Star Conflict OBT V. 0.6.0

This morning i’ve received following message:

From: Ministry of Space Geological Research

Dear pilot,

we are very interested in your used interceptor hulls because mandatory docking scans showed they have many asteroid samples on it. It seems you have managed to collect samples from almost every known asteroid in current universe, and since we have lost contact with our own geological survey team after it’s arrival to Pandora sector, samples from your interceptor’s hull would be of immense benefit to geological science. Of course, if samples on your interceptor lead to scientific breakthrough, we are willing to give you full credit for your hard work and research.

In hope of positive response,

Sincerely yours,

Mark Peter Demoung Jr.

Senior Space Geological Research Survey Team Coordinator

Now seriously, if you are flying interceptor and doing some tight manouver (ie in the dogfight) and hit afterburner to try to run away, you have absolutely no idea where you ship will go. It handles like racing car on ice. Trying to do tight turn around a obstacle with afterburner ends up with hitting the obstacle (if you’re lucky, if not, with crash). ‘Slow barrels’ just adds another layer of confusion (it took me a while until i figured out what exactly that means). Perhaps a bit more correlation between where the interceptor is headed and where is actually going?

Afterburner energy consumption: i actually like that, afterburner isn’t something that should be always on.

Main weapon no longer consumes energy: i hope that something will be done with skills which used to affect that

Matchmaker still needs some tweaking: i was flying t1-2, end up against high skilled squad, so i switched to t2-2 and end up against same squad again very next match?

In fight beacon status: before was more clearer, with a glance you could see what was going on with beacons, now it’s not so clear (perhaps because it’s so tiny?)

Different colours of modules in shop/warehouse: i like that, it makes rare equipment stand out more

‘To compare items in the shop with the currently equipped ones, mouse over them and press the ‘Shift’ key.’ - that doesn’t work if you have default weapon (ie no weapon installed, only default), otherwise nice idea.

Also i think it would be useful (for new players especially) if you could somehow add display of ship’s characteristics in the store (like for modules - you can see it’s characteristics before you buy it, but for ships you can’t)

Otherwise, keep on the good work, i can see there is some planning behind the changes and not just changes for changes sake.

I think the new Jericho missile is in need of a small Nerf we had this with the Desin and now it has come back as a missile.

The old Desin was OP since it allowed a ball of frigs to become untouchable and control the whole map since you could not move out of cover with out having 4+ hits blow you up a half second later.

The new missile is the same as the old Desin only now it can hit you behind cover and it has no real counter the AMS can stop 1 then it has to recharge thats great when you got 5+ or more incoming you stop 1 and die to the others.

I think it needs a longer cooldown or do less damage or maybe a mix of both that been said it should not get a large nerf just a small one to get people to stop the missile ball spam.

Module changes

the healing modules got some pretty radical changes, i realise that now that weapons dont take energy, modules take more energy to use but this changed the gamplay in a realy bad and radical way.theres nothing you can do to save yourself anymore, a few(very few…) hits and a missile and poof.

its pure ganking now due to no ability to dodge and heal at the same time, and even if you heal, its does absolutly nothing due to the module nerf.

strategies are pointless when you get 1shotted and artfull dodging is well, none existent.

wall of text, yes. but its important, and il gladly read anyone else`s. we need to change things before they disapear into the “meh” abyss.

And taht is exactly the thing that gave me the feeling that game completly turned in an arcade one, very different from the game it was before (wich i lked so much).

I think the new Jericho missile is in need of a small Nerf we had this with the Desin and now it has come back as a missile.

The old Desin was OP since it allowed a ball of frigs to become untouchable and control the whole map since you could not move out of cover with out having 4+ hits blow you up a half second later.

The new missile is the same as the old Desin only now it can hit you behind cover and it has no real counter the AMS can stop 1 then it has to recharge thats great when you got 5+ or more incoming you stop 1 and die to the others.

I think it needs a longer cooldown or do less damage or maybe a mix of both that been said it should not get a large nerf just a small one to get people to stop the missile ball spam.

i have to disagree, misiles are much slower and have a crappy turning, in order to hit a target right behind a rock one needs to do a big ark wich consume a lot of distance olso note interceptors and to some extend fighters can easily outmanuver them finaly AMS negate this skill so hard is not even funny.

as for the 5 frigate arguement lets be fairand use 1 vs 1 or 5 vs 5 examples, saying something is op in a 5 vs 1 is not a valid point at least not for torpedos.

out of curiosity are these torpedos affected by skills that enhance large misiles? such as revolver or the one that give them more speed?

