Star Conflict 1.4.4: Legacy of the Ancestors (Discussion)

Ellydium Crew? 

5 minutes ago, aldermatias said:

Ellydium Crew? 

I think that Elly is going to release a crew line and the best of the implants will be R13-15 so that you are required to use max rank completely and waste all your resources. Fecking devs and their fecking money-grabs and fecking awful missions.

9 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

I’m not talking about you in particular. I can get you in any pvp on one on one. I’m talking about 3 Taikins flying together. jumping around. In one of yesterday games we were trying to counter your SCL Taikins focusing on one by one. Not possible. Ok, possible, but in time we killed your engie 2 times and one of your Taikins, your team got 12 kills. Also - no I can get you easily, I never actually had a problem with taking you down… till you got Taikin. That’s the problem. No one is getting from medium player to the top in a matter of days. Ozkent? Fix77? Yep - we beat them. Not once, not twice. ItalianBadboy today? He died in his tharga in seconds. Also… well. Our team wouldn’t be the best Elite team for some time if we couldn’t… aim?

Grande, you are very good intie pilot. Still we were able to counter you before. Sometimes your team won, sometimes ours - usually pretty balanced. That doesn’t matter anymore. Your team went from pretty much our level to the OP in a matter of days. You cannot tell me you could do the same on Peregrine or Jag.

Black hole was nerfed to oblivion, Tilith - the same, destabilizing field - nerfed. Skrah  - it can easily miss the target especially when RoF was halved and damage of the single projectile as well. Minelayer? Are you serious? You have over 3k range on that double missile launcher and you are telling me you had a problem with dodging  a single mine launched every 20 seconds.

Also regarding my knowledge about the game mechanics and intie survival. Well - you would be surprised. Just for kicks and giggles: When Sonic hit me at full speed with his Taikin, he did 5k damage to my ship. How much damage did he receive, you ask? Exactly 0. Null. Zilch (and yes, I have collision damage reduced). Dodge, you say? But your ships have equipped slowing missiles. 

I just want to point something. In today match your 3 ships were able to deliver 380k damage to the destroyer in a matter of seconds. Two of them were Taikins, one was Tharga. Taikins did 270k damage. Outclassing dedicated damage dealer class. They are recons, for crying out loud. Not covert opses. No other ship in the game can do that. 

So in summary: Taikin - taking no collision damage, ram the target at full speed, releasing slow missile just before the crash, do a full salvo of projectiles doing between 9k and 44k damage kissing the enemy hull (real values from yesterday battles), jumping every few seconds, recovering almost full hull in the meantime. We needed to deliver only 24k damage to kill your Tharga, but over 65k damage to kill one Taikin, so please. 

Thanks you able to counter me in the past… all normal inti are totally useless(no dmg,low resistance,less speed than a fighter.) taikin do what an interceptor really need to do, maybe need to change to recon in a covert ops class.

11 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

I’m not talking about you in particular. I can get you in any pvp on one on one. 


I repeat. I do not remember your name and I do not think you’ve ever beaten my team before the taikin … remember that you’re talking to who wins them all with peellegrin interceptors when everyone used the destroyers! So you are not credible when you say that we only win using taikin.
Be humble! Train yourself

13 hours ago, Ogrande18O said:

I see people talking about skills, but i don’t understand why nobody in the past complain about thilith,destabilizing,remote minelayer,sk’rah,gravitational lens and many more.

This game is dominated by newbie, every time people complain speed and agility in general, because only few player can do what me and few other players can do ( AIM WHEN I DOING EVASIVE MANEUVERS )players in this game can only aim and shoot when are still , and for this every time a ship with hight agility get a nerf. I see a lot of thaikin die like Idiots because can only aim when still (this game is rich of skill less player).

When in the past ME and my TEAM were  newbie, we don’t complain about anything because WE WERE AWARE OF BEING NEWBIE , we worked and trained hard. 

Remember this my team fight for more than 1 year in league with only interceptors, when enemy teams only use destroyer with automatic things and thar’ga with OP Thar’kt cannon( no other teams use interceptors tactics ).

You really talking to me about using automatic weapons??? 

  1. thaikin weapons miss the target if the TARGET can do EVASIVE MANEUVERS

2)We suffer for more than 1 year about automatic modules like thilit,destabilizing,gravitational lens,sk’rah,remote minelayer(that weapons can’t miss the target)  

3)You talking about thaikin, but if you try to use it you can’t stay alive for more then 30sec against strong players

4)You totally don’t know how much is difficult survive with any type of interceptors, need more skill than any things in this game

i quote grande because,maybe u answer without reading Or maybe u pretend not to see the truth.

If you do not like star conflict I do not understand why you have to turn it into tower defense

1 hour ago, TiLt said:


I repeat. I do not remember your name and I do not think you’ve ever beaten my team before the taikin … remember that you’re talking to who wins them all with peellegrin interceptors when everyone used the destroyers! So you are not credible when you say that we only win using taikin.
Be humble! Train yourself

Yes, our team beaten you multiple times in SCL before taikin. I admire your team’s agility tactics with distraction and whatnot, but we developed counter to that. Each of you have weakness as every person does and this is a nice opening. Also I am not saying that your team only wins when using taikin, I am saying that there is no counter to this ship. In another battle we met Ninjas with Taikins as well. They are using this stupid return crystal tactics, for which there is a very simple tactical counter, but the battle was just tedious. Oh well. Dreamcast was little pissed after that. For giggles we got 2 people in our team flying taikins and everything started to be very easy. They built they ships for anti-taikin purposes and basically we won every single game afterwards just eliminating enemy taikins one by one. So if the only counter to the ship is another ship of it’s class, then I am sorry - there is something wrong. 

If I will practice more my hand will start to burn. This is what happened when I went to R9 after six months break to see how is the level of difficulty there:


1 hour ago, TiLt said:

i quote grande because,maybe u answer without reading Or maybe u pretend not to see the truth.

If you do not like star conflict I do not understand why you have to turn it into tower defense

If that quote was aimed at me, please believe me - I spent about an hour and a half analyzing replays and checking corresponding logs before I answered. Logs don’t lie. I don’t understand your last sentence - I am missing intie furballs, I still don’t like destroyers, but at least for them there are multiple counters. I love when game works on scissors->paper->rock principle, when there are unique ships and multiple counters to them - it keeps the game interesting, involves proper tactical thinking, squad setup, ship lineups, builds and equipment. Going to SCL with attitude “one taikin with homing missile launcher and two with bubbles and return crystal to win every game” basically is killing the game. And that’s the truth.


3 hours ago, Ogrande18O said:

Thanks you able to counter me in the past… all normal inti are totally useless(no dmg,low resistance,less speed than a fighter.) taikin do what an interceptor really need to do, maybe need to change to recon in a covert ops class.

In comparison to Taikin - all ships are useless. Don’t get me wrong, interceptor class needed some rework, but Taikin is just too much. It’s even more op than Tharga in the first week. I would boost some resits on inties and give them some more exit options for slows, maybe develop special weapon for covops class. But not a ship that doesn’t take collision damage, has reduced explosion damage, can jump around the map like easter bunny, deals hundreds of thousands of damage in seconds and if needed can teleport enemy key combatants to own team. Even the last one needs to be removed or countered by more options, not only by heavy drone with 50 seconds cooldown. 

Maybe taikin needs buff, 3 taikin can’t beat one tharga 


17 minutes ago, Cr0 said:

Maybe taikin needs buff, 3 taikin can’t beat one tharga 


Maybe u need ban 4 hax.

23 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

Yes, our team beaten you multiple times in SCL before taikin. 


hahahahahahaha cm on don’t say bullshit, Saying the fake here will not change the truth!

13 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:

Maybe u need ban 4 hax.

hahahahahahahahahaha cm ooooon!

seriously! Stop it! You’re really joking about the ridiculous … the cro image is more than explanatory,

And then you are a moderator of the forum. You can not afford to unjustly accuse hacks because others are better than you

3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Yes, our team beaten you multiple times in SCL before taikin. I admire your team’s agility tactics with distraction and whatnot, but we developed counter to that. Each of you have weakness as every person does and this is a nice opening. Also I am not saying that your team only wins when using taikin, I am saying that there is no counter to this ship. In another battle we met Ninjas with Taikins as well. They are using this stupid return crystal tactics, for which there is a very simple tactical counter, but the battle was just tedious. Oh well. Dreamcast was little pissed after that. For giggles we got 2 people in our team flying taikins and everything started to be very easy. They built they ships for anti-taikin purposes and basically we won every single game afterwards just eliminating enemy taikins one by one. So if the only counter to the ship is another ship of it’s class, then I am sorry - there is something wrong. 

If I will practice more my hand will start to burn. This is what happened when I went to R9 after six months break to see how is the level of difficulty there:


If that quote was aimed at me, please believe me - I spent about an hour and a half analyzing replays and checking corresponding logs before I answered. Logs don’t lie. I don’t understand your last sentence - I am missing intie furballs, I still don’t like destroyers, but at least for them there are multiple counters. I love when game works on scissors->paper->rock principle, when there are unique ships and multiple counters to them - it keeps the game interesting, involves proper tactical thinking, squad setup, ship lineups, builds and equipment. Going to SCL with attitude “one taikin with homing missile launcher and two with bubbles and return crystal to win every game” basically is killing the game. And that’s the truth.


In comparison to Taikin - all ships are useless. Don’t get me wrong, interceptor class needed some rework, but Taikin is just too much. It’s even more op than Tharga in the first week. I would boost some resits on inties and give them some more exit options for slows, maybe develop special weapon for covops class. But not a ship that doesn’t take collision damage, has reduced explosion damage, can jump around the map like easter bunny, deals hundreds of thousands of damage in seconds and if needed can teleport enemy key combatants to own team. Even the last one needs to be removed or countered by more options, not only by heavy drone with 50 seconds cooldown. 

But you talking about balance but you have only 1400 battles you have 1/10 of my experience.





2 hours ago, OmegaFighter said:

Maybe u need ban 4 hax.

If Cr0 use hax what use i?






On 4/27/2017 at 10:34 PM, ORCA1911 said:

The 200 iri bundle for taikin stuff was not necessary. The price is too high and a basic handbrake to progress.

I see that the Devs say they are planning to increase irridium sources in the future, but this does not help right now while we are trying to collect Tai’kin parts.

Also, the RNG nature of the Tai’kin parts boxes is especially bad since I can only open 1 box around once every two days. Of all the Tai’kin parts I have, only one part (the Life Support System) have I got 10 or more units of, and I have been trying to sell it at the minimum price for at least 4 days and haven’t been able to sell even one unit (and the tax means I will have to sell at least two items to buy 1). So, I have not been able to use trading to resolve the RNG problem. Yes, it is RNG, but with the low daily limit of irridium rewards (even with the current x3 purple rewards), I can not earn the required parts just by playing longer.


I will continue to work at it, but this is really frustrating and often I feel like stopping playing as soon as I obtain all three daily purple rewards.

1 hour ago, OwnageMaster said:

But not a ship that doesn’t take collision damage, has reduced explosion damage, can jump around the map like easter bunny, deals hundreds of thousands of damage in seconds and if needed can teleport enemy key combatants to own team. Even the last one needs to be removed or countered by more options, not only by heavy drone with 50 seconds cooldown. 

What a joke. 

Tai kin is far from being able to carry the whole game by itself. 


It’s hard to kill, but that’s it. Thar OK is overpowered to kill frigates, and Inhibitor crystal radius is too big. But nerf these, and tai kin will be nothing more than a ship hard to kill. 


It doesn’t have more dps the  other inties. It’s just easier to use, and more mobile. But that’s about it. 


  • Takes no collision damage

Yeah sure, so why do I loose half my HP bar when I try to slowly remove a spy drone? 

Oh, you’re talking about that hull damage modifier? The one that stuns between 4 and 10 seconds every times you hit a wall ; and that gives you no stats at all? 

  • Reduced explosion damages

Like all inties. Nothing special here

  • can jump around the map

Yup, that’s a recon.  That’s what recon are made for. And they added a counter to Tacklers : Inhibitor Beam and heavy guard drones block the warp. 


  • Can teleport enemies 

Oh?  Didn’t you say it was warping all around the map earlier? Because it can’t do both. Either use a jump special, or return crystal. 


  • Deal tons of damage 

Beside Thar OK on frigates, and Inhibitor crystal on beacons, tai kin don’t have that much damages. 


Once again : Warping ennemies is easily countered. 

Especially with ECM. A single disable, and the return beacon get destroyed. 

“But he is permanently invisible”

OK, so that means he isn’t using modules at all. Which means he’ll do one kill every 45 seconds approximately. 


A good player can do one kill per 10 seconds ; and is much harder to counter. 




Tai kin need a nerf for sure. 

But it’s definitely not a game breaker…

In case you didn’t notice and I bet you didn’t, resonating ammo (200GS with option to craft using xeno) deal 20% more damage to Elly ships.

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

Once again : Warping ennemies is easily countered. 

Especially with ECM. A single disable, and the return beacon get destroyed. 

“But he is permanently invisible”

OK, so that means he isn’t using modules at all. Which means he’ll do one kill every 45 seconds approximately. 


A good player can do one kill per 10 seconds ; and is much harder to counter. 


Tai kin need a nerf for sure. 

But it’s definitely not a game breaker…

What hyperbole…

  • It can reach mid map faster, before anyone even has a chance to do DPS, and warp a unit… so that argument is invalid

  • Likewise it can do so mid-battle, with almost no downtime, between cloak intervals.

  • Sure, you can counter with micro, but it’s not a hard counter, and timing is improbable if the Tai’Kin knows what it’s doing.

As for a good player scoring 1 kill per 10 secs:

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

What a joke.

For several kills maybe, and that’s due to KAPUT DPS boats, not ‘good player’, benefit to team!! :\

Anyways, I just found that funny. So many ‘pro players’ on forums, with much DPS.

1 hour ago, Ogrande18O said:

But you talking about balance but you have only 1400 battles you have 1/10 of my experience.




This is only one of my accounts, where I fly unfinished ships to see how the actual balance looks like. Pity you didn’t include the rest of the stats. I actually like your webtool, thank you very much for that!, so please allow me to use it here:



1 hour ago, TiLt said:

hahahahahahaha cm on don’t say bullshit, Saying the fake here will not change the truth!

Truth hurts? You see that’s the difference between you and me. I’m checking the facts, you are just laughing like village John.
So, maybe you will stop with personal trips if you have nothing to add regarding the matter at hand? 

52 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

What a joke. 

Tai kin is far from being able to carry the whole game by itself. 

It’s hard to kill, but that’s it. Thar OK is overpowered to kill frigates, and Inhibitor crystal radius is too big. But nerf these, and tai kin will be nothing more than a ship hard to kill. 

