Star Conflict OBT v.0.11.1 Discussion



Automatic module reloading is no longer conducted during zone jumps
Automatic ammunition replenishment is no longer conducted during zone jumps


Uh, why was this changed? This was a good system in place and you killed it? How can you quickly travel to system to system and have a fighting chance when you dont have any reloading on anything when you come into a sector? Explanation please! 




Below is a short description of ship balance changes.
Having analysed the bottlenecks in balance of ships that depend heavily on shields, we decided to implement the following changes:
Increased Jericho ships’ maximum shield volume, on average by 4%
Increased shield regeneration speed, on average by 10%
Reduced influence of capacitor modifier ‘Capacitor Power Relay’ on energy and shield regeneration speed
Reduced influence of the shield modifier ‘Asynchronous Shield Projector’
Having analysed ship efficiency statistics depending on their size an shape, we made the following balance adjustments:
Increased hull durability for large ships by up to 16%.
Reduced rank 1 implants influence on hull
Slightly reduced efficiency of hull modifiers ‘Thermal Insulator’, ‘Reactive Armor’, ‘EM-insulation’


Any good player will just reap the benefits of this patch by still using raw resistances…


Jason made a good point how much resistance play a role and how this patch seems like another half xxxx job to balance the difference between hull and shield. But hey, everything just takes only a second longer to kill, so…



At the moment all I saw was ESB camping the gate and me going “halp, why can I not warp?” but yeah same thing. (I still got away but was close)


I didn’t get away one time but then I killed his gunship when he tried to run away from gate :lol:

um yea adding maps played on other game modes will give more logic to the game all pvp maps could bee added in 3 new sectors (federation -empire - jericho) which shuld be all rank 7-15 pvp  and will give variety of levels and the back sectors those sectors could be conected to frontier sector and faction other  sectors, also ffrontier sectors shuld also drive you  to uknown location thugh gate inside them, will give more variety of ranks in the future of free roam and more sectors with existing map, its still beta new features will be added




I didn’t get away one time but then I killed his gunship when he tried to run away from gate :lol:


i dont run at all i kill everyone that attacks me thugh noone can kill me :smiley:

Black Swarm
Hull durability increased by 14%
Shield regeneration speed increased by 13%





Hull durability increased by 2%
Shield regeneration speed increased by 13%



Why Black Swarm got such an unnecessary buff while Grim is still as average as always?

Black Swarm

Hull durability increased by 14%

Shield regeneration speed increased by 13%





Hull durability increased by 2%

Shield regeneration speed increased by 13%



Why Black Swarm got such an unnecessary buff while Grim is still as average as always?


why buff them at all

The Emperor wanted to see them Buffed !

So what I’m taking away from this patch is that the Devs have seen that shields are too weak, and so have made Empire (hull-focused) ships stronger, while making shield modules (which primarily benefit Jericho) weaker. By any chance do any of you work for the Conservative Party? Your double-speak looks remarkably similar.

This patch looked great on a first pass, but now I’m firmly of the opinion that pretty much all of it was a colossal mistake.

You’re forgetting that hull resistance mods, Gigas I as well as Armadillo did get nerfed, the hull HP increases were just to compensate. Not that I think e.g. the Minotaur needed that compensation but other ships did. And many Imperial ships did not get hull HP buffed so were effectively nerfed.

Nerfing the implants was a dumb idea. Any official response on WHY? 

You’re forgetting that hull resistance mods, Gigas I as well as Armadillo did get nerfed, the hull HP increases were just to compensate. Not that I think e.g. the Minotaur needed that compensation but other ships did. And many Imperial ships did not get hull HP buffed so were effectively nerfed.


also, the resistance-specific modules were nerfed for hull. that hurts 3-hull-slot-imperials too, like minotaur and styx.

Nerfing the implants was a dumb idea. Any official response on WHY? 

Because they were still too strong?

Because they were still too strong?


Don’t see how. 


And differing opionions based on flight styles are apparent. Most still dont know that Resistances are better. Are they trying to make people less able to fly properly? 

i guess they want to weaken the non-ending hull-tanks? i gotta admit, some ships just do not want to die.


i kinda find the shield recharge nerf a bit weird, since it was not really effective to begin with, and now adding “one of those” to have a bit of a “custom challenge” for your enemy even less likely.

the fact, that buffer tanking or passive tanking is just not viable is kinda sad for shields.


i wonder however, which pilots reported this; those with the alleged “bigger picture”? i would however not find a good shield recharge module with some side effects on hull that bad now.


in the end of things however, many ships got hull buffs, which means bigger base numbers. that’s not that bad, given all our modules work with percentages.


i don’t cry wolf-m yet, lets see how it works out.

Why the hell you reduced the lion MKII hull resitances? This ship is already weak!!

Why the hell you reduced the lion MKII hull resitances? This ship is already weak!!

a) it is anything from the weak, one of the best ships in Sector Conquest, but what do i know…

b) it had 10 resist bonus comparing to all other ships for w/e reason, now it has same resistances and no extra bonus.

c) it got 12% hull volume buff as well


I lost 180 achievements points after last update.Anyone can tell me why?


Don’t see how.

And differing opionions based on flight styles are apparent. Most still dont know that Resistances are better. Are they trying to make people less able to fly properly?

Resistance is always better than volume\strenght tanking.Their idea of nerfing resist while increase volume\strenght makes survivability even lower.

Gladly i use galvanized armor on my ship,and thanks god,they didn’t touch shield resist module.

Black Swarm

Hull durability increased by 14%

Shield regeneration speed increased by 13%


Why Black Swarm got such an unnecessary buff while Grim is still as average as always?


Cuz, you know, Empire.

No chat bug fix? Really?

Cuz, you know, Empire.


B-but Grim is Empire too… pirate, but Empire ship.