star conflict for ps4

Good morning, afternoon or evening.


guys . I come here to suggest a version of the game star conflict for ps4, I come here to ask not to leave us without a game with this theme and gameplay. first by the fact that there are not many games similar to star conflict in ps4 (dynamic space combat games on ps4 are missing). second fact is that we can use mouse and keyboard in ps4 if the game allows us this interface, we have as an example the warthunder and the fortinite. third fact is that star conflict is considerably lighter than warthunder (game that already runs on ps4), detail that allows the implementation of the game on ps4 without any performance problems.


guys, let’s do two good things in one go, let’s add players to the game and give consoles the chance to play a game different from the others available in the PSN library. Star conflict has all the features that would be common to see in a console game already in the options table (I do not know if this helps but there is also a linux version, openGL). The company responsible for the game already has games with mouse interface and keyboard in the console (warthunder).  we can play on the joystick too, star conflict resembles a bit with a fps, in which case a fps control scheme for the joystick would be more formidable than a scheme for air combat games. since the ps4 allows any mouse and keyboard (I tested varied types) who do not like the joystick can play on the mouse.


personal reason:

I played star conflict a lot on the pc, but I ended up not being able to play any more.

 since the computer of my younger brother burned I gave my computer to him because I had my ps4 and he had nothing besides the computer itself. I did not want to see my brother sad because he could not play any more, I ended up giving my computer to him as a gift . having limited purchasing power is a consequence of living in a country that can not have a stable economy.


I’m using google translator to write my suggestion: Portuguese (Brazil) to English

You should have given your PS4 to your brother instead of your computer. PC Master Race!

I could not give ps4 because most of the games he plays have no console version. not to mention that unlike me (I no longer play with friends / people I know play only warthunder or ps4 games), he plays a lot with friends several pc exclusive games or bought by him with the little money he It takes weeks to get (approximately 60 BRL per month = ~ 25 USD).


I only used the computer to play star conflict, mechwarrior and sometimes warthunder (this one I had stopped playing). the rest of the games had already migrated to the ps4 before happening what happened.


You cant make this game work on controllers unless gutting most of what makes SC a SC

2 hours ago, xKostyan said:

You cant make this game work on controllers unless gutting most of makes SC a SC

i’ve heard that SC on controler is quite hard and not recomanded for pvp :o

But yes SC on ps4 could be a nice addition in term of player base ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

12 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

But yes SC on ps4 could be a nice addition in term of player base ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I don’t think that be a cross-platform on the same server ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

30 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I don’t think that be a cross-platform on the same server ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

Idk, how does it work for warthunder?

20 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Idk, how does it work for warthunder?

It is cross-platform there, but that game is at snails speed comparing to Star Conflict, using a controller is easy there and not disadvantageous in most of the encounters. 

warthunder is a cross-platform that joins pc and ps4 players in the same match / server. ps4 runs the warthunder as if you were on a normal pc (mouse to move / click and keyboard to type in chat or play). I can play warthunder on ps4 with a mouse and a keyboard, both of any type / price, or with the ps4 joystick itself (I prefer the usb mouse and keyboard)

10 minutes ago, abbude said:

warthunder is a cross-platform that joins pc and ps4 players in the same match / server. ps4 runs the warthunder as if you were on a normal pc (mouse to move / click and keyboard to type in chat or play). I can play warthunder on ps4 with a mouse and a keyboard, both of any type / price, or with the ps4 joystick itself (I prefer the usb mouse and keyboard)

Majority of console players will NOT play a game with a keyboard+mouse because it is a console and Star Conflict is practically unplayable with a controller. 

star conflict on ps4 would not even require an interface with the joystick. the ps4 takes whatever mouse and keyboard you want to use (usb or wireless). the only thing needed would be to put warning on psn. need mouse and keyboard to play. could be done without any problem, I say this because I have a ps4 (even usb microphone works on the console)

True that There is no point playing on console if it’s for using a keyboard and mouse :confused:

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Majority of console players will NOT play a game with a keyboard+mouse because it is a console and Star Conflict is practically unplayable with a controller. 

so they should not even play warthunder in air battles, which is also another game that is not good to be played in dualshock 4.  even in the case of the joystick T.M4 is uncomfortable to play (unless you’re playing simulation match) . 

playing on ps4 is not just about playing on joysytick. it is a more dynamic platform, accessible to the public and requires less maintenance than a computer. , all with guarantee that the announced games can be played without further difficulties. may not be more accessible than a pc in your region but in my own it is almost 1/4 of the price. I’m sure it’s not only in my region that it’s so cheap and affordable.


everyone I met playing on ps4 until today always gave me the same answer. I do not have money to buy a pc gamer.  I had one but who read the post from the beginning knows why I used “I had” and not “I have” a ps4 slim costs the price of a gtx1060 here (running newer games with a graphics much higher than the pc equivalent to ps4 in price), which is very close to the price of the i5 6600 at the time of its release.


When I talk about using mouse and keyboard in the console, I am not making any reference to adapters that convert mouse and keyboard to joystick interface (common among players who do not know how to play fps in the joystick). some ps4 games simply allow free use of mouse and keyboard (because they are cross-platforms), just connect the keyboard and mouse directly to the usb ports of ps4 and play without complications or adapters (the same way the warthunder does) .

1 hour ago, abbude said:

star conflict on ps4 would not even require an interface with the joystick. the ps4 takes whatever mouse and keyboard you want to use (usb or wireless). the only thing needed would be to put warning on psn. need mouse and keyboard to play. could be done without any problem, I say this because I have a ps4 (even usb microphone works on the console)


It does not matter how easy or hard it can be done. it is a gaming philosophy difference.

The moment average console user sees this message on the screen, he will close the game and move on to something more casual. 

And again War Thunder is extremely slow game comparing to a Star Conflict and it runs perfectly fine and comfortably on Dualshocks.

For star Conflict it is not even a KeyBoard and Mouse, the majority of TVs won’t be even able to cope with the game due to input lag, it requires a gaming monitor too. 

1 hour ago, abbude said:

playing on ps4 is not just about playing on joysytick. it is a more dynamic platform, accessible to the public and requires less maintenance than a computer. , all with guarantee that the announced games can be played without further difficulties. may not be more accessible than a pc in your region but in my own it is almost 1/4 of the price. I’m sure it’s not only in my region that it’s so cheap and affordable.


everyone I met playing on ps4 until today always gave me the same answer. I do not have money to buy a pc gamer.  I had one but who read the post from the beginning knows why I used “I had” and not “I have” a ps4 slim costs the price of a gtx1060 here (running newer games with a graphics much higher than the pc equivalent to ps4 in price), which is very close to the price of the i5 6600 at the time of its release.

I don’t care.

There are plenty of places where you can argue about PC vs Console gaming, feel free to go there.

watch or at least read. the part of the message that you read was not a backboard for you, I do not care if it interests you or not. Do you have what you need? Do not bother who does not have it. Do you think before typing something? do you really think I’m going to come to the forum to know which platform is better?  answer whatever you want But do not tell me you do not care, otherwise you would not be here to disagree. If it’s to say that you do not care, you do not even have to answer. advice . choose the words when you are going to talk, someday the next problem can be yours.

1 hour ago, abbude said:

watch or at least read. the part of the message that you read was not a backboard for you, I do not care if it interests you or not. Do you have what you need? Do not bother who does not have it. Do you think before typing something? do you really think I’m going to come to the forum to know which platform is better?  answer whatever you want But do not tell me you do not care, otherwise you would not be here to disagree. If it’s to say that you do not care, you do not even have to answer. advice . choose the words when you are going to talk, someday the next problem can be yours.

I dont care what you think which platform is better for gaming, and I bet most of people here dont care about your preferences, so your reasoning to why it is good to have a game on ps4 is pointless.

Bro . No one asked if you care or not. This is not my problem, your opinion is of no value to me once you’ve just contradicted yourself. Do you want to know about console versus pc? no ? me neither .  Why are you insisting? . if I were in your place I would be doing something else instead of insisting on something that is not interesting to me. you do not care ? then show that you do not really care, you do not have to be here, if you say that there must be something better to do, so go.  but in the case now I’m running after what I want and I do not care if you care or not. talking a little about it, you say that it does not matter but it does not leave here, if it’s to make me laugh, I admit that you can get a little bit.  if you want to shut my mouth be smart and stop there, remember that I still have reason to go back and refresh the page and you do not have any .