.

  • A special achievement that can only be done during this holiday is waiting for you!


Oh this is gonna so frakking sweet.

Ships: General

* Optimization of game physics, speed limit increased to 700 units.


I CANNOT THANK YOU xxxxxxxx ENOUGH, my play style is all about hit and run tactics, and that 600 M/s speed was too slow, Im sure this makes me and other like minded interceptor pilots a hell of alot happy. 

Interface: HUD

* Added toggles for markers of ships and beacons, as well as the direction of incoming damage.


Very useful in battle, I cant wait to go home and test it after work.


all in all, This patch might be a saving grace of improvement, but I still would like a increase of a sense of progression. If you only just take out the cooldowns in general for the contracts that would be enough. Why? Cause this game is on random PVP matches, and so you will be thrown into a couple of matches before going into one that completes a contract.




  • no change in matchmaker
  • no change in ridiculous ship prices
  • no changes in loyalty points acquisition
  • no change in loot prices


What he said, is also true as hell. ^

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

seriously man? SERIOUSLY?


are you gaijin employee or a random that mods this place?

Why waste time writing constructive feedback when you’re just ignoring it?


This, a thoushand times this.



GJ on stealth nerf on reimplantaton, i like how u dont put these things in patch notes

today Im gonna post a youtube video on the patch, and make a series on each patch. 


Simple commentary, forum research, and my own findings. I will try to be as un biased as possible and rely on logic and facts. Then after im done, I can rant and rage!

This, a thoushand times this.



GJ on stealth nerf on reimplantaton, i like how u dont put these things in patch notes


those are minor fixes, but reliably show the way this game is going

This one’s nice. Cheers

I take this back, 

1: You still need to loot after the battle. And it just sends the loots to your mail, ergo additional click ( and there’s a possibility you destroy your loot since there’s a “destroy” option)


2: Your loyalty reward from contracts gets mailed as well, MORE clicking.

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

How do you expect people to be constructive when the recent patches are destructive.

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

We are being constructive! Clearly, you were never taught the difference between constructive, and positive.


We are not being positive because there is nothing to be positive about. This makes two patches in a row that are significantly harming the game and you are unable to understand why people seem angry at you? Really? Are you that stupid?


You want constructive, here is constructive: Increase loot, increase experience, increase loyalty. Remove Mk I equipment from all ships and reduce ship costs. Reduce costs of changing implants back to something sane. Remove mixed-tier matches, or allow players to choose whether they want mixed tier games or locked tier games.


And finally, talk to people! At least give a reason why you are destroying the game in the eyes of your fanbase!


Is that constructive enough for you?

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

 Are you serious? You ninja in raised costs for implants and you do nothing about the things that really matter. I for one are sick of it, I regret so much spending money on this game as of now I have told about 15 friends not to pay a dime for this game.


I love how implementing fireworks missiles etc are such a high priority compared to fixing your dying game, sure it would be a fun addition to a game that was what it once was.


edit: oh, and your forgot to mention that you raised the storage price.

Guys keep the feedback contructive!


I don’t dislike this patch from what I have found out so far :slight_smile: (Exept for the RIDICILOUS implant changes! seriously, how does this make any sense?!)


But could they have done it better? Hell yes. Like trying to make progressing faster since they nerfed it into oblivion. And putting EVERYTHING in the patch notes instead of stealth nerfing everything and displaying only the good stuff in the patch notes… 


Yes it was a bit of a rant, but any proper game developer knows that good communication to your community is needed if you want it to survive if you are still in beta!(Oh right…You guys are but aren’t in beta at the same time I guess?)

i did not have the hope that the reward-nerf would be undone, but at least i expected the game to be playable.


and i’m not talking about any game-mechanics or tier mixing; the game literally crashes everytime it tries to load the level. i had a similar problem before when trying to play missions, but since pvp worked fine it was ok with me. since this update i’m not getting anywhere other than the hangar. sorry but what the hell?


i’m running on an imac with snowleopard. everthing was perfect until the last two updates…


(on a side note- at least admit you guys are after money. that could restore some trust…)

Regarding ship gear and prices: 

 from the perspective of a completely new player who only got a client that actually ran on most Macs as of last patch, I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.

Yes they’re pricey, but if they were any cheaper I’d never spend any time at all in the tier 1 ships.  They’d just sit there in the hangar bay gathering dust, sending jealous glances at the battle scars of their cocky upgraded siblings sitting smugly in your load-out bays. 


The progression from n00b-pilot to slightly-less-n00bish-pilot seems quite natural and makes you think more about the ships you choose and the path through the graph. If everything was cheap and available, I reckon it would detract from the time commitment component to these sorts of games. It’s not like you’re grinding lava-imps in some empty server somewhere with only the gold farmer bots for company - you’re out there blowing stuff up in a gorgeously rendered space simulator. 


Having them start with stock gear is also fine in my view, and is in keeping with the mythos of the universe - it’s like I wouldn’t expect to go to a car yard and have their stock models to have diamond-crusted alloy rims and a beryllium-coated number plate. There’s a reason cheap stuff exists in RPGs, it’s to make you appreciate it more when you replace it with the Purple Throbbing Ray-Shield Violator (of +10 awesome).

