Star Conflict 1.4.2 Discussion

18 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

great… so they can just remove countdown and add feature “capt can respawn untill gameserver changes it’s mind somewhere in middle of game”

I hear ya. Ain’t the first time a bug is not important for them anyway, even game breaking bugs that require too much work or would, maybe create more bugs, as i got said. But on the other end it might be related to w/e they found, updated patch note to say something is affecting the game operation.

Is there an economic reason that resources cannot be traded?

If you want to make a game that people like to pay for you got to to keep the motivation for people around. 

I just came back after a long break of several years and quickly found my motivation to play and the actual fun to do it again pretty quickly … just to have to overthrow my goals in your game two weeks later, which is today. 
Because it was fun playing a few missions daily to hunt for the parts for a destroyer and even the now DLC exclusive ships which I probably wouldn’t have cared about once I would have obtained them … but still, I had a goal. 
Now I don’t particularly see a way for me to ever fly a destroyer without spending a ton of cash on boxes … or fly around in Open Space which for me is really boring to do and due to my lack of active in-game friends I can’t team up with others easily, it would be a frustrating thing to look forward to and most certainly is never going to happen.

Trading as a feature is something you include in a game for your devoted players, not for the casual ones. People like me won’t use it. All I care about are parts for a destroyer which I can’t buy there. 
So speaking just from my perspective as a casual player neither you or me are having a better experience with each other now. I’m way less likely to spend cash on your game now and you are giving me no better experience in having fun with your game. Lose/lose. 

You do realize that. I’ve seen the strategy you’re running in other games aswell. You’re trying to melk the cash-cow a little bit harder in the short run by risking to ruin your own flow over time in the long run. For me this leads to the conclusion, that your game is not worth my time and effort because if you actually anger your own playerbase then I’ll have difficulties having fun again because there’ll be less people with less motivation around to team up with. And having no fun is not what I want. I want fun. It’s what I’m here for. 

It is fine that you want or have to make decissions that lead to you asking your players for payment. I’m really fine with you making cash, no matter if you do it to actually rescue the company or buy everyone from your staff a new Porsche - I don’t care as long as your product is good. I don’t feel ripped off. 
On a side note, I really welcome that you spent your time and thoughts on how not to ruin the fresh market structure by giving out a ton of new regulations. Because a way more direct way to ruin your game’s balance is to not regulate anything when including a trading feature. Nothing’s more destructive than a strong deflation once you have the trading system set up.
But I still think you pushed a few buttons too many … for actually taking away a significant amount of motivation from your playerbase.

Give me back my hunt for destroyer parts or I’ll leave your game again. 
Give other people back their blueprints. 
Give other people back their tiny amount of weekly GS from a tournament they really enjoy mainly for that tiny amount of GS. 

For this is a Space Shooter Action Game and not an Online Game Marketing Simulator. 

Otherwise you may end up losing more than you’re winning. 
Just telling you what I think. 

Best regards,
just some random OBT squad member since 2013 who will not touch your product for some time because you took his reason to do so for implementing something he doesn’t care about which made him upset enough to visit a forum.  

5 hours ago, Vesperion said:

Cus i basicly stay all the time in the very back lines in the rare cases i´m chosen for cap i can´t say here anything for sure cus i normaly either survive the whole time (even during the countdown i never engage in battles as Cap) or the team has such an open defence that i die during the “real” battle.

See ya point and do not. Do actually like being chosen as cap and ill be careful but there are some excellent moments in game, when at 1st charging as cap with dam bonus. Where you waste an enemy team or meet the enemy cap trying to do the same. Defined rules are the core here with this tho i dont need to be to be told i cost a game as i was trying to have fun and mistakenly took the respawn timer at its word. This game mode has the potential to be the at its most pure in organised games but im not above anyone ill charge head on after a couple of mins if i know the team just gonna feed for the time rather than sit through that for a longer battle.

Who am i to decide? Im the cap thats who, watch the majesty of my rear. Thats the teams job, protect that guy or kill the other guy there is no other consideration. So many random games where this ethos fails. Pinging random targets and such which is something that exists does not need added to an ill defined respawn timer.


Patch, I like trade, tis fun mini game even just to watch. Specially those guys who scream bout scam and then try to sell the ‘average’ for a fortune. Hypocrite thats the word for it. GS should be obtainable through other means tho. No need for grand amounts but still achieveable through regular means, else this ceases to be f2p at that point. Least for the newer players it does.

Thargaroid nerf, meh it’ll evolve into another thing. Tis better, more specialist tools being made rather than a fix all ship. Which is nice, variety is always good. Reconstructor changes not listed, reads as being as good as release, is much much worse than listed nerf from patch before. Not enough info on actual reflected rage damage, but what else would u put on it, reboot not an option.

Cruise nerf, same thing. Cant have it all now and iv used cruise on tacklers since time. Id say its a little too harsh on activation and not harsh enough on burn but im sure others would complain if it were flipped.

Breaking down r14 dess modules… in prep for the return… oh nevermind i have. None of ma business.

Obtaining the containers for iridium is b**t, I only got to play ~1 hour a day, explain to me how I can get 150 to 200+ iridium in 1 hour. I don’t play seccon or tournament and never will

I now can never have any ship parts, because I can’t get enough iridium to buy such containers in a 3 hour timeframe. Please remove the 3 hour restriction or give us an easier way to obtain irridium (in os, or pvp, pve (not only purple spots)




Big thanks for all the pilots, who participated in this patch discussion ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) This one was very important - trade system was finally introduced. For the first time, Star Conflict offers a great opportunity to earn Premium currency by just playing the game. With your help, now we know where we should improve it and what to do next to develop it further.

Next time we will present the long anticipated new Ellydium interceptor. And before that, we want to open public test servers one more time for all of you to check it out. Keep an eye on the news!