Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.10 Update # 1

As I explained a few post before, I was comparing before / after steam.

But I agree with you. Though not on today’s numbers, haven’t connected yet. Yesterday’s crowd was as usual. Maybe the “patch effect”


Perhaps more relevant to the discussion to be discussing before/after patch?

SO can we say that 


Contracts - Zero cool downs

 - Add more contracts

 - Contracts should give better rewards and increase rank


Max speed - Set it so it can be a reasonably high 750 M/s


Make sure that the Devs make this a fun game, NO GRIND. NO PAY TO WIN. Those words should be stapled on there forehead.

remove the limit to active contracts!!!1!11!!!oneoneeleven!!!


edit: lets see what contracts i have:


-kill some ships

-protect a ship

-capture 2 “bacons”

-capture 3 “bacons”

-destroy a ship attacking our “bacons”

-some other stuff


oook, lets take the “bacons” contracts

hit battle

10 battles later - still no domination match

<insert a lot of curses here>

Is this gonna fix my massive lag issues I’m having?

And the implant that gives bonuses to Federation Frigate drones!

And the implant that gives bonuses to Empire Frigate sniper!



get it?


Or they could simply have some other implants have an effect on the other specials :slight_smile: like how overdrive synergizes with the mobility implants (i would still like to see fed cloak being buffed a little, with a shorter cooldown maybe)

remove the limit to active contracts!!!1!11!!!oneoneeleven!!!


edit: lets see what contracts i have:


-kill some ships

-protect a ship

-capture 2 “bacons”

-capture 3 “bacons”

-destroy a ship attacking our “bacons”

-some other stuff


oook, lets take the “bacons” contracts

hit battle

10 battles later - still no domination match

<insert a lot of curses here>


Umm, just play regular(realistic) matches for those.  They’re more intense anyway.

I just wanted to pop in and say thanks!  The devs addressed the font, which is sooooo much better this way, and at least partially moved toward fixing the contracts as well.  Greatly appreciated! :smiley:


Also, I wouldn’t mind having more contracts selectable and options for contracts available.  This is one area where the game could probably get a little more creative as well, such as adding in saving an ally, winning a mission with a friend, or some of the other achievements available in the game.  Some other ideas could include things like finding a certain number of ship parts in the loot (such as a salvage contract), or even a contract just for not losing any ships.  I think there are many ways we could enhance contracts to make them more interesting and rewarding. 


I also happen to like the idea of being able to select lots of contracts at once so you don’t have to make poor strategic decisions to fulfill them and advance in the game.

Well, at first I wasn’t impressed with the increased rewards on the contracts (10% increase isn’t going to fix the problem at all. Only if players can earn about as much as they did in the old system would it fix the problem).


That said…


Due to a few problems the cooldown reduction did not work as intended. We apologize for the misinformation.

The reduction will be filled in with the next big patch on Thursday.

Furthermore you will get an increased loyalty income with the next patch as compensation.


…This will be useful, thank you. I appreciate that you guys are listening closely to us on this. Hopefully, once the new system is implemented, that the income for loyalty will be comparable to the old system, and people will be much happier for it. :slight_smile:


(From the previous thread)

The contract system is currently under rework.

In the old system many players did not pay attention to the contracts and everyone was just focussed on winning battles.

Therefore we will increase the new system a lot in the near future. There will be individual contacts, chain contracts and a new redesigned template, which you can pick before going into battle.

A return to passive loyalty earning is not planned.


To be honest, I hadn’t even known how to take those contracts, and assumed that they were automatic. It wasn’t until the income was removed that I realized that by double-clicking on the contract, you can activate it. I think it’s more of an intuitive interface issue rather than people not wanting to do them.


That said, I look forward to the new contract system, though as I’ve said repeatedly that the income for loyalty must be much, much higher in order to not make getting T3 items feel like a grind.


On a side note, to reiterate what I said in the other thread, I’d like to see the following additional changes in upcoming updates (* - Very important):


* - 0% > 5% > 10% gain on T1 ships, instead of 0% > 15% > 30%. It makes it less likely for veterans to play T1, and also much harder for rookies to reach T2 with ordinary income. This should be restored to the old system. The exception of course is if there’s new code that reduces income amount for lower tiers the farther up you go. If that’s what’s happening, then awesome (and darn! :P).