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

Error, I have been a staunch defender of the game, because even though you guys started patching hugely money grubbing, I have still seen some quality improvements.

But the last 2 patches, you have been trying very hard to pull the wool over our eyes, and hurting the new player experience very badly.

If I compare this game to the game I played 3 months ago, I can clearly see the financial ninja’ing the devs have patched.

My hope in this game is wavering, and I have spent over $200 on this product. I supported your progress, but since steam release you guys have caught the scent of money, and the game is suffering because of it.

I am almost begging you, please fix the serious issues in the game, of which there aren’t that many, but also fix the really bad decisions the devs have made. I am not going to repeat them because they have been mentioned in this thread already.

From a very concerned gamer.


i did not have the hope that the reward-nerf would be undone, but at least i expected the game to be playable.


and i’m not talking about any game-mechanics or tier mixing; the game literally crashes everytime it tries to load the level. i had a similar problem before when trying to play missions, but since pvp worked fine it was ok with me. since this update i’m not getting anywhere other than the hangar. sorry but what the hell?


i’m running on an imac with snowleopard. everthing was perfect until the last two updates…

 This. Why spend time on gameplay features when there’s a large part of you potential fee-earners who literally cannot play the game at all due to critical memory allocation bugs, display resolution and monitor errors and networking problems? Yes, I have reported all of these. No, no one has replied to any of the threads.  

Regarding ship gear and prices: 

 from the perspective of a completely new player who only got a client that actually ran on most Macs as of last patch, I really don’t see what all the fuss is about.

Yes they’re pricey, but if they were any cheaper I’d never spend any time at all in the tier 1 ships.  They’d just sit there in the hangar bay gathering dust, sending jealous glances at the battle scars of their cocky upgraded siblings sitting smugly in your load-out bays. 


The progression from n00b-pilot to slightly-less-n00bish-pilot seems quite natural and makes you think more about the ships you choose and the path through the graph. If everything was cheap and available, I reckon it would detract from the time commitment component to these sorts of games. It’s not like you’re grinding lava-imps in some empty server somewhere with only the gold farmer bots for company - you’re out there blowing stuff up in a gorgeously rendered space simulator. 


Having them start with stock gear is also fine in my view, and is in keeping with the mythos of the universe - it’s like I wouldn’t expect to go to a car yard and have their stock models to have diamond-crusted alloy rims and a beryllium-coated number plate. There’s a reason cheap stuff exists in RPGs, it’s to make you appreciate it more when you replace it with the Purple Throbbing Ray-Shield Violator (of +10 awesome).


why in the right mind would we want stock crap if we can apply WAY better stuff from the start? If i progress from a rank 2 ship to a rank 3 ship, i can basicly apply my complete fitting on it so why would I want to pay EXTRA for USELESS modules?(This apply to every rank)

And not everyone wants to spend 3 months on 1 game and barely be half way if even that…

So Tiers will still be mixed in matchmaking. Do the Devs ever intend to make it so all Tiers are separate again? A clear answer would be nice.


Someone else seen the implantation price go up? On my way to work, can’t check.


Raising the implantation price to discourage experimentation by the players is bad. But I’ll give the devs a hint. If you’re going to raise the implantation price, give each ship it’s own implantation loadout so I’m not stuck using the same implantation build for three completely different ships.

Having them start with stock gear is also fine in my view, and is in keeping with the mythos of the universe - it’s like I wouldn’t expect to go to a car yard and have their stock models to have diamond-crusted alloy rims and a beryllium-coated number plate. There’s a reason cheap stuff exists in RPGs, it’s to make you appreciate it more when you replace it with the Purple Throbbing Ray-Shield Violator (of +10 awesome).


It is, to my mind, a far more acceptable suspension of disbelief to have the ship sold ‘naked’ and let the player equip it to their liking. Yes, I would not buy a car that is just the body with no wheels or engine, but by the same token I can buy a car with a 1.4 petrol engine, a 1.6 petrol, a 1.6 diesel, a 1.8 turbo diesel, etc. etc. etc. They are all the same car, but the ‘default’ specs they come with vary greatly. Plus, if I have the know-how, I can always buy all the parts separately and build a custom car…

If you’re going to raise the implantation price, give each ship it’s own implantation loadout so I’m not stuck using the same implantation build for three completely different ships.


Well lets see what all of this brings. I would like to think all these price increases are the percursors to T5 ships and that this is really going to be worth it.


One question tho. How can someone say that a game is balanced in matchmaking terms when you pit T2 ships against T3? I meen… i fly T2 and T3 and the modules that you can install can simply make a T3 ship very hard to destroy from the point of view of a T2 player.


Now whats the logic behind the mixed tiers in the MM ? What bases does the Dev Team give to justify the change? 


I meen other then some players say its ok and it really isn’t, because some players can cope with this, others not really, and if you are to have a substancial player base you shouldn’t forget that most people play for fun or casual and get a bit anoyed at suffering defeat after defeat .