Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion

Ok, tried to play, got one match, then everything went sluggish. Couldn’t undock to Invasion, couldn’t check leaderboards, switch ships, nothing.

Chat is broken, machmaker si broken, experimenting with new stuff, tweaking this and that…


I played this game over 1700 hours and I love it. But you guys just keep pushing and pumping and forcing new things…


I like open space and the aliens, but really? Now? There are other thing to fix and now that?


The game is becoming increasingly boring to me, no new maps, no new modes.




i wonder, what is wrong?

Chat is broken, machmaker si broken, experimenting with new stuff, tweaking this and that…


I played this game over 1700 hours and I love it. But you guys just keep pushing and pumping and forcing new things…


I like open space and the aliens, but really? Now? There are other thing to fix and now that?


The game is becoming increasingly boring to me, no new maps, no new modes.




i wonder, what is wrong?

Who knows…


but I agree

It’s getting worse every patch :learn:

Its me or sounds like fire weapons explosions and etc… are broken? i only hear half of them.


Not just you. I don’t hear about an 8th of the sound effects. Some of them are definitely missing though.




And seabiscuit, I believe you have made the forumites angry.


Edit: Chat seems to be working fine now.

So they nerfed Asynchronous only a bit but the capacitor power relay by a lot. Maybe they don’t want to see empire ships with strong shield tanking abilities.

This Jericho buff attempt is more like a Fed and Empire buff… 


Why some Fed and Empire ships got hull buff? And the numbers are too high… Eagle-B just won 600 hull points by the face, same with other interceptors.

This update is a regression. Server is under heavy load.

Bloody pardon me trying to get my point across but let me make a few things clear so you can see from my perspective.

When they started changing things, I played for all of two weeks before I decided that the changes were bad and stopped playing, not to mention Im on my fourth beer.

We are seeing your perspective. The problem is that you don’t see it!


Let’s just make this clear: you are saying that your Fed builds have been ruined by the shield nerf. However, you have also made the following clear:

  • You are confusing capacitor modules with shield modules.
  • You have no idea what Resistance is, or what it is for, or why people should use it.
  • You are complaining that your volume-only builds are weak.

The people you are arguing with have, at various times and locations, made the following clear:

  • They know the difference between capacitor modules and shield modules.
  • They know how to use Resistance.
  • They know that volume only builds are fundamentally flawed, and always have been.

This is not a case of “we’re right because we’re a majority”, we’re right because we have learned this stuff. We’ve tested it first hand over hundreds, if not thousands of battles. We’ve read Dev Blogs explaining how various game mechanics work and how they interact.


The problem is your end. You are complaining that your ships are underpowered because of the patch. We are trying to tell you that they have always been underpowered, you just didn’t know any better.


If you want proof of this, the best place to go is Empire. Get a Styx and kit it out purely for hull volume, no resists. Try it for a few games, then kit it out with a proper build - triple Galvanised Armour, or double Galvanised and a single Armour-Plated Hull. Your survivability will go up through the roof.


People don’t say this stuff to put you down; they are telling you that you are ignorant of the bigger picture. There are a lot of aspects to ship building that you clearly have never considered, nor learned the importance of, and when you demand balance changes from a position of ignorance it can only hurt the game.

when i fly t4 ships in pvp why am i being put in t5 games? this isn’t sector conquest

Likely to make up for the small amount of players. It does that from time to time. More importantly though the games aren’t tier locked, but go by ranks(usually up to 2 ranks higher than your own) anyway.

when i fly t4 ships in pvp why am i being put in t5 games? this isn’t sector conquest

How long do you have to queue for that? I didn’t get a T4 game since after that +synergy weekend ended but I don’t sit in the queue for ages either. Game’s pretty dead since open space. :confused:

they didn’t announce it here, but what is happening right now is that T4 and T5 matchmaking is under the new rules test

at this moment it combines both tiers into the same pool (due to the lack of players) but it suppose to form teams based on Skill Rating

How long do you have to queue for that? I didn’t get a T4 game since after that +synergy weekend ended but I don’t sit in the queue for ages either. Game’s pretty dead since open space. :confused:


1-2 mins, i was almost the only guy using t4s tho, everyone else was using r14/15s


they didn’t announce it here, but what is happening right now is that T4 and T5 matchmaking is under the new rules test

at this moment it combines both tiers into the same pool (due to the lack of players) but it suppose to form teams based on Skill Rating


damn, the 5 games i played the SR wasn’t even at all :frowning:

Same experience as halex. Put next to T5 guys with my lowly T4 ships, SR is from 800 to 1600.

they didn’t announce it here, but what is happening right now is that T4 and T5 matchmaking is under the new rules test

at this moment it combines both tiers into the same pool (due to the lack of players) but it suppose to form teams based on Skill Rating


That is going to be interesting when you will have folks like me who cannot keep an consistant “Skill Rating” as it can fluctuate 100-200 points in a given week.   


So there might be range that you will fit in …   above 1500 (Master)  1499-1200 (Ensign)  1199-below (space cadet)


So hopefully you will not have a bunch of Masters on one side and Space cadets on the other

Whelp, now I’m definitely not going to fly T4 PvP. When I’m done synergising my T3 I’ll just use T3 Premiums instead.

This update is as annoying as it is confusing. The buffs and nerfs on specific ships are near impossible to find in the sea of specs, and as far as I can tell, some ships got nothing at all. The idea of buffing frigs because they’re easier to hit is really just… Yeah. Interceptors and fighters are already un proportionally large (hawk should be under 1/4 the length of the raptor), and the circle hitbox take away the advantage of ships like the razor. Thankfully, the buff failed anyways. What people are saying about how frigates need a massive buff, well, as annoying as the game’s balancing is, there’s no massively UP or OP problems. Nothing needs a 100% buff, and most higher-tier fights are dominated by frigates. The implant buffs and nerfs I don’t like just because once you have that, it’s under the assumption it’ll always be like that, but this game is still in beta and it’s going to change a whole lot more. Yes, there are some pretty dramatic balances, and some of them we’re going to hate (freaking plasma gun range nerf!!!). But with feedback like this, hopefully it’ll fall into something acceptable, with the release changes will be smaller, and finally we can get used to how things and learn to work with that. I’d rather they get over this experimentation quickly, so that the game can become more stable. And as far as them releasing invasion, they shouldn’t have spent time on that with MM so flawed, and now that it’s mostly done, release it to everyone already, give us a queueless mode. MM seems like it could be fixed with some work though, without this mixed tiers and one-real-player-per-team “fun”. And last but not least, listen more to player feedback!


Not just you. I don’t hear about an 8th of the sound effects. Some of them are definitely missing though.




And seabiscuit, I believe you have made the forumites angry.


Edit: Chat seems to be working fine now.


This here keeps killing me. I’ve been nuked several times, plasma arc’d to death a bit more, and missile’d with free flares even more. It’s not consistent, but when it does happen, it’s really aggravating.

So, it’s “official” now ? PvP T4 is useless ??

Each time I try it, I end up as the only one with rank 10 ships against full T5 ??? Woah… Needless to say, I perform very well and enjoy myself a lot !!!


I guess the point is to compensate for low affluence…

But, what is the point of playing this game anymore now ??? Am I to spend hours and hours in PvE and open space, farming an farming, to eventually, in years, have the opportunity to enjoy more than T3 PvP ?


Chalain, ![(.png]( “:sad:”)

So, it’s “official” now ? PvP T4 is useless ??

Each time I try it, I end up as the only one with rank 10 ships against full T5 ??? Woah… Needless to say, I perform very well and enjoy myself a lot !!!


I guess the point is to compensate for low affluence…

But, what is the point of playing this game anymore now ??? Am I to spend hours and hours in PvE and open space, farming an farming, to eventually, in years, have the opportunity to enjoy more than T3 PvP ?


Chalain, ![(.png]( “:sad:”)

It is a bit more difficult for a rank 10, that is true. But from rank 11, you have all passives and modules that a rank 15 have. Just enjoy the slayer of inmortal medals.