* - Allow ships to exceed 600 speed. If there’s a problem with the code and the engine, then it needs to be fixed. I don’t mind a temporary cap if in the long run the code’s fixed. :slight_smile:


  • Make it possible to set the size of a match before joining, and allow players to be matched with that selection. The new system puts a lot of stress on the pilots in higher tiers, and becomes a ‘blob fest’, something that Eve Online’s typically notorious for. In other words, it’s numbers vs numbers, rather than strategy and skill. Though if people want that, they should be allowed to.

SO can we say that 


Contracts - Zero cool downs

 - Add more contracts

 - Contracts should give better rewards and increase rank


Max speed - Set it so it can be a reasonably high 750 M/s


Make sure that the Devs make this a fun game, NO GRIND. NO PAY TO WIN. Those words should be stapled on there forehead.

 There is no need for a specific speedcap, just let the interceptors be able to do what they are meant to do.

I really do not see why NOW is the time to work on nerfing progression speed. As it stands there is ZERO reason to advance between tiers besides 1 to 2 to get away from people greener than a leper. In other games with specific ways to progress it’s actually got incentives to do other activities and don’t consist of “Use weapon you hate”, “Be useless and kill 5 people sniping” or “Play that gamemode matchmaking will never put you in”.

 There is no need for a specific speedcap, just let the interceptors be able to do what they are meant to do.


It’s not as simple as that, I don’t think. Based on what Error said earlier, there’s a problem with the game’s engine and calculating speeds above that number in regard to ship behavior:


  • To avoid errors during computing the ship’s behaviour, the maximum speed is now limited to 600 pts.


That’s why it was done, and that’s why I said that the coding should be fixed to adapt to that.



Thanks for addressing the Contracts issues, looking forward to Thursday when the frequency will be tweaked as well.  


Its lovely to have such responsive developers.  


I can tell my friends not to worry, some of them spent a bit of money and were worried it might be permanent.  


Would love to see Game Type specific Contracts, or Contracts with an alternate clause so they can be worked on in all Game Types, maybe slower.  

they addressed nothing except the font issue


i’ll just qoute myself from the other thread about the loyalty change:



“this game is still a beta and you should expect such changes” - complete bullshit


you make a change like that to the loyalty system in closed beta not in this stage of the game.


you consider your game is still in beta and you still want to make changes as big as the one you just did? don’t charge the players money for parts of the game.


once you start getting money from players you don’t make a change like this one.


i’ll say that again: once you start getting money from players YOU DON’T MAKE A CHANGE LIKE THIS ONE.


you want to slow down the loyalty progress? make the loyalty gains (contracts and battles) about 75% of what it was before


any slower than 75% of what it was reeks of money grabbing


they addressed nothing except the font issue


i’ll just qoute myself from the other thread about the loyalty change:

not only they addressed nothing they didn’t even revert it until they could implemented appropriately like they should have done. Instead they just went “screw you guys” and wait 1 week for the patch. Yeah thank you error for clearly transmitting the feelings of the community to the devs, funny the timing on your award too. Probably the anger talking but i still cant stop hating you now.

Do you guys talk to people like this in real life?


And you are surprised the mods don’t read this forum?

You are even abusing the person who filters this out for them.


This feels like a therapy session in a paranoid schizophrenic ward.  

Grow up.  

And yet, this would be understandable if it had an impact on gameplay. On the long run, ok, this is annoying. But your ships are the same as yesterday.

And yet, this would be understandable if it had an impact on gameplay. On the long run, ok, this is annoying. But your ships are the same as yesterday.


And they will remain the same as yesterday because we wont be able to unlock blue mods without paying :slight_smile:

Yes. So for one week you’re stuck with your modules. End of the world ?

I wonder how many tiers is the final game supposed to have?

Because if it’s only five, then that slowdown was very needed anyway…

Just an argument to the ones who say i’m the only one not thinking the same as the whining crowd :

