Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.3 Discussion

now ecm can kill guards alot easier


this pulsar update is really bad just sayin.  its frking 45 seconds cooldown on pulsar, i mean this is more than gunship now and its same as microwarp engine  :01414:

33+12 -_- 


now ecm can kill guards alot easier


this pulsar update is really bad just sayin.  its frking 45 seconds cooldown on pulsar, i mean this is more than gunship now and its same as microwarp engine  :01414:

33+12 -_-


We are not gunships now, we are flying derp’s.

There is still no fix to loot handling. We should be able to choose if we want to sell loot or not instead of autoselling. If we choose to keep loot for future purposes like trading but it should take up spaces in your warehouse. We should be able to bring items like loot or resources out into the Invasion gamemode for trading purposes. I already thought of this thoroughly and this type of trading system is not abusable.

first game today, 4 long ranges and me in interceptor. even the bot vent long range.


5 disintegrators and one ecm / cov ops (me)


great. all i see is snipers in game now. having a sniper + ecm can be really deadly somethimes. do stasis and snipe him… should nerf snipers a bit bruh. 

I like this new balance changes…But nerf on guard is too much…

And to be honest I think they need a littel buff instead…Is it only me that find guards so damned easy to kill with any other ship…?

Best guards in game are those one that use speed tank but nothing that a tackler or an ecm couldn’t already deal with…So can’t understand this nerf…

I will check my log to see if I do any less damage during a game.

You probably won’t do less overall, but it will be harder to get kills with the damage that you do because your burst damage was nerfed so much.

Actually after playing a round with it I do like the change. You cannot burst frigates down easily anymore but on the other hand you always have overdrive available to fend off interceptors.

Actually after playing a round with it I do like the change. You cannot burst frigates down easily anymore but on the other hand you always have overdrive available to fend off interceptors.

DPS built Falcon-M kills 3xAdaptive tanked TRex, under shield Booster and liquid Metal Injector activated, within 10 seconds. It comes down to knowing when to go at it as Falcon-M. And if you haev a buddy ECM around it gets much easier

Actually after playing a round with it I do like the change. You cannot burst frigates down easily anymore but on the other hand you always have overdrive available to fend off interceptors.


I will have to see for my self, I might consider lowering my weapon range and going for rails instead.

DPS built Falcon-M kills 3xAdaptive tanked TRex, under shield Booster and liquid Metal Injector activated, within 10 seconds. It comes down to knowing when to go at it as Falcon-M. And if you haev a buddy ECM around it gets much easier

Sure, but we were talking about the gunship overdrive rebalancing.



I will have to see for my self, I might consider lowering my weapon range and going for rails instead.

Was using bubbles myself (probably the worst weapon to use regarding heating/overdrive timing now I admit). Talking T5 btw.

Sure, but we were talking about the gunship overdrive rebalancing.



Was using bubbles myself (probably the worst weapon to use regarding heating/overdrive timing now I admit). Talking T5 btw.


I am not using it but I share your thought about the bubble gun now.

What did they do to the in-game voice that say you “Welcome mercenary” and other stuff?

She became something between man and women.

Ho nope, Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope !


I agree with the fact that this nerf is a little bit too hard. But I don’t want to see the Christmas Beacon once again !

Tralalalala lalalala lalaMINEFIELD !

You mean this?




In NASA, Ship grow on beacons, with spores. :santa:

On topic: I believe next patch would be nerf the duration of ECM active modules.

Question: Why am I now seeing instances where my guards Pulsar is not hitting ships in range ? Yet, when another ship comes into range, that same activation DOES hit them ?


In at least two different games, around 4 hour apart, I have activated my guards pulsar, only for it to NOT hit the enemy ship in range, then on the same activation cycle, (before cooldown), it will then hit a new enemy that comes into the pulsars range ?


I know ecm can now switch off Pulsar, but this is a different senario.


I activate it, and nothing happens, except the modules animation for being active, then another ship comes into range and what is left of the cycle hits them…

Question: Why am I now seeing instances where my guards Pulsar is not hitting ships in range ? Yet, when another ship comes into range, that same activation DOES hit them ?


