Star Conflict OBT V. 0.6.0

I will try to answer some of your questions. For the new movement, therr was an issue in thr other movement methods where the interceptor could evade almost every shot.

For the afterburner, they wanted to give it a sense because before you could boost as long as you wanted.

The devs want to bringt some more tactical aspects into the game and not only boost and hold down the fire button.

I know at the moment it seems brutal, but with some feedback and some helping people the balance should be improved.

good evening,

right now i’m running the fourth virus scan (fourth anti virus software) … this all is rooted to the moment i started downloading the patch…

my antivirus system came up with some possible trojans - i believe in connection with the game.exe

anyone else got issues with their anti virus software claiming they found something?

i’m kinda desperate…

new patch is not playable becuase its full of lag! I cant play this game my ship teleporting everywhere :confused: server limit is 350? if server player limit 350, you guys need upgrade player limit.

I will try to answer some of your questions. For the new movement, therr was an issue in thr other movement methods where the interceptor could evade almost every shot.

For the afterburner, they wanted to give it a sense because before you could boost as long as you wanted.

Yes it is brutal m8 lol

Anyway i could agree about the boost and energy changes…but i still see 2 big problems

1)Flying interceptors, or attack ships make me feeling sick :frowning: i got no idea where the ship is pointing, The new control mode will bring player oout of the game, i hope it won’t stay so, Hope you find another way to solve the interceptors issue and set the control the way it wass, coz the control mode and playability in this game was simply great. imagine ppl installing this game for the first time, start flyng and…“Where is this ship going? Bloody hell, what is this ship doing…?” After blasting vs asteroids ten times decision is taken, uninstalled!

2)Weapons need to be well balanced, kills are too quick now

3)I like the new icons but new icons and billions of colours for text in shop ecc.are stressing my eyes a lot

Just trying to help :slight_smile:

1)This will be improved. It is temporary for testing and it should be better in some time.

2)The new idea is nice, but for fixing the balance it needs a lot of detailed testing and a couple of players because the devs cant test every single weapon.

So please try to give as many feedback as possible in a seperate post.

3)They are to indicate the different item values. I dont know if there will be some change.

to point 3: simplest way -> make a switch to turn colours on and off :smiley:

won’t let me switch ships or equipment

Hello guys, since all the “chaos” in the patch notes thread, I wanted to start a new one, but didn’t know in which section of the Open beta test forum put it and also here it is more visible.

First off, I want no complains here, no “omg u ruin teh gaem” and such, just constructive suggestion on how this can be made better because this was a great patch, it just needs some modifications to be made perfect.

Okay let’s get to work then, I’ll update this post every time a reasonable suggestion has been made. I’ll start:

Movement - Ohw, this hurt every non-frigate user in the deep (I myself don’t have any in my hangar). Even though I like this mixed control style, it is not for the looks (I can look at my ship doing stylish moves, yeah) but also for the ability of performing some moves I couldn’t do before. On the other hand my ships feels a little more “clumsy”, turns became way wider and it became harder to shoot while doing some movements.

I understand the reason that brought you to change it to this but this kind of view creates confusion in the pilot, and that’s not the right way to resolve the “invincible” interceptors problem. Have you tried reducing it’s roll speed when boosting?

I may suggest to keep this hybrid style of control but trying to take as much as the old default control style as you can, since at times you can really lose the perception of space now and thus be an easy target for distant enemies.

Also, hey everyone, remember: This is just an experiment, as we are still in BETA, we should be TESTERS.

Boost - Now this is nearly perfect, I like the new energy mechanic, it adds finally an utility to those ship mods. I like how you have increased boost energy consumption but in my opinion now it’s just too much. When facing a really distant enemies as frigates we really need a consistent boost for getting us in range without losing 4/5 of our energy pool, and if we don’t boost we are likely to lose. So my suggestion is, keep the boost consumption higher than normal but lower it a bit than now.

I do like the increased agility when boosting though, awesome!

Weapon system - Yeah finally weapons are truly different from each other but they obviously need some tweaks:

Railguns :

Assault - I think the damage should be lowered a bit in exchange for a little more time to shoot before overheating the gun.

