Star Conflict 1.4.2 Discussion

12 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

You cheat people’s money. Simple and self-explaining.

A buyer make a purchase from a seller, that’s how market system works in basics. If you want to earn something - offer something to sell.

14 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

You need to have something of value, that have value, which you will need for yourself. I could sell my fuel from my car, but I need it myself.

So, you want everything tradable in the game and don’t want to sell it, because it valuable for you. But at the same time you want to buy this same things from other people. What if they don’t want to sell anything for same reasons? Looks like in this case you just don’t need a market. But here’s an example: you chose to get one exact thing, like Dart maybe, and sell other things you have found and don’t need for it. Then you can spend earned GS to actualy needed stuff, using trade or bundles in some cases. In the end - you’re in the same state, but with Dart, and ready to do the same for other things, like Gargoyle for example. Works just fine ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

11 hours ago, PapyMcBites said:

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-CinnamonFake) (Posted 1 hour ago)

As it was said in the patchnote, to maximize ship speed you need to use 3-5 modifiers. Fighters did not fit into the overall picture by having several unique engine modifiers at their disposal. Using at least one of them provided maximum speed without any significant penalties, while others were almost completely ignored. That’s why changes were made

Yes i understand but why nerf and no buff the other modules, every time speed get nerfed 

1 minute ago, Ogrande18O said:

Yes i understand but why nerf and no buff the other modules, every time speed get nerfed 

They buffed another speed module.

>> A buyer make a purchase from a seller, that’s how market system works in basics. If you want to earn something - offer something to sell.<<

You failed hard to check the point. GS is a very limited amount. It’s bought with money only due your fail patch. So with a very low ‘increase’ in GS, the valuable stuff I want to sell will decrease in it’s value while the supply is likely either bypassed by the demand or the market is matured.
So those super rare things that would be ‘worthy’ to sell are likely the same you yourself NEED in first place. What you basically say is I should sell one of my legs, because another one want to buy it and I simply should go with my remaining leg, because the GS I get for it are ‘more worth’ for me…

>>So, you want everything tradable in the game and don’t want to sell it, because it valuable for you. But at the same time you want to buy this same things from other people. What if they don’t want to sell anything for same reasons? Looks like in this case you just don’t need a market. But here’s an example: you chose to get one exact thing, like Dart maybe, and sell other things you have found and don’t need for it. Then you can spend earned GS to actualy needed stuff, using trade or bundles in some cases. In the end - you’re in the same state, but with Dart, and ready to do the same for other things, like Gargoyle for example. Works just fine<<
Trade is more as just selling/buying things. It’s the exchange itself that is fail.
GS are limited. You don’t get it by any means now. And every trade reduce the amount of GS around. I can’t trade just one thing for another w/o GS. And there lies a big problem. If someone think, that he could just sell the same worthy item to get another haven’t understand your fail market. I have a computer thing of dessy over worth the same as the engine the dessy need, but I can’t get it, because your tax doesn’t allow it. So neither I as seller get it, nor the buyer get mine thing he would need as we both don’t have the value each other demand(500 as everyone just get 450 from the trade). So another source need to be taken in, making the problem growing.

12 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

So with a very low ‘increase’ in GS, the valuable stuff I want to sell will decrease in it’s value while the supply is likely either bypassed by the demand or the market is matured.

Why low increase? The main thing here is that now GS are not just dissappearing after purchase anything, like bundles, they are distributing among other pilots. If you worry about disinflation or control, that’s why tax and min/max price fixes are for, and we’re closely watching how trade is going. In fact, only for yesterday several million GS were spent there. And this is very impresive.

34 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

They buffed another speed module.

-.- catalyst, at this point i use auxiliary 

41 minutes ago, Ogrande18O said:

Yes i understand but why nerf and no buff the other modules, every time speed get nerfed 

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-CinnamonFake) (Posted 33 minutes ago)

because max speed 700m/s is right there, we can’t buff things beyond that

You don’t understand no buff max speed, but the other module idk auxiliary gives 25% speed bonus and no only 15% same for power unit and other modules (for arrive at good speed only 2 module same of Cruise + module for energy)

Why didn’t you mention Sharpening option in the Graphics menu?

It actually improved visuals in the game.

However, I have some new issues.

Skula1975 will have to read them very soon. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Promped me invalid_url so i’ll shorten this up

Want to reach cap speed, make sacrifices, you can’t have it all anymore. You got modifiers giving speed in every type, capacitor, hull(lightweight hull), 3 engine speed modifier and the shield one that gives a pretty neat amount. I don’t mind nerf to cruise. And i’ve got over 42k Karma, so yes i see it’s use and what it lost.(flyed a lot, cloaked)

I disliked form this patch the CraftWall that is being raised and the change to ressources. I need way more iridium to open my crates than what they are giving me.

I don’t know if that’s a stealth change, but seem i cannot get regular salvage from (blue) loot. I was getting iridium there, not only the purple loot, which now is pretty much just iridium and not enough.

As it been removed along with neo and berries.

Trade is not only an addition but a must use to keep up, almost. Other than that it’s fine but there’S room for improvement.

4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

 In fact, only for yesterday several million GS were spent there. And this is very impresive.

I wish I could see those numbers… just for scientific purposes. I’m really curious how trading goes.

What exactly does this mean: “Improved ticket output system for control of locations”?

