Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.3 Discussion

You paid for auto repair and ammunition.

The problem is he paid for repair and ammo, but it was not actually repaired. It’s happened a few times to me too. All you have to do is manually repair and it’ll finish the process, but it’s still not working as intended since that defeats the point of it being set to automatic.

Honestly missing the old Guided torp from the old days (well they’re old now). The days where you could actually wipe a beacon of it’s drones rather than hold off the players after an Em torp nails your own beacon.

tathannibal, on 11 Jul 2014 - 06:58 AM, said:[![snapback.png](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/snapback.png)](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=276125)

And not Repaired need all time to click repair…


Happened to me too, but not all the time.


Same here with ammo replenish.

You paid for auto repair and ammunition.


This issue is happening alot since this lasted patch. 

Since it was just pointed out to me that the A1MA blueprint was removed from the shop but blueprints and module remain with those that bought it before, is that intentional?

I’d vote for removing it completely if I had a say, but making it available to only a few makes an even worse impression to those that come after.

this. either put it back or remove it all together, but please no “some have aimbots others not” solution.

Yea, I need a good reason to go back to my Jericho Command and the only reason I’ve been running my Gunship over it is because of the A1MA. So long as we get a full refund I’m cool with them removing it. Has anyone tested Diffusion Shield post patch?

What’s with them not removing Reverse Thruster from the menu too though? Devs don’t see that module as a problem or they don’t want to remove too many things at once?

Has anybody noticed they changed the SR system back to the way it used to be as well?   I started the evening at 1934 SR and probably had around 70-80 kills and only 2 deaths for the entire evening and yet still ended up with 1924 SR at the end of the night.

yeah its back to normal, was a bit ridiculous before :005j:

Guys the cooldown is really lower now. Even in t3 i’m getting more time in overdrive (more hit & run strike) than before, but i understand that long ranged weapon on gunship have a different behavior than bubblegun (wich is my fav. weapon). So for me it’s not a nerf.


Well, I played a couple of hours yesterday to see how the change would translate over gauss weapon and it is exactly as I thought, less effective. I do less damage in every game from analyzing my log file. I guess I will have to adapt the build or either go back to a more aggressive, shorter range rails build.


Ah and also I noticed that I need to pay for repairing my premium ship now, is this intended ?

I have the ammo replenishing problem from time to time also.

Has anybody noticed they changed the SR system back to the way it used to be as well?

Awesome. Time to suicide. :slight_smile:

Time to find high SR guy in sc and strip his rating! 015j.png

Time to find high SR guy in sc and strip his rating! 015j.png


takamina never plays sc

takamina never plays sc


LOL that may be because of spending alot of his time down in apprentice\trainee Tier (T2) with some of us “trainees”   providing a glimpse to the upcoming pilots of what it takes to become an SR “elite”

takamina never plays sc

cool story. i love esb story

The Fighter changes are awesome, letting them be far more useful in certain instances. Gunships can be more effective more frequently and Tacklers actually have a reason to use Cloak it before fighting. Tho I wonder if 13 points is really enough at T5 level.



With the Guard changes I was a bit saddened by the lost infinite pulsar trick, but I really don’t see it as truly devastating in PvE. I am running a T5 Guard with Coils, my objectives are the smaller ships. The lost recharge buff is easily recovered with a few quick kills, and the recharge reduction doesn’t leave long between the next pulsar. Usually enough between waves for them to come or let me get shots off easier. The relative effect remains the same mostly for me.

I imagine the main reason for the change may have been coding to allow ECMs to shut down the pulsar in PvP.


The Engineer changes are a bit nice, but also annoying. The recharge drop allows it to be more mobile but also makes it easy to be forgotten in a long fight.



The Jericho LRF changes can be helpful, but I’m surprised of no mention in the patch notes to the Long Range Frigate’s EM Scattering Field changes against AIs. It went in patch v.011.2 to being near-useless back to its old standing to being invisible against AIs so long as its on and further than 1km distance. It leaves just enough room for breathing at the cost of “can’t move from here” to not be too overpowered - Player pilots still know perfectly well where you are. Still a bit surprised and thankful that it now works against turrets… I don’t recall it ever doing that. Its helping a ton against the PvE grind, and actually making it a bit more enjoyable to fly again.



I’d complain about the logic for Interceptor changes to the Pluse Laser, but I’ll just be thankful. The hardest part for me has been fighting other small craft with them and this helps. Not that the Spread reduction actually does anything against Frigates, they are so big they are hit most of the time anyway. 

Since it was just pointed out to me that the A1MA blueprint was removed from the shop but blueprints and module remain with those that bought it before, is that intentional?

I’d vote for removing it completely if I had a say, but making it available to only a few makes an even worse impression to those that come after.

Same thing they did with some now-removed t3 modules. Those modules were made unavailable in t3 but those who bought it before removal still get to keep them :confused:

That’s the joke. It’s why he used quotation marks. T2 is supposed to be for new players.

That’s the joke. It’s why he used quotation marks. T2 is supposed to be for new players.

Wrong, T2 is for every one, T1 is there for new player. However, every one can play in T1 as well.

Ah and also I noticed that I need to pay for repairing my premium ship now, is this intended ?


Wait, what? I haven’t noticed this, but I wasn’t looking for it…