Star Conflict 1.5.7 (Discussion)

That’s a lot of recent posts, and I don’t have time to read through them all right now but I do want to bring some things up for discussion if they haven’t already been discussed. A lot of things were included in the update that were not even mentioned by the developers, a few that I’ve noticed are:


  • Credit cap reduction by another 10,000,000 credits was not mentioned


  • Credit income has been reduced, a premium license is now required to get the same amount of credits as we used to without the license and was not mentioned


  • Loot search screen was removed without mention

  • Special Operations Defiler mechanics were changed and not mentioned

         - Decreased down time between shields in Defiler Special Operations raid

         - Increased health pool of emitters in Defiler and Destroyer Special Operations raids, Destroyer Raid rank 13-17 is now almost impossible

         - Increased damage output of emitters in Defiler and Destroyer Special Operations raids (I haven’t personally looked into this one, but it seems possible)

         - Cores in rank 7-9 Destroyer Special Operations raid do not respawn, previously they would respawn until the destroyer reached 50% health, now they do not respawn at all, meaning if all cores are destroyed at any time (not just between 50% and 10%) the destroyer will flee the sector.

  • Unique modules for premium ships such as Karud, Executor, and Boremys are now ship specific only and do not account for unique modules, this was not mentioned


  • Bots were removed from Sector Conquest battles, meaning where if you used to queue in and got a 1v8 you would have 7 bots on your team to make up the difference, now its just 1v8 with no bots to help, was not mentioned


  • Resource limiters were reduced again, things such as Xenocrystals now have 10% of the cap they used to (10,000 to 1,000).


  • Rank 16 Spectre Falcon silhouette in ship tree removed without a word


  • Rank 16 Lance S silhouette in ship tree removed without a word


  • Trade price for blueprints reduced drastically, minimum price for some is now 10GS, was not mentioned


  • We’re still restricted to 5 trades but now thats 5 trades at a time rather than 5 trades per day, the limit was said to be gone- Message (mail) cap of 50 messages is now a thing, though that may have been a thing earlier



This is what I’ve come across over the first day of the update, I’m sure there’s more stuff


Special operations leaderboards have been reset

Fort Muerto and the other alien sectors are once again accessible to the public, but fort muerto’s pirates are friendly and the background in alien space except for Ellydium Theta station (leviathan) is still green colored and not purple.

Not big on reading patch notes are you?

A lot of the things you mention are in the patch notes. Just not stated like you said


1 hour ago, PapyMcBites said:

  • Rank 16 Spectre Falcon silhouette in ship tree removed without a word


  • Rank 16 Lance S silhouette in ship tree removed without a word

The same thing happened every time just before a new ship is released.

So, something to look forward to in the near future… soon.TM



The difference is that this time, the silhouette didn’t get updated. Previously they were their own unique shape, but this time they follow the respective T5 ship silhouette.


What this means, I cannot say. I can only hope that these ships have their own unique model, otherwise I’d stick with my Dart and Saw One

1 hour ago, PapyMcBites said:

Trade price for blueprints reduced drastically, minimum price for some is now 10GS, was not mentioned

And some price got increased drastically.

As far as I can recall, majority of the T5 blueprints/parts/modules are now set at 1000GS minimum price

[@TheDarkRedFox](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/242418-thedarkredfox/) I re-read everything that was in the patch notes, the credits cap was mentioned, I did miss that one. Credits income reduction, special operations changes, Karud, Executor, Boremys, etc modules being changed to ship specific and not “unique” modules, the removal of bots, resource limits (other than Iridium, synergy, and Credits), rank 16 ships, trade price changes, leaderboard reset, and fort muerto and the alien sectors being open aren’t in the notes.

Karud, Executor, Boremys, etc modules were mentioned, but only mentioned in stats changes not that they were changed from unique mods.

Resource limits were mentioned, but only iridium, credits, synergy.

Trade was mentioned a lot, most of the changes are listed but not updates to prices (not updates to a full list of things you can trade either but that would be really long whereas they could have just said for blueprints “reduced to 10gs” or something).

Fort Muerto and the alien sectors being open was mentioned, but they said that you now gain access to them just by having the required clearance. As it was before, it was locked to everyone even level 25/25. They changed the clearance level requirement and didn’t say anything.

55 minutes ago, Schwarzschild said:

And some price got increased drastically.

As far as I can recall, majority of the T5 blueprints/parts/modules are now set at 1000GS minimum price

All blueprints (that I have) are 10gs min price, parts for everything are still the same 100 or 300 min price, the full modules themselves (just added in this patch) are the only thing with a min price of 1k, they didn’t say anything about their price going to be so high but that’s their original price, nothing (that I’ve seen yet anyway) was increased

4 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

but it’s mainly directed at GatoGrande’s requests…


I really proposed some things;


-multiple tiers where R5 can’t face high ranks = (R5 + 3-5 ranks) = max R10       ----- didn’t happen, I have screenshots from yesterday     


  • 10% higher credit rewards after battles but at the same time I proposed that loot after battles should be more versatile and should not contain any credits  ---- didn’t happen


  • I really proposed a proposal for some of the old game modes that we got back (not survival= I didn’t propose that) but I also think that they are now implemented in the wrong way.

    I did play it yesterday but game 2 vs 2 where I had R15+ ships one player had max R11 ships and two players had ships from R5-9 was really not fun for me.  —so that was partially implemented but as I said in the wrong way.


