Star Conflict OBT v.0.10.1 Discussion

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P.S. Expected servers strat time: 11:00 UTC

Holy Molly Guacamole!!


This is a very big patch all around.


I was worried about the singularity buff, but then you nerfed the speed ammo, so in the end is the same, and it is just a small nerf to positrons.


I really, really like the pulse laser buffs, and the Enhanced scanner buff. My recon line is happy.


I don’t like the HB rework. It was a suppresing fire weapon, now is just another standard weapon. Also the damage nerf will lower the farming ratio in Blackwood. But I suppose that was also planned that way…


I’m glad to see also that you nerfed hull tank modules and buffed hull slot utilities.


So far I’m happy with the patch. But I have to test it first :slight_smile:

Squad balance

A squad with 3 pilots can be balanced with a 4-pilot squad and vice versa

Both squads have to be equal in power

A 2-pilot squad can be balanced with a single pilot


_ That is not new. Seen this plenty of times. And even 2x2man vs 1x 2man. Since you are working on “dynamic” MM I don’t bother reporting any seemingly strange behavior and put in the category MM mood swings. _

Neurocontroller ‘Armadillo’

Explosion damage reduction changed from 30% to 20%

_ What why? There was barely a benefit compared to Jerry R1 implant. I guess go back to J1. _


New captain pick rules in ‘Combat Recon’

The captain is chosen randomly from the 3 strongest pilots


Pulse Laser

Spread reduced from 2.3 to 1.8 degrees


‘Total Battles’ changed to ‘Total PvP Battles’

Added a string for ‘Total PvE Battles’


Tacklers: Guard Drone   ??? 

Heavy Blaster

Pilots armed with Heavy Blasters found it hard to fight with smaller and faster targets. 

_ SO? Cannot make all weapons the same. It is a team game after all. _


Improved Pylons

Missile reloading speed-up increased by 400%





_ Lol no one used that module it seems like. Not sure if that makes things better because there is already a lot of damage done in the game by missiles. _


There are a lot of balance changes. We’ll see how that pans out. No matter what you change a game will never be perfectly balanced…

I’m looking forward to trying out some of the new changes and the new game mode.



A 2-pilot squad can be balanced with a single pilot


This one worries me … it means that you will restore 1v1 matches?

This one worries me … it means that you will restore 1v1 matches?

I suppose they mean that a squad of two people don’t have to face another squad of two, thus speeding the MM process.

I suppose they mean that a squad of two people don’t have to face another squad of two, thus speeding the MM process.

Yes, exactly.

About the Horizon : -17% Range on the Optimal? Maximal or both?

About the Horizon : -17% Range on the Optimal? Maximal or both?

Yes, both.

About the Horizon : -17% Range on the Optimal? Maximal or both?


Yes, both.


mmm…  don’t like this one… Maybe it could be needed on the lrf but many weapons range were already nerfed in last patches. Some mid range weapons (rails, etc) are absolutely horrible in close combat coz they r heavily affected by the ping so nerfing their range again means more close combat witth ping… absolute pain…

Why not simply removing the Horizon from thr LRF modules?


Beam Cannon

This weapon’s feature is the necessity to always keep the target in your reticle, which is quite difficult. Very often, this cannon just doesn’t have enough time to deal damage. With this in mind, we have increased the weapon’s damage:

Damage Increased by 10%

Critical damage now stands at 120% from normal damage

Heavy Blaster

Pilots armed with Heavy Blasters found it hard to fight with smaller and faster targets. We have modified this weapon:

Damage reduced by 25%

Removed barrel slowdown

Implemented dynamic spread

Spread continuously grows

Initial spread stands at 1 degree

Maximum spread stands at 3 degrees

Time to reach maximum spread equals 5 seconds



I do like these ones, especially the heavy blasters modification. Although critical damage for the beam cannon ones may not matter if the critical chance is still the same.

The beam Cannon is now the weapons with the highest critical dammages bonus in the game, beating plasma weapon with the R6 implants.

I suppose they mean that a squad of two people don’t have to face another squad of two, thus speeding the MM process.


this was already in the game (for at least the last week or so), have been queued into games with a friend many times and face no opposing squads. the 3man v 4man will be interesting.


