Star Conflict 1.5.2 (Discussion)

17 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Light coil mortar is one of the most underwhelming weapons in the Fleet update, if not the whole game…

Recoil compensated cannon says hi.

2 hours ago, avarshina said:

I attribute it to not documented nerf in last patch (1.5.2b) not to mention ninja patch : ( → further nerfs my Wazgot (why they doing this to engis?)

What got nerfed again and can you prove it?

11 hours ago, Koromac said:

What got nerfed again and can you prove it?

Can’t locate the source – my energy bar on standard Wazgot setup is depleting much more rapidly since last patch. No changes but drastically  less energy stability  – How to ‘proof’ that, I ask you?

You know its not that the Wazgot did not got nerfed with almost every of the last patches – ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”) ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”)

This expensive ship is going down … ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)




Maybe you misplaced an implant or a module? I didnt notice any changes regarding energy stability. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

38 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Maybe you misplaced an implant or a module? I didnt notice any changes regarding energy stability. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

What if I did nothin …  before & after patch ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”) ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”) ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)  – just the patch then (some call this Ninja patch)

Project 1011 ship feedback


Very solid LRF. Remote disintegrator is a useful tool both for attacking and diverting fire out of your ship, also allowing to another tactic if you are confident with your aim by using your own ship as bait for dissy fire. Increased damage seem significant - with purple weapon, any smaller ship goes down with 1-2 shots without barrier. Also as a side effect, teach people to get rid of any drones as fast as possible ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) I like gun placement - this ship dont have real blindspot, there is no angle that at least 3 turrets cant fire.

Remote disintegrator

There are also some annoyances, sharing with normal disintegrator. Most notable is aiming having limited one of the axis - when you hit the limit, instead aim going in the desired direction instead rotates the screen. Another issue is once deployed you cant move your drone until it gets destroyed. There should be an option to manually destroy the drone for redeployment, for example by holding F key.
Bumping into drone cause it to fly away as other stationary drones do. It may sound tactical - you bump your drone out of cover and shoot while it moves, but I had issues with my teammates intentionaly colliding with it for me to not having clear line of fire.
The last issue is most annoying one - explosive weapons shift your aim. The effect depends on the weapon, from Halo just rotating the screen to Eclipse completely shaking the aim. You cant aim properly when your drone is under fire of such weapons.
There should be also some indicator of your drone health, but it’s not necessary. Sound originating from your ship instead of drone might be confusing, but also indicate that something is closing to your ship.


’Sharpshooter’ module
Absolute beast for anything closer than 2.5km to you. Damage rivals with Wolfhound’s Archangel, and its kinetic. Good addition for those who like drift and jump away tactic or for self-defence. Also good for attacking beacons. 5s charging time seem long but damage it causes is worth it.


Disintegrator booster

Would be worth it if effect would be significant, like shortening time from normal 3.33s to 1.5s or something. It might be bugged with remote disintegrator

Disorienting Gun

Gun designed in mind of helping hiding from enemies, I don’t think it fullfil its role. Secondary effect is alright, 2s blind with 8s cd seem ok, until enemy dont equip Proton Wall or there is Granite around. Damage is on the level, but slow fire rate, slow projectile, fast heating makes this gun far from being something worthwhile. Good against ECMs or for disorienting close covies right before jumping away, but in this case IR Pulsar module is better.

You were faster to fix the Destructor/Beam Cannon than fixing the Focusing Laser.

You were faster reworking the Spectre Field than fixing the Energy Field Destabilizer.

You were faster fixing Mass Driver / Coil Mortar than Fixing the Deconstructor.


Added tons of new control modules - Didn’t add new anti-control modifiers or modules.

Added tons of new energy burning / Draining Mechanics - Didn’t add new anti-Energy Burn/Drain modifiers/Modules/Dynamics.


Where are the Jericho Long Range? Where are the Engineers? Where are the Fed Guards? 

Did you take into consideration ships that were playing on slow speed and positionning? You Didn’t

Did you put the same application and same motivation for all the fleet upgrades? You Didn’t


Long Range Fleet Upgrade, looking at the modules and the Modifiers is a Joke.

Guard Fleet Upgrade, looking by the Diversity of modules used, is a joke. Rellying on Broken Mechanics expecting the best like Gravilasso. The Supportive Modules aren’t even available for High Rank.

Engineers Fleet Upgrade has more bugged Description and missleading descriptions than anything else.


Any frigate that would have been broken as the Tai’Kin would have been nerfed to its knee in less than 1 week.

Any frigate that would have got a weapon like the Focusing Laser or the Deconstructor would have been nerfed in less than a week.


Tai’kin exploiting collision bugs to OS player when they spawn without any counter ? You did nothing

People abusing Premium R6 Gunship with focusing laser? You did Nothing

Object NY18 being overpowered due to its uniques modules? You did Nothing


All this ships are linked to Real Money in way or another (Bundles, Premium and DLC) and that’s called “Pay to Win”

For the Remaining, that’s called “Double-Speed Balance”, Congrats, we are back into 2013 OBT Mentality.


The PVP is a joke dictated by which team has the bigger amount of Broken stuff ingame.

It’s a glorious ClownFiesta decided by the Matchmaking.


Without even mentionning the “So called” Secret Project ships. Fleet Upgrades are not allowed for them while their are lower crafted ships and high crafted ships with specifics modifiers/Modules?

What is the logic behind that? And of course no communication about it. You know, just to let players know if they will have access to it or if they will have their own new stuff.


If the “Journey” consist to take a Dolorean and go back to the worst era of the game that will be a short “Voyage”.

