Star Conflict 1.5.7 (Discussion)

3 hours ago, John161 said:

At least the game fronted is using a double precision float (lua’s only supported number type). Also which language does support unsigned doubles. At least the ones that are used mostly in SC don’t do it. (C, C++, Lua)

somebody had a closer look at its code. Id be careful with that, it raises certain suspicions. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Neither did i look at the code nor did i put much thought into the post, but have it your way. Since long int are probably not supported, a unsigned int would do the job.

20 minutes ago, MathModelSim said:

somebody had a closer look at its code. Id be careful with that, it raises certain suspicions. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

How do you think do I get the list of not mentioned changes in patches? It is far faster to get them out of the game files then checking every module manually :D.

9 hours ago, John161 said:

Balancing changes in 1.5.7 c:

  • Inhibitor Crystal max damage decreased by 25%.


Problems aka mistakes of Inhibitor Crystal:


  • first of all it can be used with Tai’kin it is interceptor recon.

Why is recon capable to do so much damage?!?!


  • reload time is to short TO SHORT  TO SHORT.


  • Tai’kin can be invisible and weapon projectile is still flying toward target.


-  it can slow target why why why.

Why does even ship that is fastest in game need something that slow other ships ???


  • it is completely broken 


  • Stevie Wonder was developer who balanced it.


  • Ray Charles was developer who released it in game.



10 hours ago, GatoGrande said:


Problems aka mistakes of Inhibitor Crystal:


  • first of all it can be used with Tai’kin it is interceptor recon.

Why is recon capable to do so much damage?!?!


  • reload time is to short TO SHORT  TO SHORT.


  • Tai’kin can be invisible and weapon projectile is still flying toward target.


-  it can slow target why why why.

Why does even ship that is fastest in game need something that slow other ships ???


  • it is completely broken 


  • Stevie Wonder was developer who balanced it.


  • Ray Charles was developer who released it in game.



-It can be used on every recon once you build it
-It can deal good damage but only when it ramps up or hit directly, it flies slower than you and require to fly almost next to it.
-It’s arguable. It’s hard to hit anything other than frigs/destros.
-Crystal flies in straight line…And perma invis Taikin is almost useless after all those recent nerfs. Going radar invisible makes you loose all shield, maneuverability and energy stability.
-Slows targets, yes, that’s it’s primary function. Recon is a debuffer class in Interceptor line. It’s just a Taikin that was designed to do everything at once.
-It’s not broken, other than spontaneusly exploding on your own face when you follow it.

Try to use it yourself. I used to complain about it a lot but then I got it myself and especially with Taikin fragility the “Torpedo-crystal” is rather hard to use.

1 hour ago, Rob40468 said:

-It can be used on every recon once you build it


Indeed, that is even more broken.



-It can deal good damage but only when it ramps up or hit directly, it flies slower than you and require to fly almost next to it.


Tai’kin can be invisible and projectile is still not exploding.



-It’s arguable. It’s hard to hit anything other than frigs/destros.


Are you kidding right? 

Didn’t I say it can also slow the target? So no it can hit almost everything except perhaps other Tai’kin



-Crystal flies in straight line…And perma invis Taikin is almost useless after all those recent nerfs.


Whom do you lie here? Why do Cruel and Senor and PhoenixGT use strictly that ship? And they win almost all time? With the correct build that ship that should be killed with one hit is almost immortal.




Going radar invisible makes you loose all shield, maneuverability and energy stability.


you lose just Shields, all other is a lie.




-Slows targets, yes, that’s it’s primary function. Recon is a debuffer class in Interceptor line.


Yes debuff class not killing machine like Tai’kin is in capable hands.





It’s just a Taikin that was designed to do everything at once.


Why do we need all other ships then?

If one ship can do everything at once then it is broken.



-It’s not broken, other than spontaneusly exploding on your own face when you follow it.


You are kidding right?  Open your closed eyes.




Try to use it yourself. I used to complain about it a lot but then I got it myself and especially with Taikin fragility the “Torpedo-crystal” is rather hard to use.


I did. I was even immortal in survival mode when we had it. I don’t play it any more it is to OP in my hands.




Ps; you didn’t mention possible 10sec reload time that it have on Tai’kin. It is broken as hell.


On 8/25/2018 at 9:00 PM, WolfKhanGeneral said:

It’s because too many players would accidentally turn it on while in-flight, and it would be confusing to many not knowing how to turn it off, many builds would be effected negatively by the consistant drain on energy

there is an easier solution to that: remove the default binding.


voila nobody can accidently press a button they never knowingly assigned.


On 9/7/2018 at 11:45 AM, John161 said:

At least the ones that are used mostly in SC don’t do it. (C, C++, Lua)

now i am by no means a C/C++ user, but i doubt there is not a number type you could not support in these languages.


also… a) the frontend does not need to know, you could use a string because you can just subtract on the server; b) why use a double at all, if there are no partials, just use any kind of integer, c) you can always use partitioned data structures, so there is no limit for displaying a number; its maximally a limit in the db table.

and d) it really does not matter if its signed at that point. thats one bit of information.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

there is an easier solution to that: remove the default binding.


voila nobody can accidently press a button they never knowingly assigned.

This is actually this is the default behavior now.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

now i am by no means a C/C++ user, but i doubt there is not a number type you could not support in these languages.

I should have said there is afaik no unsinged float in the standard of either C or C++.  Also implementing unsigned float is mostly useless and will yield probably performance drawbacks since they are normally not supported by the hardware.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

also… a) the frontend does not need to know, you could use a string because you can just subtract on the server; b) why use a double at all, if there are no partials, just use any kind of integer, c) you can always use partitioned data structures, so there is no limit for displaying a number; its maximally a limit in the db table.

and d) it really does not matter if its signed at that point. thats one bit of information.

I know, I also never was the one that recommend floating points number for integers. But I think we are getting a bit to much of topic when we continue this here.

(and yes it seems like that the credits are processed as string at some point before converting them to double.)

Until we have this;   I have to say game will be bad.


until good players are taking low R ships to gain advantage this game will be complete crap.


I still don’t understand why ship that cost less then 1k GS is made so to be better then Spark that cost 15k GS.


This game is really twisted and more and more without any sense and purpose.



Not to mention all limitation  that we have on different resources and spam of zillion messages that I get.





55 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Until we don’t have this;   I have to say game will be bad.


The resource limiter bull crap needs to stop. Nothing sucks worse than seeing your hard earned credit, loyalty synergy and whatever else I forgot being destroyed. If I am over the limit it should have the option to convert it to one several resources.


Joining lost battles sucks. I see so many disconnects every battle I get in. I am always on the side with the disconnects. I should get some gold for staying and not quitting like the rest.


10gs for winning is a kick in the nuts. You can’t buy anything with it.  If you have a mark on your account like mine, wins are next to never. 

2001726828_ithurts2.PNG.e19bf949cd4f126f495c789832558edd.PNG 1728264654_ithurts.PNG.4f2c971ece88d08bbc4a7e52fd1769e1.PNG


Wow cool, a ship that hardly anyone uses because it’s so out of date is on sale, and a steam fix was added.



I find it humiliating that I used to care about this game so much. The game I used to love is cared about so little at this point by its owners that it has taken months for resolutions for the steam link errors. Something like this should have been fixed within a week or two. Regardless of how long it took, was it absolutely necessary to send the update and shut down servers in the middle of a Sector Conquest time zone? Almost every previous update and server maintenance shut down I can remember has been more or less 2 hours after Sector Conquest for T5 Fed Space is closed, what was the purpose of initiating the shut down halfway through corporation’s battles? My corporation lost a sector last night when the servers shut down and we were not allowed to fight for it, granted, we could have lost the sector anyway (we had 6,000 points or so when the servers went down compared to the new owner’s 10,000. If we had gotten in 2 more battles we would have easily kept the sector, but some battles go unpredictably and take longer than expected), I nor any of my members particularly care about last night’s incident because our ownership cycle was coming to a close, but had this happened earlier in our cycle and we had lost our sector after having just gotten it back or having held it for only a few days we would have been rather upset. The point is, if my corporation lost a sector, other corporations could have also lost sectors that were more important to them, for example, if a smaller corporation had gotten ahold of a sector with rewards such as 50x Iridium per battle and they were not allowed to A) partake in battles and claim the fruits of their labor nor B) fight for the sector so they have a chance to keep it, then they would have likely been discouraged and some members may have left the game. This is sloppy and unprofessional, I hope to not see something akin to this in the future.

If they would just bring back at least two Tiers and eliminate the Low rank buffs half the crap people complain about would disapear. And yes this patch does once again screw over the oldtimers. My mailbox is going to be full of rewards I have to destroy. We could at least convert them to something. Limit the r1-6s to one special module, the 7-12 to 2 and then let the grownups use 3 in 13-17.

8k limit on Iridium…

what’s next? 50 limit on owned ships?

10 limit to daily pvp/pve matches? 100 limit on mineral resources?


at least they had the decency to let component ships keep their own unique modules.


in summary, this update is:

  • more limits on resources

  • reduction in credits from most if not all pve missions

  • nerf(?) to premium

  • still no change to R15 manufacture ships

  • reversal to old UI (why???

  • still no change to matchmaking

  • tradable modules at 1k GS minimum price

  • Fed/Jericho R16/17 Recon/Command coming s∞n.TM

The change to premium is a mixed blessing I suppose


more bonus to exp(yes it’s called exp now), more loot?


the credit boost is… not as good as it seems.


The credit boost got increased from 50% to 100%. Meanwhile, the overall credit reward from pve missions got reduced by roughly 30-40%. Then the after battle loot credit increased by quite a lot.


overall the effect is still a reduction in credit gained

a premium ship with license gets a credit reward only marginally better than a premium without license pre-update, and significantly less credit than a non-premium with license pre-update

Some iridium boxes cost is reduced - that’s the only thing I see positive in this patch. Reducing amount of modules on premium ships was requested by players and devs listened. Do I agree with that? Not really, but at least whiners cannot say now anything about those “OP” premium ships. Credit gain reduction? Yes, but also I noticed some modules cost less to upgrade. So mixed blessings.

I’m not gonna complain, as I can see how most of the changes improve game’s health and are in line with game’s philosophy - “earn, but do not stack”. But I do get the old players pain and I do think they should be recompensed somehow.

Change to trading is awesome, as it seems to be finally viable for me (the old system, with messages etc. wasn’t even “meh”, it was more like “bleh”).


Premium ships (apart the ones that have their own special modules) got nerfed hard, and I can’t see their place in game now except of being credit farm tools. They were interesting because of their looks (some of them at least) and because they gave chance to find your own unique combination of unique modules from various other ships. Now they are just fine-looking, boring, generic ships with one unique accent.
I understand how that was the simplest solution for dealing with overpowered combination of some uniques, but long-term I’d look into other options, like:


  • treating uniques as modules of the same type, i.e. the more you install, the lower their efficiency - 2 have 90% strength, 3 - 80%;


  • forcibly disallowing to mount combination of modules that are known to be op;


  • assigning unique modules ellydium-like points that would use up the points pool that premium ships would have - so the player can choose to throw one strong module on the ship or five lesser ones. That would need many adjustments along the way, but would be best in terms of keeping premium ships… well, premium. IMO premiums should be unique and have unique mechanics if you want to get some cash from them (SC is actually the first game in which I’m not annoyed by being ripped off but instead I’m constantly worried that you guys are gonna go bankrupt someday, like, seriously. I have no idea how you are gonna keep the the game running, as SC seems to be less and less viable business model. Can’t you get more paid visual customisations, changing models, etc.? Skins for ships, drones, custom missile smoke colours, custom effects? I know it’s cheesy af but it’s certain standard nowadays, and I’d actually throw some cash to have my ships and drones look more interesting. And keep most of them as DLC, as GS are getting easier and easier to get ingame).

I love the fact that we wont have to deal with uber-Stingrays, Magnetic Disruptor Thies and Slowing Projector +Beam Disintegrator anymore.


I like how a previously useless module got very useful (Tetroxide Injector).


I very much like the addition of a few fresh maps to pvp, aswell as the return of capture the beacons.


Also, the trading changes were very necessary.


About the limits on resources: maybe people would be happy if there was an option to turn the notifications off or to automatically sell excess resources.


(I have been playing this game since early open beta in 2012 and I haven’t ever gotten close to the credit/synergy limit myself, so I generally suggest using resources instead of stockpiling them for internet points :stuck_out_tongue: )

24 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

I love the fact that we wont have to deal with uber-Stingrays, Magnetic Disruptor Thies and Slowing Projector +Beam Disintegrator anymore.


I like how a previously useless module got very useful (Tetroxide Injector).


I very much like the addition of a few fresh maps to pvp, aswell as the return of capture the beacons.


Also, the trading changes were very necessary.


About the limits on resources: maybe people would be happy if there was an option to turn the notifications off or to automatically sell excess resources.


(I have been playing this game since early open beta in 2012 and I haven’t ever gotten close to the credit/synergy limit myself, so I generally suggest using resources instead of stockpiling them for internet points :stuck_out_tongue: )

Good luck spending synergy when all your ships are max rank and you don’t have the credits to update Ellydium ships at the same rate you get synergy.

9 minutes ago, John161 said:

Good luck spending synergy when all your ships are max rank and you don’t have the credits to update Ellydium ships at the same rate you get synergy.

As I said, converting excess resources to credits could solve that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 hour ago, Scar6 said:

so I generally suggest using resources instead of stockpiling them for internet points


I don’t see the reason behind iridium upper limit.


perhaps it is just me not bothering opening caches. Got PTSD after spending more than 8k and not getting Prox mortar parts, then I just stopped caring about caches any more