Star Conflict 1.4.4: Legacy of the Ancestors (Discussion)

5 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

You want to be as fast as a recon on a fighter ?

Recon are the fastest role of the fastest class in game. There’s no reason you should be able to easily follow a recon warping away on a fighter. And any recon can follow without too much trouble a tai kin. 


If you want to follow it, pick an interceptor. Or else, change of strategy : Block it. 

A tackler’s heavy guard drone, and no more warp. 


Anyway, tai kin is easy to kill compared to what the thar ga was.

Just drop a heavy drone + slow him, and ask an ally recon to drop a micro-locator. And he’s dead : No cloak, no warp, and multipurpose can’t remove the warp deny. 

I want to be able to put cruise on my jaguar again and still have some energy left, simple as that, an option we had for years. 

Ironically, I hated cruise for years, but I found some pleasure in using it vs Thargas when they were released.

I know you are in love with the new ship, it’s hard not to when it is something that gives you a buff in performance and survival. After all, who doesnt like to abuse broken stuff?  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

26 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

You want to be as fast as a recon on a fighter ?

Except Tai’Kin isn’t really a Recon. It’s more of a Covert Ops, with Recon’s warp ability. Even though it’s classified as a Recon, no Recon has that sort of DPS vs frigates and AoE or perma camo stealth.

It’s misclassified, or a misnomer.

They’re also not the fastest. Covert Ops and ECM are usually faster, about equal for Fed, as are many Gunships and some Tacklers (minus warp ability, but incl. Engine Overcharge). ie:Gunships can carry Bomb at 700m/s with Overcharge…

Quite frankly, the amount of AoE SPAM around beacons now is off the scale…

Its not that the ship is totally dominating any and every mode, its just that it goes well beyond the hybrid classification it belongs to. 

The new missile looks are nice, but it can be hard to tell what damage they deal at times, for example when playing a guard.

Yet they look fantastic in volleys and with some slight edits.



I call this one:“Octopus octopussing some octopuses”


2 hours ago, TiLt said:

Before talking and leading into the ridiculous, you would do well to learn how to play!
How do you do not hit the taikin if they are constantly slowing down to 300m / s ??? me and my team can kill the ninja’s taikin !Yet we do it without massive slowdowns or automatic weapons. The problem is yours! And if you can not hit an interceptor obviously you do not have the skills to do that,so it’s right that you do not hit it. Why should there be a difference between a good player and a newbie if everybody can do the same things ??? if u dont hit interceptors ,you probably have to train to do it! In addition to your total incompetence the game has provided you with a lots of legal aimbots to hit evrything everywhere! So besides being silent you should be ashamed.

Sonic89 TricolorHawks

You forgot to mention - your team flies 3 Taikins, engie and destroyer as a default setup. One taikin has this homing projectile gun for light ships. So please stop being ridiculous. Also - I can hit intie and even track it with Gravi beam, but not the one that jumps every 2 seconds in different directions. And when there were 3 taikins in our spawn we had - Guard with slows and damage reduction, tackler with target painter and slows + slowing missiles + gravi beamer. Your team went straight for our engie, our tackler deployed heavy drone to prevent warping, your team killed the drone, killed engie in 2 seconds, killed our dessie in another 3 seconds (equipped with field disruptor, which your intie promptly ignored), then killed guard, while jumping around like little bunnies. The whole action took exactly 17 seconds (yes, I was checking the time). So if Taikins are so bad, why your team is using 3 of them? Hm? For capturing the beacons? I don’t think so - I saw spawn camping, not the beacon rush. Also - our team are not newbies. We were baron’s Elite on the 1st place before taikin appeared, lowest W/L ratio we had in the team was 1.65, lowest number of pvp battles - 7000. I’m writing “we had in the team”, because if  you don’t have 3 or more Taikins in the team, you cannot compete in SCL and we disbanded it.

And regarding legal aimbots - taikin doing pew pew pew from 4 kilometers with homing projectiles is the best aimbot I found in this game. Pity I don’t have it. 


And to not be completely OT: thank you for finally increasing the Warehouse space!

Still a lot of basic things haven’t been fixed, like aiming up close, and basic things about balance. ![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)

It’s quite sick that just Tai’Kin players defend Tai’Kin, they seem to enjoy how op they are abusing something that needs a nerf. What a pity.

[@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) Just witnessed 2 Tai’Kins go 15 kills a piece in a game (mostly killing frigs)… a Recon? No… it’s a Covert Ops, Recon, and AoE spammer all in one. :\

I play Tai’Kin quite often and I can say that thing is seriously powerful, radar invisibility and burst damage is a covert-ops feature, not sure what you can really do about T’Har’Ok, probably reduce its heating time and lower the firerate.

3 minutes ago, betatrash said:

[@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) Just witnessed 2 Tai’Kins go 15 kills a piece in a game (mostly killing frigs)… a Recon? No… it’s a Covert Ops, Recon, and AoE spammer all in one. :\

Nah, it’s an ellydium ship, recon fed with steroids, and you can expect all of them to be like that, that’s no leak. Just my expectations.

I mean guys, seriously. Even CinnamonFake is kicking ass with it. That must show that something is clearly wrong with it. And not just him, generally staff people. And no offence but developers usually always suck at their own game. The only exception may be Lezort.

2 minutes ago, betatrash said:

[@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/) Just witnessed 2 Tai’Kins go 15 kills a piece in a game (mostly killing frigs)… a Recon? No… it’s a Covert Ops, Recon, and AoE spammer all in one. :\

Imagine then, when more ppl get their hands on it. *ehhm* Alien Conflict *ehm* 

TaiKin’s advantages are too strong atm; one ship shouldn’t have insane speed, rotation, strafe, cloak, teleport, multijump, AoE and dps all in one. 

That whatever beamer weapon which shoots those green warp orbs of instant frigate/destroyer death is just disgustingly overpowered. It really should be adjusted to be like a weaker version of singularity cannon or something along the lines. A lone recon interceptor shouldn’t be able to do much more than be an annoyance to a destroyer or a frigate.

And teleporting enemies is another thing that makes me wonder how these ideas ever get past the first gameplay tests.

Tai kin is definitely OP. I’ll agree. But it’s far from being unkillable. 

Just adapt your build, using projectile speed instead of full damage. 

Alien weapons are quite powerful against it. Finally a use for thi lith



The problem is that they recently buffed the heal. 

12sec cooldown 3k3 hull regen is too much. 25 seconds was already close to too much. 

It makes jump crystal horribly OP, by procing the heal every 12 seconds. 



Tai al is somewhat fine. Powerful, but not game breaker. Thar OK on the other hand, is doom to frigates. 

But the most broken thing on Tai kin is definitely Inhibitor Crystal. 


It’s absolutely insane to be able to throw a 23k damage torpedoe every 9.8 second with a 1k3 radius.

Throw it at a beacon, and you get a triple/quadra kill. 

Some survived? 10 seconds, and throw another one! 

You don’t even need your guns anymore.  You have more DPS using this module due to the insane AOE, then by using guns. 

25 secs was like having 2.5 - 3.5 repair kits as far as I recall… So yea, WAY TOO MUCH.

It’s a common theme. Thar’Ga has the same problem. Had 2 in a game which were nearly unkillable racking up 15+ kills each WITHOUT AN ENGINEER!

WTF is this… I don’t even… Gunships with massive heals…

I was sick of Taikins in last Sunday tournaments. 7 of 9 matches I had that day was - sneak with perma camo Taikin upon engi or dessy then warp it in front of enemies. Such skill. Even big drone couldnt do much, too easy to destoy with long cd. Do something with that abomination crystal.

Lol abomination, abduction crystal. Yea, that’s totally kaput…  no skill is the new trend.

3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

You forgot to mention - your team flies 3 Taikins, engie and destroyer as a default setup. One taikin has this homing projectile gun for light ships. So please stop being ridiculous. Also - I can hit intie and even track it with Gravi beam, but not the one that jumps every 2 seconds in different directions. And when there were 3 taikins in our spawn we had - Guard with slows and damage reduction, tackler with target painter and slows + slowing missiles + gravi beamer. Your team went straight for our engie, our tackler deployed heavy drone to prevent warping, your team killed the drone, killed engie in 2 seconds, killed our dessie in another 3 seconds (equipped with field disruptor, which your intie promptly ignored), then killed guard, while jumping around like little bunnies. The whole action took exactly 17 seconds (yes, I was checking the time). So if Taikins are so bad, why your team is using 3 of them? Hm? For capturing the beacons? I don’t think so - I saw spawn camping, not the beacon rush. Also - our team are not newbies. We were baron’s Elite on the 1st place before taikin appeared, lowest W/L ratio we had in the team was 1.65, lowest number of pvp battles - 7000. I’m writing “we had in the team”, because if  you don’t have 3 or more Taikins in the team, you cannot compete in SCL and we disbanded it.

And regarding legal aimbots - taikin doing pew pew pew from 4 kilometers with homing projectiles is the best aimbot I found in this game. Pity I don’t have it. 


And to not be completely OT: thank you for finally increasing the Warehouse space!

If u can’t stop a taikin with slowing guard .slowing takler with slowing missle and slowin drones i think you can change game! I ever use interceptors and people like: Aggressor,LilChara,godnessMolly,OzKent,Fix77,grande18,italianbadboy,ecc ecc EVER kill me without problem! and belive me…they can do also now when im in taikin  because they are f…ing monster .I do not think your name is comparable to these and that’s why you have to miss me! train more! learn the game and how to aim and than u can talk

I see people talking about skills, but i don’t understand why nobody in the past complain about thilith,destabilizing,remote minelayer,sk’rah,gravitational lens and many more.

This game is dominated by newbie, every time people complain speed and agility in general, because only few player can do what me and few other players can do ( AIM WHEN I DOING EVASIVE MANEUVERS )players in this game can only aim and shoot when are still , and for this every time a ship with hight agility get a nerf. I see a lot of thaikin die like Idiots because can only aim when still (this game is rich of skill less player).

When in the past ME and my TEAM were  newbie, we don’t complain about anything because WE WERE AWARE OF BEING NEWBIE , we worked and trained hard. 

Remember this my team fight for more than 1 year in league with only interceptors, when enemy teams only use destroyer with automatic things and thar’ga with OP Thar’kt cannon( no other teams use interceptors tactics ).

4 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

You forgot to mention - your team flies 3 Taikins, engie and destroyer as a default setup. One taikin has this homing projectile gun for light ships. So please stop being ridiculous. Also - I can hit intie and even track it with Gravi beam, but not the one that jumps every 2 seconds in different directions. And when there were 3 taikins in our spawn we had - Guard with slows and damage reduction, tackler with target painter and slows + slowing missiles + gravi beamer. Your team went straight for our engie, our tackler deployed heavy drone to prevent warping, your team killed the drone, killed engie in 2 seconds, killed our dessie in another 3 seconds (equipped with field disruptor, which your intie promptly ignored), then killed guard, while jumping around like little bunnies. The whole action took exactly 17 seconds (yes, I was checking the time). So if Taikins are so bad, why your team is using 3 of them? Hm? For capturing the beacons? I don’t think so - I saw spawn camping, not the beacon rush. Also - our team are not newbies. We were baron’s Elite on the 1st place before taikin appeared, lowest W/L ratio we had in the team was 1.65, lowest number of pvp battles - 7000. I’m writing “we had in the team”, because if  you don’t have 3 or more Taikins in the team, you cannot compete in SCL and we disbanded it.

And regarding legal aimbots - taikin doing pew pew pew from 4 kilometers with homing projectiles is the best aimbot I found in this game. Pity I don’t have it. 


And to not be completely OT: thank you for finally increasing the Warehouse space!

You really talking to me about using automatic weapons??? 

  1. thaikin weapons miss the target if the TARGET can do EVASIVE MANEUVERS

2)We suffer for more than 1 year about automatic modules like thilit,destabilizing,gravitational lens,sk’rah,remote minelayer(that weapons can’t miss the target)  

3)You talking about thaikin, but if you try to use it you can’t stay alive for more then 30sec against strong players

4)You totally don’t know how much is difficult survive with any type of interceptors, need more skill than any things in this game

1 hour ago, Ogrande18O said:

because only few player can do what me and few other players can do ( AIM WHEN I DOING EVASIVE MANEUVERS )players in this game can only aim and shoot when are still

