Star Conflict 1.4.2 Discussion

3 hours ago, Vesperion said:

Quick question:

When will you fix this endless looping Spec Ops music that overlays any other music and plays at the same time? Seriously everytime i play spec ops this one music keeps playing all the time even when the mission is done and i´m back in hangar or play any other mode.

Onliest way to solve is reloging.

I must exit the game and relog, when it happens.

1 hour ago, Ogrande18O said:

I’m so much - to uninstall the game 

-----cruise nerf (i’m bored of this free nerf on speed and rotations )

------guard continuosly stop all the map with a module 

------ no real thark’th nerf 

this game risks to lose all italian population, we are bored of this situation, now play for me and my friends is a stress no a fun thing to do.

I totally agree with you.

Thar’Ga’tok was fine. But it got nerfed by 16%. It’s almost useless now.

Thar’kth cannon got only reduce base damage by 5%. Makes no sense…

3 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

Wait… Why will there be resource restrictions?

Yes. Tremble and fear!


Ha… what a joke! When it comes, it will be too late for me.

Good luck asking the Support, if it happens!

Still hate this trading system. One of the other benefits of a marketplace UI is that it removes language barriers, so long as everyone can use a translated UI in a language they understand, they can buy/sell from anyone, regardless of if they could have a conversation with each other. With a trading system, you need to be able to understand each other to at least some degree, and it seems the trading channels are split across different languages, thereby reducing the number of people you could potentially buy/sell to, if you’re even willing to put up with this sort of annoying system. Yet now that we supposedly have a way for anyone to get GS, you can bet they’ll just add more benefits purchasable with GS.



Don’t expect me to respond to anything anyone posts in response to this post, as I won’t read it.

7 minutes ago, Phoenix_Shi said:

One of the other benefits of a marketplace UI is that it removes language barriers, so long as everyone can use a translated UI in a language they understand, they can buy/sell from anyone, regardless of if they could have a conversation with each other. With a trading system, you need to be able to understand each other to at least some degree, and it seems the trading channels are split across different languages, thereby reducing the number of people you could potentially buy/sell to.

That’s actually what bothers me as well. Would it be possible to make Trade channel available for all languages ? With two added buttons: WTS and WTB, that way a player could click “WTB” and then shift click an item and it would create a string in the trade chat that can be localized. 

3 minutes ago, niripas said:

That’s actually what bothers me as well. Would it be possible to make Trade channel available for all languages ? With two added buttons: WTS and WTB, that way a player could click “WTB” and then shift click an item and it would create a string in the trade chat that can be localized. 

Well, Trading should be Universal, across all channels.

Now that we have a lot of chat tabs it would be really useful to have multiple chat windows. 3 windows on to of each other would be ideal.

“I’m sorry dear, but your beloved <Cruise Engine Modification> has gone to live on a farm, far far away…”


“Don’t worry! There’s plenty of other fun and friendly game aspects that have gone to live there too, <Cruise Engine Modification> won’t be alone!”

“I guess…”


Lol jk, not quite dead yet, but I have a feeling in a few updates/patches it’ll be kinda pointless

Yeah, my Jaggy is down to 661m/s as well. That sucks.

For once i would like to open multiple tabs and move them around </rant>

I would suggest reinstating iridium drops for aliens due to high prices of those loot bundles.

I have no idea why they nerf one and buff two tharga toys in the same time, also i find the cruise engine nerf among the most useless nerfs (isnt this like the 3rd time so far?)

If there is going to  be a resource limit, I would like to find out the limit *before* it is implemented. None of this “we will discuss it when it comes”.  Too late by then! :slight_smile:

Unless you let us keep any resources that are over the limit,  but we cannot get any more until it gets lower.

1 minute ago, RennieAshII said:

Unless you let us keep any resources that are over the limit,  but we cannot get any more until it gets lower.

I think it’s going to be like that coz cutting cargo is cutting player numbers in the end lol ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

For my personal feeling this update feels way more restricting and limiting then before in terms of making progress now.

Due most stuff is now “locked” behind this Iridium and GS trading in order to “obtain” GS that then can be used to purchase GS stuff the game has gone much flater now.

I mean what really do i have left now then leveling and maxing all my ships from each faction if in the end the maxed ships are kinda obsolet now? Sure you still can use them to get these Star Mara crates for additional parts and stuff of the ships BUT for me this doesn´t really changes anything due of my limited time. After a (very) little math rounds in the time i play i basicly can only fullfill this mission once.

Doing the 10 wins mostly needs already 1 hour considering that every round would last 6 mins + having an 10 wins in a row streak. After that 3 hours of wait time before the next mission could be started so no real change here for me.

In regards of the consideration that our maxed ships now only have the purpose to “accumulate” points for the Star Mara Quest + gaining some extra recources for the craftable ship of the corosponding tier i ask myself why it wasn´t made so that this mission can be accepted directly again after finishing it… it still isn´t so that the mats are thrown at us if i consider that i “wasted” today at least 2 hours in OS to “test” this new “increased” droprate of Neo and Bery with and astounding result of just 3 Neos and 2 Berys after that timeframe… and this even after an corp m8s did show me an good location for farming relative easy.

For me personaly the progress has been limited to the ships from the factions while crafting the dessies now needs even more time. For me the dessies now died entirely cus the update totaly took my “additional” 10-15 ores from PvE looting away cus in OS my luck seems to be rather pathetic in compare to others who seem to drown in them.

The nerf to credit extract on iridium is quite surprising.

The “50” iridium pack went from 1M credit to 200k. 

4 hours ago, Phoenix_Shi said:

Still hate this trading system. One of the other benefits of a marketplace UI is that it removes language barriers, so long as everyone can use a translated UI in a language they understand, they can buy/sell from anyone, regardless of if they could have a conversation with each other. With a trading system, you need to be able to understand each other to at least some degree, and it seems the trading channels are split across different languages, thereby reducing the number of people you could potentially buy/sell to, if you’re even willing to put up with this sort of annoying system. Yet now that we supposedly have a way for anyone to get GS, you can bet they’ll just add more benefits purchasable with GS.



Don’t expect me to respond to anything anyone posts in response to this post, as I won’t read it.

To come back on this topic :

I kind of agree.


I’m french. If I were supposed to trade with french peoples, I’d never ever get something. Fortunately I can speak english. But that’s not the case for everybody. Especially when the majority of the community speaks russian and don’t know a word of english.

Worst of all : We don’t have the ability to select + copy a text, so no Google Translation (Or if it works for you guys, tell me how. Because it don’t with me).

The only solution I found, is to use google translate for smartphone ; which have an option to translate what’s displayed by the camera.


But that doesn’t change the other problems : We are kind of forced to spam the chat to buy/sell something. In the end, the chat seems active, but it’s the same players again and again spamming their “Buy dart/gargoyle activator” or “sell [insert tons of useless weapon blueprints]”.

Will you guys enable destroyer parts for trade? (And I mean the objects like reactor packages, internal structures, neodium)
Little point in buying the module components when the basic coffin package is so expensive and time consuming by comparison

Gargoyle is OP.


  • “We removed some rewards from PvP/PvE battles, but hey, you can still find them in OS, so don’t be so mad about that!”

  • “We also nerfed Cruise Engine, so searching for rewards in OS is even more painful, slower and clunky than before, enjoy!”



Why this patch is a fail(especially with the trade):

No GS income. Really I wasn’t in the mood for Sec nor tournament as they are PvP, but at least a way to get GS.
But now? I don’t have one.
Getting it of other PEOPLE is NOT a way gaining it.
2 big reason why:

  1. You cheat people’s money. Simple and self-explaining.
  2. You need to have something of value, that have value, which you will need for yourself. I could sell my fuel from my car, but I need it myself. That’s stupid really. And what is if there is 1) not anymore or 2) the market mature?

But the biggest BS ever: Making modules locked behind crafting. WtH?! I didn’t build my dessy to need to craft it’s modules too! That’s inflating, adding rng(to get parts to manufacture it) and stupid. But yeah… I should have known such a fufu move will come with elly have ‘manufacture’ parts to unlock…

Reducing/Removing things is NOT a way to increase variety/value!