Here is my feedback, my interceptor always got blown up - so I don’t know what they are talking about invincible interceptors, it was the high skill - high rank frigates that were invincible they could take tons of damage and just repair it away.

-shrugs- They took options away and now force people to use one control mode, making me not want to play.

Game design is never suppose to remove options, it is suppose to provide as many options as possible.

The fact that, as you mention in the OP, they buffed frigate users but kick interceptor pilots in the bollocks, makes me seriously unhappy about this - and makes me not want to play. Frigates are already overpowered, now they are unkillable I bet. They get buffed main weapon, don’t get disadvantages from the horrible movement system that was implemented, etc etc.

Bleh, Not a happy player right here.

Half the fun I had was flying my interceptor on really sharp turns around asteroids, but if I can’t do that, why play?

I don’t want to feel like a beetle stuck in a glass of water - that is not 3D space movement.

I will wait for the skilltree to be fixed, I enjoy piloting interceptors and fighters so considering they are nerfed I will wait to begin playing, I have my own projects to work on anyway.

i have to disagree, misiles are much slower and have a crappy turning, in order to hit a target right behind a rock one needs to do a big ark wich consume a lot of distance olso note interceptors and to some extend fighters can easily outmanuver them finaly AMS negate this skill so hard is not even funny.

as for the 5 frigate arguement lets be fairand use 1 vs 1 or 5 vs 5 examples, saying something is op in a 5 vs 1 is not a valid point at least not for torpedos.

out of curiosity are these torpedos affected by skills that enhance large misiles? such as revolver or the one that give them more speed?

A 5v5 it ends the same way unless all 5 take the AMS then they lose out due to lack of a second repair item that will give the other side an edge by allowing them to take more damage before they go down and each enemy they kill is 1 AMS less and the missile spam can then wipe them out fast.

I do see where you are coming form but every way you look at it any semi good players will be able to make great use of it even if the enemy has a AMS i counter by throwing out a normal missile first then torp them based on the range it works most of the time the AMS hits the missile then the torp hits them i might take a bit of damage back but i can out last them due to 2 repair mods to there 1.

I don`t think the skill will effect it since laser based skills had no effect on the Desin so i would guess missile skills will not effect the torp.

im going to quote the OP and type my own impression, saves time V:

also about my post in the 0.60 thread, i just didnt have time to elaborate and the changes were just overwhelming so i went for “an emotional post”

Movement - adding to what has been said already, its just too much all over the place.

the old movment system wasnt the problem with the interceptor, it was the huge exp difference which gave them 40% more speed and turning than other players, once the match maker is fixed that problem will be gone.

also a well aimed missile still takes down 90% of them.

this change wasnt needed, not by a long shot… the old movement system was 10 times better for all intended purposes and ships.

Edit:, an interesting bug, when you start the client go directly in a test fight, the camera will be the old 1, but with the new systems in place, it seems to fix itself when you go in a real fight though =

for what i tried so far, the new system with the old camera is pretty darn good.

Boost - this change was one of the “oh thats pretty nice” changes and tbh i support it, but theres a few problems:

A) adding to what everyone said, YES the energy consumption is a KILLER and should be reduces by about 25-50%

B)the boost strafing is realy… wierd?.. toy like?.. im not sure how to describe it…

seeing a frigate zigzaging like a cracked up snake is REALY stretching it lol, reducing the strafe speed seems like a good call to me.

C)the need to hold W while using boost, i get that the boost now works as an overdrive system and we get a full ship control(ASDW)

but having to hold the W or S buttons doesnt realy work, for me atleast…

Weapon system -oh boy.

a special note: im probably repeating myself and i hope you guys wont find me annoying for doing this:

sniping in this game was NEVER a good idea, it started with the endless rebalance of the lasers and empire frigates and it didnt stop.

sadly we got 2 more broken weapons now, marked with *.

this is ofcourse my opinion, so please go ahead and prove me wrong.

Railguns :

Assault - damage is a bit high, but it still perfect due to spread

Rapid-fire - * . well as drake said, it cant be called rapid anymore…this gun is to say the least… problematic, and to be frank… BROKEN.

an interceptor using this gun can decimate anything within seconds, so attack ships and frigates using it is just |:

the idea of charge shot is nice, but the damage is just ridiculus! even in T1 with absolutly NO weapon mods…

this needs fixing ASAP, using this is a safe bet on winning.

Stabilized - perfect, high velocity, incredibly high damage, huge spread and overheat so it cant be spammed

but it can be a bit OP vs interc so having a medium barrel cant hurt, but thats my opinion.

