Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion


What am I supposed to do with the federation frigates I love to pilot so much? Yes speed is their essential quality but with this nerf to the sheild projector no fed engie or even guard stand a chance anymore. Why do you keep breaking the game further, it started at .10.5 and only got worse.

No matter how much shield regen you have,you’ll still die,but atleast they did give us a buff to ships,and why would you focus on shield regen on an ENGI?If you have full purple shield regen modules,you’ll have like 650+ pts of shield per sec(include default ship shield regen).

Don’t know if these hull tank changes might be good.


So the Imperial Transport Hub is a safe zone now. Will it retain its danger level?



Armadillo reduces crit and blast damage to hull.

then its sure misspelled by skula cause i copied all of it. and it says reducing incoming damage by 25%


but i guess its the same implant as ever. atleast the description inside game provides the last sentences 


i still dont get, shield regen increased by average 15% on all ships 


but bonus decreased by 50%? wich is? the one module that makes you regen more shield? wich no player ever uses?? 

I don’t understand the PvE Queue changes.  Does this just mean that we’ll queue for a PvE instance from the Attacked Sectors menu?  Or do we have to actually fly to the system now to get into an instance?

No, you can get to the PvE just as usual - but now this location is also availible for exploration and fights in ‘Invasion’ mode.

i actually believe this is mostly for the T5 guards

or a bit around there :wink:

which are infarct most useless role in Sec Con (except for some niche Fed Guard builds), so yeah


Completely serious. All this ‘balancing’ only threw everything out of balance.



Marineberry calm down with caps… Have you forgotten the buff to shield regen?

What kind of buff to regen will ever help an engie without enough sheild to even survive being attacked in the first place. A 100% or more buff, thats what. Sheild regen does nothing when there’s a lazor beaming your sheilds down. All it means is if you survive you can possibly make a quicker next move.

Completely serious. All this ‘balancing’ only threw everything out of balance.



What kind of buff to regen will ever help an engie without enough sheild to even survive being attacked in the first place. A 100% or more buff, thats what. Sheild regen does nothing when there’s a lazor beaming your sheilds down. All it means is if you survive you can possibly make a quicker next move.


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then its sure misspelled by skula cause i copied all of it. and it says reducing incoming damage by 25%


but i guess its the same implant as ever. atleast the description inside game provides the last sentences 


i still dont get, shield regen increased by average 15% on all ships 


but bonus decreased by 50%? wich is? the one module that makes you regen more shield? wich no player ever uses??

 They had to nerf certain shield regen or people would start super shield tanking.


What kind of buff to regen will ever help an engie without enough sheild to even survive being attacked in the first place. A 100% or more buff, thats what. Sheild regen does nothing when there’s a lazor beaming your sheilds down. All it means is if you survive you can possibly make a quicker next move.

Hold my earrings ptom

first of all, calm your tits and all thes large texts, just making yourself look very childish

second, you are not making any sense, you are complaining on a nerf to shield regen via module and then complaining on a buff to base shield regen (and pretty much all fed ships got buff to Hull volume as well)

third, you should not be using shield regeneration mod in Federation engineers capacitors/shields anyways

You got it right,like i said above,get all purple shield regen module and you’ll have all your shield back in a short time.I use pulse discharger on my osprey more than anything else.

Completely serious. All this ‘balancing’ only threw everything out of balance.



What kind of buff to regen will ever help an engie without enough sheild to even survive being attacked in the first place. A 100% or more buff, thats what. Sheild regen does nothing when there’s a lazor beaming your sheilds down. All it means is if you survive you can possibly make a quicker next move.



first of all, calm your tits and all thes large texts, just making yourself look very childish

second, you are not making any sense, you are complaining on a nerf to shield regen via module and then complaining on a buff to base shield regen (and pretty much all fed ships got buff to Hull volume as well)

third, you should not be using shield regeneration mod in Federation engineers capacitors/shields anyways

I use shield volume /and/ regen on my fed ships, with priority to volume first. The volume modules were nerfed in a previous patch. My engies were rendered useless -then-. So are you telling me now the default regen is going to completely compensate for that?

I’m actually a little worried that my Sigurdr Tank won’t be as effective with the changes to the hull-buffing implants.


Which means, it might actually be comparable to Jericho Shield Tanks now. So this might work after all.


I just hope the goal is to make all ships equally awesome, and not equally paper-thin…


EDIT: Also, is there any projected timeline when Invasion will go public?

I use shield volume /and/ regen on my fed ships, with priority to volume first. The volume modules were nerfed in a previous patch. My engies were rendered useless -then-. So are you telling me now the default regen is going to completely compensate for that?

further more

One: I was wrong in my own original post. The horrible unbalancing started at 0.10, when they decided the game should stay in beta and began changing the basic dynamics of all the weapons.