Rapid-fire - Well, I think they should drop that name by now, they should be called “Shotgun railguns” or “Spread shot railguns”. I like this new system and personally prefer it to the normal rapid-fire, but I think there is a problem with displayed damage (It shows more than 1k damage when fully charged but I’m not sure the damage applied is that) but I need further testing for that.

Stabilized - Not tried.

Heavy - Not tried.

Plasma :

Assault - Nothing to say, perfect balance between damage and overheating, maybe needs less damage or faster heating but I’m not sure (I believe it has slower heating than assault railgun?). Need more testing.

Rapid-fire - Not tried.

Hail - Not tried.

Heavy - Not tried.

Lasers :

Assault - Not tried

Rapid-fire - Not tried.

Hail - Not tried.

Heavy - Not tried.

Graphics - I really like the new use of colors depending on rarity but with the general interface they kind of confuse. I cannot really describe what it is, if the font or it’s just that it’s a new thing, I’ll try to come out with a definitive answer.

The pre-match screen has become awesome but the game mode description overlaps with some things on screen, disorienting players.

About the HUD, I’m ok with the new objectives bar on top of the screen but it needs to be highlighted more, maybe by making it a little bit bigger or moving it again in the right bottom corner of screen.

Color trails are a really good addition as are new shot animations, which actually help more in understanding which weapon the enemy is using (useful for Jericho users).

General - As of now, this patch is granting a nice advantage for frigate users who don’t have to deal much with new controls and have higher firepower. Not being able to easily outmaneuver them as it was before is also a big problem, given that firepower to them.

I will add more if I can, feel free to give suggestions or point out problems describing them and discussing them with other users, and I may add them to the list ( NO “oh emm gee, dis gun iz OP”, or not without a reason ).

I hope we can act as Beta testers for once and do our jobs, if someone can test weapons I could not please do it, so we can make a more complete list, thanks.

one of the main things i have found as an issue is the extreme amount of laser damage thats been increased for the frigates you cant really get away anymore it kills u too quick


my evaluation about last patch:

  • the moviment of the ship is very strange. I still cannot control the ship very well.
  • then energy system is very good but I think the afterburn consume a lot of energy and should be decreased.
  • the hull repair module is perfect, The T1 take about 360 seconds to recharge, then the players has be carefull to not damage the hull
  • the shield repair module is perfect too, less amount repair and less time to recharge.
  • the the railgun only fire if you click, I think should fire while hold the mouse button like was before the patch.

Ship control is the biggest problem right now that I have.

I tried two laser weapons that are “slow barrel”, and it’s impossible to dog fight against interceptors with them.

The gun move too slow.

won’t let me switch ships or equipment

Can you open a seperate post for that and attach some screenshots?

First of all thanks for the good feedback. That is the kind of feedback we need now.

For the inferface issues you mentioned, could you upload some screens in a sperate thread and mark the elements that should be bigger.

I will open three threads for the weapons later today where everyone can give some feedback to the weapons he tried.

First of all thanks for the good feedback. That is the kind of feedback we need now.

For the inferface issues you mentioned, could you upload some screens in a sperate thread and mark the elements that should be bigger.

I will open three threads for the weapons later today where everyone can give some feedback to the weapons he tried.

No problem at all Error, I understand that it is not an easy thing to balance all those things together, the last thing we need is being unprofessional. I have to confess, this is the first game in which I act as a real beta-tester because I like everything you’re doing with this game and I seriously hope a future for it, so as a Beta-tester it is my duty to help developers creating a perfect game! :wink:

Ok got it, do you need me to transfer even the other discussions (such as movement of the ship including boost and all, ship resistance, etc…) in other threads, so we can lock this or what?

I think for the boost and movement there is the same opinion in almost every post so I think we dont need any seperate thread for these points.

Okay testing out every weapon I can and eventually trying to get used to this movement system, great work with the “Shotgun railguns” they’re really fun to use!

OK moving in this toppic my consideration, hoping tyo give some helpful feeds, i’ll leave weapons feeds for other topics

  1. Control:

HI really think that the best thing to do is setting it the way it was and find another way to solve the annoyng interceptors issue, maybe reducing rolling, like kingdrake said, or reducing hull and shield… When i start the game i found that the control was one of the best thing of the game and above all it was great giving the player chance to choce the mode they like, so this could be a third mode to add to the other two, but not in substitution of first person view and turret mode…

I can’t really explian what’s wrong with this but changing direction with Intercept and Attack ships is quite disturbing for me, it’s like being in a boat among the waves big waves lol Maybe camera should stay more attached to the bottom of the ship to avoid this problem, or as i said leave this mode as an option added to the other two modes we have bfore… I’d like you to understand my point of view addin options is a plus fpr players instead of a single control mode that will make players who don’t like it to simply don’t play then game.