Heavy - cant try it due to lack of exp.

Plasma :

Assault - almost perfect, supporting drake on this. either less attack or faster overheat.

Rapid-fire - make it rain~ lol well it still the same gun but with a high spread, which is perfect IMO

Hail - * it used to be my favorite weapon… medium damage, high velocity and medium range made it perfect in chasing and frigate ganking

now its basicly more broken than the empire desintgrator. doing insane damage over insane distances with high velocity is not how this game should be

iv used it with the 90% velocity mod and it was beyond broken, tbh its only redemption is the slow barrel…but still, needs fixing ASAP…

this is an opinion, take it as you see it.

Heavy - lack of exp…

Lasers :

iv never used lasers to an extent that i can determine balance, so yeah.

Graphics -

Trails - pretty usefull, atleast now i can tell what im fighting before getting to a kissing distance or targeting it.

Target Window - mixed feelings on this 1, i mean… seeing the enemy ship is nice, but the lack of info is disturbing…

a possible way to please everyone will be to choose either 1 in the option menu or mixing them…

Module colouring - uneeded imo, especialy with screaming colours D:


a new faction is in town and we need to talk about it.

overall jericho seems to be a good faction, but it still lacks alot of usability compared to other factions.

disccussing ships and their respective modules:

Interceptors - il be honest, the bubble EMP skill is by far one of the coolest and most usefull thing ever added and i can see a dozen scenarios where it can save the day, but theres a few problems:

Range - id say its about… 1000-1500? im not sure exactly, either way… thats easily escapable by most ships…

i get that we retain the momentum from flying while using the bubble for “chasing” but its just not good enough, hell somtimes its even crippling.

getting it to about 3000-4000 seems right to me and itl be actualy usefull outside of tight spots.

Actual activation time - self counting… about 8 seconds… thats a part of the problem, seeing a big pink bubble and having 8 seconds to fly away from it is rather easy… as of now its only effective vs low energy frigates that cant make it in time…

reducing it to about 4-5 seconds should make it much more usefull

Usability vs other factions abilities: 100% worth it if its your thing.

also, if i understand it correctly absorbing damage doesnt increase the time or range of the EMP bubble, therefore the EMP effect duration is set in stone. i chose techs for their various buffs and 1 of them was extra EMP time… 3-4 seconds is what i get,which isnt much at all. please confirm or deny this, thanks.

Attack ships - a delight, i realy cant add more than that… controlling the ship shield via modules is pretty darn nice

i have my concerns about the energy usage and the advanced modules(T2-2 and up)because stacking resistence might be OP… but i cant realy test it so \o/

Usability vs other factions abilities: this is where it gets hard, the federation can go invisible… the empire can go monkeys… well

i dont see how it balances out, for now… as a T1 pilot that can stack resistence yet… well its just a meh ability that doesnt compare to others.

Frigates - ._.;;

i hate the missile thingie, sue me. i hate it.

due to everyone testing Jericho out, some battles are pure bananas its like watching a tennis fight when noone wins,

some people actualy get sick of it and kill themselves so they can go interc/attack ship and never go frigate or atleast dont bother with the ability.

the ship itself is awsome, same as most frigates but the ability is useless when you can just pop it with anti missile module or just outturn it

i realy have no suggestions for this 1 due to being against long range derp damage modules and weapons. =

Usability vs other factions abilties: in combat, its meh at best… sure u can take out smaller ships with ease or a non carefull frigate

but then again you can do it with main weapons and modules with 100% less hassle and risk.

its effective vs drones and clearing out beacons but 1 frigate with an AM on and its useless \o/

please dont hate me for this :V

Module changes

the healing modules got some pretty radical changes, i realise that now that weapons dont take energy, modules take more energy to use but this changed the gamplay in a realy bad and radical way.theres nothing you can do to save yourself anymore, a few(very few…) hits and a missile and poof.

its pure ganking now due to no ability to dodge and heal at the same time, and even if you heal, its does absolutly nothing due to the module nerf.

strategies are pointless when you get 1shotted and artfull dodging is well, none existent.

wall of text, yes. but its important, and il gladly read anyone else`s. we need to change things before they disapear into the “meh” abyss.

I agree with pretty much all of this post, especially the last part about modules.

It seems we have taken a wrong direction at a fork in the road.

If I wanted to be one shot killed and unable to dodge or save myself, I would go play Lame Eve Online (which I don’t ever want to do again) - so take note Star Conflict. This is not the road we should be trodding down.

Flight control has been rendered absolutely non-intuitive. Bad, bad decision. New players will take a ten minute look and just move on to more playable games.

