Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion

It is a bit more difficult for a rank 10, that is true. But from rank 11, you have all passives and modules that a rank 15 have. Just enjoy the slayer of inmortal medals.


But you don’t have Rapidus II, and you can say w/e but that implant gives a xxxx advantage against T4 ships.

If that implant didn’t exist, I wouldn’t even mind a fusion between T4 and T5 and make them both the same tier, because, as you said, from rank 11 to 15 they have already 9 passive slots, and the stats, although they’re quite different, are manageable, so you could still perform properly with a R11-12 vs a R13-14-15.


But not with Rapidus II where the Gunships are overdriving every few seconds (same with CO or ECM)

I still don’t know how you guys even do it. I haven’t managed to get a PVP battle since the patch. :confused:

Great paprr thin hull is even more paper thin now some ships are just ridicule easy to take down ans i get to see more of the same empire ships on massive packageloss russian servers where you cant even counter them cause your unguided missles miss all the time. *.* hulltanking IS the only viable option in higher tiers and even there are now open world modules and guns spoiling the game to an unplayable point. the patch allows beta beta modules to influence your coregame to an arms race. equaling pay to win cause easiest access is via goldstandards. the patch brought at least some command vessels back to the sc games but the ques are broken and you only see empire ships or ubertanked interceptors taking the field you currently bar anyone from improvement and nerf all factions but the hull tank imperial ships down.

Great paprr thin hull is even more paper thin now some ships are just ridicule easy to take down ans i get to see more of the same empire ships on massive packageloss russian servers where you cant even counter them cause your unguided missles miss all the time. *.* hulltanking IS the only viable option in higher tiers and even there are now open world modules and guns spoiling the game to an unplayable point. the patch allows beta beta modules to influence your coregame to an arms race. equaling pay to win cause easiest access is via goldstandards. the patch brought at least some command vessels back to the sc games but the ques are broken and you only see empire ships or ubertanked interceptors taking the field you currently bar anyone from improvement and nerf all factions but the hull tank imperial ships down.


Google Translate?

nope smartphone.

I was trying to fit my Katana type S and I realised the single most glaring reason why shield tank is lacking; there’s no Galvanised Armour equivalent.


In my opinion there should be a module that gives a resist buff to all three stats, but with a penalty. I’m not sure which one yet. I don’t want to say “engines” because that’s just boring copy-paste from Hull. Maybe Energy?


The design concept I see though is that Hull sacrifices Engines. More Health = Lower Acceleration. More Resists = Lower Turning / Strafing. More Speed = Less Health / Resists.


So, in that model I would like to see Shields mess with your Energy. Big shield buff = reduced max energy. Universal shield resist buff = reduced capacity recharge rate.

Funny you point out that they “sacrifice” one purple vernier engine is making up for two galvanized armors :slight_smile:

Well there is adaptive. It’s not exactly copy and paste, but it does function for both hull  and shield. I suppose the downside is that you’ll be bleeding energy to keep it active.

Well there is adaptive. It’s not exactly copy and paste, but it does function for both hull  and shield. I suppose the downside is that you’ll be bleeding energy to keep it active.


Adaptive is crap compared to Galvanized, And I’m sure they nerfed it to 110% speed from 100%, Which means you need AB constantly and keeping speed full means you cant strafe or use climb or descend without speed dropping and losing bonus.


Remove Hull bonus from Adaptive, remove the stupid speed condition make it just boost shield resists and as a negative reduce shield regen/volume or ship manuvrebility.

Some people are complaining about the Adaptive Shield but they were not here when this ship modifier was only impacting shield without any malus.





 And I’m sure they nerfed it to 110% speed from 100%

They didn’t nerfed it, they buffed it.

It was not 100% of the speed.

Why is the entire forum in Russian now?

Why is the entire forum in Russian now?


It’s a bug and they are working on it :smiley:

They didn’t nerfed it, they buffed it.

Actually they did neither, it’s the same as always, including all the bugs.


It was not 100% of the speed.

Indeed, it was never exactly that. In some cases you need even less. xD

And I’m sure they nerfed it to 110% speed from 100%

It wasn’t nerfed. The tooltip just wasn’t specific enough. People have done testing on Adaptive and it’s always(or at least for a long time) been 110%. The only difference is that the module actually tells you now.

That’s why we need to see the bonuses and debuffs that apply to our ship, ALL of them.

Adaptive is crap compared to Galvanized, And I’m sure they nerfed it to 110% speed from 100%, Which means you need AB constantly and keeping speed full means you cant strafe or use climb or descend without speed dropping and losing bonus.


Remove Hull bonus from Adaptive, remove the stupid speed condition make it just boost shield resists and as a negative reduce shield regen/volume or ship manuvrebility.


that would ruin adaptives, they are fine as they are, just depends how u fly a particular ship. not all ships work with it, hence the variation in the game…

Correct me if I’m wrong but has anyone noticed the nerfs to LRFs? I recently Mk4ed my EM scattering field and I noticed that cooldown time is no longer smaller than active time. Also I can’t seem to lay mines when in Special Module view.

If it has always been this way then nevermind but if it hasn’t why was it not mentioned in patch?

Edit: I’m not so sure about this but didn’t WO and TC used to work on all shots during the allotted active time and not just the first shot?

Edit: I’m not so sure about this but didn’t WO and TC used to work on all shots during the allotted active time and not just the first shot?

works for next shot within x seconds

Correct me if I’m wrong but has anyone noticed the nerfs to LRFs? I recently Mk4ed my EM scattering field and I noticed that cooldown time is no longer smaller than active time.

T4+ it is still perma-invis. I don’t think T1-T3 ever had perma invis.


Edit: I’m not so sure about this but didn’t WO and TC used to work on all shots during the allotted active time and not just the first shot?

was always that way

T4+ it is still perma-invis. I don’t think T1-T3 ever had perma invis.


T3 has a small window of 4-5 secs - and it should be like that on all tiers.