Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.10 Update # 1

_ == Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.10 Update # 1 == _

Game balance: Battle search, matchmaking
* Carried out improvements to reduce the probability of battle creation failure.

Contracts: General
* Increased the fee for short-term contracts.
* Reduced contract cooldowns.
* Reputation bonus from the Steam DLC now also increases loyalty gains.

Interface: General
* Returned to the old font.
* Added a space between the player and his message.


Due to a few problems the cooldown reduction did not work as intended. We apologize for the misinformation.

The reduction will be filled in with the next big patch on Thursday.

Furthermore you will get an increased loyalty income with the next patch as compensation.

give me crash kill back    TAT

_ == Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.10 Update # 1 == _

Contracts: General

* Increased the fee for short-term contracts.

* Reduced contract cooldowns.

* Reputation bonus from the Steam DLC now also increases loyalty gains.

Good to know that that didn’t take long

Interface: General
* Returned to the old font.




Would be nice if font would be selectable. Also size of it.

Anyone see this update being applied?

Well well well…

Yesterday we saw flames and insults. And a few constructive ideas lost in the multiple threads and posts.

Though it must have been difficult to sort out all this buzz, the very next day, an update implements the constructive suggestions. At least some of them. Again, beta, work in progress…

I think that all you haters should reconsider your insults towards the devs. I don’t mean the insults I personally received by PM, I don’t care about those.


Well well well…

Yesterday we saw flames and insults. And a few constructive ideas lost in the multiple threads and posts.

Though it must have been difficult to sort out all this buzz, the very next day, an update implements the constructive suggestions. At least some of them. Again, beta, work in progress…

I think that all you haters should reconsider your insults towards the devs. I don’t mean the insults I personally received by PM, I don’t care about those.


Though perhaps put in a less snarky way, i agree with this entirely.


Beta is beta and things will be broken and fixed. Although i was highly irritated by the patch, i did try to put accross the plight of the ceptor pilots; although i am sure it came accross as an angry rant.


Extremely pleased with the devs and this game is epic. I have not enjoyed a game this much since Dragon Age.

Good that you are concerned about the community. Since most of the people I know said they will leave the game due to the premium for 4 man squads + repgrind.


However I still personally think that while this new rep system is good, it has been implemented kinda late.


I wish you would have let the ingame icons for shiptypes above the target boxes be toggleable in the game options, experienced players know the ships by their behaviour and really don’t need to see the icons clutter the ui.

There is a  wonderful thing to be done which is play your own game and listen to the community instead of randomly dropping rage provoking patches. Whoever dosen´t believe they tried to troll us with that patch name also is clearly not paying enough attention. There are hundreds of wonderful ideas and balancing proposals on the forums lets hope the developers start there next time.

There are hundreds of wonderful ideas and balancing proposals on the forums lets hope the developers start there next time.

Indeed. Lots of great ideas. But they are a bit lost amongst all the flaming and the same arguments being rediscussed over and over again.

Hammashauka tried to compile all the proposition. A very constructive initiative for which he must be thanked. Take a look at his post and how it ended.

Flaming is counter productive. If a great and feasible idea suggested yesterday hasn’t been taken into account, maybe it’s because it was lost in all the flames.

I wish you would have let the ingame icons for shiptypes above the target boxes be toggleable in the game options, experienced players know the ships by their behaviour and really don’t need to see the icons clutter the ui.


This. I really wait for more ways to customize UI. Actually maybe make it possible to edit the UI xml file (as I guess that’s where text sizes, colours and icon size options are stored)? 


Many people really don’t need HUGE ship class icons. I would prefer to see where my Captain is instead. I know it really belongs to suggestions forum and sorry for off-topic, but today I had problem to see Captain on a big map, because two frigates were on top of him covering skull icon with huge frigate square icon… 

Error, It is nice to do adjustment according to community response.


I think developers should have their own plan on the whole picture of this game. Hold the plan and do what is necessary.

This game has a great potential on its future development indeed.


About the font, it is better to give player choice.


Thanks for your great effort, this is a great game, good job.

Sooo the patch is through and lo and behold the mighty buff to the contracts, a mighty 180 more points-.- </sarcasm>


also still takes forever for the “low class” contracts to “recharge”

Due to a few problems the cooldown reduction did not work as intended. We apologize for the misinformation.

The reduction will be filled in with the next big patch on Thursday.

Furthermore you will get an increased loyalty income with the next patch as compensation.

Marginal improvement with the update…still not able to address the underlying issue of waiting a long time before I can start gaining loyalty again. Cooldown needs to go, that can be compensated with a reduced reward or and increase in difficulty to balance the loyalty gains. A player needs to be able to both monitor his progress and be rewarded by his action progressively to keep his interest and incentive. While waiting for the cooldown, I’m also cooling myself down of my fervour to this game.

Due to a few problems the cooldown reduction did not work as intended. We apologize for the misinformation.

The reduction will be filled in with the next big patch on Thursday.

Furthermore you will get an increased loyalty income with the next patch as compensation.


Thank you for the update, will play something else for a week then and see if its worth coming back next thursday.

Eh, reducing cooldown time seems like a fair sollution, We’ll see if it works out in the end.


One thing I noticed has been ignored completely though is that with these changes to loyality gain, you are a little more forced to try out the mk1 and 2 weapons, since before that, one was kinda encouraged to use stock ships/only buy the bare minimum until mk3 is unlocked by mere econimical calculations, which is sad since these kinda meta-shenanigans take a bit away from the game.



Alternatively/Additionally: Add more contracts maybe?



Another thing that kept bugging me is, would it work out if you gained faction rep depending on the ship you fly and not the contract you sign?
I couldn’t yet completely make up my mind if it would make sense from an authenticity perspecitve, and if it would still be enjoyable gameplay-wise… but the idea doesn’t wanna leave my mind…

Indeed. Lots of great ideas. But they are a bit lost amongst all the flaming and the same arguments being rediscussed over and over again.

Hammashauka tried to compile all the proposition. A very constructive initiative for which he must be thanked. Take a look at his post and how it ended.

Flaming is counter productive. If a great and feasible idea suggested yesterday hasn’t been taken into account, maybe it’s because it was lost in all the flames.

ideas don’t get lost here, the most any post has is 8 pages. That´s nothing, I really don’t get you man why do you like to wear blindfolds so much. They care nothing about our ideas or suggestions, the only thing that makes them move any other direction than what they want is when we finally get out raged. Don´t you think is funny they make us bare with the new half implemented system for a week instead of implementing it all together, I’m sure they just all went “hey why don´t we use this chance to see how much we can push it”. The 2 things they should work on which are game-play and increasing the player base have both been consistently taking blows this pas 2 weeks, don’t you find that interesting too.

Id rather see the cap for maximum contracts active removed or greatly increased, with 3 contracts its almost stupid to take any domination contract, because the random matchmaking likes to screw you over.


at least let us have 6-7 contracts active at once, or preferably all of them.


Another way could be to add a little cost on “buying” a contract but increase the monetary and loyalty gain at least 2 fold



Also please do give the implant affecting jericho torp’s back!