I like the look of the new game mode :smiley:

thanks for finally changing how the cap is picked :smiley:

guided torpedos are still practically invisible :frowning:

still got efficiency notifications all up in my face and around the screen :frowning:

Equip fed guard with beams, infrared, curved refl + 2 or 3 heatsinks for pure trololo.

Tackler drone seems actually will be hitting targets :smiley:

Enhanced scanner is viable now

With passive armor you can now fit two aux engines on tackie…derp

There is mistake with capacitor power relay description, it doesn’t produce energy, but shields.

Hmm, interesting patch, looks a bit inconsistent - overall intention seems to be to increase TTK, but on the other hand some modules getting buffed that I never thought needed buffing (not that I have reason to complain because I use those modules a lot, still strange).


Am completely surprised by the infrared scanner nerf yet the simultaneous enhanced scanner buff. Since this will lead me to change both implants and builds I’ll probably end up with higher crits on most builds (enhanced scanner stats remain to be seen) so can’t complain, yet strange change here as well. (edit: nvm, only 2% bonus on the enhanced scanner, won’t change anything).


Galvanized armor nerf is fine although increasing its drawback would have been more in line with the other changes IMHO. Armor-plated hull nerf raises an eye-brow though, it was already an inferior module as far as I’m concerned.


Collision Compensator nerf seems uncalled for. 


Plasma gun is not enough to make me use it but a needed buff either way. Pulse laser buff is welcome.


Beam Cannon buff is going to make those 100% accuracy bots outright nasty and they’re already no fun! Otherwise ok buff in conjunction with the horizon nerf.


Heavy Blaster getting changed to a short range weapon (massive spread) is interesting, will have to see how that works out, sounds like we’ll just lose more weapon variety though since we already have weapons for that. Sounds like it will cement positrons as the have to use weapon now. Dislike the way coil mortar was double buffed (aoe range + armadillo nerf) but that’s because I dislike all those AOE type weapons in general.


Guided torp getting a damage nerf raises an eye brow as well but I suppose you based that on usage stats rather than individual ship balance so I somewhat understand.


R1 Armadillo getting nerfed again yet the big imbalance between R9 and below (Gigas II) left untouched… strange as well.


The described squad balance is what we have since one or two patches ago already.


Fixing the chat to always show PMs is a very welcome fix after making the hangar chat invisible by default last patch which I didn’t like at all!

Ok, heavy blasters are now like rails for frigs. I know what my guards are getting now.

Buff to speed modules and some weapons, nerf to horizon and long range ships… Great patch for me, less camping (I hope) and more fast close combat!

Added a new game mode:  Team Battle
In this mode you have to destroy enemy ships to win.
Each team has 50 points at the start

This is awesome!

Beam Cannon

This weapon’s feature is the necessity to always keep the target in your reticle, which is quite difficult. Very often, this cannon just doesn’t have enough time to deal damage. With this in mind, we have increased the weapon’s damage:
Damage Increased by 10%

Critical damage now stands at 120% from normal damage

Time to change from Mauler to ADragon

Infrared Scanner

Critical hit chance boost reduced by 13%

‘Horizon’ System

Firing range boost reduced by 17%


Submatter Shield

Speed boost increased by 50%

more speed for my t3 ceptors <3

Survival modules: IR Traps

Cooldown time reduced by 44%

Flares or some new module?

New captain pick rules in ‘Combat Recon’

The captain is chosen randomly from the 3 strongest pilots

YES!  :bomber: 



And Armadillo… it was perfect with 50% then first nerf. I could get use to it but now it’s useless :angry:

I’m afraid you are right resi…I said i’m afraid coz i bet on a new bubble spam everywhere lol

Back to j1 implant then?

Singularity Cannon
Projectile speed increased by 20%


What? Why?


Singularity on gunships are death for frigates. Why buff this wapon? Again?!


Neurocontroller ‘Armadillo’
Explosion damage reduction changed from 30% to 15%


Armadillo is useless for engineering frigates since a small missile can destroy both drones at once.


New captain pick rules in ‘Combat Recon’
The captain is chosen randomly from the 3 strongest pilots





Galvanized Armor
Damage resistance bonus reduced by 8%


I guess this is the end of combat engineer.




Tacklers: Guard Drone


Completly useless and waste of active module slot. I rarely see any.