Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion

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Why do you always have to take away our Sec Con cycle!? you use to push updates ~2.5-3 hours later than this, it was perfect

Neurocontroller ‘Armadillo’
Incoming damage reduction reduced by 25%


never seen that before?


incoming damage? thats same as damage except neutral damage? 

Don’t know if these hull tank changes might be good.


So the Imperial Transport Hub is a safe zone now. Will it retain its danger level?


never seen that before?


incoming damage? thats same as damage except neutral damage?


Armadillo reduces crit and blast damage to hull.

" Capacitor Power Relay

Energy regeneration speed penalty reduced by 50%
Shield regeneration speed bonus reduced by 44%"


IKR Ptom? I understand the nerf to the shield ship modifier but capacitor? It’s like you put cow manure(capacitor nerf) all over my certain Jericho ships and hoped to make it better by putting rose seeds on it(Jericho shield buff). Crazy balance

Also, I don’t understand as much game mech as some other people but why you give Empire shield buff as well? Maybe give very tiny hull regen.

" Capacitor Power Relay

Energy regeneration speed penalty reduced by 50%

Shield regeneration speed bonus reduced by 44%"


According to our pilots’ feedback and statistics it was a bit too powerful, we had to balance it more.

Where did that pilot feedback come from?

" Neurocontroller ‘HR1 - SE’" now only increase 20 pts of resistance…Nerfed a lot of good implants,modules,give little buff to ships…bad bad patch.

I don’t understand the PvE Queue changes.  Does this just mean that we’ll queue for a PvE instance from the Attacked Sectors menu?  Or do we have to actually fly to the system now to get into an instance?

Are the battle, squad, and corp chats fixed? Or are they all still broken?


I’m sad to see all these nerfs. Now I’ll have to crunch even more numbers.

According to our pilots’ feedback and statistics it was a bit too powerful, we had to balance it more.

Maybe so…Inquis has 3 capacitor slot,filled with purple capacitor power relay+an engi with full purple engi modules maybe a bit OP.

I expected attack drone AI improvement and custom color scheme in this patch lol.

Killed a bit of survivability on my ship.

I don’t understand the PvE Queue changes.  Does this just mean that we’ll queue for a PvE instance from the Attacked Sectors menu?  Or do we have to actually fly to the system now to get into an instance?

I think they mean non CBT invasion players continue entering pve the same way. They just added those maps to invasion mode though.

Oh yay, Better chances from dying by Hunters


The first one to undergo this process is the PvE mission Processing Rig

The location is in Velorum system (Federation sector)

The locations maintained its name


Last I saw, Processing Rig was in Ontregos (Imperial Space). I expect a change in its PvE icon’s placement.


What am I supposed to do with the federation frigates I love to pilot so much? Yes speed is their essential quality but with this nerf to the sheild projector no fed engie or even guard stand a chance anymore. Why do you keep breaking the game further, it started at .10.5 and only got worse.


What am I supposed to do with the federation frigates I love to pilot so much? Yes speed is their essential quality but with this nerf to the sheild projector no fed engie or even guard stand a chance anymore. Why do you keep breaking the game further, it started at .10.5 and only got worse.


Marineberry calm down with caps… Have you forgotten the buff to shield regen?

So i think this is the near end of the invincibe guard+engi pair of destruction,guard now has lower shield regen than before (only with capacitor power relay user like me lol).

According to our pilots’ feedback and statistics it was a bit too powerful, we had to balance it more.

i actually believe this is mostly for the T5 guards

or a bit around there :wink: