Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.13

Fronx it may be a good way to test if the system works properly for in the future maybe? To make sure there are no or few bugs and the items are received properly. Not sure but that is what I guess.

Speed cap increased back to 700? Welp. 

Speed cap increased back to 700? Welp. 


And no other stuff fixed that should have been :F

sweet speed cap :slight_smile:

I wonder how many interceptors per team there will be now.

I wonder how many interceptors per team there will be now.

I wonder how many frigs per team there is now.

I wonder how many frigs per team there is now.



I wonder how many interceptors per team there will be now.

i wonder how many pilots there will be in the future if they keep making patches that driving off players.

no changes reputation, loyalty or even credits? ships still with useless mk1 crap? old mode of “fight button” was much better…

I love how this patch addresses things nobody asked for, and completely blanks what everyone demands.

rage about what?

Usual Russian matchmaker report contains:

"My t2/t3 against their t3/t4, but we won. Fix mixing tiers. "


This is not constructive. Higher tiered opponents usually has lower skills. And this is the main cause of mixing different tiers.


Hm, let me see.

Devs had an awesome game, everyone liked playing, then they went steam and a huge amount of new players came into the game, All was looking really great, player numbers rising dramatically.


Then they messed up loyalty gains and made all the other changes we hate (mixed tiers, loot stealth nerfed, penalty for lower tiers gameplay, mk I crap on new ships that noone wants etc.)

Now, DESPITE there being a constant stream of new players (I need to explain why they need 35 storage space for new ship many times a day and other things new players ask) player numbers are dropping and dropping ever more.


In short, Devs have DESTROYED their own game and their own financial success, but WE the players are not constructive ? Really ?


Here’s news to you: we do not need one specific game - we can always leave and find one that is more fun to play and pay for.

Although seeing how much Gaijin cares about their customers, it is not terribly likely this will be a Gaijin game, I’ll not be paying them any money anytime soon.


Or else the devs can listen to their community and still turn this around and make it into a success. But the clock is ticking guys.

Interface: General

* Expanded maximum storage capacity.

* Added game “Mail”:

  • Currently the mail is only for receiving game items, players can not exchange items.

  • From now on all the items found during looting will be delivered to your mailbox. You have to open your mail and pick up your reward.


I’m hoping there will be a point to this, and that it’s not just an unescecary step between me and my credits, mercinaries get cranky if they are not paid on time…


Edit: I’ts not so bad, you can open your loot while waiting the next queue.

Honestly, I smell a lot of EA style thinking on this:


Someone made a product. That product made money. The product was changed in the hope of making more money, but now makes less money.


Now to me, as a lamen outsider, the answer would be to backtrack - to restore to the last working model and look at why the attempts at progress backfired, all from the safety of a product you know is fairly popular.


Alas, gaming logic is that when you screw up, you declare that screw up a success, no matter what the evidence, and ignore anyone who says otherwise. This seems to be the thinking in place here.

This just got worse. Now re-implantation costs a fortune if you guys check. 

Good job on sneak patch.


Reimplantation = 950k

Single reimplanting = 100k


WTF just WTF 

Good job on sneak patch.


Reimplantation = 950k

Single reimplanting = 100k


WTF just WTF 


yeah, the hell is up with this?  :facepalm:


I was considering the £60 steam bundle yesterday too, not any more! 

So they made implanting worse ontop of not fixxing matchmaking


(oh and i will do start to screenshot everytime i get invincible t4 enemys with epic gear… because DAFUQ)

They’re pissing on us and they say it’s raining.

Guys keep the feedback contructive!

Good job on sneak patch.


Reimplantation = 950k

Single reimplanting = 100k


WTF just WTF 


Storage space also has gone up in price, more ninja “fixes” eh ?


Edit: Error you KNOW we have been giving constructive feedback ever since the loyalty gains nerf. Did it help us ? Did we help the game with it ? Also your posting has an ugly undertone of “…or else”.

What will that else be ? Censoring players who want the game to go back to awesome ?

Or banning of players that feel frustrated and want to leave anyway ? Yea, that will help surely.


How about YOU do something constructive about our complaints ? Like initiate a real dialogue between players and devs, for example ?  

Guys keep the feedback contructive!


Why waste time writing constructive feedback when you’re just ignoring it?