Star Conflict OBT V. 0.6.0

Star Conflict OBT v0.6.0

List of changes:

General changes

* A third faction, Jericho, joins the conflict along with its sub-factions: Raid and Techs. Detailed description of the Jericho ships can be found further down the change list.

* A new element added to the main screen, showing the win ratio for all the sides of the conflict.

* Optimized the size and structure of the game client (up to 1,2 Gb). Because of this, the game client will be re-downloaded from the launcher.

* Added a new battleground “Pandora orbit anomaly”.

* Added a new game mode “Domination”.

* Reworked the mechanics of weapons, with a detailed description found further down the list.

* Now you can buy any number of ships of the same type.

* A new section added to the shop, where you can buy forged documents, allowing you to change your character’s faction at any time.

* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.

Game modes: General

* The Game mode is selected at random, when the players queue for a “battle” and a game session is created.

Game Mode: Domination

* There are only 3 beacons in this game mode.

* Initially, the beacons are neutral.

* You must capture the beacons by approaching them.

* When a beacon is captured by one of the sides, it releases defence drones.

* A hostile beacon can be recaptured when all its defence drones are destroyed.

* The more beacons a team captures, the faster the sector control meter is filled. The first team to reach 100% wins.

Game Mode: Capture

* Now, in the case of equal amount of beacons captured by the teams, victory is determined by the amount of destroyed ships.

Game balance: General

* Reduced the cost of faction change.

* Increased the maximum size of the hangar.

* Increased the maximum size of the warehouse

Ships: General

* Jericho ships general features:

  • Strong shields.

  • Slightly higher speed than that of Imperial ships (but lower than that of the Federation ships).

* Reworked the engine glow of different races, with the colours now corresponding to the race.

* Added exhaust trails for all ships, which can be adjusted in the options menu.

* Increased the speed of target-locking enemy ships.

* Auto hull repair removed from all ships.

* Increased energy consumption for afterburners.

* Slightly reduced hull durability for all the Empire ships, but increased damage.

* Recovery rate for the shields now depends on the overall energy level of the ship.

* The ship’s radar now shows the same area its sensors can see.

* Upon afterburner activation, all of the ship’s engines, including thrusters, start working in emergency mode, which greatly improves the speed and agility of the ship in the desired direction, but raises the energy consumption.

Ships: Interceptors

* Added a class module for Jericho interceptors, “Field of unstable energy”:

  • The interceptor stops and generates a field of unstable energy around itself, absorbing any type of damage. After a while, the field detonates, temporarily disabling all electronics in the area.

  • Faction modification for Raid: Longer reach of effects on the enemy ships.

  • Faction modification for Techs: Increased the duration of enemy systems scrambling.

* All interceptors now have an increased rate of beacon capture (+35% to the base speed).

Ships: FIghters

* Added a class module for Jericho fighters, “Phase Shield”:

  • Jericho fighters’ shields always operate with increased resistance to a particular type of damage. The pilot may change the type of resistance at any time.

  • Faction modification for Raid: part of the energy from absorbed damage is directed to powering the ship’s weapon systems.

  • Faction modification for Techs: Part of the energy from absorbed damage is directed to powering the ship’s repair systems.

Ships: Frigates

* Added a class module for Jericho frigates, “Guided torpedo”:

  • The pilot can manually aim a special powerful torpedo.

  • Faction modification for Raid: Increased torpedo speed.

  • Faction modification for Techs: Increased torpedo damage.

* All frigates now have a lower rate of beacon capture (-20% from base speed).

Weapons and modules: General

* Ship’s weapons no longer consume energy.

* Ship’s modules now have increased power consumption.

* All the weapons now have various new shooting mechanics, such as:

  • Overheating: Prolonged shooting leads to the guns overheating and requiring some time to cool down.

  • Charge boost: If you hold down the fire key, a charged shot starts building up. When you release the key, the weapons shoot a charged projectile.

  • Spread: After prolonged shooting, weapon spread increases significantly.

  • Slower barrels: Large guns modifications now have a slowed rotation of the barrel, with the hit point being different from the aim.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Assault modifications of weapons are the closest to the old mechanics, and it is recommended to start adapting through using such modifications.

Weapons and modules: Railgun

* Assault Railgun: Effective at medium range, moderate damage, overheating, high spread.

* Rapid-fire Railgun: Effective at close range, high damage, charge boost.

* Stabilized Railgun: Effective at long range, moderate damage, instant overheating, high spread.

* Heavy Railgun: Effective at medium range, high damage, overheating.

Weapons and modules: Plasma

* Assault plasma: Effective at medium range, high damage, overheating.

* Rapid-fire plasma: Effective at close range, high damage, high spread.

* “Hail” plasma cannons: Effective at long range, moderate damage, charge boost.

* Heavy plasma: Effective at medium range, high damage, overheating, charge boost, slow barrels.

Weapons and moduless: Lasers

* Assault Lasers: Effective at medium range, moderate damage, overheating.

* Economy Lasers: Effective at close range, above average damage, overheating.

* Long-range lasers: Effective at long range, moderate damage, overheating, slow barrels.

* Heavy Lasers: Effective at medium ranges, above average damage, overheating, slow barrels.

Weapons and units: Rockets

* Rockets, destroyed by the missile defence modules, no longer detonate.

Weapons and modules: Class Modules

* “Disintegrator” damage increased by 5%

Weapons and modules: Support Modules

* Repair modules now have high recovery time

* Added “Advanced Capacitors” Mk1, Mk2 to the shop.

* Reduced effectiveness of “Aegis”.

Interface: General

* Added a short display of the ship’s destruction location, as well as the enemy that destroyed it.

* Added colour grading of the quality of modules and weapons.

* Reworked icons for modules and ships.

* Added icons for space debris.

* To compare items in the shop with the currently equipped ones, mouse over them and press the ‘Shift’ key.

Interface: HUD

* Redesigned the interface that displays the battle’s progress:

  • The top line now shows the number of destroyed ships, as well as the team score for the new gameplay mechanics.

  • The bottom line shows the status of beacons and their drones.

* Changed the way the player list is displayed:

  • Effectiveness points are now displayed.

  • The player’s status is displayed.

  • Adjustable size of the list.

Interface: Chat

* Added additional buttons to adjust the size of the chat window.

Contracts: General

* Added new contracts for Jericho factions.

* The contracts show the time when they can be repeated.

* Applied restrictions to the technological level of ships, allowed to fulfill contracts, starting from the 7th rank. For details on the restrictions for each contract, check the “Note” section.

Battlegrounds: General

* Corrected the size of “deserter zone” for all battlegrounds.

Battlegrounds: Pandora orbit anomaly

* Anomaly, located on the battlefield, damages the ships that enter its range.


* The Ctrl key is used to activate free view.

Sound and Music: General

* Improvements in sound balance.

* Improvements in panning the sounds of ships’ explosions.

* Refined the sounds of Pulsar.

* Improved the sounds of guided missile launch.

* Refined various module sounds.

* Laser hits are now louder.

Bug fixes.

* Corrected the descriptions of some modules.

* The contracts window and pop-ups now include the reward bonus.

* Fixed several crashes.

I can’t wait for playing. :010j:

If you want we can fly together in some hours.

OMG…Tell this is not true…

“* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.”

Oh my God! Game looks like a mobile phone game now…Control is so weird…i can’t stop hitting anything…I want my tuirret mode back. Just immegine ppl that are going to play like this for the first time…omg!

"Weapons and modules: Plasma

* Assault plasma: Effective at medium range, high damage, overheating.

* Rapid-fire plasma: Effective at close range, high damage, high spread.

* “Hail” plasma cannons: Effective at long range, moderate damage, charge boost.

* Heavy plasma: Effective at medium range, high damage, overheating, charge boost, slow barrels."

Plasma have completed messed up…I can see teher’e a kind of autoaim now wich means no pilot skill at all…Matches are very quicker than before, it’s very very arcade now, really like a mobile phone, without counting that the hail plasma gun became sniper guns wich i hate lol (and spent all my money to buy 2 hail (5400 range) just few days ago…now cursor moves on the target on its own :(. I think you should introduse some mid range hail plasma like it was before tahnx…

Rapid fire plasma animation is quite ridiculous atm but big problem is that we are playng a different game now and definetly a worse one, SUPERARCADE game like mobile phone ones :frowning: It doesn’t look like a pc game at all now…

First thing to do is put the turret mode the way it was before!

second, put the aiming system the way it was before

Third, work on weapons balance coz killing are toooo fast now and same for matches

Sorry, it’s just waht i think.

oh man i cant wait to see the changes!

some sound so good but some questionable at best D:

time to be active again! testing is fun ;3


that’s weird: my anti virus porgramm informed me during the download it found some questionable files as a result i can’t download the patch…anyone else with the same problem?

Forgot to say taht boost is pretty ueselles now!!

Game is ruined, gonna try with other weapons

I am having problems flying normaly - my ship would just pitch and roll arbitrarily although I am using thrusters to control - almost like I was in a stall - really this is not playable for me at all - I tried almost all setting combinations on advanced but with no effect so I went back to what I had in the beginning: Auto-allign and Pursuit<->Combined - might be worth noting that I dont play inverted mouse - can someone please have a look as like this I can not fly normally let alone fight anyone - I can see other fly normally so I dont understand why it is not working for me


game is ruined it was already great and capt attention of many players the way it was…

I see something very dangerous here…ppl trying the game now will be scared and think the game is crap…

I find that the new weapon system is horrible too…Game is really arcade…have i alreday said this…? :slight_smile:

yes awesome patch is here but download is so slow (200kb) :frowning:

Edit: What is that


Bigger ship is looks like destroyer class

@ fanfulla developing a game (any kind of game) is a process of trial and error … so you stated you don’t like the new features - there is a suggestion section on this forum…you may post your reasonable critism there but please stop crying about all is going worse…did i mention the game still is beta testing?

virus problem fixed, lowered the panic level of my anti virus software

yes awesome patch is here but download is so slow (200kb) :frowning:

Edit: What is that


Bigger ship is looks like destroyer class

these ships are the jericho frigate class… and yes they look huge…check the art section…there should be an picture of a t5 jericho frigate :smiley:

@ fanfulla developing a game (any kind of game) is a process of trial and error … so you stated you don’t like the new features - there is a suggestion section on this forum…you may post your reasonable critism there but please stop crying about all is going worse…did i mention the game still is beta testing?

virus problem fixed, lowered the panic level of my anti virus software

Obviously i know, that’s the reason why it’s very important posting players impressions :wink:

You should do the same to build a better game :slight_smile: Haven’t you got any opinion about this patch? Post it, this helps development i believe…

Here is another one:

Rails animation was great and they’re not anymore.

Too cool jericho frigates special lol

the download speed is realy whacky = it spikes from nothing to max and changes every second…

we should realy get a downloadable client instead of the launcher now that the CBT is over and anyone can play

my server recomendations : rapdishare/mediafire. theres alot of other hosting servers that are good enough but these 2 are best imo.

440 mb left ._. from 20mins to 4 hours and spiking D8

right now i’m downloading the patch…don’t know what to make of your fears / complaints fanfulla…i might see them right and honest…or disagree with them :smiley: we’ll see

right now i’m downloading the patch…don’t know what to make of your fears / complaints fanfulla…i might see them right and honest…or disagree with them :smiley: we’ll see

That’s exactly what i mean m8, and what devs need i suppose. Error wrote “* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.” so i think they need feeds…

After some other tests i can say that personally after playing kind of 15 missions i had to stop, to be honest the movements of ships (above all fighters and interceptors) gave me a bit of nausea, sometime i can’t understand where the ships is pointing, u move commands and ship seems to go somewhere else so i think this misleads my sense of orientation, but maybe there’s something wrong with me lol

Here are other observations

* Ship’s modules now have increased power consumption.

This make ppl die very fast, It’s very easy to run out of energy now

- Overheating: Prolonged shooting leads to the guns overheating and requiring some time to cool down.