  • I did propose some changes to open space too, but this is nothing from it. Enlarging some rewards like vouchers for missions is nice but at the same time, we lost all vouchers (45k) for a mission where we sent six ships on it. Those 45k vouchers were bigger than the small increase for open space rewards.


  • another thing that I was QQ about it was a Cutter + Deconstructor + Quantum defense. This was solved with -40% of critical chance. Yes, it was solved but again what I proposed was reducing an active time for Quantum defense. No ship that already has invisibility modules should, in my opinion, have also 6sec immunity to missiles and weapons.

So here is my proposal on how to solve this; reduce the active time from Quantum defense to 2.5sec max or even totally remove that module from Cov ops arsenal.


-I was QQing about Tai’kin and OP modules that can reload every 10 sec and nothing was done here.

Also, ship have 2.5k hull durability and it is really hard to kill can go 700km/sec and at the same time have multiple slowing modules, why does it need them?


Small ships are still OP against bigger ones. They still receive less damage from missiles and if I just look at output damage per sec on some weapons that small ships can use then it is just ridiculous.


5 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

I hate this update, because it doesn’t bring nothing positive for me, but it’s mainly directed at GatoGrande’s requests.


please post proof what exactly is same that my request was.



But again yes I’m disappointed by this update,

perhaps you are correct after all these years that I play this game where good things were constantly removed or changed with each patch I shouldn’t have a high expectation here.



I still stand behind this ;

7 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

What I really like is New = returning of old lunch game screen.

I like no limits for trades per day.


even if I also have a comment on how ridiculously high are set some min prices for some BP.




Ah, I almost forgot, I also proposed that Hot Joining is removed from PvP but it is still here - another disappointment for me. Just yesterday I had an excellent game of detonation where I was joining game and enemy team was carrying a bomb to last our beacon. GG all. I have a screen from this too, but hey who cares anymore right?

34 minutes ago, PapyMcBites said:

Karud, Executor, Boremys, etc modules were mentioned, but only mentioned in stats changes not that they were changed from unique mods.

I must have hallucinated the announcement but I could have sworn that they told everyone that ship-specific mods would no longe rbe counted in unique module counts on Premium ships.

It was to protect ships like Phoenix and Archelon and Kite-E who have their own unique mod sets to use.

![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) I just had a game that started 2 vs 2 players + 4 bots with destroyers on each side  ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)


and what was even weirder bots drop out of game when new players hot joined. ![:01414:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01414.png “:01414:”)


But I have to say it was really close game that was positive. The bot was best on our side  ![:lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/lol.png “:lol:”)  and we won.

I think that all damage that was made from all bots were accumulated in that last bot that stayed in game

Ah and again we had low-rank ships in the game facing max rank ships why ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”).


On the positive side it was close game and something new, but come on bots in PvP is really sad.





Oh, I forgot to add, like on all updates recently I have again negative experience points on my progress bar. From a few thousand that I had to -500 exp points.

but who cares for that right.




I can confirm that the Jericho command will have it’s own model, you people already saw it, don’t know about the Fed recon tough.

I for one don’t have much against the limits, AS LONG as they will also give us sinks for the resources with a low ceiling, oh, this is just in, we got a mini-update that says that monos are now tradeable, min 10GS each, and the Contraband container now costs iridium instead of GS, and the regular tasks rewards have been changed from monocrystals to other resources, so we have an iridium and a mono sink now, credit limit further lowered, they really need to give us some methods to spend those.

Ah… so I just read the patch notes about the contraband container and the monocrystal changes… this doesn’t bode well on paper, so I hope it plays out better in practice than what I’m reading because at a glance it looks like monocrystals are now much harder to obtain without trading - which trading is also a pain in the xxxx thanks to certain players being stubborn with competition and cancelling out the posting of other player’s items because they were undercut  ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

57 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

trading is also a pain in the xxxx thanks to certain players being stubborn with competition and cancelling out the posting of other player’s items because they were undercut  ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)


I have noticed this as well, this would be easily solved if pressing buy button would make an instant purchase and not just transfer of that to post and mail that can be returned.

For now, it is really annoying and unpleasant.


1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Jericho command will have it’s own model, you people already saw it,

hmm? Saw what? Where?


5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I must have hallucinated the announcement but I could have sworn that they told everyone that ship-specific mods would no longe rbe counted in unique module counts on Premium ships.

Thunderflame wrote it another thread before maybe you remember it because of that. 

37 minutes ago, g4borg said:

Thunderflame wrote it another thread before maybe you remember it because of that. 

Could you chuck us a link? I think I know what the command looks like thanks to a screenshot dump on the AoWar discord a while back since there was a load of the r16/17 concepts with one particular doritoe like design being one that hasn’t shown up in game yet.


Also for note: Mono farming is about to become an xxxx again thanks to the daily task changes. Thanks Devs. F**k us amirite?

You mean this one? 


And also, the command is in the small video from the urgent message.

Fast mini update on a minimum price for modules is commendable. (1000GS per bp was ridiculous)

And that is how developers should always act. Fast and swift. 

Thumb up for this.




I have also seen the change that removed monocrystals and brings some other resources instead.


A better solution would be to leave those monocrystals here as rewards and change after the battle loot. If you understand what I think on.

and I will be happy to help you to balance this to be user-friendly.