It doesn’t have more dps the  other inties. It’s just easier to use, and more mobile. But that’s about it. 
But it’s definitely not a game breaker…

Just short answers: 

  • a single Taikin can tip balance, but 3 of them can carry any SCL battle with ease
  • Taikin is OP to kill frigates and Destroyers. It’s a recon for crying out loud. Not damage dealer class
  • please show me another recon capable of doing 150k damage in matter of seconds. RF blaster with full crit build would have to shoot for over a minute constantly to do similar amount of damage. 
  • collision damage - in my logs I have that when Sonic rammed my ship, he dealt 5k damage to my ship. Next line shows that in that collision he received 0 dmg. Bug?
  • teleporting enemies - well if you would read my previous message, we are talking 2 or more taikin ships with different specs. And no, heavy drone doesn’t help. It gets destroyed with one shot (stationary target)
  • counters - so now we need ECM and tackler for counter. That’s 2 ships out of 5, no damage dealers. 
  • can be permanently invisible - try watching some of Milf’s videos how to make multiple kills per minute with perma cloak
    (PS: Shift+Enter don’t produce extra line)

16 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

This is only one of my accounts, where I fly unfinished ships to see how the actual balance looks like. Pity you didn’t include the rest of the stats. I actually like your webtool, thank you very much for that!, so please allow me to use it here:



Truth hurts? You see that’s the difference between you and me. I’m checking the facts, you are just laughing like village John.
So, maybe you will stop with personal trips if you have nothing to add regarding the matter at hand? 

Just short answers: 

  • a single Taikin can tip balance, but 3 of them can carry any SCL battle with ease
  • Taikin is OP to kill frigates and Destroyers. It’s a recon for crying out loud. Not damage dealer class
  • please show me another recon capable of doing 150k damage in matter of seconds. RF blaster with full crit build would have to shoot for over a minute constantly to do similar amount of damage. 
  • collision damage - in my logs I have that when Sonic rammed my ship, he dealt 5k damage to my ship. Next line shows that in that collision he received 0 dmg. Bug?
  • teleporting enemies - well if you would read my previous message, we are talking 2 or more taikin ships with different specs. And no, heavy drone doesn’t help. It gets destroyed with one shot (stationary target)
  • counters - so now we need ECM and tackler for counter. That’s 2 ships out of 5, no damage dealers. 
  • can be permanently invisible - try watching some of Milf’s videos how to make multiple kills per minute with perma cloak
    (PS: Shift+Enter don’t produce extra line)

Thanks you have stats higher because is 1 of your account what is the name of your main ???


I really have to say, both your stats are rather impressive and definitly need mor showcases in the future!


7 hours ago, TiLt said:

You can not afford to unjustly accuse hacks because others are better than you


6 hours ago, Ogrande18O said:

If Cr0 use hax what use i?

Since when does IT4LY translate to bad sarcasm?
I can tell you what you use, you both use. An insanely mobile ship that can dish out more damage than it should, teleport around and have more cloaks than actual tacklers. It is very bothersome to see that you guys justify Tai’Kin’s weakness just because it’s making you guys rule the battlefield, there is no other reason. If I were suddenly to say that Tai’Kin is fine as it is and you guys are skilled. I would suddenly become a nice forum moderator and appeal to you guys, right? You are so transparent. Tai’Kin is offering you guys a sandbox, you can play the game however you want, no risk. Just players explode, you guys like it. It is fun. And letting go of it and acknowledging that it is a stupidly broken ship would be just too… unhuman.


6 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:


Since when does IT4LY translate to bad sarcasm?
I can tell you what you use, you both use. An insanely mobile ship that can dish out more damage than it should, teleport around and have more cloaks than actual tacklers. It is very bothersome to see that you guys justify Tai’Kin’s weakness just because it’s making you guys rule the battlefield, there is no other reason. If I were suddenly to say that Tai’Kin is fine as it is and you guys are skilled. I would suddenly become a nice forum moderator and appeal to you guys, right? You are so transparent. Tai’Kin is offering you guys a sandbox, you can play the game however you want, no risk. Just players explode, you guys like it. It is fun. And letting go of it and acknowledging that it is a stupidly broken ship would be just too… unhuman.


There are always those people saying “Buuhuuu its actually hard to play [insert Garg, tharga, taikin, dart] , bcs while using a module it takes regular dmg or has 100% speed only”