Star Conflict 1.4.4: Legacy of the Ancestors (Discussion)

4 minutes ago, betatrash said:

[@millanbel](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244579-millanbel/) Maybe you’re trying to fit it for DPS with 3x CPU and 3x CAP? ;\

It has the same (or lower) spread but more DPS than other guns, so not sure what the issue is.

Electronic Guidance, Iridium Slugs (oh right, need premium sub), Accel Coil, Booster Circuit, R6-3 (currently bugged), R2-3.

Tons of options, time to remove some DPS mods.

Is it spread or projectile speed? Simple really.

Actually, the nerf wasn’t even enough. Maybe you’re just used to the previous performance, which has now changed.

It’s like going from a Core i7 to an i5.

Maybe it’s just server load and lag.

Projectile speed is the problem. I’m using 6-3 like I was before, but now I can never hit thar’gas/ceptors like I could before. I just miss 100% of the time.

[@millanbel](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244579-millanbel/) Probably server load and lag. R6-3 doesn’t work. It shows stats, but doesn’t increase projectile speed.

You want me to upload a video with laser hitreg (maybe, one day)? I have to lead frigates by 30-50m in order to hit them…

3 minutes ago, betatrash said:

[@millanbel](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244579-millanbel/) Probably server load and lag. R6-3 doesn’t work. It shows stats, but doesn’t increase projectile speed.

You want me to upload a video with laser hitreg (maybe, one day)? I have to lead frigates by 30-50m in order to hit them…

Yeah but it’s now impossible to lead a fast rotating ship with dart weapon. I’d prefer to have gauss.

Well, you can just resort to standard railgun then, like the rest of us ‘peasants’. Although it’s even worse than QR.

The assault railgun is not bad, you can try Phaser instead, its a good counter to other Darts.

I’m happy to see 2 boxes of taikin node resources as reward instead of one every hour, even tho it’s double the price - idc. 

Altho i wish you kept the xeno missions with 10min cooldown or something like that. Im rly low on xenos all the time. 

Mono drops in loot again, which is nice. 

Regarding mm - can’t say yet, seems abit bonkers with the balance. About waiting time - all I know that solo queueing works fine now, no insane waiting time like 7 min which was the case for weeks. Haven’t tried squad just yet today, I hope it’s still fast queue for that. 

New t4 ships to manufacture… Hm, sure why not for lulz and derp altho im not really playing that rank anymore. 

some people… 

9 hours ago, Gizmomac said:

  1. The new ships doesn’t fit to the design of the game. Seriously please remove them or change them. Or at least the Endeavour. And please fire the blind designer…

are not reading…

9 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:


Spiral do fit SC theme. It’s pretty close to an empire ship and looks interesting


On the other hand, Endeavsteel is kind of weird. It doesn’t look dangerous at all. 


the full story…

6 hours ago, Ogrande18O said:

not fit the game

of this game… sadly… 


I really liked how they fused Cosmonautics with the game’s recent Archaeological findings (again, read the story peeps) to deliver some cool stuff. I wasnt expecting something this cool tbh. The Spiral got me really hyped with the 2-in-1 mechanic, and Endeavour is just stunning!! These two (MiG and Endeavour), are the main ship models humanity used to fly into outter space in the first place, they are the beginning of EVERTHING in this game, so they do belong in it. Current ships (Spiral and Endeavour) are basically what they said: old tech, fused with current tech in the 45th century (yes, get a grip on the story fellas). I really love this patch, and the ships.

Anyway, nobody talked about the ninja changes :

_- _The cooldown of all passive modifiers and implants is now displayed on the top of your screen (next to buffs). 


  • Tai kin heal on warp’s cooldown has been halved. From 25 seconds to 12. Which is a huuuuuge buff to jump crystal. 



Tai kin already took 5 minutes to kill in a 1vs8 scenario. 

Now you can’t even kill it.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


The ‘Endeavour 1’ bundle and the ‘Spiral 1’ bundle have wrong items, see on the screenshots below. So, my friend has bought the ‘Spiral 1’ bundle, and he got a Spiral part and an Endeavour module…




It’s not a bug, you will get all of the parts from both guaranteed which is superb.

Talking about ninja changes tho

  • missiles and weaponry got an visual and maybe even an upgrade in mechanics

  • loading screens for stations are different

  • idk i forgot the others, there’s more lol

30 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

_ _The cooldown of all passive modifiers and implants is now displayed on the top of your screen (next to buffs)


Tai kin already took 5 minutes to kill in a 1vs8 scenario. 

Now you can’t even kill it.  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

 right i also forgot to mention this change ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) it’s great.

Taikin changes; ehm. 

“working as intended” x( 

Must be Tai’kin a little while to balance everything…

Nah, they are just Tai Kin our money

Stop forcing us into pvp for these crappy missions for the curren, especially since your Queue times are crap.  Average w8 time: 20-36 seconds.  Actual w8 time: 10-15 min for T4/5

All jumping capabilities need a maneuverability penalty. Taikin just too fast to jumping everytime.

Taikin is having both speed and insane maneuverability. And obviously, it’s okay. But in fact it’s broken. 

On another note but still related, I wonder how come they nerfed the cruise engine and rendered it useless last patch after leaving it untouched for years… Why change it now all of a sudden? expecially since it was such a good, maybe even the only real good, counter to the fast thargas that have been ruling the pvp for weeks and months now. It’s a pity, I had so much fun with my jaguar vs tharga before I made one myself. 

I don’t have any trouble getting in pvp here  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

It take around 5 sec, but I heard that some people still have trouble getting in

Today’s daily for xenochips from cortez was a joke, in order to get the xenochips, i had to go all across OS, kill 3 enemies, and return, only to get 40? I did yesterdays and it was kill 1 enemy, got 40.  You’d think we should be rewarded 40 for each one, but that makes too much sense, especially since we’re forced to wait until the next day to accept anymore from her, or the broker.

So with this new update, the Mysterious Containers in open space are finally worth something again, right? We can now find blueprints for destroyer modules in them, right?

Ppl do find some rare loots in os now but after a hour I haven’t found anything special, just usual stuff