  1. Other big problem is the slow barrel wich i tried on my expensive Hail Plasma (yoo should call Sniper plasma now) and i don’t like it at all, I’ll write about this in weapons thread but this system (slow barrell) together with new control mode is really disturbing for me during close fighting (I had hail plasma on attack ship too) coz of the ship moving in weird mode anywhere and the aiming with slow barrel doing the same in some other direction…Yes “oh my God” is the beste words i can find to explain the sensation i got… Slow barrell can have sense on huge ships, like crusaiders and so on, wich are nearly steady, but in this way the 2 movements (ship and barrel) not according together are really disturbing for my sense of orientation.

  2. Another thing about new icons and colours. I really like new icons, and the idea of different colour in shop during equipping buyt together they stress my eyes, maybe those colours are too strong :wink:

PS: I totaly disagree about someone’s ideas about the comments like “Oh my god you ruined the game, waht have you done etc…” If yu are working on a product that s going thorugh the market those kind of comments is just what you are lookiing for, they are emotional impressions, and above all first impressions and are very precious in developing a product, ofc we need specific comments, but both kind of comments are really precoius! I would have liked to see more first impressions comments in the thread coz this help development a lot too :wink:

About the camera: It is a problem to nerf the speed or the statistics of the interceptors, because new players would die instantly with them and this would lead to the fact that only hardcore gamers would fly them. But I think the camera view will be improved soon.

About the weapons we will start a discussion during the day.

There are always players that panic in the first moment and that is ok, but they should calm down and give constructive feedback so the devs can see what is good and what needs improvement.

im going to quote the OP and type my own impression, saves time V:

also about my post in the 0.60 thread, i just didnt have time to elaborate and the changes were just overwhelming so i went for “an emotional post”

Movement - adding to what has been said already, its just too much all over the place.

the old movment system wasnt the problem with the interceptor, it was the huge exp difference which gave them 40% more speed and turning than other players, once the match maker is fixed that problem will be gone.

also a well aimed missile still takes down 90% of them.

this change wasnt needed, not by a long shot… the old movement system was 10 times better for all intended purposes and ships.

Edit:, an interesting bug, when you start the client go directly in a test fight, the camera will be the old 1, but with the new systems in place, it seems to fix itself when you go in a real fight though =

for what i tried so far, the new system with the old camera is pretty darn good.

Boost - this change was one of the “oh thats pretty nice” changes and tbh i support it, but theres a few problems:

A) adding to what everyone said, YES the energy consumption is a KILLER and should be reduces by about 25-50%

B)the boost strafing is realy… wierd?.. toy like?.. im not sure how to describe it…

seeing a frigate zigzaging like a cracked up snake is REALY stretching it lol, reducing the strafe speed seems like a good call to me.

C)the need to hold W while using boost, i get that the boost now works as an overdrive system and we get a full ship control(ASDW)

but having to hold the W or S buttons doesnt realy work, for me atleast…

Weapon system -oh boy.

a special note: im probably repeating myself and i hope you guys wont find me annoying for doing this:

sniping in this game was NEVER a good idea, it started with the endless rebalance of the lasers and empire frigates and it didnt stop.

sadly we got 2 more broken weapons now, marked with *.

this is ofcourse my opinion, so please go ahead and prove me wrong.

Railguns :

Assault - damage is a bit high, but it still perfect due to spread

Rapid-fire - * . well as drake said, it cant be called rapid anymore…this gun is to say the least… problematic, and to be frank… BROKEN.

an interceptor using this gun can decimate anything within seconds, so attack ships and frigates using it is just |:

the idea of charge shot is nice, but the damage is just ridiculus! even in T1 with absolutly NO weapon mods…

this needs fixing ASAP, using this is a safe bet on winning.

Stabilized - perfect, high velocity, incredibly high damage, huge spread and overheat so it cant be spammed

but it can be a bit OP vs interc so having a medium barrel cant hurt, but thats my opinion.

Heavy - cant try it due to lack of exp.

Plasma :

Assault - almost perfect, supporting drake on this. either less attack or faster overheat.

Rapid-fire - make it rain~ lol well it still the same gun but with a high spread, which is perfect IMO

Hail - * it used to be my favorite weapon… medium damage, high velocity and medium range made it perfect in chasing and frigate ganking

now its basicly more broken than the empire desintgrator. doing insane damage over insane distances with high velocity is not how this game should be

iv used it with the 90% velocity mod and it was beyond broken, tbh its only redemption is the slow barrel…but still, needs fixing ASAP…

this is an opinion, take it as you see it.

Heavy - lack of exp…

Lasers :

iv never used lasers to an extent that i can determine balance, so yeah.

Graphics -

Trails - pretty usefull, atleast now i can tell what im fighting before getting to a kissing distance or targeting it.

Target Window - mixed feelings on this 1, i mean… seeing the enemy ship is nice, but the lack of info is disturbing…

a possible way to please everyone will be to choose either 1 in the option menu or mixing them…

Module colouring - uneeded imo, especialy with screaming colours D:


a new faction is in town and we need to talk about it.

overall jericho seems to be a good faction, but it still lacks alot of usability compared to other factions.

disccussing ships and their respective modules:

Interceptors - il be honest, the bubble EMP skill is by far one of the coolest and most usefull thing ever added and i can see a dozen scenarios where it can save the day, but theres a few problems:

Range - id say its about… 1000-1500? im not sure exactly, either way… thats easily escapable by most ships…

i get that we retain the momentum from flying while using the bubble for “chasing” but its just not good enough, hell somtimes its even crippling.

getting it to about 3000-4000 seems right to me and itl be actualy usefull outside of tight spots.

Actual activation time - self counting… about 8 seconds… thats a part of the problem, seeing a big pink bubble and having 8 seconds to fly away from it is rather easy… as of now its only effective vs low energy frigates that cant make it in time…

reducing it to about 4-5 seconds should make it much more usefull

Usability vs other factions abilities: 100% worth it if its your thing.

also, if i understand it correctly absorbing damage doesnt increase the time or range of the EMP bubble, therefore the EMP effect duration is set in stone. i chose techs for their various buffs and 1 of them was extra EMP time… 3-4 seconds is what i get,which isnt much at all. please confirm or deny this, thanks.

Attack ships - a delight, i realy cant add more than that… controlling the ship shield via modules is pretty darn nice

i have my concerns about the energy usage and the advanced modules(T2-2 and up)because stacking resistence might be OP… but i cant realy test it so \o/

Usability vs other factions abilities: this is where it gets hard, the federation can go invisible… the empire can go monkeys… well

i dont see how it balances out, for now… as a T1 pilot that can stack resistence yet… well its just a meh ability that doesnt compare to others.

Frigates - ._.;;

i hate the missile thingie, sue me. i hate it.

due to everyone testing Jericho out, some battles are pure bananas its like watching a tennis fight when noone wins,

some people actualy get sick of it and kill themselves so they can go interc/attack ship and never go frigate or atleast dont bother with the ability.

the ship itself is awsome, same as most frigates but the ability is useless when you can just pop it with anti missile module or just outturn it

i realy have no suggestions for this 1 due to being against long range derp damage modules and weapons. =

Usability vs other factions abilties: in combat, its meh at best… sure u can take out smaller ships with ease or a non carefull frigate

but then again you can do it with main weapons and modules with 100% less hassle and risk.

its effective vs drones and clearing out beacons but 1 frigate with an AM on and its useless \o/

please dont hate me for this :V

Module changes

the healing modules got some pretty radical changes, i realise that now that weapons dont take energy, modules take more energy to use but this changed the gamplay in a realy bad and radical way.theres nothing you can do to save yourself anymore, a few(very few…) hits and a missile and poof.

its pure ganking now due to no ability to dodge and heal at the same time, and even if you heal, its does absolutly nothing due to the module nerf.

strategies are pointless when you get 1shotted and artfull dodging is well, none existent.

wall of text, yes. but its important, and il gladly read anyone else`s. we need to change things before they disapear into the “meh” abyss.