Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.1 Discussion

Does warp distance depends on the ship speed? It says 28x max speed, but max speed of what?

4000 max isnt it?

Does warp distance depends on the ship speed? It says 28x max speed, but max speed of what?


For all I know warp distance is 14k for all recons in all tiers regardless of ship speed. 

Singularity buff hasn’t improved it at all, it is practically the same (if anyone is raging about it being buffed). Using projectile speed ammo before patch update you got 1200m/s, now after update, same set up you get 1296m/s. That additional 96m/s doesn’t make it remotely easier to hit targets. Sure if you use nova ammo it will help a bit but good luck hitting anything that isn’t sitting on your face with that set up (besides the clueless frigates that thinks it is a fridge and stays perfectly still).

Singularity buff hasn’t improved it at all, it is practically the same (if anyone is raging about it being buffed). Using projectile speed ammo before patch update you got 1200m/s, now after update, same set up you get 1296m/s. That additional 96m/s doesn’t make it remotely easier to hit targets. Sure if you use nova ammo it will help a bit but good luck hitting anything that isn’t sitting on your face with that set up (besides the clueless frigates that thinks it is a fridge and stays perfectly still).


More like an across-the-board EM weapons nerf, with some compensation for singularities. 

i see you are not planning on turning…

Never! I’ll be an explorer!


Confirmed from a quick bot match on that map, spawns were all over the place. Probably a bug since it’s supposed to be team death match, not just free-for-all death match.



I might work better for this game mode if there were respawn “windows” every 10-15 seconds.   Any destroyed ships respawn when the next window comes around.    This maintains the fast respawn mechanic of the game mode but will end up grouping respawning ships together.



Never! I’ll be an explorer!




just tried the new game mode, it is so much fun oh my. only thing i have noticed is 7 out of 10 players on the enemy team went as guard ships. I think it is a great game mode but some tweaks need to be made to promote less frig balls (somehow)

just tried the new game mode, it is so much fun oh my. only thing i have noticed is 7 out of 10 players on the enemy team went as guard ships. I think it is a great game mode but some tweaks need to be made to promote less frig balls (somehow)


Yeah, a tweak like… removing the mode as a whole. The ships are not made for death match. They are optimized around objective play. Some ships are good at fight, but that’s not the point.

Looks like my guard builds gained a nice buff to their energy. Gah! now I really want to hurry up and get a new computer. T.T

Quick, someone send me a gaming rig. xD  jk.
But honestly, someone get out their and test my builds. I want to know how they’re fairing.


Build no.1 and 2.     T-Rex Mk. 2 and the Inquisitor Rank 13

Yeah, a tweak like… removing the mode as a whole. The ships are not made for death match. They are optimized around objective play. Some ships are good at fight, but that’s not the point.

Well, I don’t see the problem. It is like CR but without a n00btain spoiling the party.

Looks like my guard builds gained a nice buff to their energy. Gah! now I really want to hurry up and get a new computer. T.T

Quick, someone send me a gaming rig. xD  jk.

But honestly, someone get out their and test my builds. I want to know how they’re fairing.


Build no.1 and 2.     T-Rex Mk. 2 and the Inquisitor Rank 13

What builds?

here, the two on this page. (weapon is optional)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21967-inquisitor-build/page-5)

Still prefers my 89k Survavibility Inquisitor S and my new 363 m/s 60k Survavibility T-Rex Mk2.

here, the two on this page. (weapon is optional)


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21967-inquisitor-build/page-5)

most of these modules have only on mk2 so it wouldnd be a good test

of course you’d have to rank them up >.,<

feel free take two months on it. 

I’m a very patient man. 

Survivability means nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

With my build’s regeneration converted to survivability, I’d imagine it would be at around 100k+, or so.

Okay the nerf to the over Horizon didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would… whew… so now with a slight adjustment and the sound of the eclipse BAM BAM  :taunt:  continues ! 



Anybody have an idea the reasoning for adding the number of PVE games in your profile?

I have 1 critics about patch notes.


“Increase by 13” for example means 13% of some value nobody knows by hearth. 



Target Tracking Coprocessor

Critical damage value bonus increased by 14%





You would think that the 20% became 35% but it is actually 14%*20% so it ends up roughly 23%.

Please make better patch notes. Like : (not actual numbers) 

Old value : 12/15/18/20, New Value 14/17/20/23

It is uninformative and confusing like that. 

Hvy Blaster change is the most ridiculous part of the patch, there is no need for it, and now the only HVY weapon is gone.


The whole point of using the Hvy Blaster is for its dmg output, and you KNOW you are going to get slow tracking for that dmg.  So if one wanted a fast tracking gun one could have put on the BEAM CANNON, Positron, or even the Mortar, that’s what those DIFFERENT Weapons are there for, so you can choose what you want – Hvy Dmg or Tracking, you can’t have both.  And now, we’ve been robbed of that choice.

This patch, so bad. So, so bad.

Plasma Gun

Stats have shown that this weapon is not good enough against ships with strongs hulls: damage is too low and it’s too hard to hit the target. Considering its an EM weapon, I wouldnt and never did expect to do enough hull damage to take out stronger hulled ships, especially not empirial. Considering the range and accuracy it possesed already, it was a more than efficient weapon.
Projectile speed increased by 20%
Spread reduced by 30%
Damage increased by 10%

These buffs will make plasma guns incredibly over powered. A positron cannon buff would have made more sense. Bad.


Heavy Blaster

Pilots armed with Heavy Blasters found it hard to fight with smaller and faster targets. With absolutely zero surprise. It’s called heavy for a reason, and the damage nerf its taking here will make it worthless of its name, eliminating its efficiancy in taking out -or even suppressing- heavy targets. Removing the Barrel Slowdown doesn’t mean much of anything, as frigates will still struggle to turn and track faster interceptors. The Dynamic Spread only serves to slaughter any last potential use this weapon had at its purpose.
Damage reduced by 25%
Removed barrel slowdown
Implemented dynamic spread
Spread continuously grows
Initial spread stands at 1 degree
Maximum spread stands at 3 degrees
Time to reach maximum spread equals 5 seconds


As far as Im concerned, this is a dead weapon. It looks like they tried to make it into some kind of short range weapon? But that was never what this weapon was made for.


According to pilot feedback, some weapons were still not good enough, most likely because they were whiny scrublords.

Assault Railgun
Spread reduced by 30% Don’t really care, guns were rather powerful enough and don’t really need it, but it won’t affect too much.

Singularity Cannon

Projectile speed increased by 20% As a close range weapon this was just another plain unecessary buff for scrubs who couldnt use it.
Coil Mortar
Projectile explosion radius increased by 50%, from 100 to 150 metres. Again, I don’t care.
Damage increased by 10% This was probably needed, but it could have taken a speed penalty buff instead.
Pulse Laser
Spread reduced from 2.3 to 1.8 degrees Again, another buff for scrubs who couldnt use the weapon. I don’t get why they dont make Pulse lasers just like the other beam weapons.



The LRF Nerf is… hard to think about. For one, Im glad they only nerfed some parts at t1 and 2. But at the same time, nerfing the explosion and radiation damage was a huge mistake. I feel like they could have applied that nerf only to t1 and 2 as well.


I have nothing to say about the active module changes.




Ship Modifiers [shortened]

Enhanced Scanner

Now also increases critical hit chance. Would have preffered a lock time buff.
Collision COmpensator
Ship rotation speed bonus reduced by 33% This is terrible. Collision Compensator is without a doubt the most important engine module. Nerfing it so badly is a huge problem.

Galvanized Armor

Damage resistance bonus reduced by 8% This was another unecessary nerf. Mk4 Galvanized armor now only does roughly 1.5x the resistance instead of 2
Improved Pylons
Missile reloading speed-up increased by 400%  ** WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN**

Armor-Plated Hull

Speed reduction increased by 23%  This was just unfortunate for frigate captains everywhere.

‘Horizon’ System
Firing range boost reduced by 17% Again, just plain unecessary.


Finally, Im pleased with the combat recon change. Its about time the captain is chosen from strongest pilots and not ships.

Squad balance will never be fixed until there’s just no change whether or not your squadded.




That is all. Hopefully some of these terrible changes will be reversed. All in all it just feels like they want to kill the game.

Well I’m sort of new to this game and its really fun and it seem like there’s some interesting updates, but what i really want back is to be able to mount any kind of weapon on any of my ships not have it class based because ever since i watched some of the videos on youtube I’m disappointed to see that they did allow you to have any weapon but not its restricted and that really sucks and i hope they change that and they can balance it like the RF-EM weapon on a frigate be more powerful but have a little more spread and slower rate-of-fire than that on a interceptor that would be what I’d really like and prefer in a future update or more cooler weapons which id really appreciate if done in near future.:slight_smile: