Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.5 Discussion

unfortunately this is a common occurrence in t4/5 pvp. all the pve warriors come to use their high end ships without learning how to actually excel at pvp by going through the earlier tiers playing pvp

Yep thanks to all the weekend ship sales and synergy bonuses to push player up to higher Tiers. You got to love players in T5 with WLr of 0.8 and SR of 800. It’s almost not worth killing them and rather go for the bot instead because more dangerous.

The pushing players up to higher Tiers also helps spreading out the players over all queues/Tiers so the queue time is equally long for all Tiers.

But don’t worry it’ll get worse before it gets better.

tomorrow afternoon I leave the game and going to rest 2-3 days :slight_smile:

I hope when I get back in the game-I’ll see Milfeulle first place  :yes_yes:

Dat google translate, never fails :lol:


Not everyone is playing 24/7 and considering this particular rating is heavily based on amount of time you can devote to the game, i don’t see how is it any competitive or something to brag about.

On other hand there are things like this:


Or when they demolish 4 man [NOVA]/[sRS] squads in solo+randoms or pair+2 randoms

Please use the suggestion forum.


Nah, please don’t, terrible idea. Drain goes through resistances, that’s what makes it interesting and useful.

nasa is only seen in sector conquest.


otherwise they play t3,


except milefulle and tillowaty <3 


Hey, i only play t3 if i have to. Otherwise im only found in t4.


quite a few of us have a very different meaning of “skill” from what you think it is.


Yes, yes, feed the dramaqueen in me  :lol:

skill is such a broad definition. skill in drinking beer or running away like a little girl… who knows … who cares. The only time you can even measure/see skill is in matches where both teams are each a squad/wing and have no random players.

Honestly NASA plays where there is population. We need synergy too… >.> Whoever is queueing for t5 for 30+ minutes because -they- are t5 pilots is stupid. I’ll even drop to t2 if it’s the only thing I can get battles in.


Queue time kills this game for me, I no longer wish to be a tester if I can’t get in games. World of Tanks < 30 sec queue time is so much nicer. Even WT Ground forces has a quicker queue time and it’s -just- out in open beta.

I’m so excited to play on T4 with these guys …


Boosters for 4940battles? Just curious. Is there a better deal or you just didn’t want to have to remember. Ever.

I can only urge you to start doing advertisement and getting more People to Play this game.

It’s a very fun game and i’ve also spent quite some Money on it to Support the devolopers.


The Problem is, there is not enough Players. Yesterday i wanted to fly some matches in a squad and my clan guys told me: Nah, we’re not going to squad up with more than two People, because we’ll have to wait a xxxx load of time.


If this keeps going, then there will be no more Beta testers because no one can Play.

I can only urge you to start doing advertisement and getting more People to Play this game.

It’s a very fun game and i’ve also spent quite some Money on it to Support the devolopers.


The Problem is, there is not enough Players. Yesterday i wanted to fly some matches in a squad and my clan guys told me: Nah, we’re not going to squad up with more than two People, because we’ll have to wait a xxxx load of time.


If this keeps going, then there will be no more Beta testers because no one can Play.

Not going to happen any time soon. They won’t do ads until they release the game which is probably no earlier than September

Before ads they need to work on comprehesive non-guided tutorials. They can get as many players as they want but if those players don’t understand concepts of the game then… Poop

Dat google translate, never fails lol.png


Not everyone is playing 24/7 and considering this particular rating is heavily based on amount of time you can devote to the game, i don’t see how is it any competitive or something to brag about.

On other hand there are things like this:


Or when they demolish 4 man [NOVA]/[sRS] squads in solo+randoms or pair+2 randoms

Couldn’t agree more on the first paragraph, that just shows who farmed the most in a certain time, and not everyone of us has that much time to spend playing. For example more than half of my time in SC evenings is just hanging out on TS, few games here and there - thanks to the beatiful MM. And xKostyan still kicks xxxx even tough he doesn’t play much as well. You know, some people are just good. But regarding the picture I don’t see the point, those are no-name esb’s except Phobo, and it is expected of you to trash them any day since these are one of your best pilots you have in your nasa squad, the very finest; in other words crème de la crème. And wtf Milfuelle stealing all your kills, you let the home crowd down with that 0 score.

MM felt much better yesterday, i also noticed 3v4 squads was enabled again.

Bah, Me and Milf usually have competitions to see who can get the most kills…usually ends up killing so much we have to take a small break to let the entire team spawn back in…

Bah, Me and Milf usually have competitions to see who can get the most kills… he usually ends up killing so much he has to take a small break to let the entire team spawn back in…


Fixed for you

lol i had to double recheck that, low one resi xD

MM felt much better yesterday, i also noticed 3v4 squads was enabled again.


It was never disabled (since it was enabled for the first time).

It was never disabled (since it was enabled for the first time).


Indeed. It’s all in their heads. 

Couldn’t agree more on the first paragraph, that just shows who farmed the most in a certain time, and not everyone of us has that much time to spend playing. For example more than half of my time in SC evenings is just hanging out on TS, few games here and there - thanks to the beatiful MM. And xKostyan still kicks xxxx even tough he doesn’t play much as well. You know, some people are just good. But regarding the picture I don’t see the point, those are no-name esb’s except Phobo, and it is expected of you to trash them any day since these are one of your best pilots you have in your nasa squad, the very finest; in other words crème de la crème. And wtf Milfuelle stealing all your kills, you let the home crowd down with that 0 score.

It was the only screen shot I had uploaded to cloud so I could link it here, to show MrDuck that Milf indeed plays T5/SecCon and he is not bad at it, and point to Takamina that to us performance in key games is more important than repetitive 24/7 farm of random games. I am perfectly aware that Takamina can be lethal in more competitive games, it is just i have not seen it yet(myself or screens) or even heard of that for that matter.

P.S. I was in a command, we had some nice combo going on there, on RU server.

It was never disabled (since it was enabled for the first time).

really? because the last week our 4squads exclusively met 4squads, in prime time, or low pop; i admit we gave up squads of 4 inbetween, because of waiting times to find out more. anyway good to hear, went from 2-man squad equality to 4v3 disabled somehow, never trust the rumors.


still, MM was faster yesterday.



Indeed. It’s all in their heads. 

It was the only screen shot I had uploaded to cloud so I could link it here, to show MrDuck that Milf indeed plays T5/SecCon and he is not bad at it, and point to Takamina that to us performance in key games is more important than repetitive 24/7 farm of random games. I am perfectly aware that Takamina can be lethal in more competitive games, it is just i have not seen it yet(myself or screens) or even heard of that for that matter.

P.S. I was in a command, we had some nice combo going on there, on RU server.


Well I usually only play sc now due to rl stuff. Also I play much better in US server than in RU due to the RU lag (200ms+ ping) but hey, no lag no improvement.



people in T4 … incentives must be working