Yup, I hope they get it figured out before all the advertising I did goes to naught.

A 5v5 it ends the same way unless all 5 take the AMS then they lose out due to lack of a second repair item that will give the other side an edge by allowing them to take more damage before they go down and each enemy they kill is 1 AMS less and the missile spam can then wipe them out fast.

I do see where you are coming form but every way you look at it any semi good players will be able to make great use of it even if the enemy has a AMS i counter by throwing out a normal missile first then torp them based on the range it works most of the time the AMS hits the missile then the torp hits them i might take a bit of damage back but i can out last them due to 2 repair mods to there 1.

I don`t think the skill will effect it since laser based skills had no effect on the Desin so i would guess missile skills will not effect the torp.

isnt that the ponit of choice? sacrifice something to get something else.

asuming the oponent fires two missiles you can chose double heal to get twice as much heal but get hit by both missiles or you can go heal /AMS and only get hit by 1 missile.

as far as my knowledge goes max range of guided missiles is 6.5k range wich force the frigate to get closer in order to perform the double missile strategy, finaly hard cover may not always save you from guided torpedos but they can sabe you from normal missiles saving the AMS for the torpedo that is going around.

all in all there is not a perfect strategy against them but there are effective ways that increase the odds of avoiding them, the only real issue with guided torpedos and long range missiles in general is that one dosent get a clue where they are coming from wich is quite anoying to be in a dogfight and the missile alarm start to ring with no real indicator from where the missile is coming.

isnt that the ponit of choice? sacrifice something to get something else.

asuming the oponent fires two missiles you can chose double heal to get twice as much heal but get hit by both missiles or you can go heal /AMS and only get hit by 1 missile.

as far as my knowledge goes max range of guided missiles is 6.5k range wich force the frigate to get closer in order to perform the double missile strategy, finaly hard cover may not always save you from guided torpedos but they can sabe you from normal missiles saving the AMS for the torpedo that is going around.

all in all there is not a perfect strategy against them but there are effective ways that increase the odds of avoiding them, the only real issue with guided torpedos and long range missiles in general is that one dosent get a clue where they are coming from wich is quite anoying to be in a dogfight and the missile alarm start to ring with no real indicator from where the missile is coming.

The choice is only on 1 side the torp spamers do not need to care about an AMS they can just park behind a rock and spam out torps till they win or the time runs out to attack them you need to go in range and to do that is near sure death to the torps so 5 J frigs beat any other 5 ships hands down if all 10 players are as skilled as each other.

The only real counter is to just go torp spam back that way you can go AMS and know no one is going to be able to get close enough to damage the shields and then like the old Desin spam who ever set up and got first shot off won since they would kill the enemy team first and if you ran to cover you still lost as you could then never move out again.

Control: No, no no…god no. Old way was perfect, why change that.

Graphics: Oh the red! The RED!!! it burns my retina. Again the old graphics were cool and didn’t need any change, just map variety.

The main issue is why nerf the PEW PEW of the guns. Now its like PEW… wait 5 minutes then PEW again. Change the damage factors but NOT the fire rate. It looked and sounded cool the old way. Now its like everything is a Hydra sniper. And the heavy plasma look like they fire balls… witch its nice if you like… balls… Great Balls Of (blue) Fire.

Control: No, no no…god no. Old way was perfect, why change that.

Graphics: Oh the red! The RED!!! it burns my retina. Again the old graphics were cool and didn’t need any change, just map variety.

The main issue is why nerf the PEW PEW of the guns. Now its like PEW… wait 5 minutes then PEW again. Change the damage factors but NOT the fire rate. It looked and sounded cool the old way. Now its like everything is a Hydra sniper. And the heavy plasma look like they fire balls… witch its nice if you like… balls… Great Balls Of (blue) Fire.

First off, I want no complains here, no “omg u ruin teh gaem” and such, just constructive suggestion on how this can be made better because this was a great patch, it just needs some modifications to be made perfect.

Next time I should write it in a blinding green-ish colour, I think.

But as a reasonable person I will try to answer some things:

Control: Ok you may dislike this one, but after playing a bit is it really this bad? Not really, it also offers some kind of maneuvers you couldn’t do before. And personally transforming the boost in a kind of overdrive gave players like me who like playing in an action-packed way something to play with, I really like this function. Also, you as everyone should remember this is STILL AN EXPERIMENT, give the devs some days, maybe 1 week, they will do something about it.

Graphics: what exactly are you talking about?

Weapons: Well, I may understand the “pew pew” thing if you play carelessly/use railguns, but if they worked on the damage, killing frigs and such would’ve been impossible. The rest is just random complain, as if the change was that great, and now plasma looks more like plasma, imo before it looked like electricity

You sound like a classic fan boy that can’t take any criticism. If you think all its great its good for YOU. Others may have different opinions.

The problem with the graphics is that its too much red color in some maps. This may differ from player to player as everyone may have different color settings on there monitor or video card.

And as with the other things, the PEW PEW effect of guns its something i like to see in the game, and such, don’t care if you approve it or not.

If you feel the need to give answers to opinions that need no answer, please state if you are a game developer or involved in that process, or just a kid that likes to feel important. Your starting post was usefull for the developers, as players can give feedback, but you trolling anyone that gives an opinion its not.

Guys please stay on topic :slight_smile:

Look at that! Been back after week end and forum is full of complains :frowning:

No good at all. I can undertsand when error says that a new patch can bring panimc among players and some time is needed, but

other patches just got a WOW effect and this is means is a great patch, but this time the whole comunity is on the panic button so if the patch effect is PANIC maybe something really wrong hasd been done with it, and i can see that my first impressions are absolutly shared form nearly the whole cominity, meaning that if something looks to be wrong probably it is!

Pula123 said:

"Control: No, no no…god no. Old way was perfect, why change that.

Graphics: Oh the red! The RED!!! it burns my retina. Again the old graphics were cool and didn’t need any change, just map variety.

The main issue is why nerf the PEW PEW of the guns. Now its like PEW… wait 5 minutes then PEW again. Change the damage factors but NOT the fire rate. It looked and sounded cool the old way. Now its like everything is a Hydra sniper. And the heavy plasma look like they fire balls… witch its nice if you like… balls… Great Balls Of (blue) Fire."

What’s worng with this post?

I think those are exactly the first issues i’ve noticed too, and the comunity did the same i see. So this is something to work on.

THe contro experiment:

Error said it was to compensate the interceptor issue

So first thing to do is setting the control, the way it was before immediatly, and i say why. This really weird system can’t make players really test balance of weapons for example, coz anything has to pass through that weird system, too many change in the same time don’t help development. Put the control the way it was and let’s test weapons balancing, boosting etc. before.

If the old system made some intercept nearly unhittable why not making boost working the way it should? I mean boost should be just a big push forward with camera immediatly stuck behind the ship (or nearly stuck behind it with reduced movement range) and above all not affecting strafing and rolling, on the interceptors at least (think about the new jericho frigate special, the torpedo. That is the way an interceptor should move while boosting, but with same strafing and rolling it has while not boosting). Putting this together with the old control system should solve the interceptor issue i think.

I think this should be the fiirst thing to do so we can test all the rest in the best way possible :slight_smile:

You sound like a classic fan boy that can’t take any criticism. If you think all its great its good for YOU. Others may have different opinions.

The problem with the graphics is that its too much red color in some maps. This may differ from player to player as everyone may have different color settings on there monitor or video card.

And as with the other things, the PEW PEW effect of guns its something i like to see in the game, and such, don’t care if you approve it or not.

If you feel the need to give answers to opinions that need no answer, please state if you are a game developer or involved in that process, or just a kid that likes to feel important. Your starting post was usefull for the developers, as players can give feedback, but you trolling anyone that gives an opinion its not.

I would like you to calm down, as I didn’t offend you in any way.

However, you didn’t give any opinion or suggestion of any kind, as I requested in the first post of the thread, so if you want to say something, I ask you politely to elaborate it in a comprehensible form, and not just as a complain.

I didn’t understand the thing related to the graphics because they didn’t change in any way the graphics, I didn’t notice the red being brighter or such. Well there are some maps with alot of red, but they were already existing. Or were you talking about the new one?

Just to answer you, Fanfulla, in that post pula didn’t make any suggestion as you did instead, and I asked everyone to do so.

Now, sorry for the off topic, but it was needed.

My only suggestion would be a own tab for squad/friends. The chat commands work, but it´s not to cool.

My only suggestion would be a own tab for squad/friends. The chat commands work, but it´s not to cool.

Make a separate thread for that in the suggestions area, though the devs probably already know about it for the most part.

there is one, just thought i could critizise it here.

Also , why is every single sector so … red ? Red is the only color the enviroment knows ? :smiley:

There should be a few others too :wink:

there is one, just thought i could critizise it here.

Also , why is every single sector so … red ? Red is the only color the enviroment knows ? :smiley:

There should be a few others too :wink:

Take a screenshot to show us what you mean, because I really don’t know what you mean.