5 hours ago, Rakza said:

People abusing Premium R6 Gunship

It’s actually R5 (just saying)


5 hours ago, Rakza said:

The PVP is a joke dictated by which team has the bigger amount of Broken stuff ingame.

It’s a glorious ClownFiesta decided by the Matchmaking.

Unfortunately yes


5 hours ago, Rakza said:

Without even mentionning the “So called” Secret Project ships. Fleet Upgrades are not allowed for them while their are lower crafted ships and high crafted ships with specifics modifiers/Modules?

Yeah… those bugs costed me a lot of resources, and i wasn’t able to use mjolnir (effectively) once, since construction, because it was always out of meta

5 hours ago, Rakza said:

You were faster to fix the Destructor/Beam Cannon than fixing the Focusing Laser.

You were faster reworking the Spectre Field than fixing the Energy Field Destabilizer.

You were faster fixing Mass Driver / Coil Mortar than Fixing the Deconstructor.


Added tons of new control modules - Didn’t add new anti-control modifiers or modules.

Added tons of new energy burning / Draining Mechanics - Didn’t add new anti-Energy Burn/Drain modifiers/Modules/Dynamics.


Where are the Jericho Long Range? Where are the Engineers? Where are the Fed Guards? 

Did you take into consideration ships that were playing on slow speed and positionning? You Didn’t

Did you put the same application and same motivation for all the fleet upgrades? You Didn’t


Long Range Fleet Upgrade, looking at the modules and the Modifiers is a Joke.

Guard Fleet Upgrade, looking by the Diversity of modules used, is a joke. Rellying on Broken Mechanics expecting the best like Gravilasso. The Supportive Modules aren’t even available for High Rank.

Engineers Fleet Upgrade has more bugged Description and missleading descriptions than anything else.


Any frigate that would have been broken as the Tai’Kin would have been nerfed to its knee in less than 1 week.

Any frigate that would have got a weapon like the Focusing Laser or the Deconstructor would have been nerfed in less than a week.


Tai’kin exploiting collision bugs to OS player when they spawn without any counter ? You did nothing

People abusing Premium R6 Gunship with focusing laser? You did Nothing

Object NY18 being overpowered due to its uniques modules? You did Nothing


All this ships are linked to Real Money in way or another (Bundles, Premium and DLC) and that’s called “Pay to Win”

For the Remaining, that’s called “Double-Speed Balance”, Congrats, we are back into 2013 OBT Mentality.


The PVP is a joke dictated by which team has the bigger amount of Broken stuff ingame.

It’s a glorious ClownFiesta decided by the Matchmaking.


Without even mentionning the “So called” Secret Project ships. Fleet Upgrades are not allowed for them while their are lower crafted ships and high crafted ships with specifics modifiers/Modules?

What is the logic behind that? And of course no communication about it. You know, just to let players know if they will have access to it or if they will have their own new stuff.


If the “Journey” consist to take a Dolorean and go back to the worst era of the game that will be a short “Voyage”.

amen, there was a serious bias here, inties should be nerfed and frigates should get more creative equipment

The only nerfs interceptors really need is a nerf to Cutters dmg. 

4 hours ago, xKostyan said:

The only nerfs interceptors really need is a nerf to Cutters dmg. 

I feel like the Deconstructor has too much alpha, given how easy it is to use. I’d lower the damage and increase the firerate to compensate. The projectile speed could be decreased aswell. 

Alternatively, its critical damage  could be reduced. 

Right now it acts like a Ace friendly shrapnel cannon: it has all of its upsides and none of its drawbacks.

The deconstructor needs a lesser trigger radius, object needs shorter actives, that taikin dab is an oversimplified excuse to deal damage, also people taking a wolfhound with a ghost need to be punished for exploiting game features and while we’re at it these features should be a bit less, one would say, OP. There’s plenty wrong with the pvp now but nothing a simple tweak can’t fix, IF someone wants to fix it.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

The deconstructor needs a lesser trigger radius, object needs shorter actives, that taikin dab is an oversimplified excuse to deal damage, also people taking a wolfhound with a ghost need to be punished for exploiting game features and while we’re at it these features should be a bit less, one would say, OP. There’s plenty wrong with the pvp now but nothing a simple tweak can’t fix, IF someone wants to fix it.


The Desconstructor need the same treatment that the Destructor got.

Being Reworked into a pile of pure Sheet and put under the carpet like they did with the Destructor.


Alpha-Strike weapons were too strong huh? That’s once again not applying to all the ships ingame apparently.

About the Object: I honestly believe that ship was balanced at its initial release. A squishy ship with extraordinarily good suppression modules. However people instantly complained about it not also being as tanky as a jericho guard.


I think they kinda dug their own grave tbh.


I really enjoy using and fighting the newly released ships. They are surprisingly well balanced, even if some mods are… underwhelming. (Looking at you, Trap Mine and Drone Booster,)

The trap mine is sooo guuud lol when you trap a darting taikin or karud and they dont know wth is happening, priceless. The drone booster boosts beacon drones, destro shields, darts frontal shield, like any and every extension one has thats out of the ordinary. Idk if its intended but its funny.

5 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:


wait, what’s wrong with wolfhound? have I been abusing something without knowing it?

He gets full low rank benefits while playing the Ghost in max rank fights. He getst into max rank fights by having a r16+ equipped.

12 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

He gets full low rank benefits while playing the Ghost in max rank fights. He getst into max rank fights by having a r16+ equipped.

k, so just playing wolfhound is fine, good

Woulfhound is okay, playing a r5 ghost instead while having it in slots is no bueno.

46 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Woulfhound is okay, playing a r5 ghost instead while having it in slots is no bueno.

Ghost beats the s*** outta Wolfhound