Two: The hull buffs to engie frigs are still just not enough. Those ships are not strong in the slightest, but fast, yet they nerfed the engine modules way early on in 0.10.1

Then they consistently buff and buff and buff interceptors to the point where they are just plain frigate killers with absolutely no fighter to stop them in 0.10.3 and .6

Not to mention the nerf to eclipse in .6, which was essentially the anti interceptor close range weapon and the best tool for decent engies

Then implant buffs and nerfs?  I wont even get into it, I hardly remember what Implants I have anymore.

Everything was working perfectly up until 0.10, and everything theyve changed after just seems to be tearing and tearing down the essentials.

case in point: heavy blasters

I use shield volume /and/ regen on my fed ships, with priority to volume first.


That’s your problem right there. It doesn’t matter how much shielding you have or how fast it recharges if you don’t also throw some resists in the mix. Prioritize your shield resistances, then work on regen and volume.


Also, heavy blasters are great for Fighter/Inty killing. Just saying.

I agree with seabiscuit on a few points although I will not say which ones.

Did you fix the corp and group chat yet?


shield regen module has always been useless to put in the shield slot instead of increasing resistance to certain things. i just dont get who is calling this good. this never been used in t5 by any good player.

with all modules to shield regen max you get is like 300 shield regen

waow what is shield regen when you have no shield module?? you choose to have no resistances and no extra amount of shield

thats like 35-40k survival? 

waow i take away all my resistance on shield in order to get some useless additional 200 shield regen. this has never ever in history been used as any good way of tanking any ship.


if you get rushed you die way easier than everything else. 


i was also hoping for a Corporation chat fix and a squad chat fix. 


also, if you make ur shield types to 100 resistance it means you regen 200 shield per sec" if 100 is standard" . (bcus ur shield become twice as powerfull) so, making resistance to shield makes ur own shield regen valuable. having no shield resistance and 300 regen is waste of time. having a healer and 100 resistance to all types is same as healer heal’s you twice as much. so 420 heal station on a 100 resistance shield or hull would be same as healing 840 per sec


did you guys ask 1000 rating ppl or something??  :crazy:

Lol they removed the PvE Effectiveness leaderboard because pilots “abandoned mission objectives” : well, he *did* say to destroy all indicated targets, and there were 12 of them on my screen all the time, they just kept re-spawning! As for the hull increases, it seems like we get more hull volume but less resist - but since all Empire frigate ships seem to have 40%+ resist on their ships, the 5 points difference shouldn’t be massive.


As for the PvE wins leaderboard, a few people seem to play waaaay too much PvE…


Also they should have a karma lost/gained board, as it is way too easy for people to get -ve karma (total) at the moment by camping, squading and killing lone ships etc.


Yes and they need the chat fixed as it is very difficult to talk in squads/groups/battle unless you have voice chat, and usually it is some Russian so only Russian players know what he’s saying!

further more

One: I was wrong in my own original post. The horrible unbalancing started at 0.10, when they decided the game should stay in beta and began changing the basic dynamics of all the weapons.

Two: The hull buffs to engie frigs are still just not enough. Those ships are not strong in the slightest, but fast, yet they nerfed the engine modules way early on in 0.10.1

Then they consistently buff and buff and buff interceptors to the point where they are just plain frigate killers with absolutely no fighter to stop them in 0.10.3 and .6

Not to mention the nerf to eclipse in .6, which was essentially the anti interceptor close range weapon and the best tool for decent engies

Then implant buffs and nerfs?  I wont even get into it, I hardly remember what Implants I have anymore.

Everything was working perfectly up until 0.10, and everything theyve changed after just seems to be tearing and tearing down the essentials.

case in point: heavy blasters

If you personally used to use something, it does not necessary mean it was good or effective. Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that actual balance starts kicking in in late T3, T1-T2 is more of FFA do w/e no proper modules modes, i.e. informative and educational. If you are still in T2, I am sorry this is not the tier to even look at the balance(it does not have majority of stuff available for that) if you play T3+ and fit your federation engineers with shield buffer modules, i urge you to reconsider how to build your ships, search forums “Balance section” or ask questions around.

Did you fix the corp and group chat yet?

As far as I know - still working on it, will be fixed soon though.

Ty for response antibus.

Anyone seeing the light show on the east coast of US?

Why lion mkII got it resistances nerfed? It was already easy to destroy

@Rob because like Archdrahon it had a hidden bonus to them. they just removed it this patch.

must be lack of hours of sleep but dafuq is people comlaining about shield regen modules? no one in their right mind used them… they were useless, idk who gave the feedback that they were too powerful…

also where is the Command buff I was specting? did I miss it?