Do i like it? Don’t i like it? we’ll see, i found it quite annoyng atm

- Spread: After prolonged shooting, weapon spread increases significantly.

This has no sense to me

  • Slower barrels: Large guns modifications now have a slowed rotation of the barrel, with the hit point being different from the aim.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Assault modifications of weapons are the closest to the old mechanics, and it is recommended to start adapting through using such modifications.

And this is part of the problem that causes me a bit of nause i suppose lol, obviously i don’t like it

I had logged to play in lunch hour for five minutes and I saw the afterburn is consuming a lot of energy and this is a problem. I think the consume energy of the afterburn should be decreased. But I played only five minutes, tonight I gonna play for more time to do a evaluation.

PS: I liked the jericho ships.

“* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.”

ERrrrrmmmmm makes me not want to play.

Sounds like they caved for that person using the tablet to play the game and as a result messed the game up for everyone using a mouse.

Guess I will wait for the next patch, oh well - bye Star Conflict - was nice knowing you.

Everything else looks great except for the control changes and honestly there was nothing wrong with the control modes we had - we had the choice to select what we wanted and that worked fine - if that person that used the tablet to try and play the game made you do this - it really isn’t logical.

You don’t try to make the game playable for one cynic who uses alternative input hardware, you are suppose to cater to the majority of the PC user base which uses mouses and didn’t have any issues with the control modes.

Guess I will go work on my own game again, my own game that will never support lame tablets.

“* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.”

ERrrrrmmmmm makes me not want to play.

Sounds like they caved for that person using the tablet to play the game and as a result messed the game up for everyone using a mouse.

Guess I will wait for the next patch, oh well - bye Star Conflict - was nice knowing you.

Everything else looks great except for the control changes and honestly there was nothing wrong with the control modes we had - we had the choice to select what we wanted and that worked fine - if that person that used the tablet to try and play the game made you do this - it really isn’t logical.

You don’t try to make the game playable for one cynic who uses alternative input hardware, you are suppose to cater to the majority of the PC user base which uses mouses and didn’t have any issues with the control modes.

Guess I will go work on my own game again, my own game that will never support lame tablets.

Playability was the greatest thing with this game, as the wise man says “if ain’t broken, don’t fix it” lol

new Hail Plasma gun control is something i can’t get used to, i’ll try the other weapons :slight_smile:

That’s exactly what i mean m8, and what devs need i suppose. Error wrote “* As an experiment, there is now only one control mode, with a significantly increased maneuverability of all ships. The control mode switch button now allows the player to rotate the camera around the ship.” so i think they need feeds…

After some other tests i can say that personally after playing kind of 15 missions i had to stop, to be honest the movements of ships (above all fighters and interceptors) gave me a bit of nausea, sometime i can’t understand where the ships is pointing, u move commands and ship seems to go somewhere else so i think this misleads my sense of orientation, but maybe there’s something wrong with me lol

after a while i got use to but i do agree it can be quite anoying the new movement system

Here are other observations

* Ship’s modules now have increased power consumption.

This make ppl die very fast, It’s very easy to run out of energy now

before this people could just boost, heal, etc all day long wich was bad, energy now has a real value making energy restoring skills and equipment more valuable it olso makes people think when to use it intead of spamming it all day long

- Overheating: Prolonged shooting leads to the guns overheating and requiring some time to cool down.

Do i like it? Don’t i like it? we’ll see, i found it quite annoyng atm

- Spread: After prolonged shooting, weapon spread increases significantly.

This has no sense to me

same as above it reward acuracy intead of just holding the mause presed till one hit something.

  • Slower barrels: Large guns modifications now have a slowed rotation of the barrel, with the hit point being different from the aim.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Assault modifications of weapons are the closest to the old mechanics, and it is recommended to start adapting through using such modifications.

And this is part of the problem that causes me a bit of nause i suppose lol, obviously i don’t like it

movement could use a revamp and energy consuption could be lowered a bit say 10% but all in all i like the patch, i will post in the suggestion forum something that might solve the energy problem.