Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion

What about this:[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23401-spatial-scanner-breaks-gui/) fixed?

What about this:[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23401-spatial-scanner-breaks-gui/) fixed?

Still working on that, should be fixed soon.


What am I supposed to do with the federation frigates I love to pilot so much? Yes speed is their essential quality but with this nerf to the sheild projector no fed engie or even guard stand a chance anymore. Why do you keep breaking the game further, it started at .10.5 and only got worse.


it started at .10.5 and only got worse.







I’m glad to see that we’re getting some ship rebalancing, but it still strikes me as totally inadequate. Hull is still better, and will always be better. Shields are too weak; their buffs are too weak or have crippling penalties that make them unusable; their restoration modules are too slow and stuff like Parasitic Remodulator can easily tear them down.


For shield tanking to be a viable option it has to be able to compete point for point with hull tanking. That means higher resists, faster restoration and lower penalties.

I use shield volume /and/ regen on my fed ships, with priority to volume first. The volume modules were nerfed in a previous patch. My engies were rendered useless -then-. So are you telling me now the default regen is going to completely compensate for that?

There’s your problem; you don’t understand how to tank damage.


Volume is bad. Volume alone is worthless. Volume gets you killed. What you have revealed here is you do not understand how damage works in this game. Let me explain why you need to stop fixating on volume and start focusing on resists:


Let’s say you have a shield restoration aura that heals 200 shield per second. That aura always heals 200 shield per second regardless of shield volume or resistances.


Now let’s take two ships: one with 20,000 shield and 0 resists, and one with 10,000 shield and 100 resists.

Ship A takes 2,000 damage per bubble gun hit. He gets hit by five bubble guns (0 shield) and runs away. He has to wait 100 seconds for his shields to recharge. Ship B also takes five bubble gun hits, but due to resistances he only takes 1,000 damage per hit. He only has to wait 50 seconds for his shields to restore. In other words, healing is twice as effective on a high-resistance ship.


So, to reiterate; stop fixating on volume and start upping your resistances. You will heal faster and take less damage, which means you will live longer.

According to our pilots’ feedback and statistics it was a bit too powerful, we had to balance it more.

Ok, now that’s just absurd. I use 2 of them on my t4 ecm, where my shield regen went from 212 down to 181. while all other ships increased on regen.

I have palyed almost 2000 games, and have yet to see ONE other player actually using them. Must be because they are so strong.

If your goal is to have ships as similar equipped as possible this is the way to go. Nerf the mod that is least used by your pilots in general.

Lol they removed the PvE Effectiveness leaderboard because pilots “abandoned mission objectives” : well, he *did* say to destroy all indicated targets, and there were 12 of them on my screen all the time, they just kept re-spawning!


The indicated targets were the beacons or whatever. Emphasis on indicated. Others are just there to distract you, but I believe in you, you can focus on the objective!


On the patch, nothing to say yet, will have to test this. It may be a good direction.


For the tanking: there are three factors to consider.

  1. Effective HP is a multiplication of resists and volumes. You just have to calculate what gives your more EHP at your current state, volume or resists.

  2. There are no % damage weapons, but there are modules (one, actually) that ignore resistances. There are ways to lower resistances.

  3. Healing is always a flat amount, independent on resistances.


The contradicting thing is, 2 would say increase volume more than resistances, 3 would say increase resistances over volume. You have to analyze the combat logs, but the problem is, point 2 only say increase volume, because usually volume is cheaper. Not in this game.


I’m glad to see that we’re getting some ship rebalancing, but it still strikes me as totally inadequate. Hull is still better, and will always be better. Shields are too weak; their buffs are too weak or have crippling penalties that make them unusable; their restoration modules are too slow and stuff like Parasitic Remodulator can easily tear them down.


For shield tanking to be a viable option it has to be able to compete point for point with hull tanking. That means higher resists, faster restoration and lower penalties.


they are slowly crippling hull tanking patch by patch so it will get to the stage where both are as weak as each other.



pls fix squad/corp/team chat i thought that would be on the top of the bug fix list

must be lack of hours of sleep but dafuq is people comlaining about shield regen modules? no one in their right mind used them… they were useless, idk who gave the feedback that they were too powerful…

And you never wondered what those engineers without auras used in their passives? That aside those mods make sense in PVE so all those that tier rushed via PVE probably continued using them in PVP.

As to the patch in general, we’ll see how that works out. Yet another Armadillo nerf will hurt interceptors quite a bit so get your coil mortars ready.

Im missing a “chat bug fixed” in the log.

@Rob because like Archdrahon it had a hidden bonus to them. they just removed it this patch.

must be lack of hours of sleep but dafuq is people comlaining about shield regen modules? no one in their right mind used them… they were useless, idk who gave the feedback that they were too powerful…

also where is the Command buff I was specting? did I miss it?


OMG… so true resi lol

cannot see cargo in open world on my recon, cannot see what you receive when you pick up cargo either. only when you dock at the end can you see what you were carrying. on missions where you need to kill pirates, the pirates are blue in some sectors and you cannot lock onto them making life a bit harder

so… so they nerfed amadillo again?

it’s 4th? 5th time?

4th I think. But they also nerfed the alternative so might as well keep using it.

Capacitor power relay works well when you’re engaging a single enemy on a guard,your guard will suffer from decreased damage,while the shield regen faster so you can withstand the damage longer without any engi around.

Remember that Gigas is R1 and Gigas II is R9.

Gigas 2 still op as always.

Where did that pilot feedback come from?

The russian forums, as always

I feel only Jericho ships should have received the shield regen bonus.  As we’ve said before every Empire ship gets + main weapon dmg % and every Federation ship is faster than their Jericho/Empire counterparts and have more engine slots.    


Also they lowered the effectiveness of the shield regen passive modules to offset the regen increase across all ships.  I feel they should’ve nerfed the passive modules a little less and kept the regen bonus as a Jericho only faction bonus. 

So session changes (jumping through a gate/safe logout) in invasion space no longer reset cooldowns. Gone are the days of recon fast travel… (and here are the days of massive gate camps that you cannot easily escape anymore).

Damn, no more module reload when jumping through gate? What to do when the Biomorphs are gate-camping them, and you have to cloak but have already used it?

Damn, no more module reload when jumping through gate? What to do when the Biomorphs are gate-camping them, and you have to cloak but have already used it?

At the moment all I saw was ESB camping the gate and me going “halp, why can I not warp?” but yeah same thing. (I still got away but was close)