Star Conflict 1.5.7 (Discussion)

Never really had the chance to count the credits intake, I think am earning less even on prem , but I see now the 500k box with resources costs x5 more !

What are you people trying to do to the community is beyond me but pretty soon, after all the caps and craps Ive seen lately, chance are from my end is to  simply unistall the game. Everything we had to craft, on top of the “learns”, actual cost with the “build” or “craft” click etc, we had to pay and few million credits for those darn boxes which now cost x5 more. What I see here is an over dose of arrogance with a “take it or leave it” just plain and simple. The game is great no doubt about that but folks tend to take into consideration a lot of factors and not just the visuals. In addition to a horrible pvp MM and the brilliant “hot join”, the caps and craps and in thios case yes am talking about an item jumping x5 higher ! 

You folks that own this game, want players to leave, just say the word but say it clearly and not via “ninja” moves that we need to agree BEFORE opening the game. That is unethical practice, in my opinion. Nothing was mentioned in regards of the box price in the developer’s post. There was just a list of mats, but of course, since we need to re-agree to the EULA there is no claim…on the contrary, we should be thankful that even some info was given out of courtecy !

All this farming to be ready for the next elly for nothing. It seems like the developers are intentionally trying to kill this game by screwing the players over.

Jack up the rates of everything. Have a sale on electrum and other destroyer resources then remove it from the game after we stock upon it.


Take the minerals box and jack it up, so they can what??? remove that after the game a few weeks later too. 

Any more when I see the new accept agreement when I log in, all I can think is what did the take away from us this time. 

Even the GMs are complaining now and that used to never happen. 


It truly looks like this the devs are shutting this project down. Why not sell it to EA, or Ubisoft or something??? Its better than the slow death you all are giving it…


Or other option convert the stuff you are gonna remove into gold, but you all are too greedy for that.

Anyways ranting here isn’t doing anything, but gonna get me in trouble… I tried… and failed…

This is economic revision.

Keep your panties on and sit tight for a bit.

What you’re seeing is progress. (with the usual abuse by the devs for money.)

Just don’t buy anything for a while and all will be well.

simplifying the economy is actually a good thing.


but i gotta ask myself, why first go way too long in one direction, then turn around, and reverse out. this way you get double damage.

i just hope they do some solid design, even tho the games’ image is quite ruined by now

however that fiasco with that unreal4 space shooter shows players actually do want these kind of games.

complaining about the game is how to shout at a child and he will do his thing.

Koromac did well, he just goes back to see what’s new (it broke down)

yesterday I sold all stocks, electrum and others

Once it was, everything happened. 



I, as a pirate, also liked to help, helped to build ships, I created new ones for other players.



I love to sit Days in this game,








and many many cool players with whom I could play.

The best results and good atmosphere in coveted wars


I move away into the shadows



8 hours ago, g4borg said:

simplifying the economy is actually a good thing.


but i gotta ask myself, why first go way too long in one direction, then turn around, and reverse out. this way you get double damage.

i just hope they do some solid design, even tho the games’ image is quite ruined by now

however that fiasco with that unreal4 space shooter shows players actually do want these kind of games.

The only reason all of us are here taking this shady business is they have a good core game. The micro bs, and reneging on everything is ruining it for all of us. We spend hundreds of hours grinding for stuff only for it to be capped, destroyed, and replaced with anew curency to do the same thing the old one did.


I have no faith anything is going to change other than a new types of currency to replace what was there. 

Until someone else come up with a space game with similar flight mechanic, we all will sit here and endure.

Lots of space games out there, but so far none of them have hit the mark for me like this one. 


I understand the devs gotta make a living, but there are better ways. Its got a good core. 

Developers destroying the game

Battlestar Galactica

EVE online

and other titles crumbled to pieces

I found myself other games Dead Space 1-3 and Infestation newz

you also look for something for these difficult moments.

On 10/27/2018 at 6:05 PM, DrDeath_ScD said:


Until someone else come up with a space game with similar flight mechanic, we all will sit here and endure.

There is one. You have only change 2 keys to have exactly the same controls and feel like in SC. And it’s on Unreal engine. And it sucks big time. 

