Star Conflict OBT V. 0.6.0

Just to answer you, Fanfulla, in that post pula didn’t make any suggestion as you did instead, and I asked everyone to do so.

Now, sorry for the off topic, but it was needed.

No problem m8 :slight_smile:

We are all tryng to help coz we care this game :slight_smile:

My personal opinions on the new patch:

Guided missiles should be kept the way they are, maybe with decreasing damage the further from the explosion you are. A tracker on the minimap showing the missile would be nice, but I think that interceptors and attack ships only need to change the way they play a little bit and they can get away from the guided missiles every time. When the patch first came out I realized that I was sucking because I let the guided missiles hit me when I was in my interceptors and Attack ships. There were two things i could do about it. 1.) Post on the forums that they were OP and quit the game, or 2.) adjust my playstyle a little so that I would not get hit. A few tips that helped me avoid the guided missiles are: when you hear the alarm, and no symbol showing a missile lock get into cover (preferably a large astroid so that the missile could not turn to hit me or get close enough to hit me), cloak (if vanguard) or Get the $&%* out. I know for sure that all Interceptors have the agility, acceleration and speed to do most of the above. All the attack ships I have tested can at least get in cover and only the empire line Attack Ship cant outrun the missiles.

I read much about new control mode, so i wont add more to it. (I did’t like it too, first thing i wanted to do was to get old one back)

Next thing that annoys me is Charged Shot thing - great idea, but implementation not so good. I really liked rapidfire railguns, but now… they’re just not rapidfire. What i think would be best is to give players opportunity to use charged shot, not forcing them to use it. Why not let guns autofire the way they did before when you hold fire button. When you stop firing, then charging begins and when u start shooting again it releases charged shot. Voila - rapidfire gun with charged shot ability. Ofcourse it would need additional buff/nerf rebalance to avoid uselessness/overpower.

I think it may be worth trying/testing to make charged shot not burst all of its energy in one big scattered shot, but rising firing speed by 200% for 1-2 sec then slowing down gradually. It would make rapidfire gun shoot with short 1-2 seconds bursts (insted of shotgun/flack cannon behaviour), and the longer they shood without break, the lower attack speed gets.

First of all, this would prevent ONESHOOTING smaller ships and force player to aim a little bit longer untill whole charge comes out, giving vulnerable ships a chance to avoid part of projectiles. It would also give the shooter a chance to hit his target with at least part of the charge if he didn’t aim well in the moment of releasing charged shot.

Oneshooting was my biggest disappointement (after new control/camera mode). For a first 5-6 games i suddenly saw that my ship with 100% hp instantly exploded and i had no idea why - untill tried charged shot myself while flying heavier ships. Charged shot is good idea but need remake.

Another thing is Jericho frigate guided torpedo. As many of you noticed - there is often no clue where the @#$% its going from? You run for cover, and BAM! You have hide at the wrong side of the asteroid.

I’d say give it even more splash and damage! It’s a mininuke right? BUT it’s slow, big, and less maneuverable than anything - why can’t i shoot it with my ships gun? Slow big target is a perfect target!

If you give the missile enough HP automatic antimissile equipment, or drones will not oneshoot torpedo (its not conventional missile so conventional antimissile equipment should be less effective against it). But ability to shoot torpedo down with your main gun would be fine (with some fair ammount of effort of course, it can’t be too easy to shoot it down too). This way pilots are not forced to equip antimissile items, and the ones with antimissile protection arent immune to it (imagine anti disintegrator shield making you immune to imperial snipers - ridiculus? you can easily hide from it - asteroid are free, and availible to all right? But you cant hide from torpedoe, so there should be some way to get rid of it availible to everyone).

Last thing that is bugging me is new gui. I prefered the one that was in bottom right corner insted of present one. Why? The one i see now is not so clear as it was before. Before patch i could see instantly which beacon is under attack, and how many drones it have and how much it is captured. Now its a bit too smal, and less clear. Maybe just use the old one and adjust it to fit in the top middle part of the screen?

Many complained about items coloured names - i think its a great thing. If there are many people that doesn’t like it - make a switch to on/off colored names, or just make them less saturated.

All other new features, i like or did not tested.


By the way, I’d love to hear russian voices ingame, but with english interface. Would you kindly make a switch to determine which language voices to use without converting whole game into russian?

I agree with all of UFoL’s post, great contribution and suggestions.

I read much about new control mode, so i wont add more to it. (I did’t like it too, first thing i wanted to do was to get old one back)

Next thing that annoys me is Charged Shot thing - great idea, but implementation not so good. I really liked rapidfire railguns, but now… they’re just not rapidfire. What i think would be best is to give players opportunity to use charged shot, not forcing them to use it. Why not let guns autofire the way they did before when you hold fire button. When you stop firing, then charging begins and when u start shooting again it releases charged shot. Voila - rapidfire gun with charged shot ability. Ofcourse it would need additional buff/nerf rebalance to avoid uselessness/overpower.

I think it may be worth trying/testing to make charged shot not burst all of its energy in one big scattered shot, but rising firing speed by 200% for 1-2 sec then slowing down gradually. It would make rapidfire gun shoot with short 1-2 seconds bursts (insted of shotgun/flack cannon behaviour), and the longer they shood without break, the lower attack speed gets.

First of all, this would prevent ONESHOOTING smaller ships and force player to aim a little bit longer untill whole charge comes out, giving vulnerable ships a chance to avoid part of projectiles. It would also give the shooter a chance to hit his target with at least part of the charge if he didn’t aim well in the moment of releasing charged shot.

Oneshooting was my biggest disappointement (after new control/camera mode). For a first 5-6 games i suddenly saw that my ship with 100% hp instantly exploded and i had no idea why - untill tried charged shot myself while flying heavier ships. Charged shot is good idea but need remake.

Another thing is Jericho frigate guided torpedo. As many of you noticed - there is often no clue where the @#$% its going from? You run for cover, and BAM! You have hide at the wrong side of the asteroid.

I’d say give it even more splash and damage! It’s a mininuke right? BUT it’s slow, big, and less maneuverable than anything - why can’t i shoot it with my ships gun? Slow big target is a perfect target!

If you give the missile enough HP automatic antimissile equipment, or drones will not oneshoot torpedo (its not conventional missile so conventional antimissile equipment should be less effective against it). But ability to shoot torpedo down with your main gun would be fine (with some fair ammount of effort of course, it can’t be too easy to shoot it down too). This way pilots are not forced to equip antimissile items, and the ones with antimissile protection arent immune to it (imagine anti disintegrator shield making you immune to imperial snipers - ridiculus? you can easily hide from it - asteroid are free, and availible to all right? But you cant hide from torpedoe, so there should be some way to get rid of it availible to everyone).

Last thing that is bugging me is new gui. I prefered the one that was in bottom right corner insted of present one. Why? The one i see now is not so clear as it was before. Before patch i could see instantly which beacon is under attack, and how many drones it have and how much it is captured. Now its a bit too smal, and less clear. Maybe just use the old one and adjust it to fit in the top middle part of the screen?

Many complained about items coloured names - i think its a great thing. If there are many people that doesn’t like it - make a switch to on/off colored names, or just make them less saturated.

All other new features, i like or did not tested.


By the way, I’d love to hear russian voices ingame, but with english interface. Would you kindly make a switch to determine which language voices to use without converting whole game into russian?

Good ideas in this post…

  1. About jericho’s torpedos i think best thik to do is remove the early explosion…all problems will be solved

2)About colours in menu, they are nioce and helpful but a too stronger and eyes stressing :wink:

Aftyer some other testing i copuld say that killing are still too fast…

I’d like 20% less damage on all weapons and missiles above all

After other testing i can see that jericho ships are largely advantaged by the new specials system…

As you know restoring shields speciala has a very short cooling time in comparison to the hull restoring special…why???

Jericho ships has massive shields and they can restore shields nearly to infinite…

This should to be fixed soon too, Other wise with same logic empire should have same quick cooling time for hull specials and hull and shield special shoud have same cooling down on both shields and hull for federation ships. In this way the system is really disbalanced :frowning:

After other testing i can see that jericho ships are largely advantaged by the new specials system…

As you know restoring shields speciala has a very short cooling time in comparison to the hull restoring special…why???

Jericho ships has massive shields and they can restore shields nearly to infinite…

This should to be fixed soon too, Other wise with same logic empire should have same quick cooling time for hull specials and hull and shield special shoud have same cooling down on both shields and hull for federation ships. In this way the system is really disbalanced :frowning:

The jericho faction has just been added to balancing will begin to happen with the upcoming patches. Sounds like the cool down time just needs to be increased to around the same of the hull module.

After other testing i can see that jericho ships are largely advantaged by the new specials system…

As you know restoring shields speciala has a very short cooling time in comparison to the hull restoring special…why???

Jericho ships has massive shields and they can restore shields nearly to infinite…

This should to be fixed soon too, Other wise with same logic empire should have same quick cooling time for hull specials and hull and shield special shoud have same cooling down on both shields and hull for federation ships. In this way the system is really disbalanced :frowning:

Let me give you my two cents, though I’m not totally sure about what I’m saying.

First, as you may see hull restoration is HUGE. This has been made because now hull doesn’t auto-regen anymore and also before if someone was attacking you and you used the hull restoration module to save yourself you were likely to be dead anyways because of the low rate of regen (unless you were in a frigate).

Giving an high regeneration rate was not enough, to let it not be abused they increased ALOT the cooldown (and it seems totally legit to increase it this much)

Now, I think the choice to improve the regeneration fell on the hull restoration module instead of the shield restoration one because hull is vital for the ship and they wanted to give you a module to help you escape from critical situation.

If you look, the shield restoration module has a kind of low restoration rate, infact you just need to keep shooting a ship that is using it even with a railgun and as a result it’s shield will only decrease. Not to count that shields have their own automated restoration, so increasing the restoration rate of shields would result it in being OP.

Personally I find it way harder to kill an Empire ship than a Jericho one (whatever weapon you’re using) because if it activates the hull restoration module, it has the time to easily kill you. It isn’t the same if a Jericho ships uses a shield restoration module.

Now, that is my personal opinion, if you do not agree feel free to reply ^^

Let me give you my two cents, though I’m not totally sure about what I’m saying.

First, as you may see hull restoration is HUGE. This has been made because now hull doesn’t auto-regen anymore and also before if someone was attacking you and you used the hull restoration module to save yourself you were likely to be dead anyways because of the low rate of regen (unless you were in a frigate).

Giving an high regeneration rate was not enough, to let it not be abused they increased ALOT the cooldown (and it seems totally legit to increase it this much)

Now, I think the choice to improve the regeneration fell on the hull restoration module instead of the shield restoration one because hull is vital for the ship and they wanted to give you a module to help you escape from critical situation.

If you look, the shield restoration module has a kind of low restoration rate, infact you just need to keep shooting a ship that is using it even with a railgun and as a result it’s shield will only decrease. Not to count that shields have their own automated restoration, so increasing the restoration rate of shields would result it in being OP.

Personally I find it way harder to kill an Empire ship than a Jericho one (whatever weapon you’re using) because if it activates the hull restoration module, it has the time to easily kill you. It isn’t the same if a Jericho ships uses a shield restoration module.

Now, that is my personal opinion, if you do not agree feel free to reply ^^

yes king i’m replying lol

Thgis happens exactly in the same way on hull restoration…i can’t see any difference. Once i lost my shield there’s nothing to do but waitng for exploding. No matter if you activate the hull restoration if ypou under fire.

I’m palying on fed ships and on jericho to try now and then. When i’m on fed once i lost most of hull and used the never cooling down hull restoration the only thing i can do is waiting somewher wiating for the cooling down till a torpedo comes and gets me lol there’s nothing to do!

When i’m on a jerich ships only think to do is never run ot of shields and u r going to win and this is very easy with the shield restoration coz u can use it as many times you want. Add to this that shiedls on jericho ships are nearly the double of federaition and u can easily recover all your defensive pts as many times you want…

mmmm…Really i don’t like the way new specials and energy consumption are working, not at all. It was much funnier in the old system… Now you can recognize very well the situation which you r gooing to die in, b4 it happens, and when it comes there’s nothing you can doi to save you (if you boost you can’t use special, if you use special you can’t boost so remain under fire, and using special is a waste).

Ah I see… yeah you’re right, it’s a problem of Federation ships having low survivability in exchange of speed and maneuverability but I do not really know what might be the fix.

Personally, I do not use any restoration module since I use only Jericho and shield restoration module is pretty useless looking at my playstyle, I hope someone comes in giving a suggestion

Damage model:

I’mma sum up the damage model in one sentence, and don’t try to prove me wrong because you can’t:

“Counter Strike: Space Edition”

Seriously. That’s what it is.

Used to be, you could hold your own against two ships, if you knew what you were doing, now you die in like four hits, depending on your ship type. It’s fun when you’ve got the drop on them, but not so much as fighting back. Once they have you, that’s it. There is no real strategy or equipment management (like how you would do on a REAL space-ship). Oh, and it’s impossible to avoid missiles without an AMS.

All I would need is this: A Federation fighter with nothing but Ion Beams for AMs [Active Modules], Premium RF Railguns, plenty of speed enhancements, and, of course, a fighter with a cloaking device (hence picking the Feds for this). Use the cloak, sneak up on someone, use the Ion Beam, and then blast them into vapor with the RF Railguns.


Instant Death Machine.

Game over man.


The new controls are xxxx, and Expert is pretty much the original, but you can no longer use the turret mode. The Control key just frees the camera so you can move it around. Lame. Change it back.

Weapon design:

OH MY GOD. DON’T CHANGE IT, IT’S PERFECT. Though, I would suggest changing the RF Railgun so that you don’t have to wait one whole second to fire another normal burst. But this is just the design, not the actual damage scaling. Fix that xxxx.

Physics Model:

Another good improvement. I actually feel like I have some control over my ship, and even fighters now can move around, rather than being miniature frigates. But, it would be nice if the regular engines were actually worth something like they were in the old model. Basically the only way to really get around is the afterburner.

Energy Model:

The energy management scaling is really terrible. Basically you can only use one thing at time.

The old way was bettah, and forced you to pre-plan your attacks, which was awesome.

Problem here is that matches now simply works like a heads or tails system atm… no good at all and not fun.

I understand the need for overheating. I really do. I don’t like it, but I understand it. Could you please at least develop a passive mod and some skills for either increasing resistance to overheating or decreasing cooling time? It would be very much appreciated. I just lost a kill and then died do to my lasers overheating just as he was at less the 10% hull. In the instant i had to stop shooting, his wingmate got the jump on me and killed me. instead of a 1 for 1 trade, i just wasted my best ship. Please help, overheating makes me a sad panda.

I understand the need for overheating. I really do. I don’t like it, but I understand it. Could you please at least develop a passive mod and some skills for either increasing resistance to overheating or decreasing cooling time? It would be very much appreciated. I just lost a kill and then died do to my lasers overheating just as he was at less the 10% hull. In the instant i had to stop shooting, his wingmate got the jump on me and killed me. instead of a 1 for 1 trade, i just wasted my best ship. Please help, overheating makes me a sad panda.

It would be an idea to make such a module, but I think the module would also need a disadvantage in order to prevent lasers from being overpowered.

It would be an idea to make such a module, but I think the module would also need a disadvantage in order to prevent lasers from being overpowered.

the easy solution to prevent a weapon being overpowered is to make specific defensive equipment such as extra shield/hull ressit to “x type” stronger.

the rock/scisor/paper concept works realy well, jerico fighter is living proof of this, nothing funnier than looking 2 or even 3 laser ships having a hard time destroying a full anti thermal jerico fighter.

the easy solution to prevent a weapon being overpowered is to make specific defensive equipment such as extra shield/hull ressit to “x type” stronger.

the rock/scisor/paper concept works realy well

sure, that is one way. but laser for example deal a lot of damage and you may switch the damage type with the weapon modules.

sure, that is one way. but laser for example deal a lot of damage and you may switch the damage type with the weapon modules.

mever undertood the need of those modules that change damage type, if anything changing damage type should reduce damage by 15-20% to keep the rock/paper/scisor concept.

New patch can be already tomorrow…

Auto-Translated news from Russian forum :slight_smile:

Independent Intergalactic News - All the most interesting with us.


I. On consideration of the Emperor, the new first military adviser star - the general Zverin, sent the order on arrangement cancellation behind number VMK-739-834. In an essence it is arrangements on the logistics concluded 20 years ago by the Empire and Federation and signed recently by families of Jericho, appears that in case of emergence of the local conflict each party can send to the aid of the armies 2 ships on everyone participating (in some special cases still on 3). If the Emperor approves cancellation of this agreement, the Empire can deliver the help to army beyond all bounds. It most likely will cause the extremely negative reaction of Federal Council and becomes direct declaration of war.

II. In total a few hours ago, the Federation Council in reply to a unilateral rupture of old arrangements, declared the free distribution, to all armed forces of Federation and persons sympathizing them, the new search devices providing increased chance of detection of useful things, remaining after fight. On assurance this device can find at least 1 useful thing from 100 % efficiency.

III. Representatives of families of Jericho, declared immediate arms of all ships and loyal mercenaries new powerful and fast rockets of the new generation which has received already accepted prefixes of Mk.2, Mk.3 and Premium

INN - (8) from 4612.11.28

My feedback on these patches

* Repairs modes high to high a cooldown, and two low of regen. Needs to be changed to be moderate of each. 15-30 second cooldown.

* ship based skills are to much of a hassle not only to balance, but in making the game diversely balanced. We need faction-wide abilities that change with ship hull sizes

* Sniping is a tactic, but it should not be done at 15km. it should be done at 6-7k tops. the best way to fix this is to nerf plasma to be in your face 1.8k-2.2k, rails to be 4.5k-5.5k, and beams to be 3.2-3.6k. Further, beams should all be channelled (Like assualt lasers)