4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Why low increase? The main thing here is that now GS are not just dissappearing after purchase anything, like bundles, they are distributing among other pilots. If you worry about disinflation or control, that’s why tax and min/max price fixes are for, and we’re closely watching how trade is going. In fact, only for yesterday several million GS were spent there. And this is very impresive.

I would say that this millions of GS where just the “starting  hype” cus of the new system + an “uncontrolable” market price. You have an min/max value for each item BUT can you say for sure how many items and for what GS prices these items where sold yesterday?

Anyhow if we now only talk here about 1 million GS we talk already about an “Tax-loss” of 100.000 GS in total that never come back cus the items that where traded for that amount will be used up. Means only 900k of GS are left in the pool. These will “vanish” sooner or later as well cus every trading takes 10% away of the GS pool that is floating around at the servers. Aside from that it´s just an method of “encouraging” the players to purchase GS now if they wanna have a item that is on the market.

Maybe an better idea would have been to use a system where every item/BP/component has an fixed GS value and players can offer these when they have an surplus of these. Players who then want/need these items pay the GS amount and the trade is done. If you even want limit the amount of items that can be put in the trade window to 3 (or maybe even 5) per player/day. In case of the Tax you then could have used it cus of an “stable” price-system cus every item costs the exact same no matter who offers it. The current way has an always fluctuating market where sometimes more sometimes less GS will be “flushed out of the system” before an repurchase would be needed.

An quick idea i now had in mind i will post in the suggestion section of the Forum: [Quick idea to make the market more “appealing”](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33255-quick-idea-to-make-the-market-more-appealing/)


On 28.3.2017 at 3:17 PM, Doomb0t said:

How many times did you fly in alien sectors recently? I heard some aliens can be contagious. 

Frankly speaking, we just did what Fox asked.

hehe lol

6 hours ago, Koromac said:

Why didn’t you mention Sharpening option in the Graphics menu?

It actually improved visuals in the game…

#1 Is Sharpening option improving or lagging FPS?

#2  If Iridium is the new value currency: please think over if you might want to reward support roles in battles a bit (so to say, that not only top ranks count, but indirect team play also)!?

#3  I Workshop I would like to have pre-selector “blueprints” to only show bp (what I can learn etc.) . More preselectors would help, imho.  A search field for a search-string would help, too.

#4  In Trade It would be good to see all the necessary item specs, like type, fitting ship, etc. helps to make decision (so far one has to remember all the modules/weapons/items to  have a clue

1 hour ago, Vesperion said:

of the GS pool that is floating around at the servers.

the gs pool isn’t something static. people can buy it for real money.


Wait, few days ago my matter absorber hull modifier had 2km range. I used it so i can heal up what i lose with Hive since they get taken down. Now it’s down to 750m but not in the patch note?!?!

Am i blind?

Did i imagined it having 2000m range?

2 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

did they mess with combat recon rules?

I died 5sec before end of countdown as capt and couldnt respawn ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) 


btw Pilot rating is broken.

Oh, yes. I already reported that. Nothing happened. Skula1975’s comment was plausible, but now it’s funny. 5 seconds is probably too little. You need to die 10 seconds before the end.  ![:secret:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/secret.gif “:secret:”)


35 minutes ago, CptDoss said:

Wait, few days ago my matter absorber hull modifier had 2km range. I used it so i can heal up what i lose with Hive since they get taken down. Now it’s down to 750m but not in the patch note?!?!

Am i blind?

Did i imagined it having 2000m range?




[Posted February 20](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32889-star-conflict-141/&do=findComment&comment=392656) · [Report post](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32889-star-conflict-141/&do=reportComment&comment=392656 “Report this content”)

Star Conflict 1.4.1

We continue analysis of battle statistics from pilots with the first ‘Ellydium’ ships in their fleets. The data shows the need for further changes in ship parameters for ‘Thar’ga’, weapons and modules created with Alien Technology.
Alien Intuition
    Cooldown time increased by 5 seconds
    Combat Reboot no longer affects the cooldown
Crystal hunger
    Module range is now 750 m
Matter Absorber
    Module range is now 750 m



few days ago

Reading the in-game chat something hit my mind, have been monocrystal removed from loot search with the ship parts and neodium/beryllium?


*CinnamonFake (Posted 9 hours ago)

As it was said before, chanse of finding Neodium and Berryllium in OS is now higher. Also missions for this materials have reduces cooldown time*

By the way, before that change where Neodium and Beryllium were able to be found in loot search, Neodium plates were built with 2 ores and Enriched Berylium with 3 ores.

I would rather say that it is no bug at all…

If the captain is down when the timer runs and he is in “respawn phase” out it makes sense cus of down state so the captain litarly “died” after the countdown. And if you die x seconds before your ship can be re-enter the battle i would say it´s an “unfair advantage” for the enemy team but hey everything is legal in war ;). At least i never really have and will understand why the players that hav Cap status go into battle. Sure you may lose points and stuff but in the end the cap is the whole backbone of the fight and so it´s way better to stay back. (this is my opinion and a reas i like recon the most when i´m cap cus i can “live my PvP” while i hate all other modes)

Cus i basicly stay all the time in the very back lines in the rare cases i´m chosen for cap i can´t say here anything for sure cus i normaly either survive the whole time (even during the countdown i never engage in battles as Cap) or the team has such an open defence that i die during the “real” battle.