10 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

There is one. You have only change 2 keys to have exactly the same controls and feel like in SC. 


Well, that fly model is way more restricted, I wouldn’t say it is close or like Star Conflicts model. I’d say something like HAWX _ much closer to SC or Ace something 2.

There was another game that was very close to SC in controls and settings on steam, but i just can’t remember it’s name, was abandoned on release too ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

40 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Well, that fly model is way more restricted, I wouldn’t say it is close or like Star Conflicts model. I’d say something like HAWX _ much closer to SC or Ace something 2.

There was another game that was very close to SC in controls and settings on steam, but i just can’t remember it’s name, was abandoned on release too ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Moon Breakers

I’m still trying to pick up development because the whole thing is written in yaml basically. I was modding the game since I stayed playing it. I even made a server compatible “let’s be realistic” mod that better balanced all the ships and gave some new abilities, but that was right before they closed most of the servers.

Every time I ask to continue development they’re like “nah we want it to stay dead.”

46 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Well, that fly model is way more restricted, I wouldn’t say it is close or like Star Conflicts model. I’d say something like HAWX _ much closer to SC or Ace something 2.

There was another game that was very close to SC in controls and settings on steam, but i just can’t remember it’s name, was abandoned on release too ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Actually the flight model in the game I mention is exactly the same as in SC…

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’m still trying to pick up development because the whole thing is written in yaml basically.

yaml is a markup language (!?)


i know a few 3rd person space games, or flight games, with similar controls, but either they have really bad controls, or some other reason why you just don’t want to play it, or are first person oriented.

moon breakers has been canceled, but it was definitely similar, but it also reminded me somewhat of bsgo.

evolvation and angels fall first e.g. have really cheap control schemes. strike vector is still different, but comes close. they all still move the camera away from the ship, so more dream ace kinda stuff. you can play evochron in 3rd person, but you probably won’t. evolvation however really wanted to sell itself as a dedicated 3rd person space shooter. for that they should have taken more time to refine the controls. and everything else.


the closest i was to the feeling was actually in battlefront 2, but then again, thats a different flying mechanic (although i played tonz of the classic one, as we had giant LAN parties for years, so i enjoyed it)


and of course a few classic games or games which have no multiplayer.


i think i would enjoy elite dangerous a ton in 3rd person.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Moon Breakers


Not that one for sure, Moon Breakers is something I would love to play… back in 90s.


2 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Actually the flight model in the game I mention is exactly the same as in SC…

Strike Vector than, I don’t think I know any other game on Unreal engine and being like to SC in controls/gameplay. Though about Dreadnoughts originally since it is on Steam now.

27 minutes ago, g4borg said:

yaml is a markup language (!?)

Yaml Ain’t Markup Language*

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’m still trying to pick up development because the whole thing is written in yaml basically.



1 hour ago, xKostyan said:


Yaml = ezpz to edit = I could at least add new weapons and keep balancing using the assets at hand.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Yaml Ain’t Markup Language*


Originally YAML was said to mean Yet Another Markup Language, referencing its purpose as a markup languagewith the yet another construct, but it was then repurposed as YAML Ain’t Markup Language, a recursive acronym, to distinguish its purpose as data-oriented, rather than document markup.


interesting, i did not know they renamed it, i still knew it as yet another ml

but okay, i meant it describes data, not logic

so i don’t think the game itself is written in it


even tho after i saw paradox using ini file syntax for scripting, i bet some people might be mad enough to write some yaml based touring complete script language. . .

45 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Yaml = ezpz to edit = I could at least add new weapons and keep balancing using the assets at hand.

that is not the same. does not matter if it yaml, json, xml or w/e is used to modify some data, that the actual game is written using that, how mad people should be to write a video game using that. 

It sure would be nice to have a new spooky ship/module/weapon/ITEM for the Spooky holiday we are celebrating.


Remember shield havoc? Yeah. More of that.

7 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Strike Vector than, I don’t think I know any other game on Unreal engine and being like to SC in controls/gameplay. Though about Dreadnoughts originally since it is on Steam now.

Not  Strike Vector, sorry. Look in single player range ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)