Lol, wait till I upload some laser hitreg videos. What playing from NA is like. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, TiLt said:

If u can’t stop a taikin with slowing guard .slowing takler with slowing missle and slowin drones i think you can change game! I ever use interceptors and people like: Aggressor,LilChara,godnessMolly,OzKent,Fix77,grande18,italianbadboy,ecc ecc EVER kill me without problem! and belive me…they can do also now when im in taikin  because they are f…ing monster .I do not think your name is comparable to these and that’s why you have to miss me! train more! learn the game and how to aim and than u can talk

I’m not talking about you in particular. I can get you in any pvp on one on one. I’m talking about 3 Taikins flying together. jumping around. In one of yesterday games we were trying to counter your SCL Taikins focusing on one by one. Not possible. Ok, possible, but in time we killed your engie 2 times and one of your Taikins, your team got 12 kills. Also - no I can get you easily, I never actually had a problem with taking you down… till you got Taikin. That’s the problem. No one is getting from medium player to the top in a matter of days. Ozkent? Fix77? Yep - we beat them. Not once, not twice. ItalianBadboy today? He died in his tharga in seconds. Also… well. Our team wouldn’t be the best Elite team for some time if we couldn’t… aim?

46 minutes ago, Ogrande18O said:

I see people talking about skills, but i don’t understand why nobody in the past complain about thilith,destabilizing,remote minelayer,sk’rah,gravitational lens and many more.

This game is dominated by newbie, every time people complain speed and agility in general, because only few player can do what me and few other players can do ( AIM WHEN I DOING EVASIVE MANEUVERS )players in this game can only aim and shoot when are still , and for this every time a ship with hight agility get a nerf. I see a lot of thaikin die like Idiots because can only aim when still (this game is rich of skill less player).

When in the past ME and my TEAM were  newbie, we don’t complain about anything because WE WERE AWARE OF BEING NEWBIE , we worked and trained hard. 

Remember this my team fight for more than 1 year in league with only interceptors, when enemy teams only use destroyer with automatic things and thar’ga with OP Thar’kt cannon( no other teams use interceptors tactics ).

You really talking to me about using automatic weapons??? 

  1. thaikin weapons miss the target if the TARGET can do EVASIVE MANEUVERS

2)We suffer for more than 1 year about automatic modules like thilit,destabilizing,gravitational lens,sk’rah,remote minelayer(that weapons can’t miss the target)  

3)You talking about thaikin, but if you try to use it you can’t stay alive for more then 30sec against strong players

4)You totally don’t know how much is difficult survive with any type of interceptors, need more skill than any things in this game

Grande, you are very good intie pilot. Still we were able to counter you before. Sometimes your team won, sometimes ours - usually pretty balanced. That doesn’t matter anymore. Your team went from pretty much our level to the OP in a matter of days. You cannot tell me you could do the same on Peregrine or Jag.

Black hole was nerfed to oblivion, Tilith - the same, destabilizing field - nerfed. Skrah  - it can easily miss the target especially when RoF was halved and damage of the single projectile as well. Minelayer? Are you serious? You have over 3k range on that double missile launcher and you are telling me you had a problem with dodging  a single mine launched every 20 seconds.

Also regarding my knowledge about the game mechanics and intie survival. Well - you would be surprised. Just for kicks and giggles: When Sonic hit me at full speed with his Taikin, he did 5k damage to my ship. How much damage did he receive, you ask? Exactly 0. Null. Zilch (and yes, I have collision damage reduced). Dodge, you say? But your ships have equipped slowing missiles. 

I just want to point something. In today match your 3 ships were able to deliver 380k damage to the destroyer in a matter of seconds. Two of them were Taikins, one was Tharga. Taikins did 270k damage. Outclassing dedicated damage dealer class. They are recons, for crying out loud. Not covert opses. No other ship in the game can do that. 

So in summary: Taikin - taking no collision damage, ram the target at full speed, releasing slow missile just before the crash, do a full salvo of projectiles doing between 9k and 44k damage kissing the enemy hull (real values from yesterday battles), jumping every few seconds, recovering almost full hull in the meantime. We needed to deliver only 24k damage to kill your Tharga, but over 65k damage to kill one Taikin, so please.