In at least two different games, around 4 hour apart, I have activated my guards pulsar, only for it to NOT hit the enemy ship in range, then on the same activation cycle, (before cooldown), it will then hit a new enemy that comes into the pulsars range ?


I know ecm can now switch off Pulsar, but this is a different senario.


I activate it, and nothing happens, except the modules animation for being active, then another ship comes into range and what is left of the cycle hits them…

Maybe it was a gunship with combat reboot? they are invulnerable and pulsar doesn’t work on them while they are in combat reboot.

Maybe it was a gunship with combat reboot? they are invulnerable and pulsar doesn’t work on them while they are in combat reboot.


I understand what you mean, but since when did combat reboot negate a guards pulsar ? (could you be confusing the guards pulsar with the LRF’s pulsar ?)

Combat reboot only effects the ship that is hit with what ever ability, it does not stop the guard from having it’s activated pulsar hitting a gunship.


Anyway, I am pretty sure the two ships I was watching, right beside me and in range of Pulsar, where intercepters of some description.

There was none of the usual animation you get when Pulsar is hitting an enemy ship, they where able to fly around me with impunity.

I understand what you mean, but since when did combat reboot negate a guards pulsar ? (could you be confusing the guards pulsar with the LRF’s pulsar ?)

Combat reboot only effects the ship that is hit with what ever ability, it does not stop the guard from having it’s activated pulsar hitting a gunship.


Since always, a Gunship with a Combat Reboot active wont be hit by the pulsar. It does not mean pulsar will hit and deal 0 damage, there will be literally no animation of pulsar hitting the Gunship. 


If you’re in a 1v1 against such Gunship, you won’t see your pulsar’s animation. If you’re in a w/e vs w/e situation, your pulsar will work on the rest of the enemy players, but still not on pulsar.

DPS built Falcon-M kills 3xAdaptive tanked TRex, under shield Booster and liquid Metal Injector activated, within 10 seconds. It comes down to knowing when to go at it as Falcon-M. And if you haev a buddy ECM around it gets much easier



this is me buddy, and i was first one to begin with it.

ecm already break metal injector and emergency shield and the 20% extra damage reduction in 2600 meter range.

and now it breaks pulsar. wtf is the next thing. erase it? ecm always so op. 

Since always, a Gunship with a Combat Reboot active wont be hit by the pulsar. It does not mean pulsar will hit and deal 0 damage, there will be literally no animation of pulsar hitting the Gunship. 


If you’re in a 1v1 against such Gunship, you won’t see your pulsar’s animation. If you’re in a w/e vs w/e situation, your pulsar will work on the rest of the enemy players, but still not on pulsar.


Okay, thanks for that info. I was not aware that Gunship’s combat reboot had that ability…


But I am pretty certain it was NOT a gunship that was zipping around me like a warp capable federation delta flyer !

What did they do to the in-game voice that say you “Welcome mercenary” and other stuff?

She became something between man and women.

i also noticed that.

its a bit darker voice now.

I suppose you are new here. Also, guards going 350 m/s are the federation ones, and they are quite good. The bricks are the jerry ones. They have their advantages and disadvantages.

The only thing they have nerfed is the perma pulsar in PvE and PvP Other than that, the pulsar cooling rate is almost the same (a bit higher I think)

Guards are still very hard to kill 1v1. Anyway, guards are not supposed to play alone. They are “guarding” ships not tanks. Their duty is to protect allies from missiles, hit and run, and pesky interceptors, and create a no fly zone around the squad. They still do that, but I admit they are a difficult class to master. I had my own hard time trying to master them, but now I’m enjoying them.

i would say you are new here

guards to 290-299 speed with mk4 speed boost, if you use auxilary that drains energy it goes 307 “with booster aswell yes”

guards doesn’t waste gigas 2 implant and neither the 30% turn speed. so 350 out of the question if you want to survive anything.

I sense more Frigate rage… This update kills 'em.