Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.3 Discussion

i would say you are new here


guards to 290-299 speed with mk4 speed boost, if you use auxilary that drains energy it goes 307 “with booster aswell yes”

guards doesn’t waste gigas 2 implant and neither the 30% turn speed. so 350 out of the question if you want to survive anything. 

yeah right… I meant with AB. I suppose everyone will notice that. But seems you don’t.

I sense more Frigate rage… This update kills 'em.

It didn’t killed Empire LRF. And for Jeri LRF, it’s a kind of buf. Tachyon torp will still hit, but will be more maneuverable.

And what’s the change to could’s torp LRF?

Engi’s autonomous mods are reduced range, dura, and time… Guards are extremely vulnerable to inty attacks now and are not as effective in PvE… Jerry LRF just gets hammered by nerfs every update, so I’m not AS surprised, but still…

“Improved Pulsar” my xxxx.

“Improved Pulsar” my xxxx.

Guards are extremely vulnerable to inty attacks now and are not as effective in PvE

Yea justify the change however you want, but this wasn’t an improvement. The engi station range wasn’t changed. Just the cooldown, durability and duration. I actually don’t mind those changes since their durability wasn’t that much to begin with and the only time it was really tested was when you left it alone. If you dropped them near your ship(or allies) the opponent would usually still focus on the ship.


They’re more vulnerable to ECM attacks. Nothing else changed regarding their resistance or Recon or CovOps. Guards are still probably the 2nd most effective class after Engi. It’s all easy anyway so it’s not as if it’s suddenly difficult. I do think I might drop the Rapidus Implant though. I mainly only used it for my engi and guard and with the -50% cooldown time it’s around 30 seconds anyway.

I like the Tackler buff. This will finally make ambushes worthwhile!


The Guard reduction for changing Phase shield is also a welcome, if unexpected, change.

However, I don’t understand why ECMs should be able to disrupt the pulsar. That is clearly an interceptor defense weapon and it already has a lengthy recharge. With how popular ECMs are, you’ve effectively sentenced every Guard pilot to a stun-locked death because their only countermeasure can also be disrupted.


The JLRF; why did you do that to the torpedo? Those things never had a problem hitting Sector Recon Captains before, so why the buff to maneuverability? Now hiding behind an asteroid is completely out of the question, as there won’t be anywhere they can’t steer it. And playing captain in anything slower than an Interceptor is also completely out of the question.


I’m also really sad to see that there is no bug fix for the annoying white noise that attacks the comms in Invasion. That really needs to be fixed soon.

@soldier - JLRF

You got to be sh171ng me…

You are thinkig very situational. Think broader. Now it’s easy to hit dodging Inties. They needed the explosion because they got complaints of spamming torps. Honestly IMO that is what gave the torp it’s edge. Despite being weaker you could hit multiple opponents. Not anymore though. The devs seem hellbent to continually nerf JLRFs. It’s special is negated by guard AMS, harder to hit multiple. Sure they gave it a shield buff a while back but it buffed the shields of every faction.


I haven’t been able to get that many t4+ games since the patch(I keep logging on during off hours), but I haven’t really seen a noticeable difference in the explosion/cloud size. It can still deny areas(especially beacons) fairly well. JRLFs are underused(for good reason) so the buff to turning speed is welcome, but the nerfs don’t see to do much in practice.


As a guard I usually don’t bring AMS. The torpedo doesn’t do that much damage when you have the phase shield set up and other missiles don’t do much either. I’d much rather run Mass Propulsion to help deal with the problem class, Interceptors. 

I am not using it but I share your thought about the bubble gun now.


Guys the cooldown is really lower now. Even in t3 i’m getting more time in overdrive (more hit & run strike) than before, but i understand that long ranged weapon on gunship have a different behavior than bubblegun (wich is my fav. weapon). So for me it’s not a nerf.

… JRLFs are underused(for good reason)… 


Really? In t4/5 last days befor patch was a nightmare. Entire squad in Mauler or Jrlfs even in detonation or capture the beacon, a real mess (i have screenshots). -_-

Since it was just pointed out to me that the A1MA blueprint was removed from the shop but blueprints and module remain with those that bought it before, is that intentional?

I’d vote for removing it completely if I had a say, but making it available to only a few makes an even worse impression to those that come after.







They uploaded a video to youtube, saying that blackwood had the shipyard with AI controlled ships, and they lost control of them because of a very strange virus.


But they are researching their behaviour so they are not in a hurry to fix them. That is the reason of the strange names.

I honestly thought it was a bug :slight_smile:


Have a link to the vid?

I honestly thought it was a bug :slight_smile:


Have a link to the vid?

I cannot provide that because I’m not in my computer now, but you can search for the official star conflict channel in youtube, and look at the last video.

Thx to Pach Auto Repair not work manny time lost money duble…


Thx to Pach Auto Repair not work manny time lost money duble…


You paid for auto repair and ammunition.

You paid for auto repair and ammunition.

And not Repaired need all time to click repair…

And not Repaired need all time to click repair…


Happened to me too, but not all the time.

    I not sure if this is an result of this patch but last night duing a T2 Combat Recon we started out with a human capt but 2 minutes into the match it seems a bunch of us lost connections and we were dropped.  When we were able to get back in and rejoin the battle  I was Shocked and Surprised to see we had a BOT Capt.   


Well you can guess the result with the BOT Capt just charging foward.   It was actullly funny as you watched knowing there was NOTHING you can do…  


Oh Is there a particular reasoning for the difference in the rotation ( manuverablity)  of the Torpedo in T2 vs T3 and above.    I still do not like the fact T2 still has the range nerf   8K vs 10K for all others.


 I can say it does take a bit more to hit and destroy a target with the torpedo  :013j:        So more target practice !!.